Contains the references of the report Utilisation of International Documentation and its alternative version Societal Learning and the Erosion of Collective Memory
1. Theodore Dimitrov and Luciana Marulli-Koenig (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Documentation of the United Nations and other Intergovernmental Organizations, Geneva, 1972. The Hague, International Federation for Documentation, 1974, 586 p. (FID Publ. 506] [text]
2. Union of International Associations. Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, Union of International Associations and Mankind 2000, 1976, 1136 p.[Currently titled: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential] [commentary]
3. K. Soedjatmoko. The future and the learning capacity of nations: the role of communications. International Institute of Communications, 197B (Lecture to the annual meeting of the Institute, Dubrovnik, 197B)
4. Helmut Arntz. La FID au service de l'humanité. Associations Internationales, 27, 1975, 8/9, pp. 394
5. James W Botkin, Mahdi Elmandjra and Mircea Malitza. No Limits to Learning; bridging the human gap. Oxford, Pergamon, 1979 ("A Report to the Club of Rome")
6, Alvin Toffler. The Third Wave. William Morrow, 1980
7. Starr Roxanne Hiltz and Murray Turoff. The Network Nation; human communication via computer. Addison-Wesley, 1978
8. Newsletter of the World Mind Group (Edited by Professor Goodman, University of Calgary), 1975
9. Declaration. Paris, Informatique pour les Tiers Mondes, 1979
10. Anthony Judge. Representation, comprehension and communication of sets; the role of number. International Classification, 5, 1978, 3, pp. 126-133; 6, 1979, 1, pp. 16-25; 6, 1979, 2, pp. 92-103 (3 parts) [text]
11. W. T. Jones. The Romantic Syndrome: toward a new method in cultural anthropology and history of ideas. Martinus Nijhof, 1961
12. Anthony Judge. Development: beyond "science" to "wisdom" -- facilitating the emergence of configurative understanding in "Councils of the Wise" through computer conferencing dialogues. In: Science and Technology and the Future (Ed Hans Buchholz, Wolfgang Gmelin), K G Saur, 1979 [text]
13. Anthony Judge. The future of comprehension. (Paper prepared for the First Global Conference on the Future, Toronto, 1980) [text]
14. Anthony Judge. Liberation of Integration. (Paper prepared for the 5th Network Meeting of the UN University's project on Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development, Montreal, 1980) [text]
15. Anthony Judge. Information mapping for development. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 5, pp. 1B5-192 [text]
16. D E Hunter and P Whitten. Encyclopaedia of Anthropology. New York, Harper and Row, 1976
17. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.
17a. Lewis Thomas. The lives of a Cell. Penguin. 1978, p. 14
18. J E Boodin. The Social Mind. 1939
19. William McDougall. The Group Mind. 1920
20. J. M. Ziman. Information, communication, knowledge. Nature, 224, 1969, pp. 31B-32
21. Theodore Roszak. Person/Planet. Faber, 197B
22. E. I. Samurin. Geschichte der bibliothekarisch-bibliographischen Klassifikation. Verlag Dokumentation, 1977
23. Ingetraut Dahlberg. Grundlagen universaler Wissensordnung. Verlag Dokumentation. 1974
24. R. F. Ellen and O Reason (Eds). Classifications in their Social Context. Academic Press, 1979
25. Jacques Attali. Bruits; essai sur l'economie politique de la musique. Presses Universitaires de France, 1977
26. Paul Otlet. Monde; essai d'universalisme. Bruxelles, Editions Mundaneum, 1935
27. H. G. Wells. World Encyclopedia. In: Manfred Kochen (Ed). The Growth of Knowledge Wiley, 1967
28. Manfred Kochen. WISE: a world information synthesis and encyclopedia. Journal of Documentation, 28, 1972, 12, 4, pp. 322-343
29. Harry Scwarzlander. Encyclopedic storage of scientific and technical knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech. Vol. EWS-13, 2, Sept 1970, pp. 48-57
30. Dagobert Soergel. An automated encyclopedia; a solution of the information problem ? International Classification, 4, 1977, 1, pp. 4-10
31. United Nations. Directory of United Nations Information Systems. United Nations
33. Edgar Faure, et al. Learning to Be. Unesco, 1972 (Report of the International Commission on the Development of Education)
34. Anthony Judge. Limits to Human Potential. Brussels, Mankind 2000 and Union of International Associations. 1976 [text]
35. Anthony Judge. Why systems fail and problems sprout anew. Transnational Associations, 30, 197B, 11, pp. 491-496 [text]
36. Robert Johansen, et al. Electronic Meetings. Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1979
