Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue
Collection of papers and notes, problems and possibilities
on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social development
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Produced and distributed in an earlier form (as a set of 'topic sheets')
under the title:
Large-group Conferences: maturing their reflective, focusing
and transforming power, especially in conditions of societal upheaval (1980)
as a contribution to Commission IV (Meeting sociology, dynamics and practice)
of the World Forum of Transnational Associations (Brussels, 1980). This follows,
but is distinct from, another collection on
Conferencing: Problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings
concerning social development (1984). The topic sheets were a basis for the
207 entries in section on 'Transformative Conferencing' in the
of World Problems and Human Potential (1986).
Contents / Overview
Integration and focus
Participants and participation
Inter-cultural challenges
Patterns, agendas and declarations
Inter-faith dialogue as a special challenge