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22 April 2024 | Draft

Mathematical Modelling of Silo Thinking in Interdisciplinary Contexts

AI perspectives on balancing integration and identity faced by strategic complexity

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Mathematical complexity and challenges to comprehension
Acceptability of proof from a mathematical perspective
Challenges to comprehension of strategies of requisite complexity
Mathematical relevance to the psychosocial sciences and interdisciplinarity
Mathematical modelling of interdisciplinarity as a general systems challenge
Modelling silo thinking and resistance to integrative perspectives
Modelling strategic avoidance under conditions of uncertainty
From naivety to sophistication in comprehension of mathematical relevance?
Reframing psychosocial silos as "black holes" of communication space?
Polyhedral reframing of a psychosocial ecosystem of silos?


The discipline of mathematics, notably through the complexity sciences, is widely upheld as vital to insightful understanding of complexity. Governance of global society is only too obviously faced with complexity -- as is frequently stated. Various world models have been developed to clarify the challenges, most recently with respect to climate change and the pandemic. The use of such models has been variously called into question (Misleading Modelling of Global Crises, 2021).

A question of interest is whether there are mathematical insights of great potential relevance which are a challenge to comprehension by those who might usefully apply them (Engaging with Elusive Connectivity and Coherence, 2018). It is therefore appropriate to inquire about the mathematical complexity of potential keys to strategic responses to the crises of the world. Of further interest is how these resources are presented and rendered comprehensible -- given the inherent constraints of complexity (Uncritical Strategic Dependence on Little-known Metrics, 2009). The latter focused on the risks associated with the Gaussian copula fundamental to the subprime mortgage crisis and with the Kaya identity fundamental to assessment of climate change.

The science on which global strategy claims to be dependent is held to be beholden fundamentally to mathematics -- as the discipline recognized as the first among equals (primis inter pares). There is therefore a case for exploring the relevance of mathematics to strategic articulation and comprehension. Provocatively it may be asked: Is the House of Mathematics in Order? (2000) and how is this determined?

Given its inherent complexity as a discipline, it may be asked whether adequate consideration is given to the organization of mathematics -- in the light of its powerful insights into possibilities of multidimensional organization, and why they might be neglected (Higher Dimensional Reframing of Unity and Memorable Identity, 2024; Neglect of Higher Dimensional Solutions to Territorial Conflicts, 2024;  And When the Bombing Stops? Territorial conflict as a challenge to mathematicians, 2000).

Why, for example, are 64 branches of mathematics distinguished by a seemingly rigid alphanumerical Mathematics Subject Classification -- and how might they be configured more beneficially otherwise (Configuring the 64 subjects of mathematics as a 64-edged drilled truncated cube, 2021). Where is there any indication of the relative relevance of each branch to the strategic challenge of the times? Or is that question inherently irrelevant?

This exercise is undertaken in the spirit of the annual questions by the Edge Foundation. These have included responses to: What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely known (2017), What scientific concept would improve everybody's cognitive toolkit (2011). A similar initiative is that of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in identifying 125 issues for science (What Don't We Know, Science, 1 July 2005).

Arguments are frequently highlighted concerning the vital role of interdisciplinary approaches. It is however evident that development of these possibilities is constrained by what is deprecated as "silo thinking" -- a failure to "connect the dots" and its relation to "joined up thinking". Given the increasing potential of AI in handling complexity, it is therefore appropriate to explore how AI might reframe silo thinking -- and other forms of "resistance" -- in relation to interdisciplinarity and its strategic role.

As with several earlier exercises of some relevance to this question, the following exploration makes extensive use of AI in the form of ChatGPT (and specifically its plugin). Reservations regarding such use have been previously noted, both with regard to the questionable verbosity and style of responses, and what could be termed a degree of "algorithmic enthusiasm" for the relevance of the questions posed (Eliciting integrative insight via ChatGPT, 2024).

In this transitional period of adjustment to the potential of AI facilities, the following exchange constitutes an experiment in its own right -- potentially reframing the current relevance of information derived and presented in this way, as discussed separately (Being Spoken to Meaningfully by Constructs, 2023).

