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24th May 2008 | Draft

Configuring Global Governance Groups

Experimental animations and video sequences

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Associated with Towards Polyhedral Global Governance: complexifying oversimplistic strategic metaphors (2008), Polyhedral Pattern Language: software facilitation of emergence, representation and transformation of psycho-social organization (2008) and Polyhedral Empowerment of Networks through Symmetry: psycho-social implications for organization and global governance (2008)

Animations and video sequences
Presented separately:
-- Exercise A: Using a selection of international nongovernmental groups
-- Exercise B: Using a selection of 12 UN Specialized Agencies
-- Exercise C: Using the 20 members of the emergent L20 Group
-- Exercise D: Sustainable development issues fom Earth Summit (1992)


In the light of the arguments presented in the above-mentioned associated papers, the following visualization exercises were undertaken to determine the value of configuring a set of groups variously perceived as significant to global governance. The selection of groups may be considered arbitrary, controversial or provocative; this is not the point. The purpose is to explore how these groups might be understood as forming an integrated set -- functioning in an integrated, rather than fragmented, manner.

The positioning of the bodies with respect to one another in the images below is to be considered as arbitrary and for illustrative purposes only. The attribution of colours and the juxtaposition of labelled groups is also purely illustrative.

Note that because of the animations, this page may not load correctly in the Mozilla-Firefox browser. Images may not load and animations may not move. This is due to particular choices of a user's browser setttings -- which you could change, as explained elsewhere in detail. They appear to work correctly in Internet Explorer which could be used as an alternative.

The video version indicated is more satisfactory, as a smoother presentation, but requires higher bandwidth (longer load time).

Animations and video sequences

The application (Stella Polyhedron Navigator) allows for simulated 3-dimensional manipulation asd well as export in 3-D formats, including VRML. However the latter export format lacks distinguishing labels. An alternative was therefore to record the screen sequences as videos (AVI format) that can be replayed in standard players. Several of these, based on those in Exercise A, have been made accessible as an inspiration for future possibilities. They should of course be considered experimental, especially given the bandwidth implications of the longer sequences.

Animated versions of selected images (sample of frames)
[click on each for enlarged versions moving smoothly]
Video version [4.3 MB] Video version [3.9 MB]
Video version [11.6 MB] Video version [7.2 MB]
Video version [6.1 MB] Video version [7.0 MB]
Video version [10.3 MB] (A) Video version [27.0 MB] (B)
Titled combination of A and B [FLV 15 MB]
Video versions [titled movie FLV 4 MB; WMV 4.4 MB (only via Windows browser);
untitled version AVI 10.3 MB]

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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