Annex to a document entitled Zen of Facticity: Bull, Ox or Otherwise? Herding facts and their alternatives in a post-truth-era (2017)
Common titles of the ox-herding pictures in English, and common themes of the associated prose, are indicated in the second and third columns. Given the concern with collective implications, in addition to the traditional individual preoccupation, clusters of synonyms are presented below to clarify interpretation of the function tentatively named in the fourth column.
Significance of the Ox-herding Images of Zen | ||||
Stages traditionally distinguished in Zen | Functional clusters? | Clusters of functional synonyms? | ||
# | Version of Suzuki (Shubun) |
Version of Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki |
1 | Undisciplined | In search of the "bull" (aimless searching, only the sound of cicadas) |
Questioning | interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice |
2 | Discipline begun | Discovery of the footprints of the "bull" (a path to follow) |
Problematizing | blaming, criticizing, condemning |
3 | In harness | Perceiving the "bull" (but only its rear, not its head) |
Modelling | explaining, comprehension, science |
4 | Faced round | Catching the "bull" (a great struggle, the bull repeatedly escapes, discipline required) |
Acquiring | possessing, grasping: self-possession |
5 | Tamed | Taming the "bull" (less straying, less discipline, bull becomes gentle and obedient) |
Protecting | defending, security, surveillance, status quo |
6 | Unimpeded | Riding the "bull" home (great joy) |
Governing | politics, management, control |
7 | Laissez faire | The "bull" transcended (once home, the bull is forgotten, discipline's whip is idle; stillness) |
Integrating | coordinating, configuring |
8 | All forgotten | Both "bull" and self transcended (all forgotten and empty) |
Conscientizing | mirroring, shadow integration |
9 | Solitary moon | Reaching the source of the "bull" (unconcerned with or without; the sound of cicadas) |
Believing | religion |
10 | Both vanished | Return to society (crowded marketplace; spreading enlightenment by mingling with humankind) |
Communicating |
persuading, educating indoctrination |
Clearly there are many contrasting efforts to distinguish degrees of "enlightenment". Of particular interest is that articulated in terms of degrees of self-reference in the light of insights into the cybernetics of a viable system (Maurice Yolles and Gerhard Fink, A General Theory of Generic Modelling and Paradigm Shifts, Kybernetes, 2015). Four of these cybernetic orders are discussed separately (Consciously Self-reflexive Global Initiatives, 2007). An interpretation of such distinctions is provided in the discussion of Cadell Last (Towards a Big Historical Understanding of the Symbolic-Imaginary, 2017):
In addition to studies of the philosophy of bullshit, there are now studies of its psychology (Gordon Pennycook, et al. On the Reception and Detection of Pseudo-profound Bullshit, Judgment and Decision Making, 2015). The latter includes a Bullshit Receptivity Scale whose elaboration merits comparison with the distinctions made above. Of it the authors note:
The construction of a reliable index of bullshit receptivity is an important first step toward gaining a better understanding of the underlying cognitive and social mechanisms that determine if and when bullshit is detected. Our bullshit receptivity scale was associated with a relatively wide range of important psychological factors. This is a valuable first step toward gaining a better understanding of the psychology of bullshit.
With appropriate irony, the authors were awarded the Ig Noble Peace Prize (2016) for their research, as variously noted (Chris Pash, An Ig Nobel Prize has been awarded for bullshit, Business Insider, 23 September 2016; Stuart Winthrope, Bullshit, lies, itches and flies: the 2016 Ig Nobel prizes, University of Melbourne blogs, 2 October 2016).