Mathematical complexity and challenges to comprehension

Mathematicians exploring forms of symmetry now accept that any proof of a theorem relating to them may be hundreds of pages in length. As discussed separately, that for the so-called "enormous theorem" is some 15,000 pages in length -- and far beyond the capacity of any single individual, however specialized (Potential Psychosocial Significance of Monstrous Moonshine: an exceptional form of symmetry as a Rosetta stone for cognitive frameworks, 2007). Unforeseen, "outrageous" implications have been specifically labelled "moonshine" by mathematicians challenged to explain them. This evolution in knowledge creation and substantiation, in domains potentially fundamental to the future management of complexity, raises questions about how knowledge emerging from such a process is to be rendered credible to more than a a small group of experts -- themselves challenged in that respect. Specifically how is that unforeseen connectivity, possibly vital to issues of governance, to be comprehended?

Mathematicians are currently celebrating a 1000-page proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture, a problem so complicated that even other mathematicians struggle to understand it (Alex Wilkins, Incredible maths proof is so complex that almost no one can explain it, New Scientist, 20 May 2024; Erica Klarreich, Monumental Proof Settles Geometric Langlands Conjecture, Quanta Magazine, 10 July 2024). As noted by Klarreich: The Langlands program holds sway in three separate areas of mathematics: number theory, geometry and something called function fields. These three settings are connected by a web of analogies commonly called mathematics’ Rosetta stone.

If the proof of mathematical conjectures, potentially vital to global governance of complexity, is recognized as acquiring such characteristics, what if proof of an essential insight were in future to take years to read and understand -- possibly a lifetime -- and how would the correctness of the proof be confirmed? How could it be credibly communicated? The length and complexity of the following argument is but a trivial example of the challenge !

Question to ChatGPT: Is there any understanding of the complexity of a mathematical or logical proof, defined in terms of number of steps. In which case what arguments could be ranked as especially complex

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Question to ChatGPT: You have given examples of complexity in a way which avoids any ranking. My understanding was that proof of the existence of the Monster Group was exceptionally complex

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Question to ChatGPT: The response highlights several dimensions of complexity suggesting that some 3 or 4 axes would enable proofs to be distinguished indicatively. A related issue of relevance is their respective comprehensibility in consequence

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Question to ChatGPT: Are the imaging facilities sufficiently developed to portray such an array

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Question to ChatGPT: Does that imply that there is as yet no trace of such a visualization with respect to ranking complex proofs -- with primary emphasis currently placed on anecdotal commentary

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Acceptability of proof from a mathematical perspective

Question to ChatGPT: This exchange has raised the question of ranking mathematical proofs in terms of their complexity as suggested by the number of steps involved. How is a proof then defined in relation to the initial and final step. What constitutes a proof

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Question to ChatGPT: That response places great emphasis on logic when logic processes may also be challenged -- as by Gödel's incompleteness theorems, fuzzy logic, multi-valued logic and process logic. Whilst the response notes a subjective dimension, this frames the question as to what makes a proof satisfactory. Does this imply some form of circularity and self-consistency, thereby establishing its coherence and credibility

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Question to ChatGPT: That response emphasizes the extent to which thr satisfactoriness of a proof is dependent on its acceptability to a particular community. This raises the question of the status of proof between communities, especially when these rely to an important degree on other criteria -- as in the case of theological proof. How are such contrasting appreciations of proof to be distinguished and how many can be recognized -- however they may be deprecated from a conventional mathematical or logical perspective.

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Question to ChatGPT: That response would appear to exclude forms of proof associated with aesthetic criteria and "goodness of fit", as valued in design, drama, poetic justice, and the like -- variously important to communities relying on alternative logics, however questionable from a mathematical perspective

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In exploring any satisfactory "proof", an analogy can be explored with the number of "moves" to solve a puzzle or to achieve a more integrative form of understanding, as discussed separately (Minimal number of "moves" for a solution -- "God's number" , 2024; Interpretation of "moves" through patterns of "steps" and Tai Chi? 2024).

