Transformative Approaches to International Organization
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Overview of Commentaries on Transformative
Approaches in the Encyclopedia of World Problems
and Human Potential (1994-95, Section TZ)
1. Intention
The intention of this section is to present a set of
approaches which collectively offer the potential for a new
way of responding to complexity documented in other sections
of this Encyclopedia.
Each of the approaches briefly described here is necessarily
somewhat unconventional. Each has its value in isolation and
some are already successfully used on that basis. The
argument here is that, whether or not they are already used,
each can also be usefully understood as having strengths and
weaknesses not found in the others. In this sense their real
value for the future lies in their complementarity.
The point to be made is that it is not any one single
approach which is adequate to the challenge of the present
social complexity. Rather it is how a range of fundamentally
different approaches are combined to compensate for the
various weaknesses of each of them.
Analytical tools must necessarily continue to have their
special role, but many of the approaches grouped here
highlight the need for new ways to represent or visualize
complex patterns. During any design process there is a need
to facilitate more creative comprehension of complexity than
has proved possible by linear descriptions or through
analytical tools alone. The stress on complementarity is
therefore effectively a stress on a form of methodological
group marriage.
From the more concrete to the more imaginative, the
approaches included are the following.
2. Interactive database use
Although there has been an explosion in the range of
software and hardware facilities available through which to
interact with databases, many of them emphasize consultation
of a database rather than the manner in which its internal
relationships are built up and understood. The conventional
approach to databases, and to reference books produced from
them, is to fcus on individual entries. The user is not
assisted in understanding the pattern of relationships
between entries, other than by a fairly crude grouping of
entries into categories.
- 2.1 Hypertext editing:
There has been an explosion of interest in hypertext as a
technique for interrelating items in a large text database.
The software techniques for creating hypertext links are now
well develped. Little attention has been given to the
conceptual challenges of creative editing of hypertext. One
approach to this challenge has been develped in connection
with this Encyclopedia, notably with regard to the complex
pattern of relationships amongst world problems.
- 2.2 Interactive graphics: There is a vital distinction between the capacity to 'look
up' information, as typified by use of telephone directory
and and portraying the pattern of relationships between
bodies, concepts or issues, as typified by systems charts,
PERT charts, subway maps and mind maps. It is such maps
which help the user to ask more insightful questions that
are less dependent on initial biases.
3. Analysis
When dealing with networks consisting of thousands of
entities and relationships, it is extremely difficult for
an editor to detect redundant links. Routines can be
designed to analyze the network around an anchor point for
different types of redundancy, but the results to
date have proved difficult to interpret because they cannot
as yet be related to a visual map.
- 3.1 Network analysis:
An increasing number of applications of graph theory have
emerged in the social sciences. GRADAP is an especially
powerful package for the definition and analysis of large
networks of social entities. Many other packages exist but
few are able to handle more than a few hundred nodes or
relationships between them. Like all of them however GRADAP
offers no means of actually mapping the networks in a
visually comprehensible form. The results are presented as
indicators or tables.
- 3.2 Identification of vicious and serendipitous
There has long been recognition of how one problem can
aggravate another and of how several problems can reinforce
each other. There has been no attempt to identify
systematically the existence of vicious loops or cycles
through which four or more problems constantly reinforce one
another. A computer program has been developed to explore
the many pathways amongst the world problems documented in
this Encyclopedia and isolate such loops. This suggests the
possibility of moving from a focus on problems as though
they were isolated, of which few are, to one in which the
focus is on the many vicious loops of which a problem may
be a member.
- 3.3 Q-Analysis: This technique gives precision to understanding of the
challenges of comprehensibility amongst communities of
people or organizations. Specifically it shows how more
complex patterns of understanding, or concepts of greater
complexity, can only be communicated with great difficulty
by losing important dimensions, or not at all, through
certain patterns of relationship. It demonstrates how
complex messages can only be usefully cmmunicated through
communication channels that can handle such complexity. In
the absence of adequate channels, complex notions do not
'travel well'. It raises thre question of how to design
communication networks adequate to integrative
communications of any kind.
4. Visualization and comprehension
- 4.1 Augmenting human intellect: The fundamental importance of interactive graphics, in
whatever form, is its ability to facilitate understanding.
Progress in understanding is made through the development
of mental models or symbolic notations that permit a simple
representation of a mass of complexities not previously
understood. The challenge is to discover ways of using the
computer to augment human intellect and the capacity to
comprehend complexity.
- 4.2 Graphics environment for exploring relationship
networks: Because of the overwhelming volume of data, it is becoming
increasingly clear that conventional means of presenting
such data do not respond adequately to the needs of an
important category of users. Users associated with the
policy elaboration process need new information tools which
help them to get an overview of the maze of data.
