This document contains the bibliographical resources originally assembled for Poetic Engagement with Afghanistan, Caucasus and Iran: an unexplored strategic opportunity? (2009) in response to strategic challenges in the region named.
This is a development of earlier studies of the interface between strategy and poetry (Poetry-making and Policy-making: arranging a marriage between Beauty and the Beast, 1993; Ensuring Strategic Resilience through Haiku Patterns: reframing the scope of the "martial arts" in response to strategic threats, 2006) as well as in relation to the role of music and song (A Singable Earth Charter, EU Constitution or Global Ethic? 2006; Reframing the EU Reform Process -- through Song responding to the Irish challenge to the Lisbon Treaty, 2008; All Blacks of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic discord through polyphony? 2007).
More speculatively, the argument had previously been explored as Aesthetics of Governance in the Year 2490 (1990).
The references included here focus on an interface associated with enabling skills that combine the following:
Abbas Ali:
Ali M. Ahad. Could Poetry Define Nationhood? the case of Somali oral poetry and the nation. Journal of Historical and European Studies, 1, December 2007, pp. 51-57 [text]
Samuel G. Armistead. Improvised Poetry in the Spanish Tradition. In: Samuel G. Armistead and Joseba Zulaika (Eds.). Voicing the Moment: improvised oral poetry and Basque tradition, 2005, pp 29-43
Samuel G. Armistead and Joseba Zulaika (Eds.). Voicing the Moment: improvised oral poetry and Basque tradition. University of Nevada, Reno. Center for Basque Studies University of Nevada Press, 2005
Muhsin J. al-Musawi. Arabic Poetry Trajectories of Modernity and Tradition. Routledge, 2006
Christopher Alexander. A Pattern Language. Oxford University Press, 1977 [summary]
Julia Ashtiany and J. D. Latham (Ed.). 'Abbasid belles-lettres. Cambridge University Press, 1990
Gorka Aulestia. Improvisational Poetry from the Basque Country. Trans. by Lisa Corcostegui and Linda White. Reno, University of Nevada Press, 1995
Muhammed I. Ayish. Communication Research in the Arab World: a new perspective. The Public, 5, 1998, 1, pp. 33-57 [text]
M. M. Badawi. 'Abbasid Poetry and its Antecedents. In: Julia Ashtiany, J. D. Latham (Ed.). 'Abbasid belles-lettres. Cambridge University Press, 1990
Anindita Basu and David Cavallo. Full-Contact Poetry: creating space for poetic collaboration. MIT Media Laboratory [text]
Richard Bauman. Verbal Art as Performance. Waveland Press, 1984
Charles Bernstein (Ed.). The Politics of Poetic Form: poetry and public policy. Roof, 1990
Michael Bibby. Hearts and Minds: poetry and resistance in the Vietnam Era. Rutgers University Press, 1996
S. A. Bonebakker. Irtidjal. Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. 4, Leiden, 1978, pp. 80-81
Marsha Bradfield and Jem Mackay. An Aesthetics of Matters of Concern. Critical Practice, 2008 [text]
Ted Buswick, Clare Morgan and Kirsten Lange. Poetry in the Boardroom: thinking beyond the facts. Journal of Business Strategy, 26, 1, 2005, pp. 34-40 [abstract]
Robert H. Canary. Utopian and Fantastic Dualities in Robert Graves's Watch the North Wind Rise. Science Fiction Studies, 4, 1, 4, Fall 1974 [text]
Vicente Cantarino. Arabic Poetics in the Golden Age. Brill, 1975
Andrew Carroll (Ed.). Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families. Random House, 2006
Jimmy Carter:
Emma Cayley:
Carolyn Chapman. Rhapsody for Peace: reconciliation in Transylvania. The World and I, November 2001 [abstract]
Sami Shalom Chetri. Palestine as poetry. Haaretz, 19 October 2006 [text]
Donald Lemen Clark. Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance: a study of rhetorical terms in English Renaissance literary criticism. Kessinger Publishing, 2004
Steve Coll. Restoring Poetry to Afghanistan. NPR, 24 January 2005 [text]
Keith Critchlow. Islamic Patterns: an analytical and cosmological approach. Inner Traditions, 1999
Lynn Davidson. Beware: Do Not Read This Poem (Criticism). In: Poetry for Students, The Gale Group, 1999 [text]
V.S.M. De Guinzbourg. Wit and Wisdom of the United Nations: proverbs and apothegms of diplomacy. United Nations, 1961
Alan Dundes, Jerry W. Leach and Bora Ozkok. The Strategy of Turkish Boys' Verbal Dueling. In: Essays in Folkloristics. Ed. by Alan Dundes. Journal of American Folklore. 83, 1970, pp. 325-49
Peter Dunn and Loraine Leeson. The Aesthetics of Collaboration. Art Journal , March 1997 [abstract]
Rebecca Dyer. Poetry of Politics and Mourning: Mahmoud Darwish's genre-transforming tribute to Edward W. Said. PMLA, 122, 5, October 2007, pp. 1447-1462 [abstract]
Lucy Morgan Edwards. Afghans seize on poem to make sense of their world. The Scotsman, 8 October 2002 [text]
Andoni Egaña. The Process of Creating Improvised Bertsos. Oral Tradition, 22, 2, 2007 [text]
C. Elliot. The Power of Satire: Magic, Ritual, Art. Princeton, NJ 1960
Angela Esterhammer. Romanticism and Improvisation, 1750-1850. Cambridge University Press, 2008
John Feffer. On Political Poetry. Foreign Policy In Focus, 17 August 2007 [text]
James W. Fernandez. Playfulness and Planfulness: improvisation and revitalization in culture. In: Samuel G. Armistead and Joseba Zulaika (Eds.). Voicing the Moment: improvised oral poetry and Basque tradition, 2005, pp. 97-119
Ruth H. Finnegan:
John Miles Foley:
Joe Futrelle. Pentagon to Track American Poetry. NewsPoetry, 24 November 2002 [text]
Rachel Galvin. Of Poets, Prophets, and Politics. Humanities, January/February 2002, 23, 1 [text]
Mary M. Garrett:
Gary Mex Glazner (Ed.). Poetry Slam: the competitive art of performance poetry. San Francisco, Manic D Press, 2000.
