31 Dec 1979
Research Reports, Studies and Notes
of Anthony Judge for the period 1975 - 1979
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including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
- 1979 Meeting
Thoughts, Visions and Speculations
In: Transnational Associations 31, 9, pp. 429-435 [PDF]
Notes for the 1st New Age Congress, Florence, 1978.
- 1979 Mobilization of Public Opinion: yesterday's
response to today's problems
In: Transnational Assocations 1-2, pp. 8-14 [PDF]
- 1979 Development:
beyond "science" to "wisdom" - facilitating the emergence
of configurative understanding in "Councils of the Wise" through
computer conferencing dialogues
In: Transnational Associations 31, 7-8, pp. 364-372 [PDF]
Presented at the World Futures Studies Federation conference on science, technology
and the future, Berlin, 1979. Also published with an erroneous title and page
ordering in: Hans Buchholz and Wolfgang Gmelin (Eds). Science and Technology
and the Future K G Saur Verlag, 1979, pp. 738-762.
- 1979 Beyond
Childishness Through Symbol-Empowered Tensegrities
Brussels, UIA.
Article requested by the Green Peace Chronicle for a special issue on the
International Year of the Child.
- 1979 The
Territory Construed as a Map: in search of radical design innovations
in the representation of human activities and their relationships
Brussels, UIA, 17 p.
In: Forms of Presentation and the Future of Comprehension Brussels,
UIA, pp. 112-121 [PDF]
- 1979 The
Associative Society of the Future
In: Transnational Associations 31, 6, pp. 259-265 [PDF]
Paper presented at the 20th annual international convention of the International
Studies Association, Toronto, March 1979.
- 1979 Principles
of the Conscientized International Expert
In: Transnational Associations 31, 11, pp. 543-545 [PDF]
- 1979 Network-Related concepts
In: Transnational Associations 31, 5, pp. 193-194.
See also: Network-related
Concepts: a vocabulary adapted to social complexity and social process, 1974 [PDF]
- 1979 Forms
of Presentation
Geneva, United Nations University Project (GPID), 6 p.
Sub-project meeting, Geneva, February 1979.
- 1979 Yearbook of International Organizations
Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1978-1979 ed.
- 1979 A Computer-Enhanced Communication Environment
for an International Conference Center
Brussels, Union of International Associations, 175 p.
Commissioned report.
- 1979 Implementing
Principles by Balancing Configurations of Functions: a tensegrity organization
In: Transnational Associations, 31, 12, pp. 587-591 [PDF]
Also in: From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (Collection of
papers prepared in response to the concerns of the Networks sub-project of
the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations
University, 1978-82). Brussels, UIA, 1984.
- 1979 Groupware
Configurations of Challenge and Harmony: an alternative approach to alternative
In: Richard Ericson (Ed). Improving the Human Condition; quality and
stability in social systems, Society for General Systems
Research, pp. 597-610.
Also in: International Associations 31, 10, 1979, pp. 467-475 [PDF] and
in From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (Collection of papers
prepared in response to the concerns of the Networks sub-project of the Goals,
Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University,
1978-82). Brussels, UIA, 1984.
Paper prepared for the international conference of the Society for General
Systems Research, London 1979; presented to a workshop on alternative organizations
of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, June
- 1978 Complementarity and Tensegrity
In: Newsletter of the World Future Studies Federation January,
pp. 1-3.
- 1978 Organization
and Lifestyle Design: characteristics of a nonverbal structural language
Brussels, UIA.
Paper prepared for the Internationale Konferenz Bedingungen des Lebens in
der Zukunft und ihre Folgen für die Erziehung, Berlin, November 1978.
- 1978 An
Approach to Systematic Classification of Interpersonal Relationships:
conceived as essential to alternative lifestyles, social and personal transformation
Brussels, UIA, 9 p. annexes [PDF]
- 1978 Assessing
the Impact of International Associations
In: International Associations 30, 10, pp. 435-440 [PDF]
- 1978 Facilitating the Networking Processes of a
Transnational University Using Computer Conferencing
In: Transnational Associations 30, 4, pp. 205-214 [PDF]
Paper prepared for the 2nd planning meeting of the Global Processes and Indicators
for Development project of the United Nations University Human and Social
Development Programme.
- 1978 An
Introduction to the (New Age) congress, Florence 1978
In: Congress programme document Florence, 7 p.
Also Italian version.
- 1978 Interrelating
Viewpoints in Complex Meetings: the Horus wall-display technique
In: Transnational Associations 30, 12, pp. 542-548 [PDF]
- 1978 Enhancement
of Communication Between Commonwealth Organizations Using Computer Conferencing
Brussels, UIA, 20 p. annexes.