Question to ChatGPT: An earlier segment of this exchange considered the minimal number of "moves" for a satisfactory solution -- exemplified by the case of Rubik's Cube. The argument was extended to interpretation of "moves" through patterns of "steps" as in Tai Chi, negotiation ("Getting to Yes"), untangling knots, and the like. Do such examples suggest a more generic understanding of the satisfactoriness of a "proof" and its interestingness as an attractor -- however strange

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Question to ChatGPT: The contrasting patterns of electron orbitals by which chemical elements are distinguished suggest that some sense of "closure" is fundamental to the coherence and satisfactoriness of a proof. However both the number of electrons associated with such closure, and the manner in which the orbitals are nested, suggests a way of understanding contrasting degrees of proof. Any incompleteness is also suggestive of how contrasting 'proofs' might interact

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There is a curious preference for distinctive forms of "closure" in the numeric articulation of strategies, as discussed srparately (Contrasting preferences for N-fold organization in disconnected patterns, 2024). Especially surprising is the significance attached to a form of "strategic closure" associated with 108 (Embodiment of 108-foldness as ultimate spiritual challenge? 2024). Such patterns suggest the potential recognition of a form of periodic table of psychosocial significance (Periodic Pattern of Human Knowing: implication of the Periodic Table as metaphor of elementary order, 2009; Towards a Periodic Table of Ways of Knowing, 2009).

Question to ChatGPT: Just as particular numbers of electrons are associated with completion of each electron shell within a chemical element, it is curious to note that particular numbers of "moves" are valued in contrastng "forms" of Tai Chi and other practices valued both subjectively and symbolically. As discussed in a previous segment of this exchange, a particular form of completion is associated with 108 as one Tai Chi form, or as the number of prayer beads in a rosary or circlet of mala beads [Designing Cultural Rosaries and Meaning Malas to Sustain Associations within the Pattern that Connects, 2000]. That number, as with others defining alternative forms, is notable for the manner in which it is subject to characteristic factorization. Does this suggest the progressive recognition of a "periodic table of ways of knowing", as yet to take more definitive form -- and with implications for the credibility of different forms of proof

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Question to ChatGPT: Whilst convenient to suggest a comprehensible analogy, use of a "table" as an ordering device exemplifies a dangerous degree of oversimplification which the insights of mathematics could appropriately challenge. There are many alternative proposals. When adapted to "ways of knowing", the question is what geometric metaphor would be more appropriate. Curiously relevant is the comprehensible familiarity of the simpler "modalities" and the challenge of achieving those which are more complex -- whether understood as nested "within" or "without"

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There is an extensive array of alternative forms of "periodic table" (Mark R. Leach, The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables, Meta-Synthesis). These might invite mathematical analysis, especially in the light of the periodic table of mathematical shapes and the mathematics of the periodic table (Darren Orf, Mathematicians Are Close to Building the Perfect Periodic Table of Shapes, Popular Mechanics, 16 October 2023; D. H. Rouvray and R. Bruce King, The Mathematics of the Periodic Table, 2005; Guillermo Restrepo and Leonardo A. Pachón, Mathematical Aspects of the Periodic Law, Foundations of Chemistry, 9, 2007; Wilmer Leal and Guillermo Restrepo, Formal structure of periodic system of elements, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475, 20180581, 2019)

As with any understanding of proof, any strategically relevant visualization needs to emphasize forms of coherence to enable comprehensibility and memorability, as discussed previously (Comparable Modalities of Aesthetics, Logic and Dialogue, 2021; Potential for Coherence through Engaging Strategic Poetry, 2021).

Question to ChatGPT: Potentially missing from those considerations of the choice of model is the necessary presence of features which enhance coherence such as to reinforce both comprehensibility and memorability, possibly through symmetric effects and devices familiar in the organization of music and poetry

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The collective uptake of strategic responses to global crises can be understood as notably dependent on the social intelligence of policy-makers and that of the populations they represent. Efforts to validate methods of its assessment are therefore especially relevant, as summarized by Karrthik Ramanathan (Development and Validation of a Tool on Social Intelligence, International Journal of Indian Psychology, 9, 2021, 3). Provocatively relevant is a report of AI performance in this regard (Eric W. Dolan, ChatGPT-4 outperforms human psychologists in test of social intelligence, study finds, PsyPost, 19 April 2024).

