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Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets

the Role of Number (References)

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References of Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number (1978)
Abstract | Parts 1-3 | Notes | Annex 1 | Annex 2 | Annex 3 | Annex 4


1. R. Buckminster Fuller with E. J. Applewhite. Synergetics: explorations in the geometry of thinking. Macimillan, 1975.

2. Christopher. Alexander. Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Harvard University Press 1964.

3. K. Duncker. A qualitative (experimental and theoretical) study of productive thinking (solving of comprehensible problems). In: J. of Genetic Psychology 33 (1926) p. 642708 (see also: Psychological Monographs, Washington 1945. 270).

4. G. A. Miner. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. In: Psychological Rev. 63 (1956) p. 81-97.

5. Herbert A. Simon. The sciences of the artificial. MIT Press, 1969.

6. Method for priority determination in science and technology.  Unesco, 1978. p. 24 (Science Policy Series, 40).

7. Yona Friedman. The critical group size. International Associations, 26, 1974, 5, pp. 284 285.

8. Antony Jay. Corporation Man. Jonathan Cape 1972.

9. Marie-Louise von Franz. Number and time; reflections leading towards a unification of psychology and physics. Rider 1974.

10. Lancelot. Law Whyte, et al. (Eds.). Hierarchical Structures. American Elsevier 1969.

11. Magoroh. Maruyama. Paradigmatology and its application to cross-disciplinary, cross-professional and cross-cultural communication. Cybernetica, 17, 1974, pp. 136-156 and pp. 237-281.

12. Magoroh Maruyama. Heterogenistics: an epistemological restructuring of biological and social sciences. Cybernetica, 20, 1977, p p. 69-86.

13. Anthony Judge. Inernational organization networks; a complementary perspective. In: Paul Taylor and A. J. R. Groom (Eds.): International Organisation: a conceptual approach. Nichols Publ. 1978. p. 381-413. [text]

14. G. L. Lippitt. Visualizing change; model building and the change process. Fairfax: NTL Learning Resources Corp. 1973.

15. G. Michal. Biochemical Pathways. Mannheim, Boehringer Mannheim GmbH 1974.

16. Anthony Judge. Mapping possibilities in response to information needs of science policy-making for development. (Paper prepared for the Secretary of the Commonwealth Science Council; presented to the 6th Congres of the World Future Studies Federation, Cairo. September 1978). [text]

17. W. T. Jones. The Romantic Syndrome: toward a new method in cultural anthropology and the history of ideas. The Hague: Martinus Nijhof 1961.

18. George Spencer-Brown. Laws of Form.   Allen and Unwin 1969.

19. Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels: Union of International Associations and Mankind 2000, 1976. (see Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, 1994-5)

20. General Systems Yearbook (1956-). Society for General Systems Research.

21. Rudolf Arnheim. Visual Thinking.  Faber 1970.

22. Keith Critchlow. Order in space: a design source book. Thames and Hudson 1969.

23. R. E. Williams. Handbook of Structure. Douglas Advanced Research Labs. 1968. (Paper 5321) Williams, R. E.: Natural structures: toward a form language. Moorpark: Eudaemon Press 1972.

24. Johan Galtung. Structural analysis and chemical models. In: Methodology and ideology. Christian Eilers 1977. p. 160 189.

25. Arthur M. Young. The Geometry of Meaning. Delacorte Press 1976.

26. Artheur M. Young. The Reflexive Universe: evolution of consciousness. Delacorte Press 1976.

27. J. B. Carroll (Ed.). Language, thought and society, selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Wiley 1956.

28. C. S. Smith. Structural Hierarchy in Inorganic Systems. In: L. L. Whyte et al. (Ed.): Hierarchical structures. N American Elsevier 1969.

29. D. G. Langham. and J. W. Petras. The sociology of knowledge.  Duckworth 1970.

36. Keith Critchlow. Islamic Patterns: an analytical and cosmological approach. Thames and Hudson.

37. Lancelot. Law Whyte (Ed.). Aspects of form. Lund Humphries 1968.

38. Giuseppe Tucci. Theory and Practice of the Mandala. Rider 1960.

39. Olive Whicher. Projective Geometry.  Rudolf Steiner Press 1971.

40. La Science et la diversite des cultures. Paris, Unesco, 1974; Cultures and Time. Paris, Unesco. 1974; Time and the Sciences. Unesco 1979?