Report prepared for the science adviser to the Commonwealth Secretary General
in partial fulfilment of a consultancy assignment under the Commonwealth Fund
for Technical Co-operation.
- 1978 Mapping
Possibilities in Response to Information Needs of Science Policy-making for
Brussels, UIA, 4 p. annexes.
Report prepared for the science advisor to the Commonwealth Secretary General
in partial fulfillment of a consultancy assignment under the Commonwealth
Fund for Technical Co-operation.
Restructured version appears as: Information Mapping for Development in: Transnational
Associations 1979, 5, pp. 185-192 [PDF]
- 1978 Networking
Diseases: speculations towards the development of cures and preventive
In: Transnational Associations 30, 11, pp. 486-490.
- 1978 Emergence
of Integrative Processes in a Self-Reflective Assembly
In: Transnational Associations 30, 5, pp. 271-276 [PDF]
- 1978 A
Congress that Dared the Unthinkable
In: Transnational Associations 30, 5, pp. 266-270 [PDF].
Report on the last New Age Congress, Florence, 1978.
- 1978 De la Difficulté de Saisir la Problématique
In: Etudes et Expansion 77, 278, Oct-Dec, pp. 701-710.
- 1978 Anti-Networking
In: Transnational Associations 30, 11, pp. 490.
- 1978 Incapacité
de l'Individu A Entreprende Dans son Mode de Vie Personnel
In: Modes de vie et changement social en Europe de l'Ouest: colloque
européen organisé par l'Association Internationale Futuribles,
Septembre 1977 Paris, Futuribles, pp. 45-49.
Also unpublished English version.
- 1978 Reflections
on Development of the Mental Focus
Brussels, Mankind 2000, 6 p.
Notes touching on aspects of the vision for a centre with this concern.
- 1978 Inter-Organizational Networking
In: Transnational Associations 30, 10, pp. 429-434 [PDF]
Contributions to an article by David Horton Smith.
- 1978 Tensed
Networks: balancing and focusing network dynamics in response to networking
In: Transnational Associations, 30, 11, pp. 480-485.
Working paper for the Goals Processes and Indicators of Development project
of the United Nations University Human and Social Development Programme.
Also in: From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (Collection of papers
prepared in response to the concerns of the Networks sub-project of the Goals,
Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University,
1978-82). Brussels, UIA, 1984.
- 1978 Transcending
duality through tensional integrity
In: Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 5, pp. 248-265. 2 parts.
Part 1: A lesson in organization form building design. Part 2: From systems-versus-networks
to tensegrity organization.
Also in: From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (Collection of papers
prepared in response to the concerns of the Networks sub-project of the Goals,
Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University,
1978-82); Brussels, UIA, 1984.
- 1978 The Unmentionable Weapons [PDF]
- 1977 Organizational Terminology and Organizational
In: Transnational Associations 29, 6, pp. 260-283 [PDF].
Extract from: International Organizations: diversity, borderline cases, functional
substitutes and possible alternatives.
- 1977 Organizational
Hybrid: transnational network of research and service communities
In: Transnational Associations 29, 7-8, pp. 306-311.
Extract from: Transnational Network of Research- and Service Communities.
- 1977 System/Network
In: Transnational Associations 29, 9, pp. 365-368 [PDF]
Extract from: International Organization Networks.
- 1977 A
Meeting-related Information Exchange Facility Within a Computer Conferencing
22 p, annexes.
Report prepared in response to a request from an Ad Hoc Meeting on Conference
Information Systems held on the initiative of the Committee for Information
on Science and Technology (CIDSI) of the Commission of the European Communities,
Luxembourg, September 1977.
- 1977 Complexity:
its constraints on social innovation
The reports appeared separately as follows: 1: Introduction Transnational
Associations 29, 4, 1977, pp. 120-123. 2: Presentation of Information
and Its Educational Role in Response to Complexity Transnational Associations
29, 4, 1977, pp. 124-125. 3: Organizational Forms in Response to Complexity
Transnational Associations 29, 5, 1977, pp. 178-183. 4: Organization
of Meetings for Discussion of Complex Issues Transnational Associations
29, 5, 1977, pp. 183-187. 5: Institutional "Games" and Strategies
as a Response to Complexity Transnational Associations 29, 5, 1977,
pp. 187-189 [PDF]
- 1977 La
Complexité: ses contraintes pour l'innovation sociale
In: Journées d'études Paris, Fondation Internationale
de l'Innovation Sociale, vol 2, 49 p.
