Annex A of Primary Global Reserve Currency: the Con?
Cognitive implications of a prefix for sustainable confidelity (2011)
The two tables presented below endeavour to highlight the use of prefixes and especially the use of "con" as a prefix. These complement the earlier tables on a more extensive array of prefixes (New Paradigms via a Renewed Set of Prefixes: dependence of international policy-making on an array of operational terms, 2003). Table 2 is reproduced from that study. It should be stressed that these exercises are deliberately exploratory with the intention of scoping out the possibility for more systematic and detailed investigation. Indicative extracts from the tables here are presented in the main paper.
One question is how such information might be more fruitfully presented to encourage investigation and offer an early sense of potentially interesting conclusions. What is the form of presentation of an array of prefixes which would enable new thinking on global discourse of relevance to any global currency? This question is taken up in a second Annex B (Embodiment of Identity in Conscious Creativity).
The first table highlights the "con-words", using one tentative clustering. The second distributes usage of the word-roots between a selected set of prefixes, using a second approach to clustering. The second table, from the earlier research, combines the prefixes, co- and com- with con-, whereas the first considers only the latter.
Notable omissions from the first table are instances of "double" prefixes, such as unconscious. A questionable feature of this preliminary exercise is the inclusion as prefixed "con-words" of words where the root is not a word independent of the prefix (as with the "-scious" portion of "con-scious"). In this respect the case of "-cept" (as in concept") is especially interesting through its etymological relation to "taking in" -- potentially as a prelude to engendering. The tables could of course be enriched in future by indicating frequencies of prefix usage.
Alternative clusterings of word-roots | |
Table 1 | Table 2 |
Considerations in identifying words for this table:
Table 1: Word-roots prefixed with "con" juxtaposed with their use with other prefixes (roughly clustered as indicated in the left-hand column) |
Root |
Con+root | Variants based on other prefixes whether on noun or verb (excluding versions with multiple prefixes) |
1.0 Structure / Order / Pattern | ||
-join / -jointly | conjoin / conjointly | adjoin, conjoin, disjoin, enjoin, injoin, interjoin, misjoin, rejoin, subjoin, underjoin, unjoin |
-vene / -vention | convene / convention | circumvention, contravention, intervention, invention, obvention, prevention, subvention, supervention, |
-ference | conference | circumference, deference, difference, inference, interference, preference, reference, transference |
-volution / -volute | convolution / convolute | advolution, circumvolution, devolution, evolution, intervolution, involution, revolution, |
-stitution | constitution | destitution, institution, prostitution, reinstitution, restitution, substitution |
-figuration / -figure | configuration / configure | defigure, disfigure, prefigure, refigure, transfigure |
-struct / -struction | construct / construction | destruction, instruction, obstruction, substruction, superstruction |
-tortion | contortion | detortion, distortion, extortion, intortion, retortion |
-gregation / -gregate | congregation / congregate | aggregation, disgregation, segregation |
-clave | conclave | enclave, exclave, inclave |
-verge / -vergence | converge / convergence | devergence, divergence |
-glomeration | conglomeration | agglomeration |
-nect / -nection | connect / connection | subnect |
-terminous | conterminous | - |
-stellate / -stellation | constellate / constellation | - |
-fraternity | confraternity | - |
-sortium | consortium | - |
-catenate | concatenate | - |
-federate / -federation | confederate / confederation | - |
-dominium | condominium | - |