37. Anthony Judge. Facilitating the networking processes of a transnational university using computer conferencing. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 4, pp. 205-214 [text]
38. Anthony Judge. Groupware configurations of challenge and harmony. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 10, pp. 467-475 [text]
39. Manfred Kochen. Policy-oriented teams in computer conference. (Unpublished paper, 1980)
40. Anthony Judge. Large-group Conferences. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1980 [text]
41. Harold D Lasswell. The transition toward more sophisticated procedures. In: Davis B Bobrow and J L Scwartz (Eds). Computers and the Policy-making Community; applications to international relations. Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp 307-314
42-50 Omitted
51. Anthony Judge. Mobilization of public opinion; yesterday's response to today's problems. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 1/2, pp 8-14 [text]
52. United Nations, Secretary General. Dissemination of Information and Mobilization of Public Opinion Relative to Problems of Development. New York (E/5358, 21 May 1973)
53. Johan Galtung. Processes in the UN System. Geneva, Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development Project of the UN University (Report of a meeting, Geneva, 1980)
56. P A Heelan. The Logic of Changing Classificatory Frameworks. In: J A Wojciechowski (Ed). Conceptual Basis of the Classification of Knowledge. K G Saur, 1974, pp. 260-274
57. C A Hooker. The impact of quantum theory on the conceptual bases for the classification of knowledge. In: J A Wojciechowski (Ed), ref. 56, pp 284-318
59. Anthony Judge. From systems-versus-networks to tensegrity organization. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 5, pp. 258-265 [text]
60. Walter Kintsch. The Representation of Meaning in Memory. New York, Wiley, 1974
61. Nico H Frijda. Things to remember. In: ref. 62, pp. 143-159
62. Alan Kennedy and Alan Wilkes (Eds). Studies in Long-term Memory. Wiley, 1974
63. John Morton. Structuring experience; some discussion points. In ref. 62, pp. 89-101
64. G R Kiss. An associative thesaurus of English: structural analysis of a large relevance network. In ref. 62, pp. 103-121
65. Arthur I Schulman. Encoding processes and the memorability of events. In ref. 62, pp. 43-56
66. Allan Paivio. Imagery and long-term memory. In ref. 62, pp. 57-85
67. Anthony Judge. Patterns of N-foldnesss comparison of integrated multi-set concept schemes as forms of presentation. (Paper prepared for 8 meeting on Forms of Presentation of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the UN University, Geneva, 1960) [text]
68. Anthony Judge. The territory construed as a map. (Paper prepared in connection with the Forms of Presentation sub-project of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the UN University, 1979) [text]
69, Marie-Louise von Franz. Number and Time.Rider, 1974 (chapter on: Archetypes and numbers as "fields" of unfolding rhythmical sequences)
70. Anthony Judge. Metaconferencing. Transnational Associations, 32, 1980, forthcoming (section on "thematic tensegrities") [text]
71. Robert W Schaaf. International documentation: serving users' needs. (Paper for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, 1980)
72. Gyorgy Rozsa. On some features of the documents of international intergovernmental organisations (outline of a study) (Paper for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, l980)
73. Edward de Bono. Lateral Thinking: a textbook of creativity. 1970
74. Eve Johansson. Utilization of international documentation. (Paper for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, 1980)
74a Georges Gusdorf. Interdisciplinarite. In: Encyclopaedia Universalis, vol. 8. pp. 1086-1090
75. J P Chillag. International documentation at the British Library Lending Division. (Paper for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, 1980)
76. Anthony Judge. Knowledge-representation in a computer-supported environment. International Classification, 4, 1977, 2, up 76-81 [text]
77. Fred W. Riggs. Technical Jargon and ordinary language (Memorandum for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels. 1980)
78. Ingetraut Dahlberg.
79. P. Vasarhelyi. The relevance of INTERCONCEPT for classification and indexing. International Classification, 7, 1960, 1, pp. 6-9
80. Fred W. Riggs. The design of glossaries: an example from "networking". (Paper prepared for the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, 1980)
81. G A Talland and N C Waugh (Eds). The Pathology of Memory. Academic, 19B9
82. Richard Wilhelm (Tr.). The I Ching or Book of Changes. Princeton University Press, 1967
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