Options need to be presented for discussion in terms of a
context of explicitly interrelated issues -- in contrast
with the present tendency to disguise this complexity by
reducing it to a linear agenda of issues. Users need 'maps' of the pathways between text entries,
especially in complex subject areas. Such maps provide a
sense of context which is lost in many hierarchical
presentations of data in linear text form. It is only from
such maps that users can quickly obtain an adequate overview
of data in an unfamiliar area to guide their efficient use
of conventional information tools. Such maps are of value
precisely because they are richer than simple hierarchically
structured thesauri.
- 4.3 Network mapping: There is a need to represent complex socially-significant
networks in visual form as is done in many other domains.
- 4.4 Holistic network mapping:
NETMAP is a powerful new software package that
analyzes very large and complex networks of relationships
and presents the result in a special circular graphic form.
The approach permits new patterns of relationship to be
discovered between people, organizations, or problems. Users
can interact with the display to obtain more or less detail,
or derive displays based on other criteria. It offers unique
possibilities for navigating through hundreds of thousands
of entities and relationships whilst retaining both a sense
of context and without loss of detail.
- 4.5 Structural outliner: The spread of computers has encouraged the use of what are
termed 'text outliners' as a way of assisting authors and
report writers to structure and work with complex documents
with many levels of heading. The challenge for the authors
is to be able navigate around such complex documents,
retaining a sense of context but without losing the ability
to work on the content of the smallest sub-section. To deal
creatively with complex structures there is a somewhat
analogous need for a 'structural outliner' software package.
Its purpose would be to facilitate the ability to envisage
viable configurations of functions based on structures more
complex that those reinforced by the hierarchical
organization typical of text outliners. It responds to the
need for potential collaborators to be able to design
'conceptual keystones' essential to the coherence and
viability of unforeseen coalition possibilities in difficult
situations of governance.
5. Discontinuity and non-linearity
- 5.1 Conserving decision-making diversity: Advocates of new approaches readily fall into the trap of
implying that everything that came before was inadequate.
This is especially dangerous where seemingly outmoded
techniques remain appropriate under other conditions,
especially where the latest advances cannot be made
available. There is a need to conserve a wide variety of
forms of decision-making and to understand how they
intereact and support reach other.
- 5.2 Paradox management: Although some of the emerging complexity of social may be
handled through 3-dimensional structures, there is
increasing evidence that some of the challenges derive from
an essentially paradoxical quality to the policy dilemmas
with which people and groups are faced at all levels of
society. Dilemma and polarization are features of most
social initiatives. Few initiatives are unambiguously
advantageous; few so-called problems are without their
advantages. There is an emerging need to be able to
recognize and manage paradoxes.
- 5.3 Polarity entrapment: Failure to manage paradoxes leads to entrapment. Since there
has been little attempt to develop the skills of navigating
paradoxes at the policy level, there is merit in exploring
the possibility that some of the paralysis of society may
be due to such entrapment. As Geofrrey Vickers noted: 'A
trap is a function of the nature of the trapped.' The
challenge to be faced is whether groups and individuals have
effectively been enthralled by one pole of a polar dilemma
as a result of an overly simple comprehension of it, a
neglect of the weaknesses inherent in it, and a fearful
rejection of the strengths associated with the opposing
pole. The balance called for is likely to be a dynamic one.
A static focus on a single pole of a dilemma is unlikely to
be adequate in the present turbulent times.
- 5.4 Confidence artistry: Despite the pejorative connotations normally associated with
confidence artistry, there is much to be learnt from the
strategic skills that it implies. Furthermore, construed in
a positive light, it can indeed be argued that governance
is primarily the art through which the confidence of the
people is transformed into various forms of action --
however surprising that may prove to be to those whose
confidence was used to give rise to it.
- 5.5 Challenge of insight cultivation: Those concerned with the crisis of governance at all levels
of society are faced with a number of dilemmas. Their
combined effect leads to a form of 'insight impoverishment'
within the policy-making environment. The leadership is
effectively starved of insights -- often without realizing
this is the case. On the other hand, available insights of
considerable value may well go underused. Efforts to remedy
the situation are too often designed by those responsible
for creating it in the first place.
6. Configuring globally
- 6.1 Configuring intractable differences: Many initiatives assume the need for some form of consensus
amongst all parties in order to be manageable and
successful. In many domains however such consensus has
proved to be unlikely, or else unsustainable for any length
of time if it can be achieved. There is some possibility
that configuring differneces, without seeking to reconcile
and resolve them, may prove more realistic. This approach
depends on using patterns of difference as a structuring
feature through which new kinds of structure can be given
form. It suggests the need to set isolated bilateral
agreement of any kind in a broader framework as part of a
coherent pattern of checks and balances.