1.1 Boundednes / Integrity / Identity | ||
-traction | contraction | abstraction, attraction, detraction, distraction, extraction, protraction, retraction, substraction, subtraction |
-stable | constable | bistable, contrastable, instable, intastable, metastable, nonstable, prestable, unstable |
-dition | condition | dedition, edition, extradition, perdition, prodition, redition, sedition, tradition |
-tain / -tainer | contain / container | attain, detain, distain, obtain, pertain, retain, sustain |
-strict / -striction / -stringe | constrict / constriction / constringe | astriction, distriction, obstriction, presstriction, restriction |
-strain / -straint | constrain / constraint | distrain, overstrain, restrain, superstrain, unstrain |
-text | context | intext, pretext |
-servation / -serve | conservation / conserve | preservation, reservation |
-tinence | continence | abstinence, pertinence, |
-tact | contact | intact |
-tour | contour | detour |
-valesce | convalesce | - |
1.2 Complementarity | ||
-verse | converse | adverse, averse, controverse, diverse, everse, inverse, obverse, perverse, reverse, subverse, transverse, traverse, underverse, universe |
-sistence | consistence | absistence, insistence, overinsistence, persistence, resistence, subsistence, |
-sonance | consonance | assonance, dissonance, equisonance, resonance, unisonance, |
-silience | consilience | dissilience, resilience, transilience |
-similitude | consimilitude | dissimilitude, verisimilitude, |
-sociation | consociation | association, dissociation |
-tiguity | contiguity | - |
-comitant / -comitance | concomitant / concomitance | - |
-gruence / -gruity | congruence / congruity | - |
2.0 Time | ||
-current | concurrent | countercurrent, crosscurrent, decurrent, discurrent, excurrent, incurrent, intercurrent, occurrent, percurrent, recurrent, uncurrent, undercurrent, |
-secutive | consecutive | prosecutive, subsecutive |
-temporary / -temporaneity | contemporary / contemporaneity | cotemporary, extemporary |
-tinuity | continuity | - |
-tinuum | continuum | - |
3.0 Focus / Concern / Commitment | ||
-fluence | confluence | affluence, circumfluence, diffluence, effluence, fluence, influence, profluence, refluence, superfluence |
-cise | concise | abscise, circumcise, criticise, excise, incise, precise |
-cern | concern | decern, discern, excern |
-dense / -densation | condense / condensation | - |
-centrate | concentrate | - |
-cert | concert | - |
-solidate | consolidate | - |
3.1 Intimacy / Entanglement | ||
-sort | consort | assort, besort, missort, resort |
-specific | conspecific | nonspecific, subspecific, unspecific |
-nubial | connubial | manubial, pronubial |
-sanguine / -sanguinity | consanguine / consanguinity | ensanguine, exsanguine |
-cubine / -cubinage | concubine / concubinage | succubine |
-fidentiality / -fiding | confidentiality / confiding | - |
-genital | congenital | - |
-jugal | conjugal | - |
-cupiscence | concupiscence | - |
-dom | condom | - |
3.2 Empathy / Feeling | ||
-tent / -tentment | content / contentment | attent, detent, distent, extent, intent, ostent, portent, potent, retent, untent |
-temper | contemper | attemper, destemper, distemper, mistemper, obtemper,untemper |
-genial | congenial | primigenial, primogenial, ungenial |
-solation / -sole | consolation / console | desolation, insolation, isolation |
-dolence | condolence | indolence, redolence |
-fidence | confidence | diffidence, prefidence |
-tempt | contempt | attempt, overtempt |
-trition | contrition | attrition, detrition |
-dign | condign | indign |
-niption | conniption | - |
-descension | condescension | - |
4.0 Agreement / Disagreement | ||
-cession / -cede | concession / concede | abscession, accession, decession, discession, incession, intercession, introcession, precession, procession, recession, retrocession, secession, succession |
-vent | convent | advent, circumvent, event, intervent, invent, prevent, provent, |
-cur | concur | excur, incur, intercur, occur, recur, reincur, transcur |
