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12th May 2008 | Draft

An Inconvenient Truth

about any inconvenient truth

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Produced on the occasion of the world response to global climate change, global financial crisis, global food crisis, global energy crisis, global water crisis, and continuing cycles of violence

An inconvenient truth is always framed so as to:

As an "inconvenient truth" in its own right the above formulation should necessarily:

The degree of convenience of a truth is typically a function of the brevity of its formulation, the ease with which it can be articulated, communicated and comprehended, and the degree to which this enables any more inconvenient truth to be obscured.


Prime candidate for a truth that is too inconvenient for consideration -- at the source of the crises named above, : overpopulation

Action responses in conformity with the above pattern

Initiation of:

Technological illustrations of the inconvenience of any inconvenient truth relating to global governance

The simplicity, comprehensibility and communicability of an inconvenient truth is well-illustrated by:

In the light of such various degrees of engagement with technology:

Again, the comvenience of the explanation of any technology depends on it being significantly shorter than that required for its operationalization in practice -- implying that any remedial technique is necessarily both a challenge to implement and to justify funding for its development.

What inconvenient truth does this imply about the democratic global governance desirable for the future?

The inconvenient truth about truth
would seem to be that its simplicity is not to be found
where it would be most convenient for it to be


Jared M. Diamond. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. 2005

Thomas Homer-Dixon. The Upside of Down: catastrophe, creativity, and the renewal of civilization. 2006

Anthony Judge:

John Ralston Saul. The Unconscious Civilization. 1995

Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The Black Swan: the impact of the highly improbable. 2007

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