18 October 2021 | Draft
Pattern of 14-foldness as an Implicit Organizing Principle for Governance?
Web resources
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The case for the following search of web resources follows from two similar investigations undertaken previously (Checklist of 12-fold Principles, Plans, Symbols and Concepts: web resources, 2011; Requisite 20-fold Articulation of Operative Insights? Checklist of web resources on 20 strategies, rules, methods and insights, 2018).
Web searches were undertaken to determine the extent to which a 14-fold pattern was used to organize information of relevance to any form of governance. Typically the search key, using Google or Bing, was for "14 X", where X could be any of the following: points, pillars, phases, stages, commandments, principles, articles, guidelines, or steps. A few other sources were used, notably Wikipedia and Listverse. The results have been roughly clustered below by theme (rather than by X).
A key question is how the individual results are to be interpreted, and which could be provisionally set aside as not immediately helpful to the later commentary (Comparable Modalities of Aesthetics, Logic and Dialogue: in the light of correspondences between their polyhedral representation, 2021). Possible interpretations include:
- use of 14 is simply arbitrary and similar results would be available for similar themes using 12, 13, 15 or 16, for example
- use of 14 as a propaganda slogan, as with its value to white-supremacists (Fourteen Words)
- use of 14 as derived from traditional symbolism, possibly as some form of imitation of its use in mythology
- use of 14 as a consequence of preoccupation with numerology, cyphers and gematria, possibly following from the previous point
- use of 14 as primarily imitative of use of that number in related literature on a theme
- use of 14 as derived from 2x7, given the greater attention that has been given to use of that number
- use of 14 as implying in some manner a sense of closure, namely the completion of a set -- typically in the absence of explanation of how it constitutes completion (in contrast with lesser or greater numbers)
- use of 14 as follows from well-studied sets of constraints, typically informed by mathematics
The primary interest is in the last two possibilities (7 and 8), with some sense of how insights into closure may have informed traditional thinking, namely (3). As a number greater than those which it follows (7 to 13), a key question is how any closure of the set of 14 is comprehended, since the ability to recall with ease any of the elements of a set between 7 and 13 decreases progressively. This has been the subject of considerable commentary with respect to a classic paper on the number 7 (George A. Miller, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: some limits on our capacity for processing information, Psychological Review. 63, 1956, 2).
Under what conditions does 14 "work" -- or is believed to do so -- and why? This question can obviously be asked of the set of 16+1 Sustainable Development Goals, and of the results of the similar exercise with regard to sets of 20 indicated above.
Through clustering the 170 sets roughly by theme (despite a degree of overlap), this clearly focuses the question as to how a set of 14 may be held to be especially relevant to the particular domain
Checklist of 14-fold patterns
Management: It is somewhat remarkable to note the importance attached in this domain to a set of 14 management principles, especially since they are the basis for the operation of (at least two) highly successful multinational corporations. There is obviously an extensive literature on the theory and principles of management and those who have been most influential in their articulation (Reginald L. Bell, et al, An Examination of Diferences between the most influential Management Books of the 20th Century and Amazon best sellers, December 2016; Sagar Ub, Five Faces of Management: Taylor, Fayol, Mayo, Deming, Drucker, 2015).
Somewhat intriguing is the early articulation in French by Henri Fayol (14 Management Principles; Carl A. Rodrigues, Fayol's 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today's organizations effectively, Management Decision, 39, 2001, 10). This was followed by the seemingly independent articulation of Edward Deming (A. Lyes: Deming's 14 Principles: what do they mean for today's business, LinkedIn, 6 January 2015; Deming's 14-Point Philosophy: a recipe for total quality, MindTools; Nabil Tamimi, et al. Assessing the Psychometric Properties of Deming's 14 Principles (Quality Management Journal, 2, 1995, 3).
It is less evident whether efforts have been made to reconcile the two sets, or whether the later could be considered as inspired by the former. Also less evident is exactly to what degree one or both influence the 14-fold articulation of the principles of the multinationals in question:
There is ongoing debate regarding the relationship and relevance to
Six Sigma as a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. Six Sigma projects follow two project methodologies, inspired by Deming's
Plan–Do–Study–Act Cycle, each with five phases. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects.