- 6.2 Geometry of organizations, policies and
programmes: Nearly all efforts at organization design are based on
structures that can be conveniently represented in 2
dimensions with little distortion. This is notably the case
for both organizational hierarchies (as charts), so-called
matrix organizations, and the many experiments in networking
(to the extent that they are represented on maps at all).
There is an emerging case for exploring new kinds of
organization and agreement that can only be effectively
represented by 3 dimensional structures, especially those
that derive their coherence from having some symmetry around
a centre. One group of structures of this kind could be
based on polyhedral nets.
- 6.3 Tensegrity organization: Much in the design of hierarchical organizations has
effectively been borrowed or learnt from the design of
buildings. Conventional buildings have been a powerful
metaphor. The question is whether there is anything to be
learnt from other newer architectural and structural forms
concerning the design and integrity of unusual forms of
organization -- especially if these can better reflect the
challenge of paradox and intractable difference. Tensegrity
structures offer a powerful new metaphor especially relevant
to the design of virtual organizations in e-mail
- 6.4 Policy cycles: Conventional efforts at policy-making tend to be more or
less exclusively focused on single policies that are
designed to replace previous policies now considered
inadequate or outmoded. The virtual certainty that the new
policy will itself come to be perceived as outmoded is not
part of the policy design -- except as the consequence of
a transfer of power at the termination of any electoral
term. There is a need for polcies which can transcend
electoral cycles whilst reflecting the change of emphasis
of any change of power. In this sense there is a need to
explore interlocking cycles of policies. It is such cycles
of policies which may prove more capable of dealing with
vicious cycles of problems. Interlocking cycles may prove
more approporate to the challenges of long-term
sustainability in a turbulent policy environment.
7. Global patterning
- 7.1 Transformative policy cycles: This exercise is concerned with identifying and representing
patterns of change and with the development of better ways
of responding to its possibilities in various forms of
socially organized activity, such that developmental
momentum is conserved within the pattern rather than being
dissipated unusefully.
- 7.2 Alternation between complementary policy conditions:
The vital point that emerges from the Chinese perspective
of the previous note is that it is not sufficient to
conceive of organizational conditions in isolation, as is
the prevalent tendency among Western networkers. The
processes of change in which a policy cycle is embedded, or
to which it responds, require that the policy cycle consider
itself in a state of transience within a set of potential
conditions. It courts disaster if it attempts to 'stick' to
one condition such as 'peace'.
- 7.3 Interrelating incompatible viewpoints: This Encyclopedia seeks to respond to the dilemma of the
many possible views concerning the nature of sustainable
human development. Usually any such view considers itself
more appropriate than other competing views. Few views
account for the existence of other views except as being
predecessors or misguided. And yet it is the interaction of
such views within a conceptual ecology which characterizes
the dynamics of human society. Different views engender
different styles of human development and give rise to
different problems.
It therefore remains an interesting challenge to explore new
ways of interrelating the network of views, especially if
it is possible to embody in such an exercise features which
give the whole a degree of complexity appropriate to the
complexity it is intended to encompass. It is also desirable
to build in features from other than western cultures. This
is not a new challenge, although it may now appear more
dramatic to some. An intriguing point of departure is a
classic Buddhist text entitled the 'Brahmajala Sutta'
(The Discourse on the All-Embracing Net of Views). This
appears to be unique in endeavouring to map out as a system
the complete set of fundamental viewpoints.
- 7.4 Global configuration from number theory: A unique computer software package, Chryzode, has been
developed to enable the visual exploration of complex
patterns generated using all the riches of the mathematical
theory of numbers as the relate to projective geometry. It
uses hitherto little explored mathematical properties to
handle the presentation of large amounts of information in
a comprehensible manner.
Like the management tool NETMAP, described earlier (see also
the inside covers of this volume), Chryzode generates
patterns of relationship by positioning nodes on the
circumference of a circle. In the case of NETMAP, the
positions can be determined by a clustering algorithm to
facilitate comprehension.
It is tempting to argue that what is required is some kind
of marriage between the approaches of NETMAP and Chryzode,
between the empirical and the abstract, in responding to the
needs of comprehending the complexity of the world
problematique in new ways, as well as to the complex
relationships in the information of human values and human
development in this volume.
8. Dialogue and conferencing
- 8.1 Transformative conferencing: The main concern is with highlighting problems and
possibilities relevant to the organization of more mature
meetings on the new frontier of high- risk gatherings in
response to social development issues and the global
problematique. Attention is only given to the 'mechanics'
of meeting organization (covered in the many books available
on such matters) in so far as they directly affect the
psycho-social dynamic of the meeting.