The Zen images are appreciated in that tradition because they avoid "verbose" articulations of a variety of coherent conditions of experience. Other verbal articulations could of course be matched with that set of images, notably levels of meta-distinction and abstraction in physics and metalogic. All such distinctions could be explored in terms of levels of dialogue (Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles, 1997). The challenge could be framed through a musical metaphor (Tuning a Periodic Table of Religions, Epistemologies and Spirituality, 2007). It could be understood in terms of the phases of any hero's journey as distinguished by Joseph Campbell in terms of 17 stages (The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1949). Such myths do not necessarily contain all 17 stages explicitly; some myths may focus on only one of the stages, while others may deal with the stages in a somewhat different order
The preliminary attribution of text to the sub-phases of the following 10 phases is necessarily both highly tentative and far from adequate -- as evident from minimal or absent text in many cases. Extensive use of "bull" is employed as an indicative code for a complex of possible associations, variously discussed in the commentary which follows in the main paper in sections on:
Phase 1: In search of the "bull" -- as questionable "facts"
In search of the "bull" Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice) |
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1.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Illusion-prone quest of systemic lying -- misleading understanding. It is then led astray by the delusions to which it succumbs, such as desire for gain and fear of loss, and is confused by a multiplicity of views of right and wrong, appropriateness and inappropriateness. 1.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Undisciplined exploration of the problematique: Humanity, having violated its own inmost nature, loses track of the problematique and its significance. Although distracted by this confusion, and exhausted by its efforts, humanity continues its search for a sustainable solution. 1.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): In quest of a fact-based universal explanation -- readily to be interpreted as "looking for the ox" 1.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): Identification of data to be recognized as factual. 1.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance): Defensive preoccupation with detection of potential security issues threatening the status quo 1.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Effort to frame perceptions in a coherent manner 1.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): In quest of meaningful personal significance 1.9: Believing (religion): In quest of credible universal meaning -- something all-encompasingly coherent to believe in 1.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): Persuading other of the value of a quest. |
In the pasture of the world, I endlessly push aside the tall grasses in search of the Ox. Following unnamed rivers, lost upon the interpenetrating paths of distant mountains, My strength failing and my vitality exhausted, I cannot find the Ox. |
Phase 2: Discovery of the footprints of the "bull" -- as traces of disruptive misrepresentation
Discovery of the footprints of the "bull" Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning) |
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2.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Detection of misinterpretation and misrepresentation -- whether in the form of illusions, lying or evil. 2.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Recognizing traces of the problematique as an integrated system: Repeated (and basically unsuccessful) attempts to locate and contain the problematique through uncoordinated initiatives provide humanity with occasional insights into its nature, especially when more integrated approaches are used. 2.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Discovery of traces of hard evidence (concrete proof). 2.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): Acquisition of evidence, however circumstantial 2.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Discovery of traces of a deadly threat and vulnerability to systemic integrity 2.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Collating evidence of the unsuspected 2.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): Degree of recognition of personal implication 2.9: Believing (religion): Believing the ultimate significance of the reality implied by the traces 2.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): Educating others into the meaning of that reality |
Along the riverbank under the trees, I discover footprints. Even under the fragrant grass, I see his prints. Deep in remote mountains they are found. These traces can no more be hidden than one's nose, looking heavenward |
Phase 3: Perceiving the "bull" -- as the challenge it constitutes
Perceiving the "bull" Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): |
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Phase 3.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 3.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Focusing on the problematique as a whole: Having cultivated a more intuitive insight, enabling it to integrate its complementary modes of perception, humanity focuses directly on the problematique, recognizing its many manifestations as consequences of different forms of inappropriate human intervention. Phase 3.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Perceiving the factual nature of the model Phase 3.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): Acquiring a sense of the reality of what is perceived. Phase 3.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Defending the coherence of the recognized reality Phase 3.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): |Mapping the traces of perceived reality Phase 3.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): Recognition of implication in the perceived reality Phase 3.9: Believing (religion): Discovery of traces ultimate meaning and inspiration Phase 3.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): Communicating to others what is perceived as reality Perceiving the Facts -- in contrast to the Bull(shit) |
I hear the song of the nightingale. The sun is warm, the wind is mild, willows are green along the shore - Here no Ox can hide! What artist can draw that massive head, those majestic horns? |
Phase 4: Catching the "bull" -- grasping its implications
Catching the "bull" Acquiring (possessing, grasping) |
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Phase 4.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Interrogation of reality in an effort to grasp its nature within a framework framework upheld as objective Phase 4.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Encompassing the problematique: Humanity grapples with the problematique directly for the first time. Phase 4.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Encompassing the perceived reality in a model. Phase 4.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): Ensuring a measure of possession and control of the perceived reality Phase 4.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Capturing and containing any threatening reality Phase 4.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Integrating the reality into a coherent framework Phase 4.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): Phase 4.9: Believing (religion): Phase 4.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