-tract | contract | attract, detract, distract, extract, protract, retract, subtract |
-sent / -senting | consent / consenting | absent, assent, dissent, present, resent, unsent |
-test | contest | obtest, pretest, protest, retest |
-cordance | concordance | accordance, discordance, recordance |
-firm / -firmation | confirm / confirmation | affirmation, obfirmation |
-sension | consension | dissension, presension |
-substantiate / -substantiation | consubstantiate / consubstantiation | transubstantiate |
-flict | conflict | afflict, inflict, |
-front | confront | affront, effront |
-sensus / -sensual | consensus / consensual | supersensual, |
-ciliation | conciliation | domiciliation |
-done / -donation | condone / condonation | - |
-troversy / -troversial | controversy / controversial | - |
-cordat | concordat | - |
4.1 Pattern / Norm | ||
-form / -formity | conform / conformity | biform, deform, efform, enform, inform, outform, perform, preform, reform, transform, unform, uniform, variform |
-stant | constant | circumstant, distant, instant,restant, substant |
-suetude | consuetude | assuetude, desuetude, insuetude |
4.2 Visibility / Salience / Trickery / Subterfuge | ||
-spiracy / -spiration | conspiracy / conspiration | aspiration, inspiration, interspiration, perspiration, respiration, suspiration, transpiration, |
-vert | convert | revert, divert, subvert, invert, pervert |
-juration / -juror | conjuration / conjuror | abjuration, adjuration, objuration |
-spicuous | conspicuous | perspicuous, transpicuous |
-nivance / -nive | connivance / connive | - |
-ceal | conceal | - |
4.3 Judgement / Opinion / Belief | ||
-version | conversion | adversion, anteversion, aversion, contraversion, controversion, diversion, eversion, extraversion, extroversion, introversion, inversion, obversion, perversion, retroversion, reversion, subversion, transversion, |
-scribe / -scription | conscribe / conscription | ascription, circumscription, description, inscription, prescription, proscription, rescription, subscription, superscription, transcription, |
-viction / -vince | conviction / convince | eviction, reviction |
-ceit | conceit | deceit, receit |
-demnation | condemnation | - |
-vict | convict | |
4.4 Discourse | ||
-vocation / -voke | convocation / convoke | advocation, avocation, devocation, equivocation, evocation, invocation, provocation, revocation, sevocation, univocation |
-gress | congress | aggress, digress, egress, ingress, progress, regress, transgress |
-fer / -ference | confer / -ference | afer, circumfer, defer, infer, prefer, refer |
-versation / -verse | conversation / converse | aversation, malversation, tergiversation |
-fess / -fession | confess / confession | profess |
-sult / -sultation | consult / consultation | insult, result |
-fabulate | confabulate | - |
4.5 Deprive / Attribute | ||
-sign / -signment | consign / consignment | assign, cosign, countersign, design, ensign, obsign, resign, subsign, undersign |
-fine / -finement | confine / confinement | affine, define, diffine, prefine, redefine, refine, superfine |
-ferment / -ferral | conferment / conferral | deferment, preferment, referment |
-signify / -signification | consignify / consignification | adsignify, presignify |
-fute | confute | refute |
-fiscate | confiscate | - |
-gratulation | congratulation | - |
5.0 Engender | ||
-cept / -ception / -ceive | concept / conception / conceive | acception, contraception, deception, exception, inception, interception,misconception, perception, preception, proception, proprioception, reception, superconception, susception, |
-fect / -fection | confect / confection | affection, defection, disaffection, effection, infection, perfection, profection, refection |
-coct | concoct | decoct,excoct, recoct |
5.1 Influence | ||
-duce / -ducive | conduce / conducive | abduce, adduce, circumduce, deduce, educe, induce, interduce, introduce, obduce, produce, reduce, seduce, subduce, traduce, transduce |