- 8.2 Levels of dialogue: There is a need to reframe the challenge of dialogue by
distinguishing forms which are essentially tokenistic or
minimalistic from those which should be able to open up new
possibilities. The difficulty is that the latter are easily
obscured by the enthusiasms, low expectations and self-
congratulatory nature of the former. Only though such
distinctions does it seem possible to identify the genuinely
new frontiers where pioneering work is called for and to
envision the future possibilities and challenges in that
- 8.3 Learnings for the future of dialogue: There is the clear implication that dialogues of different
quality and consequence could be associated with distinct
conditions, whether considered as stages or frameworks. But
the dangers of focusing on 'higher level' dialogue, at the
expense of others forms, derive from the failure to
recognize the functions of each kind of dialogue and how
they complement each other within society.
- 8.4 Conceptual weaknesses of conferencing: It is useful to consider the range of conceptual weaknesses
in both electronic networking and in conventional face-to-
face conferences.
- 8.5 Metaphors of transformation in conferences: The real challenge for conferencing in relation to the
crises of our times is to provide people with tools to
counter the imaginal deficiency from which we collectively
suffer when dealing with complexity.
- 8.6 Structure of concluding declarations: Many perspectives need to interact to clarify the content
of global declarations and render them appropriate. But
there is also a need for expertise in new forms of order to
clarify the dimensions which could influence the conceptual
framework within which that content is presented. Such
formal properties are a challenge to ways of thinking that
have proved inadequate. They might include:
- 8.7 Policy forums as metaphors: The organization of a meeting and its processes in fact
provide a remarkable metaphor of wider society and the
challenge of using resources more appropriately. The
challenge of formulating more appropriate policies is
highlighted by the difficulties in meeting design.
- 8.8 Participant contract: This note is an experimental outline of a proposed contract
between participants at a meeting. It is designed to
acknowledge specifically the interacting roles at the
shadowy 'roundtable' hidden within every meeting. The
emphasis is on the nature of the specific contractual bonds
between participants.
- 8.9 Structure of declarations: Many perspectives need to interact to clarify the content
of global declarations and render them appropriate. But
there is also a need for expertise in new forms of order to
clarify the dimensions which could influence the conceptual
framework within which that content is presented. Such
formal properties are a challenge to ways of thinking that
have proved inadequate.
9. Envisioning meetings of the future
The possible nature of meetings in the distant future is
used as an exercise in clarifying some of the dilemmas in
moving beyond the unproductive nature of many meetings faced
with challenging problems and possibilities.
10. Context beyond text
- 10.1 Meshing imaginative vision and policy
implementability: The complexity of the policy challenges of sustainable
development, the need for 'new thinking' and the importance
of more imaginative approaches to policy-making and
organization are all now well-recognized.
- 10.2 Beyond the constraints of text: The process by which new possibilities are currently being
explored is almost completely conducted through verbal and
textual exchanges. There is a significant body of evidence
to indicate that creativity and innovation are catalyzed and
sustained by imagery and metaphor. There is therefore a
strong argument for exploring the characteristics of
structured imagery vital to the articulation of new patterns
of relationships in areas critical to governance at this
- 10.3 Design choices for global coherence: Efforts to analyze existing inter-sectoral patterns can
clarify many of the challenges and opportunities for a more
coherent approach to global dialogue and 'bargains'. All
parties in such dialogue are however necessarily immersed
to a fairly high degree in their particular perspectives.
Such a 'bottom-up' approach clearly has some limitations.
It would therefore also seem appropriate to take a
complementary ('top-down') approach by looking to ways of
representing the desired qualities of coherence and
sustainability in 'ideal' models of inter-sectoral dialogue
as a global pattern -- provided the diversity of sectors is
duly respected. This note is an exploration of one such
11. Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(Rio de Janeiro, 1992) was considered of considerable
symbolic, political and substantive importance as the 'Earth
Summit'. For that occasion there was much concern to develop
'inter-sectoral dialogue'. Essentially this meant dialogue
between sectors which normally had little communication and
were suspcious of each others priorities. These included:
the scientific community, trade unions, the business
community, NGOs, religious groups, environmental groups, and
the like. There is little experience with such dialogue in
a multi-cultural setting despite the vital complementarity
of the perspectives represented. The theme of inter-sectoral
dialogue was continued in the international conference on
Partnerships for Change (Manchester, 1993). New ways are
required to weave together the themes evoked at such
12. Poetry and policy-making: prospects for an arranged
The theme here is the future relationship between poetry
(including rhythm) and policy making (including management)
in their various forms. This might even include the possible
role of technology in reconciling them in more meaningful
and fruitful ways. Exploring the relationship between such
seemingly opposed concerns calls for continuing dialogue
between imaginative musing and the constraints of