Lean management and Six Sigma share similar methodologies and tools, including the fact that both were influenced by Japanese business culture (
The 14 Lean Management Principles: driving performance and enhancing organisational culture,
Lean and Six Sigma History: a common starting point,
Shmula, 7 July 2010). However, lean management primarily focuses on eliminating waste through tools that target organizational efficiencies while integrating a performance improvement system, while Six Sigma focuses on eliminating defects and reducing variation:
Entrepreneurship / Organzation: Far less evident is the extent to which any set of 14 "management principles" influenced, or were adapted and applied more generally, as indicated below:
- Laszlo A. Szerb, et al: Entrepreneurship and Policy: The National System of Entrepreneurship in the European Union and in Its Member Countries [14 Pillars] (Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 3, 2013, 1)
- Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute: Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI): The 14 Pillars of Entrepreneurship
- Tom McKaskill: Winning Ventures: 14 principles of high growth businesses (Wilkinson, 2006)
- David Cancel: Want to Build an Enduring Company? Start With These 14 Rules (Drift, 4 November 2020)
- Larry Tyler: Romancing the Loan: 14 Principles for Opening Your Lender's Vault (Alpine Publishing, 2010)
- Jacob Morgan The 14 Principles of the Future Organization, Forbes, 14 January 2015)
- Defence Contract Management Agency: DCMA 14 Point Analysis [for Earned Value Management]
- International Training Centre of the ILO: 14-point checklist for effective monitoring and evaluation within the UN (1 July 2021)
- Gerardo Gonzalez: 14 Guidelines To Engage Every Employee In A Culture of Winning (Growth Institute)
- 14 guidelines for adapting to the abruptly changing marketing industry (AdAge, 2 September 2020)
Leadership: Clearly there is a degree of overlap between "management" and "entreprenurship" and the qualities associated with leadership, but it is unclear how this is framed by recognition of a set of 14 principles, as in the following:
Policy / Governance: The 14-fold articulation in the previous examples could be undestood as translating into understandings of strategic articulation and goverancne, especially in the public domain:
- His own words: The 14 principles of 'Xi Jinping Thought' (BBC Monitoring, 2021)
- President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points [for World Peace] (January 1918)
- The 14 sins of Australia: Beijing expands list of grievances and digs in for extended diplomatic dispute (SupChina, 18 November 2020)
- 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century (US National Academy of Engineering, 2020).
- The 14-Point People's Agenda (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
- Khamenei outlines 14-point plan to increase population (Al Monitor, May 2014)
- G20 finance ministers release 14-point communiqué (G20 Insights, 13 June 2019)
- Experts Make 14 Recommendations to Redirect Lost Revenue to SDGs, COVID-19 (SDG Knowledge Hub, 3 March 2021)
- 14 Recommendations on Policing, Community Investment, and Accountability: A Roadmap for Re-imagining Public Safety in the United States (Human Rights Watch, 12 August 2020)
- Joe Kennedy: A 14-Point Guide to Tax Reform (ITIF, 10 November 2017)
- Edwin L. Dale Jr.: 14 Guidelines Set for Loans Abroad (The New York Times, 8 March 1965)
Sustainability / Environment: Especially relevant at this time is the strategic focus on sustainability and the manner in which a 14-fold articulation is favoured:
- European Commission, European Investment Bank, World Resources Institute and World Wide Fund for Nature: 14 Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 6 November 2018)
- Beatriz Rodríguez-Díaz, et al: Sustainability as a Key Factor in Tourism Competitiveness: A Global Analysis [14 Pillars] (Sustainability, 12, 2020, 12, 1)
- David Roodman: Straightening the Measuring Stick: a 14-Point Plan for Reforming the Definition of Official Development Assistance (ODA) (Center for Global Development, 5 June 2014)
- Lawrence W Lan, et al: Exploring an Objective Weighting System for [14] Travel and Tourism Pillars (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 57, 2012, September 2012)
- 14 recommendations to reform, redesign and revitalize the global architecture, so it can effectively foster financial integrity for sustainable development (FACTI Panel Report, 25 February 2021)
- 14 Recommendations to Turn Intentions into Action for More Sustainable Food Consumption (CSCP, 2020)
- Delhi govt issues 14-point guidelines to prevent dust pollution (Yahoo News, 18 September 2021)
- Infrastructure crisis: 14 investments the world must make [14 pillars of critical infrastructure] (Allianz, 14 February 2013)
- Food Chains and Networks Development: a 14 point list (China Daily, 31 May 2010)
Ethics / Justice: Usefully recognized as a social complement to the economic preoccupations of sustainability, a 14-fold articulation is also somewhat surprisingly evident:
Religion / Spirituality / Symbolism: Any recognition of the relevance of a 14-fold articulation in this domain is necessarily controversial for many, although fundamental for some as the basis of the articulation of human values and principles. It is somewhat curious that even the recognition of a religious organization has been articulated in a 14-fold pattern (14-Point Criteria for a Religious Organization; BRAFB Guide for Church Qualification, 2015):
- Principles
- Deities:
- Commandments
- Prayer:
- Temple design: Given the metaphorical use of "pillars" in the articulation of principles and strategies, it is somewhat extraordinary to recognize that early temple design in a number of cultures made use of 14 pillars (notably those on the longer side of the Doric temples of Greece), presumably to render concrete a pattern of understanding. The pattern was repeated in the much esteemed colonnade of the Palais du Louvre under Louis XIV).