Question to ChatGPT: Given the strategic relevance of social intelligence (SI), current efforts to assess SI could be recognized as related to any emergent periodic organization of ways of knowing. It is therefore appropriate to note a recent study (Nabil Saleh Sufyan, et al, Artificial Intelligence and Social Intelligence: preliminary comparison study between AI models and psychologists, Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 2024). The study's focus on 64 SI criteria raises the question as to whether this should be understood as corresponding to a particular set of nested "shells" in terms of any potential geometric configuration of SI.

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The choice of 64 criteria as an indication of facets of social intelligence reinforces any query regarding the fundamental role of a 64-fold pattern -- and its potential relevance to governance -- exemplified in this context by its seemingly unexplained use in the Mathematics Subject Classification (as noted above). The 64 branches of mathematics can be experimentally configured as shown below, as discussed separately (Configuring the 64 subjects of mathematics as a 64-edged drilled truncated cube, 2021). Would the discipline of polyhedral combinatorics enable the branches of mathematics to be positioned more meaningfully and coherently on such a polyhedral configuration?

Exploratory mapping of 64 mathematical disciplines onto 64-edged drilled truncated cube
(original discipline names slightly edited to reduce length in order to facilitate mapping)
32 faces rendered transparent Only 4 octangular faces rendered transparent
mapping of 64 mathematical disciplines onto 64-edged drilled truncated cube mapping of 64 mathematical disciplines onto 64-edged drilled truncated cube
Animations developed using Stella: Polyhedron Navigator

Given the seemingly arbitrary choice of 64 criteria of social intelligence (above), it is appropriate to note that far greater consideration of the dynamics of transformative movement within a 64-fold configuration has been given to that between the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. This is usefully recognized as an archetypal pantheon of social intelligence in its own right -- however understood otherwise. The dynamics identified follow from transformations in the systematic encoding of each hexagram which determines the change to an alternative condition (Transformation Metaphors derived experimentally from the Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching) for sustainable dialogue, vision, conferencing, policy, network, community and lifestyle, 1997).

Historically it was this pattern of transformations which was influential in the original insight of Gottfried Leibniz that subsequently gave rise to the binary coding fundamental to modern computing. It might be asked how any corresponding "transformations" between branches of mathematics might be understood. How might sustinability be understood when configured in this way (Sustainability through Magically Dancing Patterns, 2008)?

This pattern also invites experimental configuration (below) -- equivalent to that of the branches of mathematics, and their potential psychosocial implications

Contrasting use of a 64-fold polyhedral configuration for mapping
Circle of hexagrams
surrounded by a circle of codons
Examples of drilled truncated cube of 64 edges as a "pantheon" in 3D
random attribution of genetic codons random attribution of hexagram names
Circle of hexagrams surrounded by a circle of codons Drilled truncated cube Drilled truncated cube of 64 edges with hexagram names
  Reproduced from Enabling Wisdom Dynamically within Intertwined Tori: requisite resonance in global knowledge architecture (2012)

Challenges to comprehension of strategies of requisite complexity

Strategic complexity has been addressed by R. D. Stacey (The Science of Complexity: an alternative perspective for strategic change processes, Strategic Management Journal, 16, 1995, 6). Faced with a highly complex challenge to governance, how complex is it assumed that an appropriate strategic response should be? Are there dangers associated with the oversimplification characteristic of policy articulation and public relations? What if the most appropriate strategy is inherently incomprehensible to those mandated to approve it and implement it?