41. Jay Hilary Kelley. Entropy of knowledge. In: Philosophy of Science 36 (1969) No.2 (June)

42. Francisco Varela. A calculus for self-reference. Intern. J. of General Systems, 2, 1975, pp. 5-24

43. Kurt Gödel. Uber formal unentscheidbare Satze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme. 1. In: Monatshefte fur Mathematik u. Physik 38 (1931) p. 173 -198

44. Marcel Granet. La pensée chinoise. Ed. Albin Michel 1968

45. J. G. Bennett. The dramatic universe. London: Hodder and Stoughton 1956-1966. 4 vols.

46. Bertrand Russell. Essay on logical atomism. Cont. Brit. Phil. Series 1. London 1928

47. Bertrand Russell. Higher Relationships. In: Cont. Brit. Phil., Series 1. Also in: Human Knowledge, pp. 271-3

48. Xavier Sallantin. L'épistemologie de l'arithmetique. (Communication aux Seminaires internationaux d'épistemologie de l'Abbaye de Senanque, Sept. 1976). Laboratoire Bena de Logique Generale 1976. (A longer version of this paper appeared as Pt. 3 of L'Epreuve de la Force. Cahiers de la Fondation pour les Etudes de Defense Nationale. No. 2, Octobre 1975)

49. Kinhide Mushakoji. Scientific revolution and inter-paradigmatic dialogues. Tokyo: United Nations University 1978. (Working Paper of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development Project of the Human and Social Development Programme.

50. Jean Petito-Cocord. Identite et catastrophes; topologie de la difference. In: Benoist, J. M. et al: L'ldentite; seminaire interdisciplinaire dirige par Claude Levi-Strauss. Paris, 1977. p. 109-156

51. Tokuryu Yamauchi. Logos to Lemma. Tokyo, 1974

52. J. Lukasiewicz. Selected Logical Papers. North HoHand 1970.

53. Gotthard Gunther. Logik, Zeit, Emanation und Evolution. Koln und Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1967. Heft 136

54. Alfred Korzybski. Science and Sanity; an introduction to nonAristotelian systems and general semantics. Lakeville, Conn.: International Non-Aristotelian Library 1948

55. Gerald Holton. The roots of complementarily. In: Dacdalus (Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science). Fall 1970. pp. 1015-1055

56. Johan Galtung. Methodology and Ideology; essays. Christian Ejlers, 1977. pp. 41 - 71

57. Anthony Wilden. System and Structure; essays in communication and exchange. Tavistock 1972

58. Ingetraut Dahlberg. A referent-oriented, analytical concept theory for INTERCONCEPT. International Classification. 5 (1978) No. 3, pp. 142 151

59. Giovanni Sartori, Fred W. Riggs, and H. Teune. Tower of Babel: on the definition and analysis of concepts in the social sciences. University of Pittsburgh 1975. (International Studies Association, Occ. Paper No. 6) Arising from work of the Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA), now collaborating with Unesco through the latter's Interconcept programme

60. Union des Associations Internationales: Le Probleme du Langage dans la Societe Transnationale. Bruxelles 1975. (Compte rendu d'un colloque en association avec COCTA)

61. Ivan Sutherland. Computer graphics. Datamation (1966) May, pp. 22 27

62. Krishnappa Subramanyam. Seminal mnemonics in classification.  International Classification, 3 (1976) Nr. 1, pp. 16-18

63. A. Neelameghan. Seminal mnemonics as a pattern for systems analysis. In: Library Science with a Slant to Documentation 7 (1970) p. 353-364; Neelameghan, A.: Presentation of ideas in technical writing. Delhi-Bombay-Bangalore-Kanpur: Vikas Publ. House 1974. 189 p.

64. Matila C. Ghyka. Le nombre d'or. Gallimard 1931; Ghyka, Matila C.: Philosophie et mystique du nombre. Payot 1952

65. Christopher Butler. Number Symbolism. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970

66. Vincent F. Hopper. Medieval Number Symbolism. Cooper Square Publ. 1969 (reprint of 1938 ea.)

67. S. R. Ranganathan. Prolegomena to Library Classification.  Asia Publishing House, 1967. (3rd ea.) Sect.2

68. Frances A. Yates. The Art of Memory. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966. (page refs to Penguin ed.)

69. Douglas C. Engelbart. Augmenting Human Intellect; a conceptual framework. Stanford Research Institute, 1962. (AFOSR-3223)

70. Gilbert Durand. Les structures anthropologiques de l'imaginaire. Paris, 1963

71. R. Berteaux. La vole symbolique. Lanzeray International, 1978

72. Mircea Eliade. Images et symboles. Gallimard, 1952

73. Mircea Eliade. Le Chamanisme et les techniques archaiques de l'extase. Paris, 1951

74. Charles T. Tart (Ed.). Altered states of consciousness. Wiley 1969. States of Consciousness. Dutton, 1975

75. U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency. Office of the Surgeon General. Soviet and Szechoslovakian Parapsychology Research. Part 11: Psychotronic generator research). Washingtin D.C.: Defense Intelligence Agency. Sept. 1975. (DST-1810S-387-75)