With respect to modern use of the metaphor, as noted by Zoltan J. Acs, et al (The Global Entrepreneurship Index In: Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index, 2016):
The modern temple of the entrepreneurial ecosystem is like many temples of the ancient world: both are held up by pillars. Like the pillars of ancient temples -- made of sand and limestone held together by cement -- the pillars of the economic ecosystem are made of individuals and institutions that are held together by the “cement” of incentives created by institutions that influence the behavior of people. The entrepreneurial ecosystem rests on these pillars of development, which hold up three large building blocks consisting of attitudes toward entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial abilities, and entrepreneurial aspirations. The pillars must be of similar height and strength for a fully developed economy to flourish, and they need constant attention, continuous improvement, and careful maintenance.
Extensive use of the pillar metaphor is made by the European Union and other institutions, as noted separately (Coherent Value Frameworks: pillar-ization, Polarization and Polyhedral frames of reference, 2008).
- Cloister design: As might be suspected, there is some suggestion that the cloister, so characteristic of monasteries, may feature a set of 14 columns or two parallel sets of 7 (Mary W. Helms, Sacred Landscape and the Early Medieval European Cloister: unity, paradise, and the cosmic mountain, Anthropos, 97, 2002, 2).
- Symbolism:
Health: It might well be assumed that the integrative preoccupation of health would depend on a systemic understanding of some kind -- making it somewhat curious to note the extent to which a 14-fold pattern is deemed variously appropriate:
- Good Clinical Practice: 14 Principles (University Hospitals of Leicester, 20 March 2017)
- 14 principles of best practice for service delivery (The Women's Health Council)
- 14 Principles of Holistic Practitioners (4WellnessNaturally)
- 14-point Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale
- 14-Point Review of Systems (Health and Vascular Care)
- A 14-Point Plan for an Optimal Aseptic Approach (Safer Breast Implants, January 2017)
- 14-point Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale; Eli Somer, et al: Maladaptive Daydreaming: proposed diagnostic criteria and their assessment with a structured clinical interview (Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 4, 2017, 2)
- 14 Rules You Should Never Break When Dealing With Addiction (Pathfinders Recovery Center)
- Gy Larsen: 14 recommendations for an improved working environment (Danish Board of Technology, 11 January 2018)
- Andrew Sharman: 14 principles of health and safety management (SHP Online)
- Sanctuary Support Group: 14 Principles for Carers (Sanctuary, 2 July 2019)
- William P. Adams, Jr: Surgical Best Practices: 14-Point Plan (Sientra)
- R Frasca, et al: Press relations: a 14-point plan for enhancing the public image of health care institutions (Health Care Management Review, 13, 1988, 4)
- Nicka Ghods: The 14 Stages of Quarantine You've Probably Experienced (Teen Magazine, 23 April 2021)
Knowledge / Data / IT: This domain could be recognized as a particular expression -- through information -- of strategic organization, order and management:
Education / Communication: Any 14-fold pattern of organization, as understood above, might be expected to call for a 14-fold articulation of its communication -- and how it is rendered comprehensible:
Design: Arguably an underlying factor in many of the domains above is an understanding of design and architecture (generally and metaphorically understood):