Question to ChatGPT: By extension that response holds for complex strategies, as might be the case in game theory

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Question to ChatGPT: If it is assumed that highly complex proofs are of fundamental strategic significance in relation to the possibility of appropriately addressing the crises of the times, the failure to clarify their relative complexity (and their challenges to wider comprehension) is indicative of a remarkable degree of avoidance of fruitful possibilities -- which calls for highlighting

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Question to ChatGPT: To that end, are you able to present a list of highly complex proofs which merit attention, irrespective of whether they can be ranked or positioned in some visualization. What is it that is being dangerously neglected in the light of potential strategic value

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Mathematical relevance to the psychosocial sciences and interdisciplinarity

Question to ChatGPT: That response presents a limited set of examples seemingly primarily of benefit to the technical sciences. Is there no case for a more extensive list including proofs of significance to the psychosocial sciences -- and the challenges of their comprehension, if they are to be taken into account by the policy sciences

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Question to ChatGPT: Given the emphasis in that response on interdisciplinary research, and the questionable claims frequently made in that regard, to what extent does mathematics enable the modelling of the relationship between the contrasting methods and frameworks by which disciplines are characterized. How does mathematics enable "inter" and "trans" to be understood more fruitfully

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Mathematical modelling of interdisciplinarity as a general systems challenge

Question to ChatGPT: Whilst that response is appropriate, the fate of general systems research challenges the potential indicated -- given the manner in which it has been absorbed into systems sciences emphasizing specialized foci which appear to avoid consideration of the more general integrative challenge

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Question to ChatGPT: Given the constraints indicated, it is somewhat ironic that a major "transdisciplinary" initiative is undertaken outside the conventions of academia -- encompassing domains frequently deprecated from its specialized perspectives. The example is the Bridges Organization with its annual Bridges conference on mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, and culture

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Question to ChatGPT: To clarify the implications of that response there would appear to be a case for mathematical modelling of "disciplinarity" in contrast to "multi-", "inter-" and transdisciplinarity, as originally suggested by Erich Jantsch (Towards interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in education and innovation. Interdisciplinarity, Problems of Teaching and Research in Universities. OECD, 1972). Given your response, can it be said that the issues framed 50 years ago are currently taken into consideration in practice -- rather than through tokenism

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Modelling silo thinking and resistance to integrative perspectives

Although it does not appear to be "modelled" in any way by mathematics, the challenge of a silo mentality is widely recognized:

Question to ChatGPT: It would appear that what is missing is the ability model the incidence and attraction of silo thinking -- given the constraint the response highlights. There would appear to be a degree of paradox to the inability of mathematics to model silo thinking -- and a failure of self-reflexivity, given the complex organization of mathematics as a discipline. Valuable insights into the challenge are offered by the work of Ronald Atkin on Q-analysis -- which he applied controversially to his own university [The Methodology of Q-Analysis Applied to Social Systems, Frontiers in Systems Research, 2, 1982; From cohomology in physics to q-connectivity in social science, International Journal of Man-Machines Studies, 4, 1972]

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Question to ChatGPT: Relevant to that response, but omitted from it, is the identification by Atkin of "holes" and "objects" in communication space "around" which conventional discourse takes place. The concepts of inter- and transdisciplinarity could then be understood as such "holes" which are unconsciously avoided in disciplinary practice [Beyond Edge-bound Comprehension and Modal Impotence: combining q-holes through a pattern language, 1981]

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Question to ChatGPT: In the light of that response, do you have any trace of the application of q-analysis to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary challenges. How does analysis detect what is being avoided

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The systemic challenge of avoidance with respect to climate change and resource issues can be speculatively highlighted (Lipoproblems: Developing a Strategy Omitting a Key Problem, 2009). This is inspired by the methodology of the  Oulipo movement  (French abbreviation for: Ouvroir de littérature potentielle; roughly translated: "workshop of potential literature"). This is a group of writers, poets and mathematicians interested in the creation of literature using constrained writing techniques (see Harry Mathews and Alastair Brotchie, The Oulipo Compendium, 1998/2005 -- contents). One purpose of such constraints is to trigger new ideas and new thinking. The group is associated with several others (see also Ou-X-Po) having similar objectives with regard to other forms of representation.

The dangers of avoidance can be otherwise explored (Systemic avoidance in global governance and collective learning: the "fourth monkey", 2011; Risk aversion and question avoidance in strategic governance? 2016; Question Avoidance, Evasion, Aversion and Phobia, 2006). The issue can be recognized otherwise (Evan Thompson, et al, The Blind Spot: why science cannot ignore human experience. MIT Press, 2024).