76. Anthony Judge. Mobilization of public opinion; yesterday's response to today's problems. In: Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 1/2, pp. 8-14. [text]

77. Carl G. Jung. Mysterium Coniunctionis. XIV, ff 767-70

78. M. D. Waller. Chladni Figures: a study in symmetry. G. Bell, 1961

79. Abraham H. Maslow. Religions, Values and Peak Experiences. Ohio State University Press 1964

80. Jiri Zeman. Information and psychic activity. In: Progress in Brain Research 17. Ed. Wiener-Schode 1965.

81. G. Jumarie. Further advances in relativistic information and general systems; interferences of observers.  Cybernetica, 21, 1978, 2, pp. 93-123; Jumarie, G.: A relativistic information approach to the structural dynamics of general systems; morphogenesis.  Cybernetica, 19, 1976, 4, pp. 273-304.

82. Hermann Weyl. Symmetry. Princeton University Press 1952. (See also note 33)

83. R. Rolling. The role of graphic display of concept relationships in indexing and retrieval vocabularies. In: P. Atherton (Ed.): Classification Research. Copenhagen: 1965. p. 295 - 325

84. Peter S. Stevens. Patterns in nature. Penguin, 1974

85. Lancelot. Law Whyte (Ed.). Aspects of form. Lund Humphries, 1968

86. J. Piaget. Biology and knowledge; an essay on the relations between organic regulations and cognitive processes. Edinburgh University Press 1971.

87. Colin Cherry. On Human Communication. MIT Press, 1966.

88. Rudolf Arnheim. Gestalt psychology and artistic form. In: Whyte, L. L. (Ed.): Aspects of Form. Lund Humphries 1968, p. 202

89. R. Laban. Choreutics. Macdonald and Evans 1966. (Ed. by Lisa Ullmann)

90. E. Bindel. Die Zahlengrundlagen der Musik. Stuttgart 1950.

91. E. Bindel. Die geistigen Grundlagen der Zahlen. Stuttgart 1958.

92. Jacques Attali. Bruits: essai sur l'économie politique de la musique. Presses Universitarres de France 1977. (Demonstrates how the form of musical innovations heralds equivalent socio-political changes and how music may be used to reinforce the status quo.)

93. A. Ehrenzweig. The hidden order of art; a study in the psychology of artistic imagination. University of California 1967.

94. Gyorgy Kepes (Ed.). Structure in art and in science. Braziller (Vision andValueSeries, several volumes)

95. Matila C. Ghyka. L'esthetique des proportions dans la nature et dans les arts. Editions de la NRF 1927. (see also ref.64)

96. Anthony Pugh. An Introduction to Tensegrity. University of California Press 1976.

97. Anthony Judge. Transcending duality through tensional integrity; from systems-versus-networks to tensegrity organization. In: Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 5, pp. 258 -265 [text]

98. Anthony Judge. Groupware configurations of challenge and harmony; an alternative approach to "alternative organisation". (Paper for a seminar on alternative organizations of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management. Brussels, June 1979) [text]

99. Anthony Judge. Viable need patterns and their identification through constraints on representation in 3-dimensions. In: Lederer, K. (Ed.): Human needs; a contribution to the debate. Berlin: International Institute for Environment and Society (Wissenschaftszentrum) 1979. [text]

100. Anthony Judge. Tensed networks. In: Transnational Associations 30, 1978, 11, pp. 480-485 [text]

101. Anthony Judge. Development; beyond "science" to "wisdom"; facilitating the emergence of nonfigurative understanding in "Councils of the Wise" through computer conferencing dialogues. In: Transnational Associations 31 (1979) No. 7/8, pp. 364-372 [text]

102. Anthony Judge. Organization and lifestyle design; characteristics of a nonverbal structural language. (Paper prepared for the Intern. Konf. Bedingungen des Lebens in der Zukunft und ihre Folgen für die Erziehung. Berlin, November 1978) [text]

103. E. Herrigel. Zen in the art of archery. Pantheon 1953.

104. Scott Boorman. The Protracted Game: a wei ch'i approach to Mao's revolutionary strategy. Oxford University Press, 1971.

105. W. Ross Ashby. Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex systems. Cybernetica, 1, 1958, 2, p. 83

106. Francisco J. Varela. On being autonomous; the lessons of natural history for systems theory. In: G. J. Klir (Ed.): Applied General Systems Research. Plenum Publ. 1978; p.77 83, see also (42)

107. N. S. Don. The transformation of conscious experience and its EEG correlates. Journal of Altered States of Consciousness 3, 1977 78) No. 2, pp. 147-168

108. W. T. Powers. Behavior: the control of perception. Aldine, 1973.

109. G. K. Zipf. Human behavior and the principle of least effort. An introduction to human ecology. Addison-Wesley 1949.