Lorrie Goldensohn. Dismantling Glory: twentieth-century soldier poetry. Columbia University Press, 2003 [extracts]
Robert Graves. Watch the North Wind Rise (Seven Days in New Crete).London: Cassell, 1949 [summary]
Adnan Haydar. The Development of Lebanese Zajal: genre, meter, and verbal duel. Oral Tradition, 4, 1-2, January, 1989 [text]
Eleanor D. Helms. Language and Responsibility: the possibilities and problems of poetic thinking for environmental philosophy. Environmental Philosophy, 5, 2008, 1, pp. 23-36 [text]
John M. Hill, Deborah M. Sinnreich-Levi, Robert O. Payne. The Rhetorical Poetics of the Middle Ages: reconstructive polyphony. Fairleigh Dickinson Univiversity Press, 2000
Patrick Colm Hogan. Philosophical Approaches to the Study of Literature. University Press of Florida, 2000 [extracts]
Ibn Qutaiba. 'Uyun al-akhbar. Cairo, 1964
Ibn Rushd (Averroes). Averroes' Commentary on Aristotle's Poetics. Princeton University Press, 1986
Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Avicenna's Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle. Dahiyat
John Kao. Jamming: the art and discipline of business. Collins Business, 1997
Elisabeth Kendall:
Jonathan Kertzer. Poetic Argument: studies in modern poetry. McGill-Queen's Univeristy Press, 1989
Masood Khalili and Whitney Azoy. An Assembly of Moths: selected poems of Khalilullah Khalili. Delhi, 2004
Martin Kramer. Arab Nationalism: mistaken identity. Daedalus, Summer 1993, pp. 171-206. [text]
M. Kveselava. Anthology of Georgian Poetry. The Minerva Group, Inc., 2002 [extracts]
Chad Lykins. The Practical and the Poetic: Heidegger and James on Truth. Chrestomathy: Annual Review of Undergraduate Research at the College of Charleston, 2, 2003, pp. 175-200 [text]
Sayd Bahodine Majrouh. Songs of Love and War: Afghan Women's Poetry. Other Press , 2003
Fred Marchant. War Poets From Viet Nam. Humanities, March/April 1998, Volume 19/Number 2 [text]
John McCumber. Poetic Interaction: language, freedom, reason. University of Chicago Press, 1989
Maureen N. McLane. On the Use and Abuse of "Orality" for Art: reflections on romantic and late Twentieth-Century poiesis. Oral Tradition, 17, 1,March 2002 [text]
James T. Monroe. Improvised Invective in Hispano-Arabic Poetry and Ibn Quzman's "Zajal 87" (When Blonde Meets Blone). In: Samuel G. Armistead and Joseba Zulaika (Eds.). Voicing the Moment: improvised oral poetry and Basque tradition, 2005, pp. 135-159
Dave Morice. Poetry Poker: misfit improvisations on language. Teachers and Writers, 23, 4, March-April 1992, pp. 1-6, EJ441035 [abstract]
Kinhide Mushakoji. Global Issues and Interparadigmatic Dialogue. Torino, Albert Meynier, 1988
Peter Nasmyth. Georgia: in the mountains of poetry. Routledge, 2006
Yvette Neisser. The Dialogue of Poetry: Palestinian and Israeli poets writing through conflict and peace. Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, 7, 1&2, 2000 (The Search for Regional Cooperation Culture) [text]
Lucy Newlyn. Coleridge, Wordsworth and the Language of Allusion. Oxford University Press, 2001 [extracts]
Lillis O'Laoire. The Right Words: Conflict and Resolution in an Oral Gaelic Song Text. Oral Tradition, 19, 2, October, 2004 [text]
David R. Olson. From Utterance to Text: the bias of language in speech and writing. Harvard EducationalReview, 47, 1977, pp. 257-81.