Modelling strategic avoidance under conditions of uncertainty

Given the degree to which consideration of strategic challenges is avoided, there is a case for modelling avoidance and the non-decision-making process (Reframing the Art of Non-Decision-Making: conceptual gerrymandering on a global scale, 2017). Especially problematic is the reactive and oversimplistic responses to strategic challenges as they emerge -- readily characterized as "knee-jerk" (Living with Incomprehension and Uncertainty, 2012; Towards the Dynamic Art of Partial Comprehension, 2012).

Especially intriguing is emergence within the policy sciences of the concept of so-called wicked problems -- with its curious evocation of notions of "evil" (Keith Grint, Critical Essay: Wicked problems in the Age of Uncertainty, Human Relations, 75, 2022, 8). Especially curious however is the reluctance of mathematics (or science) to offer any explanation of the "evil" to which world leaders so frequently refer (Existence of evil as authoritatively claimed to be an overriding strategic concern, 2016). This is despite the potential of mathematical theology in that regard (Mathematical Theology: Future Science of Confidence in Belief, 2011; "Demonique": a mnemonic aid to comprehension of potential system failure? 2016; Engaging with Hyperreality through Demonique and Angelique? 2016).

Question to ChatGPT: Given the low probability of undertaking what could be undertaken -- 50 years after Jantsch and Atkin -- is there not a case for using techniques that can handle inadequate information and approximations, as often demonstrated in engineering. There would seem to be a case for modelling more insightfully and comprehensibly both institutional avoidance and non-decision-making

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Question to ChatGPT: At what stage will AI be able to develop such capacities and challenge conventional thinking on the matter

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Question to ChatGPT: Is there already a case for using AI to model how AI might handle silo thinking -- factoring in the predictable resistance to any results and the challenges to the appropriate development of AI. Could silo thinking be usefully modelled by something like Conway's Game of Life, for example

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Aspects of the question are discussed separately (Cognitive embodiment of knots: knotting and knitting processes, 2021). The fundamental significance recently attached to the Mereon Trefoil is described by Louis Kauffman (Pattern, Sign and Space: Mereon Thoughts. 2003). Otherwise known and visualized as the Mereon Matrix, its potential significance is elaborated in a far more extensive work (Louis H Kauffman, et al, The Mereon Matrix: everything connected through (k)nothing, 2018; frontmatter).

Of some relevance to the toroidal representation of the Game of Life (below left) is a speculative framing (Imagining Toroidal Life as a Sustainable Alternative, 2019). This considers the challenge of the shift from globalization to "toroidization" or back to Flatland.

Indicative configurations of mathematical significance constituting a challenge to comprehension
Conway's Game of Life animation on the surface
of a toroidal trefoil knot
Mereon trefoil
International Mathematical Union
Rotation of the Mereon Trefoil pattern Emblem of International Mathematical Union based on Borromean rings
Raphaelaugusto, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons From Cognitive embodiment of knots: knotting and knitting processes (2021) from Wikimedia Commons

From naivety to sophistication in comprehension of mathematical relevance?

This exploration could be easily considered particularly naive in the light of the extensive literature of mathematics and the intelligence devoted to its development. Less evident is how this sophistication has proven itself to be accessible and relevant to the challenges of the times -- rather than simply indifferent to them. The question of the coherence of mathematics as fundamental to any coherent strategic response can be usefully framed by Gerhard Heinzmann and Jean Petitot (The Functional Role of Structures in Bourbaki, 2020) in quoting a founding member of the secretive Nicolas Bourbaki group:

It is hard for you to appreciate that modern mathematics has become so extensive and so complex that it is essential, if mathematics is to stay as a whole and not become a pile of little bits of research, to provide a unification, which absorbs in some simple and general theories all the common substrata of the diverse branches of the science, suppressing what is not so useful and necessary, and leaving intact what is truly the specific detail of each big problem. This is the good one can achieve with axiomatics (and this is no small achievement). This is what Bourbaki is up to. It will not have escaped you (to take up the military metaphor again) that there is within all of this great problems of strategy. (André Weil, Letter to Simone Weil, March 26, 1940). [emphasis added]

The authors frame their exploration of the tension between mathematics and philosophy in the following terms:

This essay proposes to explore this tension in line with the recent philosophical interest in scientific practice. The working assumption is that the use of the concept of structure in Bourbaki is not mainly conceptual and foundational, but pragmatic and functional. This functional interpretation is governed by the principle of the unity of mathematics. In addition to their deductive “vertical” dimension, taking into account structures can reveal various “horizontal” connections between different theories.