-duct / -duction / -ductor | conduct / conduction / conductor | abduct, adduct, deduct, educt, induct, introduct,obduct, product, reduct, subduct, traduct |
-crete | concrete | accrete, decrete, discrete, excrete |
-trol | control | - |
5.2 Outcome | ||
-clusion (closure) |
conclusion | circumclusion, disclusion, exclusion, inclusion, interclusion, occlusion, preclusion, reclusion, seclusion |
-gestion | congestion | digestion, disgestion, egestion, indigestion, ingestion, suggestion, |
-found | confound | infound, profound, refound |
-secrate / -secration | consecrate / consecration | desecrate, obsecrate, unconsecrate |
-sequence | consequence | subsequence |
-summate / -summation | consummate / consummation | missummation |
-tagion / -tagious | contagion / contagious | - |
-taminate / -tamination | contaminate / contamination | |
5.3 Collapse / Fusion | ||
-fusion | confusion | affusion, circumfusion, diffusion, effusion, fusion, infusion, interfusion, intrafusion, perfusion, profusion, refusion, suffusion, transfusion |
-flux | conflux | afflux, deflux, efflux,influx, overflux, reflux, superflux, transflux |
-sume / -sumption | consume / consumption | absumption, assumption, presumption, resumption, subsumption, transumption |
-glutination | conglutination | agglutination, deglutination |
-flation | conflation | inflation / reflation |
-flagration | conflagration | deflagration |
-geal | congeal | - |
-globation | conglobation | - |
6.0 Implication / Meaning | ||
-jection | jection | abjection, adjection, dejection, disjection, ejection, injection, interjection, introjection, objection, projection, rejection,subjection, superinjection, trajection |
-tention / -tentious | contention / contentious | abstention, attention, detention, distention, intention, irretention, pretention, retention, sustention, |
-nate / -nature / -nation | connate / connature / connation | denature, ornature, transnature, unnature, |
-notation / -note | connotation / connote | annotation, denotation,subnotation, |
-jecture | conjecture | dejecture, projecture |
-sider / -sideration | consider / consideration | desideration |
-sternation | consternation | prosternation |
-template / -templation | contemplate / contemplation | - |
-strue | construe | - |
-statation | constatation | - |
6.1 Knowledge | ||
-science | conscience | inscience, nescience, omniscience, prescience, unscience, |
-scious | conscious | lascious, luscious, multiscious, omniscious |
-sentient | consentient | assentient, cosentient, dissentient, insentient, presentient |
-cussion | concussion | discussion, excussion, percussion, recussion, repercussion, succussion |
-scientious | conscientious | overconscientious, unconscientious |
-versance | conversance | - |
-noisseur | connoisseur | - |
7.0 Misc | ||
-tingency / -tingent | contingency / contingent | - |
-tribution | contribution | distribution, retribution, |
-venance | convenance | prevenance, provenance, souvenance |
-venience | convenience | intervenience, prevenience, provenience |
-quer / -quest | conquer / conquest | request, inquest |
-vey | convey |
Table 2: Selected prefixes (including "con") and their usage in relation to word-roots (reproduced from New Paradigms via a Renewed Set of Prefixes, 2003) |
. | Word-roots | Cluster | Prefixes | |||||||
. | . | Co- | Re- | De- | Dis- / Di- | Pro- /Pre- | In- / Im- | Ex- / E- | A- / Ab- | |
. | . | . | Com- / Con- | Retro- | . | . | . | Into- | Extro- | . |
. | . | . | Together / With | Repetition | Down From / Away |
Separation Apart |
Before For / Forward |
Into On / Upon |
Out of Beyond |
Away from |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
1 | -sent(ment) | Attitude | Consent | Resent | . | Dissent | Present(ation) / Present(i)ment |
. | . | Assent |
2 | -script | Attribute | Conscript | Rescript | Description | . | Prescription / Proscription | Inscription | . | Ascription |
3 | -sign | Attribute | Consign | Resign | Design | . | .Presign | Insignia? | . | Assign |