Rules: Various collections of rules follow a 14-fold pattern, distinct from the particular reference to "rule of 14" in some games (bridge bidding):
- 14 rules of Johan Cruyff governerning conduct in schoolyards (Cruyff Foundation)
- 14 Rules to Trade (Cotton On Group); Our Considered Promises: 14 Rules to Trade (Ceres Life)
- 14 Rules For Traders (Futures Trading Secrets)
- 14 Rules of Identity (Concept Bureau, 10 January 2021)
- 14 Rules To Improve Your Life (LifeHack)
- 14 Rules for Public Speaking (Indeed, 8 April 2021)
- 14 Rules and Precautions for COVID-19 (Maltepe University)
- Coronavirus 14 Rules (Ministry of Interior Turkey, 17 March 2020)
- James Fraser of Brea: 14 Rules for the Christian Life (Reformation Scotland)
- St. Ignatius of Loyola: 14 Rules for the Discernment of Spirits (Scepter, 3 August 2018)
- Mustafa Gatollari: 14 Rules with Good Intentions that Backfired Spectacularly (Distractify, 6 December 2018)
- Nicolas Colin: 14 Rules and Practices for Corporate Strategists (European Straits, 15 May 2020)
- Steve LeVine: The 14 rules for predicting future geopolitical events (Quartz, 7 January 2013)
- Nicholas Bate: 14 Rules for Radicals (Waterstones, 2008)
- Kelly Johnson: 14 Rules and Practices (Lockheed Martin)
- Richard Templar: The 14 Rules of Long-Lasting Relationships (Family Education)
- Edwin J. Brown: Punishment: 14 Rules for Handing It Out (The Clearing House, 23, 1949, 6)
- Marty Latz: What Is Leverage? 14 Rules for Using it Well (Expert Negotiator)
- James Walton and Ty Supancic: 14 Rules for Fair Fighting (Family Divorce Solutions)
- Kieran Gilmurray: 14 rules for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (AI) success (The AI Journal, 6 September 2021)
- Gustavo Olague, et al: 14 rules used in an infection algorithm (An artificial life approach to dense stereo disparity, Artificial Life and Robotics, 13, 2009, 2)
Miscellaneous: The following disparate examples of 14-fold recognition are especially useful in that they are indicative of domains in which a lesser number of phases or stages is more conventionally recognized, raising the question as to why the more complex 14-fold pattern may be preferred by some:
- 14 phases of the Moon (Flickr); 14 phases of the Moon (World Teacher Trust)
- 14 stages of stellar evolution
- 14 phases of labour (Milli Hill, Positive Birth Book, 2017)
- 14 Stages of Investor Emotions and Trading Psychology; The 14 Stages of Investor Emotions (16 January 2017)
- 14 stages of Bhakti
- 14 Different Stages of Love according to the Arabic Language; Gary Greer: The [14] Stages of Love described in Arabic Language
- 14 Phases and Steps of Collaboration's Life Cycle (Hank Rubin, Collaborative Leadership: Developing Effective Partnerships for Communities, Corwin Press, 2009)
- Sound Healing Therapy: 14 mystical instruments that induce profound relaxation and inner quiet, (Aletheia Luna, 19 August 2021)
- 14 Voices from the Bloodied Field (20 November 2020); Theatre: Fourteen voices speak from War of Independence graves , Independent, 14 Novmber 2020)
bringing together 14 writers, 14 directors, and 14 actors to give voice to the men, woman, and children who were killed in Croke Park on 21 November 1920.
- 14 Voices that Distort Prophecy
(Prophetics Professional Mentorship Union) concerned with combating unconscious and subtle influences that interfere with prophetic accuracy and precision
- What are the 14 steps in a trial?
- Johannes Baader: Fourteen Letters of Christ (Vierzehn Briefe Christi, 1914)
- Parker Palmer: 14 Ways of Looking at Community (31 March 2021)
- Katelyn M. Cooper, et al: Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology (Life Sciences Education, 19, 2020, 3)