Introductory reports to Working Group 2 of the Journées d'études
of the International Foundation for Social Innovation, Paris, 1977. [French
- 1977 Enhancing Transnational Network Action
In: Transnational Associations 29, 10, pp. 401-448 [PDF]
Special issue: with editorial.
- 1977 An
Alternative Network for Transnational Asset Management: outline proposal
Brussels, UIA, 11 p.
- 1977 Yearbook of International Organizations
Brussels, Union of International Associations.
- 1977 Organizational Systems Versus Network Organization
In: Transnational Associations 2 parts.
Part 1: 29, 9, pp. 360-364. Part 2: 29, 11, pp. 479-484 [PDF]
Edited transcript of a round table discussion on the distinction, if any,
between "system" and "network", Montreal, November 1976.
- 1977 Facilitating Group Formation
In: International Associations 29, 7-8, pp. 302-304 [PDF].
Group Questing or Twelving: proposal for a large-scale small-group development process, 1976
- 1977 Networkers and Networking Roles
In: Transnational Associations 29, 11, pp. 490.
Extract from: Transnational Network of Research- and Service Communities.
- 1977 Knowledge-Representation
in a Computer-Supported Environment
In: International Classification 4, 2, pp. 76-81.
Revised version of: Texts or Concepts; Documentation or Knowledge?
- 1977 International Organizations: diversity, borderline
cases, functionel substitutes and possible alternatives
In: A J R Groom and Paul Taylor (Eds). International Organizations:
a conceptual approach London, Frances Pinter, pp. 78-83.
Slightly revised version under the title: International Organizations: an
overview. In: Yearbook of International Organizations Brussels, Union
of International Associations, 1978.
- 1977 Technical
Facilitation of Meeting Dynamics and Participant Inter-action: from conference
organization for well-behaved participants to conference organization for
the satisfaction of participants
In: New Techniques in Congress Organization: proceedings of the 6th
International Congress on Congress Organization, Kyoto, December 1975
Brussels, UIA, pp. 68-76.
Reprinted from: International Associations 28, 1, 1976, pp. 34-37 and
28, 2, pp. 88-93.
- 1977 Practical
Problems in Using the Potential in INGO Networks
In: The Future of Transnational Associations from the Standpoint of
a New World Order Brussels, UIA, pp. 168-205.
Paper to a panel on evaluating and extending public participation in international
organizations, at the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association,
16-20 March 1977, St Louis (USA). Also a French version.
Reprinted in: Transnational Associations 32, 4, 1980, pp. 180-185 under
the title: Problems hindering action of international nongovernmental organizations.
Also a French version in: Transnational Associations 32, 3, 1980, pp.
145-159. This paper incorporates and extends: Pseudo-issues
paralyzing transnational association action.
- 1977 Lifestyle
Interdependence: context and design
Brussels, UIA, 8 p.
Paper presented to the European Workshop on Lifestyles and Social Change of
the Association Internationale Futuribles, Arc-et-Senans, September 1977.
- 1977 International
Organization Networks: a complementary perspective
In: A J R Groom and Paul Taylor (Eds). International Organizations:
a conceptual approach London, Frances Pinter, pp. 381-413.
- 1977 The Network Alternative
In: Transnational Associations 29, 9, pp. 352-359 [PDF]
Introductory paper for an exploratory meeting on the network alternative,
18-20 November 1976, Montreal.
- 1977 Enhancing Communication at a Large Conference/Festival:
Using Computer Conferencing
In: Transnational Associations 29, 12, pp. 532-540 [PDF]
- 1977 International computer conferencing by NGOs and IGOs [PDF]
- 1976 Limits
to Human Potential
Brussels, UIA/Mankind 2000, 62 p.
Revised extracts printed International Associations 28, 10, 1976, pp.
444-446, and Transnational Associations 29, 4, 1977, pp. 147-150, and
in: Large-group Conferences. Earlier version circulated in 1971 under the
title: Preliminary Thoughts on Recommendations for Change and Intervention
in the World System.
- 1976 Human Development Concepts
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 228 concepts.
- 1976 Multinational
Business Enterprises
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
606 enterprises.
- 1976 Bibliography of Integrative Human Development
and Potential
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 925 items.
- 1976 Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential
Brussels, Union of International Associations / Mankind 2000, 1136 p.
1st experimental ed.
- 1976 Human Values
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 704 values.
- 1976 Multilateral Treaties, Conventions and Agreements
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 International Agencies and Associations: interrelationships
and links to world problems, disciplines, occupations, treaties, etc
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 Orders of Magnitude
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary
Concepts: introduction
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 National Participation in International Organizations
Brussels, Union of International Associations.