4 | -voke | Attribute | Convoke | Revoke | . | . | Provoke | Invoke | Evoke | Avocation |
5 | -act(ive) | Change | Coaction | Reactive | Deactivate | Disactive? | Proactive | Inactive | Exact | . |
6 | -duce | Change | Conducive | Reduce | Deduce | . | Produce | Induce | Educe | Adduce / Abduction |
7 | -gress(ion) | Change | Congress | Regress | Degress | Digress | Progress | Ingress | Egress | Aggress |
8 | -miss(ion) | Change | Commission | Remission | Demission | Dismiss | Promise? | Intromission | Emission | . |
9 | -spire | Change | Conspire | Respire / Despite? |
. | . | . | Inspire | Expire | Aspire |
10 | -sume | Change | Consume | Resume | . | . | Presume | . | Exhume? | Assume |
11 | -cede | Cut | Concede | Recede | . | . | Procedure / Precede |
. | Exceed? | Accede |
12 | -cession | Cut | Concession | Recession | . | . | Procession / Precession | . | . | Accession |
13 | -cision | Cut | Concision | Rescind? | Decision | . | Precision | Incision | Excision | Abcision |
14 | -tract | Engage | Contract | Retract | Detract | Distract | Protract | Intractable | Extract | Attract |
15 | -press(ion) | Hold | Compress | Repress | Depress | . | Prepress | Impress | Express | . |
16 | -serve | Hold | Conserve | Reserve | Deserve | Disserve | . | . | . | . |
17 | -tain | Hold | Contain | Retain | Detain | Disdain? | . | . | . | Attain |
18 | -ject(ion) | Initiate | Conjecture | Reject | Deject(ed) | . | Project | Inject | Eject | Abject |
19 | -vent(ion) | Initiate | Convention | Re(in)vent | . | . | Prevent | Invent | Event | . |
20 | -cord | Match | Concord | Record | . | Discord | . | . | . | Accord |
21 | -fer(ence) | Match | Confer(ence) | Refer(ence) | Defer(ence) | Differ | Proffer / Prefer(ence) | Infer(ence) | . | . |
22 | -verse | Mirror | Converse / Covert
/ Conversion |
Reverse | . | Diverse | Proverse | Inverse / Introvert |
Extrovert | . |
23 | -volution | Mirror | Convolution | Revolution | Devolution | . | . | Involution | Evolution | . |
24 | -motion | Move | Commotion | Remote | Demote | . | Promotion | . | Emote | . |
25 | -port | Move | Comport | Report | Deport | Disport | Proportion | Import | Export | . |
26 | -position | Position | Composition | Reposition | Deposition | Disposition | Proposition | Imposition | Exposition | . |
27 | -sist(ance) | Position | Consist | Resist | Desist | . | . | Insist | Exist? | Assist |
28 | -join | Relate | Conjoin | Rejoin | . | Disjoin | . | . | . | . |
29 | -late | Relate | Collate | Relate | . | Dilate | Prolate/Prelate | . | . | . |
30 | -pend | Relate | Co(de)pend | . | Depend | . | Propend/Prepend | Impending | Expend | Append |
31 | -tend | Relate | Contend | . | . | Distend | Pretend/Protend | Intend | Extend | Attend |
32 | -tent(ion) | Relate | Contention | Retention | Detention | Distention | Pretention | Intention | Extention | Attention |
33 | -fect | Shape | Confection | Refect(ory) | Defect | . | Prefect | Infection | Effect | Affect |
34 | -fine | Shape | Confine | Refine | Define | . | . | . | . | Affine |
35 | -flate | Shape | Conflate | Reflate? | Deflate | Dis(af)fection | . | Inflate | . | . |
36 | -form(ation) | Shape | Conform | Reform(ation) | Deform(ation) | Disformity? | Preform / Proforma? | Inform(ation) | . | . |
37 | -struct | Shape | Construct | Restructure | Destruct | . | . | Instruct | . | . |
38 | -prove | Verify | . | Reprove | . | Disprove | . | Improve | . | Approve |
39 | -sure | Verify | . | Re(assure) | . | . | Pressure | Insure | . | Assure |
40 | -test | Verify | Contest | Retest | Detest | . | Protest/Pretest | Intestate? | . | Attest |
41 | -validate | Verify | Covalididate | Revalidate | Devalidate | . | . | Invalidate | . | . |
42 | -ception | View | Concept | Reception | Deception | . | Precept | Inception | Exception | . |
43 | -spect | View | . | Respect | . | . | Prospect | Inspect | Expect ? | Aspect |
44 | -vise / vision | View | . | Revision | Devise | Division | Provision/Prevision | . | . | . |
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