Experimental Articulation of Collective Identity
through a dynamic system of metaphors
-- / --
Collection of papers towards an image-based language: the current socio-political
function of metaphors
A Canadian
Identity / Une
Identité Canadienne
A European
Identity / Une
Identité Européenne
A Latin American Identity
A Middle Eastern Identity
A Scottish Identity
The Identity
of the United Nations / L'Identité des
Nations Unies
Towards an Ecology of Spiritual Traditions
An Earth Council Identity
Anthony Judge:
- Comprehension of Appropriateness: Project on Economic Aspects of Human Development (EAHD) of the Regional
and Global Studies Division of the United Nations University. Paper for
Rome workshop, September 1986. Brussels, UIA. [text]
- Governance
through Metaphor: Project on Economic Aspects of Human Development
(EAHD) of the Regional and Global Studies Division of the United Nations
University. Paper for Geneva workshop, June 1987. Brussels, UIA. [text]
- Metaphoric Revolution: in quest of a manifesto for governance through metaphor. Paper prepared
for the 10th World Conference of the World Future Studies Federation (Beijing,
Sept 1988), under the auspices of the China Association for Science and
Technology. Group 8: Changing political institutions. Brussels, UIA, s.p.
- Innovative Global Management through Metaphor. Paper prepared for The
Conference on Social Innovation in Global Management, organized by The
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western, Reserve University, 1989.
Brussels, UIA [text]
- Through Metaphor to
a Sustainable Ecology of Development Policies. In: Trzyna, T C and
Gotelli, I (Eds): The Power of Convening; collaborative policy forums for
sustainable development (Proceedings of an International Workshop sponsored
by the Commission on Sustainable Development of IUCN-The World Conservation
Union, California Institute of Public Affairs, and Center for Politics
and Policy (Claremont CA, October 1989)). Sacramento CA, California Institute
of Public Affairs, 1990, pp. 64-81. [text]
- Recontextualizing Social
Problems through Metaphor: transcending the "switch" metaphor. Paper
prepared for the International Conference on Demography Issues and Sustainable
Development organized by Development Alternatives (New Delhi, 1990). In:
Transnational Associations, 43, 1991, 1, pp. 37-46 [text]
- Guiding Metaphors
and Configuring Choices. Brussels, Union of International Associations,
1991 (Paper for the Development Administration Division of the UN Department
of Technical Cooperation for Development) [text]