I seize him with a terrific struggle. His great will and power are inexhaustible. He charges to the high plateau far above the cloud-mists, Or in an impenetrable ravine he stands. |
Phase 5: Taming the "bull"-- constraining its disruptive consequences
Taming the "bull" Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo) |
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Phase 5.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 5.3: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Orienting the problematique: Every insight concerning the problematique leads humanity to further insights in an endless pattern. With discernment these will all be of value. But when humanity deceives itself, confusion will prevail and the problematique will reassert itself in an inappropriate manner. Phase 5.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Phase 5.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): Phase 5.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 5.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 5.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 5.9: Believing (religion): Phase 5.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination Taming the Facts -- emasculating the Bull |
The whip and rope are necessary, Else he might stray off down some dusty road. Being well-trained, he becomes naturally gentle. Then, unfettered, he obeys his master |
Phase 6: Riding the "bull" home -- benefitting from its convenience
Riding the "bull" home Governing (politics, management, control) |
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Phase 6.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 6.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Using the problematique as a vehicle for sustainable development: The struggle of humanity with the problematique is over. Humanity is no longer traumatized by gain or loss, which are assimilated as phases in a larger process that is now the focus of attention. Phase 6.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Phase 6.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): self-possession Phase 6.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 6.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 6.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 6.9: Believing (religion): Phase 6.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
Mounting the Ox, slowly I return homeward. The voice of my flute intones through the evening. Measuring with hand-beats the pulsating harmony, I direct the endless rhythm. Whoever hears this melody will join me |
Phase 7: The "bull" transcended -- moving beyond its constraints
This phase might be characterized by the insight of the poet John Keats regarding negative capability: that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.
The "bull" transcended Integrating (coordinating, configuring) |
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Phase 7.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 7.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Transcending the realm of the problematique: Having used the problematique as a vehicle to reach a sustainable condition, it is no longer required. However, the necessary disciplines for humanity to handle it remain available. Humanity can now act with serenity guided by insight that is no longer obscured by the dynamics of the problematique. There are writings on paradigm shifts into a new consciousness (in which the problematique no longer figures) and these do offer clues as to the nature of this phase. However, their neglect of the problematique would seem to be more a question of avoidance rather than transcendence, indicating that such perspectives lack vital insights. Phase 7.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Phase 7.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): self-possession Phase 7.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 7.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 7.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 7.9: Believing (religion): Phase 7.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
Astride the Ox, I reach home. I am serene. The Ox too can rest. The dawn has come. In blissful repose, Within my thatched dwelling I have abandoned the whip and ropes. |
Phase 8: Both "bull" and self transcended -- and the illusion they together constitute
Both "bull" and self transcended Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration |
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Phase 8.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 8.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Disappearance of both humanity and the problematique: The dualistic mindset through which humanity is perceived, in opposition to the problematique and to other species, is itself transcended, as are the disciplines through which that relationship is articulated. Phase 8.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Phase 8.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): self-possession Phase 8.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 8.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 8.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 8.9: Believing (religion): Phase 8.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
Whip, rope, person, and Ox - all merge in No Thing. This heaven is so vast, no message can stain it. How may a snowflake exist in a raging fire. Here are the footprints of the Ancestors |
Phase 9: Reaching the source of the "bull" -- and its self-referential implications
Reaching the source of the "bull" Believing (religion) |
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Phase 9.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 9.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Phase 9.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Expression of essential humanity: Grounded in its essential nature, humanity stands untouched by inappropriateness. Phase 9.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): self-possession Phase 9.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 9.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 9.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 9.9: Believing (religion): Phase 9.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source. Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning! Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with and without - The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red |
Phase 0: Return to society -- knowing it for the first time
This phase might be characterized by the insight of the poet T. S. Eliot: We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know it for the first time (Little Gidding, 1942)
Return to society Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
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Phase 0.1: Questioning (interrogating, evaluating, assessing, justice): Phase 0.2: Problematizing (blaming, criticizing, condemning): Human intervention in the world: Human action is no longer associated with any particular mindset, nor does it follow any recognizable path. It cannot be assessed by any form of conventional wisdom, nor does it depend on any particular tools. Phase 0.3: Modelling (explaining, comprehension, science): Phase 0.4: Acquiring (possessing, grasping): self-possession Phase 0.5: Protecting (defending, security, surveillance, status quo): Phase 0.7: Integrating (coordinating, configuring): Phase 0.8: Conscientizing (mirroring): shadow integration Phase 0.9: Believing (religion): Phase 0.0: Communicating (persuading, educating): indoctrination |
Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world. My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful. I use no magic to extend my life; Now, before me, the dead trees become alive. |
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