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of Laetus in Praesens
Laetus in Praesens Alternative view of segmented documents via Kairos


Geometry of Organizations, Policies and Programmes

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Part of Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue: Collection of papers and notes, problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social development (1991). Prepared in the process of envisaging the group dynamics of the World Parliament of Relgions


The purpose of this note is to explore the possibility of a new "language" through which policies, programmes and institutional structures can be articulated. In the conventional language, it is typical to see "points" made in a "line" of argument about a subject "area". Such points may be enshrined in policy principles, in programme mandates, or in the departmental structures of organizations intended to implement them. Normally such nested point structures are embedded in linear text (possibly with the aid of an outliner on a text-processor). Typically the only organization structure expressed in graphic form is the hierarchical (pyramidal) organization chart, with all that that has implied.

In what follows, there is an attempt to look at the possibility of expressing points and lines in geometric form on the assumption that a coherent policy or organization takes a coherent geometric form. By extending the language beyond "lines", to "areas" and "volumes", it is hoped to enrich the range of possibilities that can be clearly distinguished and discussed. It is also hoped to introduce an extra degree of rigour into understanding of debate, especially where it is common for people to "go on and on" without contributing to the articulation of a larger strategic vision.

Organization charters (constitutions), policy documents and programmes are the result of considerable effort at articulating and integrating understanding. It should be possible to represent/interpret/translate such structures into geometrical form, especially by adapting any pattern of nested points.


1. Points and lines:

It takes several points to establish a line of argument

It takes the intersection of two or more lines of argument to establish a point of higher order than those defining any one line of argument. A 2-order point is defined by 2 lines, a 3-order point is defined by 3 lines, etc

Points may be (or be held by): individuals, nodes (in a network), concepts, principles, etc

Lines may be (or be held by): bonds between people, lines of communication, arguments, lines (courses) of action, lines of authority, etc

Duals: point and line structures can be inverted as a standard geometric operation.

2. Elaboration of structure:

Once a line of argument has been defined, a point in the line may be used as a departure for another line. This process may continue without any effort at closure, namely reference back to earlier points or lines in the debate. The debate is then unconstrained, but does not define a structure transcending the linear processes of the debate.

In "developing" a line of argument, references may however be made to other "supporting" points. A distinction should be made between the case where such points form part of the line of argument, and the case where they define the context within which the argument is developed. In the latter case, subsidiary lines link the developing line to the reference points.

A structure may be understood as acquiring coherence when cross-reference between points effectively triangulates the pattern of points and lines.

3. Areas:

Enclosure of areas: lines of argument may be structured in relation to one another so as to refer back to earlier lines, intersecting them, and thus creating closure. Closure typically takes the form of an area, of which the simplest is the triangle. The range of relevance of the lines is thus constrained relative to that area. Pursuing a line of argument beyond the points at which it borders a particular area makes it "irrelevant" to that area -- typically associated with the phrase "going on" unnecessarily (about a point).

An area is defined by three (or more) lines and in its simplest form these lie in the same plane (whose existence they define)

Areas may be understood as: (co)missions of nodes with a shared concern

Types of area (polygons): triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, etc

4. Contiguous areas:

A line may be common to two (or more) areas. The areas will not necessarily lie in the same plane and there is then a form of conceptual discontinuity between them. Different subject areas may then be considered "related". In a debate, the accusation of haing "changed the subject" may be understood as having shifted from one area, through discontinuity, to a neighbouring area. Accusations of "missing the point" are of similar significance.

Elaboration of structure: contiguous areas may define a complex surface of which the simplest is the grid pattern. Typical examples are the many 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, etc matrices of categories common to academic texts and to presentations by consultants. More complex is a tiling pattern, or arbitrary structures such as might emerge from network maps.

5. Symmetry and integration:

Integration of more complex structures is achieved by ensuring the presence of dimensions of symmetry. The integrative potential increases by constraining contiguous areas to define volumes characterized by such symmetry. Coherence and integrity are properties of such volumes. It is through such properties that significance can be attributed. The volume thus becomes a "container" for meaning.

6. Enclosure of volumes:

Volumes are defined by systematically constraining areas in relation to one another, accepting the necessary degree of conceptual discontinuity between the areas of common concern. This discontinuity is proportional to the angle at which contiguous areas intersect (possibly understood as a torsion on the common line of intersection). The areas must be constrained so as to enclose a volume. Thus a 2x2 matrix of categories might be folded into a tetrahedron, a 3x2 matrix could be folded into a cube.

Types of volume (polyhedra): a distinction must be made between regular and irregular polyhedra. A regular polyhedron is a more idealistic structure and presupposes that all areas are of the same pattern. With an irregular polyhedron, areas may be of many patterns. As the number of patterns diminishes, the polyhedron approximates more to an ideal structure. Buckminster Fuller made the point that all systems may be understood as polyhedra.

Regular polyhedra: a point in a polyhedron is usually defined by the intersection of three (occasionally four) lines which together define three (or occasionally four) planes. A line is thus common to two contiguous areas, whereas a point is usually common to a minimum of three areas. A point can then "tolerate" the discontinuity between three domains.

8. Fluidity of the language:

One purpose of the language is to channel, and give rigour to, the fuzziness of normal policy debate. This raises the question of when to "code" a sequence of words (whether verbal or in documents) as a point, a line or an area. Often the point structure of a document is a major guideline. This tends to be absent in verbal debate.

It is important to recognize than there are geometric operations which are a useful guideline to the ways in which an existing structure can be "manipulated" during a debate. "Points" may be converted into "lines" and "lines" into "areas", etc. through operations such as projection and rotation. Items can be expanded out of points and contracted back into points. These processes could be effectively tracked with the aid of such a geometric approach to "minute" writing.

There would be considerable advantage in being able to provide a visual display of an evolving debate in such terms. Under the best circumstances participants will in effect be endeavouring to construct a coherent and integrated form so that feedback on its intricacies would prove of value. At the same time, and under less favourable circumstances, some participants will be endeavoring: to extend lines outside the structure, to expand areas into volumes (as execresences on the structure), or to deny the existence of parts of the structure already established.

9. Developmental and transformational possibilities

The fluidity noted above is basic to the potential for representing developmental and transformational pathways without loss of continuity.

Growth and extension can be tracked by allowing a full range of geometric extensions of a structure. The principal methods of generating polyhedra are:

Also of great interest is the range of manipulations of the cuboctahedron with flexible joints, as discovered by Buckminster Fuller.

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