29 May 2004 | Draft
Confusion in the Moment of Dialogue
Checklist of patterns of behaviour and attitude inhibiting
better dialogue
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Preliminary list
- Withholding relevant information to preserve advantage
- Anecdotal distraction to attract attention inappropriately
- Placement of irrelevant information in support of other agendas
- Commitments made, possibly only for effect, that are readily forgotten
- Uncritical belief in the meaningful convergence of the process
- Inability to interrelate relevant perspectives
- Time pressure on communication of relevant information
- Misplaced concreteness obscuring subtler insights
- Pressure of courtesy, protocol and due recognition -- undermining other
- Aesthetic attraction or repulsion inappropriately distorting the exchange
- Remembrance of the past inhibiting emergence of the new
- Enthusiastic focus on the new inhibiting ability to remember learnings of
the past
- Expectations of future advantage distorting effective engagement in the
- Inability to express meaningfully insights from other disciplines, languages,
contexts, or modes of communication
- Devaluation of subtler insights that briefly emerge, thus favouring dominance
of the obvious
- Inability to achieve reciprocity of pace and timing to ensure mutual entrainment
in the dialogue process
- Failure to appreciate significance carried by the symbolism of the moment
- Frustration at priority accorded to other necessary perspectives
- Impatience with the priorities of the moment and doubts regarding the opportunities
of the occasion
- Discouraging others by challenging them and by concealing agreement, when
they are in need of reinforcement
- Concealing disagreement that will determine subsequent action
Lloyd F. Bitzer. The Rhetorical Situation. In: William A. Covino (Ed).
Rhetoric: Concepts, Definitions, Boundaries. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.
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