110. B. Mandelbrot. An informational theory of the statistical structure of language. In: W. Jackson (Ed.): Communication Theory. Academic 1953, pp. 486 502

111. Anatol Rapoport. Comment: the stochastic and the "teleological" rationales of certain distributions and the so-called Principle of Least Effort. In: Behavioral Science 2(1957) p. 147-161

112. Gregory Bateson. Mind and Nature; a necessary unity. Dutton, 1979.

113. Ramon Margalef. On certain unifying principles in ecology. In: A. S. Boughey (Ed.): Contemporary Readings in Ecology. Dickenson, 1969.

114. Franz von Rziha. Studien uber Steinmetz-Zeichen. Wien 1883.

115. Raymond Abellio. La structure absolue. Gallimard, 1965.

116. Edward Haskell. Generalization of the structure of Mendeleev's periodic table. In: Full Circle. Gordon and Breach, 1972, pp. 21 -87

117. Stuart C. Dodd. The epicosm model for the material and mental universes. In: Progress in Cybernetics. Gordon and Breach, 1979.

118. G. T. Lockland. Grow or Die: the unifying principle of transformation. Random House 1973.

119. J. Needham. The System of the Book of Changes. In: Science and Civilization in China; the fundamental ideas of Chinese science. Cambridge University Press 1956.

120. Fred van der Blij. Combinatorial aspects of the hexagrams in the Chinese Book of Changes. Scripta Mathematica, 28, 1967, 1, pp. 37 49

121. Martin Gardner. The combinatorial basis of the I Ching. Scientific American, 1974, Jan., pp. 108 -113

122. Z. D. Sung. The Symbols of the Yi King; the symbols of Chinese logic of changes. Paragon Reprint 1969.

123. Martin Schonberger. Verborgener Schlussel zum Leben: Weltformel I-Ging im genetischen Code. Fischer Taschenbuch, 1977.

124. F. Harary. Graph diagrams. In: Graph Theory. Addison-Wesley, 1971, pp. 213 -234

125. Anthony Pugh. Polyhedra: a visual approach.  University of California Press, 1976.

126. E. Kingsley, F. F. Kopstein and R. J. Seidel. Graph theory as a meta-language of communicable knowledge. In: M. D. Rubin (Ed.): Man in systems. Gordon and Breach 1971, pp. 43 69

127. F. F. Kopstein and B. D. Haureider. The macro-structure of subject matter as a factor in instruction. Princeton: Educational Testing Service 1966. (Research Memo RM-66-25)

128. D. Brown and J. Lewis. The Process of conceptualization; some fundamental principles of learning useful in teaching with or without the participation of computers. Menlo Park: Stantord Research Institute. Educational Policy Rcsearch Center 1966?

129. Anthony Judge. Relationship between elements of knowledge. Brussels: Union of International Associations 1971. (Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis. Working Paper No. 3) [text]

130. C. P. Hornung. Handbook of designs and devices. Dover Publications. (Contains 1800 geometric designs based on circle, triangle, square, scroll, cross, etc..

131. P. Pearce. Structure in Nature as a Strategy for Design. MlT Press, 1978.

132. Anthony Judge. Information mapping for development.  Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 5, pp.185 -192. [text]

133. R. J. Heuer, Jr. Cognitive aspects of intelligence analysis. (Paper for the 20th Convention of the International Studies Association, March 1979)

134. Antonio de Nicolas. Meditations through the Rg Veda: four-dimensional man. Shambhala 1978

135. Ernest G. McClain. The Myth of Invariance; the origins of the gods, mathematics and music from the Rg Veda to Plato. Shambhala 1978

136. Roland Fischer. A cartography of the ecstatic and meditative states.  Science 174, 1971, pp. 897 -904

137. Erich Jantsch. Design for Evolution: self-organization and planning in the life of human systems. Braziller 1975

138. Erich Jantsch and C. Waddington (Eds.). Evolution and Consciousness: human systems in transition.  Addison-Wesley, 1976

139. Patrick A. Heelan. The logic of changing classificatory frameworks, In: Wojciechowski, J. A. (Ed.): Conceptual basis of the classification of knowledge. K. G. Saur 1974. p. 260-274

140. Patrick A. Heelan. Complementarity, context-dependence and quantum logic. In: Foundations of Physics, 1, 1970, pp. 95 -100

141. Patrick A. Heelan. Classical logic and quantum logic; their respective roles.  Synthèse, 21, 1970, pp. 2 -33

142. Anthony Judge and David Horton Smith. Interrelating viewpoints in complex meetings. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 12, pp. 542-548 [text]

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