Jeff Opland. Xhosa Poets and Poetry. David Philip Publishers, 1998
C. Pellat. Hayawan. Encyclopedia of Islam, Leiden, Brill, 1971
John Clark Pratt. Poetry and Vietnam. In: Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History, 1998 [text]
Diana L. Rahm. Poetry of Conflict: Egypt, Israel and Palestine. Washington DC, Center for International Education, 2000, ERIC ED 451 113 [text]
Giuseppe Regaldi and Giannina Milli. Poetic improvisation in the nineteenth century: The Modern Language Review, 101, July 2006, 3 pp. 701-715 [abstract]
Alfredo Retortillo and Xabier Aierdi. A Sociological Study of Sung, Extempore Verse-Making in Basque. Oral Tradition, 22, 2, 2007, pp. 13-31 [text]
Jack Ricchiuto. Collaborative Creativity: unleashing the power of shared thinking. OakHill Press, 1996
Rick Rozoff. Eurasian Crossroads: the Caucasus in US-NATO War Plans. April 2009 [text]
Jeffrey C. Robinson. Romantic Poetry: the possibilities for improvisation. Wordsworth Circle, June 2007 [text]
Stanley Rosen. Plato's Republic: A Study. Yale University Press, 2005)
William Rowlandson. 'Un mito es una imagen participada', Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 87, 2, 2010 [text]
R. Rubinacci. Political Poetry. In: Julia Ashtiany, J. D. Latham (Ed.). 'Abbasid belles-lettres. Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 181-201 [extracts]
Elizabeth D. Samet. Soldier's Heart: reading literature through peace and war at West Point. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007 [review]
Dirgham H. Sbait:
Bradd Shore. Culture in Mind: cognition, culture, and the problem of meaning, Oxford University Press, 1996 [extracts]
Saadi A. Simawe. Modernism and Mmetaphor in Contemporary Arabic Poetry. World Literature Today, Spring 2001 [text]
Catherine Schlegel. Horace Satires 1.7: Satire as Conflict Irresolution. Arethusa, 32, 3, Fall 1999, pp. 337-352 [abstract]
Michael Schrage. Shared Minds: the new technologies of collaboration. Random House, 1990 [review]
Slate. Rummy's Ruminations: the collected poetry of Donald Rumsfeld. Slate, 9 November 2006 [text]
Frederick Sommer. The Poetic Logic of Art and Aesthetics. In: Sommer Words, University of Arizona Press, 1984
Susan B.A. Somers-Willett:
Saad A. Sowayan:
Tom Strong. Poetic Possibilities in Conversations About Suffering. Contemporary Family Therapy, 24, 3, September 2002, pp. 457-473 [abstract]
Tod Swift and Norton Phillip (Eds.). Short Fuse: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry. Rattapallax Press, 2002
Allyson G. Tintiangco-Cubales. Rearticulating Slam and Rediscovering Balagtasan: rhyming debates and poetic jousting as performance pedagogy. Paper presentation at Foothill Community College Conference on Asian Pacific American Heritage, 2005
Mairead Todd and Gene Perry. Middle East and Islam: Poetry [web resources]
Maximiano Trapero. Improvised Oral Poetry in Spain. In: Samuel G. Armistead and Joseba Zulaika (Eds.). Voicing the Moment: improvised oral poetry and Basque tradition, 2005, pp. 45-64
Morihei Ueshiba. Doka: The Poems of Ueshiba Morihei -- Insights for a Modern Way of Life. Furyu: The Budo Journal, Winter 1996 (translated and analyzed with respect to aikido by Roderick Kobayashi and edited by Robert Frankovich) [text]
Geert Jan van Gelder. The Bad and the Ugly: attitudes towards invective poetry (hija') in classical Arabic literature. Brill Archive, 1988 [extracts]
Geert Jan van Gelder and Marlé Hammond (Eds). Takhyil: the imaginary in classical Arabic poetics. The E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust, 2008
Jeffrey Walker. Rhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity. Oxford University Press, 2000 [extracts]
Andrew Warwick. Masters of Theory: Cambridge and the Rise of Mathematical Physics. University of Chicago Press, 2003
Tjebbe A. Westendorp and Jane Mallinson (Ed.). Politics and the rhetoric of poetry: perspectives on modern Anglo-Irish poetry. Rodopi, 1995 [extracts]
Linda White. Orality and Basque Nationalism: dancing with the devil or waltzing into the future? Oral Tradition, 16, 1, March, 2001 [text]
Jon Whitman. Allegory: the dynamics of an ancient and medieval technique. Oxford University Press / Harvard University Press, 1987
David Whyte:
Eleanor Wilner. Poetry and the Pentagon: Unholy Alliance? Poetry Magazine, October 2004 [text]
Ehud Ya'ari and Ina Friedman. Curses in Verses. The Atlantic Monthly, February 1991, pp. 22-26
Marat Yermukanov. Kazakh Folk Poetry Slams Corrupt Establishment. CACI Analyst (Central Asia-Caucasus Institute), 21 February 2007 [text]
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