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Sustainable policy #32

Endurance (Heng)

Metaphors: Perseverance / Continuity

Social A sustainable policy cycle may be characterized by a self-renewing movement acting alternately on itself and on society. For a sustainable policy cycle of superior values this ensures a flexibility in response to the environment which is grounded on an inner directive that governs all its actions.


1. The sustainable policy cycle can only ensure enduring effects through careful action over a long period that precludes any form of precipitate action. (Resulting in: Power).

2. If the strength of the sustainable policy cycle is greater than its material resources, successful control may avoid an inappropriate response. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

3. Inconsistency on the part of the sustainable policy cycle, in response to external events, leads to unexpected forms of humiliation. (Resulting in: Liberation).

4. For the sustainable policy cycle to achieve success through persistence, it is necessary that the action should be appropriate. (Resulting in: Advancement).

5. If the sustainable policy cycle undertakes an active role, it should remain flexible in adapting to circumstances in the light of its enduring values; whereas in a passive role, it should be consistent in conforming to external guidelines. (Resulting in: Importance).

6. If the sustainable policy cycle is permanently agitated, any attempt to produce enduring effects is undermined. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

Transformation sequence Endurance cannot continue indefinitely, therefore withdrawal takes place. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

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Earlier version in 2nd edition of Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986).

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