Unpublished experimental edition (computerization). Summary totals in: Yearbook
of International Organizations Brussels, UIA, 1980 (French ed).
- 1976 Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 421 concepts.
- 1976 Bibliography of Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 1850 items.
- 1976 World Problems and Human Potential: significance
and preliminary results of the World Problems Project
In: International Associations 28, 2, pp. 102-108.
Partially restructured extract from the Yearbook of World Problems and Human
- 1976 Mathematical Analysis of Networks
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 World
Problems and Human Potential
In: World Union 16, 11, November, pp. 18-21.
See also: De la Difficulté de Saisir la Problématique Mondiale.
- 1976 Networks
of International Associations: occupational categories and world problems
In: Preconference Proceedings Philadelphia, Anspach Institute for
Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs of the University of Pennsylvania, 22 p.
Paper for a conference on international scientific and professional associatons
and the international system.
- 1976 Intervening
to "Solve" National and World "Problems": Real Change
or System Maintenance?
Record of a 1976 Postal Symposium with observations with David Horton
- 1976 Network Organizational Strategy
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
Also Transnational Associations 28, 8-9, 1976, pp. 396-397.
- 1976 World
Problem Networks as Perceived by International Organization Networks
In: General Systems Theorizing: an assessment and aspects for the future
Washington DC, Society for General Systems Research, pp. 277-284.
Presentation at a panel on modelling and analysis of critical global problems,
20 February 1976, Boston, during the annual North American meeting of SGSR.
- 1976 Future
Perspectives of International Organizations
Brussels, UIA, 7 p.
Background paper for a UNESCO/UNITAR expert meeting on the role of international
organizations in the contemporary world, Geneva.
- 1976 Network Map Production
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 Pseudo-issues
Paralyzing Transnational Association Action
In: International Associations 28, 12, pp. 571-573 [PDF]
Expanded version of a presentation to a colloquium of the UIA, Geneva, 9-10
November 1976, on the future of transnational associations within the new
world order.
- 1976 Concepts of Human Development and Potential:
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 7 p.
- 1976 Use of Interactive Graphic Display Techniques
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 Problem Humour and Miscellanea
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
- 1976 Intellectual Disciplines and Sciences
In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential Brussels, UIA/Mankind
2000, 1845 diciplines. [PDF]; summary; PDF]
- 1975 An
Information Centre on Social Innovation
Paris, The Foundation, 4 p.
Presentation to a study meeting of the International Foundation for Social
Innovation, 25-26 September 1975.
- 1975 World
Problems and Human Potential: a date interlinkage and display process
In: Futures 7, 3, June, pp. 209-220 [PDF]
An earlier French version exists under the title: Problèmes Mondiaux
et Potentiel Humain: un exercise de collecte et de présentation des
données. International Associations 27, 8-9, 1975, pp. 416-4 [PDF]
- 1975 Facilitative Environments for Personal Development
Brussels, Mankind 2000, 216 p.
Papers arising out of a postal symposium.
Includes: Transnational Network of Research- and Service Communities, pp.
- 1975 State Size and Independence in the Future
In: International Associations 27, pp. 89-96.
Tables correct in content but incorrectly presented.
- 1975 Preliminary Notes on the Mathematical Analysis
of Networks of Psychosocial Entities in Order to Facilitate their Comprehension
Brussels, UIA, 10 p.,
- 1975 Meeting Psychosocial Dynamics: proposed for
World Forum on Social Innovation
In: International Associations 27, 1, pp. 45-48.
- 1975 Thoughts
on Sacred Places
Brussels, Mankind 2000, 4 p.
- 1975 Traduction Expérimentale/Translation
In: Le Problème du Langage dans la Société Internationale
Brussels, UIA, pp. 240-260.
Results of translating English and French original texts back from 8 non-indo-european
- 1975 International Standard Book Numbering and
International Organizations - Group 92
In: International Associations 27, 10, pp. 481-485.
Edited and restructured version of Unesco material.
- 1975 Le Problème du Langage dans la Société
Brussels, UIA, 266 p.
Compte rendu du colloque organisé par l'UAI à Paris, Mars 1974,
en association avec le Comité pour l'Analyse des Concepts et de la
Terminologie ( COCIA).
Editor of Documents Preparatoires, pp. 114-264, many of which appeared in
a special issue of International Associations 26, 3/4, 1974.
- 1975 Transnational
Associations and Their Functions
In: A J R Groom and Paul Taylor (Eds). Functionalism, Theory and Practice
in International Relations London, University of London Press, pp. 190-224.
- 1975 Towards
an Outline of a Self-Reflexive Conference