This is further clarified:

This pragmatic functionality of structures is really the key point for our purposes. Bourbaki was a group of creative mathematicians, not of philosophers. The true philosophical meaning of their structuralist approach is rooted deeply in their practice and must be extracted from there. To evaluate it, it is not sufficient to criticize their more or less clever or educated philosophical claims. The fundamental relation between, on the one hand, their holistic and “organic” conception of the unity of mathematics and, on the other hand, their thesis that some analogies and crossroads can be creative and lead to essential discoveries is a leitmotiv for Bourbaki since the 1948 manifesto, "L’Architecture des mathématiques". The continued insistence on the "immensity" of mathematics and on its "organic" unity; the claim that "to integrate the whole of mathematics into a coherent whole"... is not a philosophical question, as it was for Plato, Descartes, Leibniz, or "logistics"; the constant criticism of the reduction of mathematics to a tower of Babel juxtaposing separated "corners" -- these are not vanities of philosophically ignorant mathematicians. They have a very precise technical function: to construct complex proofs navigating in this holistic, conceptually coherent world.

The authors note the  accusation by René Thom -- a non-Bourbaki colleague of its members -- who accused Bourbaki of destroying geometric intuition. More specifically, Thom is cited as:

The old Bourbakist hope, to see the mathematical structures emerge naturally from the hierarchy of sets, from their subsets and their combination, is no doubt a chimera. Reasonably, one can hardly escape the impression that important mathematical structures (algebraic structures, topological structures) appear as data fundamentally imposed by the external world, and that their irrational diversity finds its only justification in their reality. ("Modern" Mathematics: An Educational and Philosophic Error? American Scientist, 59, 1971, 6)

Question to ChatGPT: In the light of the declared aspirations of Nicolas Bourbaki, and that understanding of the structure of mathematics, how is the orderly unity of mathematics now articulated -- given the criticism of René Thom that the Bourbaki approach was destructive of geometric intuition.

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Question to ChatGPT: That response suggests both a degree of renunciation of any quest for unity by mathematicians and a lack of effort to apply emergent mathematical insights to ordering mathematics more fruitfully. This is a curious reflection of the articulation of strategies in response to the crises of the times -- a response readily held to be ineffectual.

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Question to ChatGPT: Unfortunately that response fails to account for the apparent inability of mathematics (as currently focused) to model its own limited relevance -- whilst cultivating unsubstantiated optimistic claims to the contrary ("interdisciplinary", "systems thinking", "network theory", "modelling", "holism"). Ironically this could be recognized as effectively modelling the language of ineffectual policy-making at this time.

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Question to ChatGPT: Whilst eminently reasonable, that response takes little account of the limited ability of mathematics to attach credibility to such matters, unless they could be appropriately expressed in mathematical terms -- as with modelling an ecosystem of silos as facets of a larger unity, perhaps exemplified Felix Klein's reference to Indra's Net [David Mumford, et al, Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein, 2015]

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A valuable meta-perspective is seemingly offered by the work on second-order cybernetics and knowledge cybernetics of Maurice Yolles and Gerald Fink:

Meriting greater attention in that spirit is the relative lack of interest in the application of mathematics to itself (Wolff-Michael Roth, The Mathematics of Mathematics: thinking with the late Spinozist Vygotsky, 2017). One example, perhaps to be contrasted with that of Nicolas Bourbaki (mentioned above), is a collaborative initiative (Ron Buckmire, et al, The Mathematics of Mathematics: using mathematics and data science to analyze the mathematical sciences community and enhance social justice, arXiv:2307.03241). This presents a curated selection of recent literature related to the application of quantitative techniques, tools, and topics from mathematics and data science that have been used to analyze the mathematical sciences community.

Of related relevance is the seminal study by George Spencer-Brown (Laws of Form, 1969) rendered more accessible through the (draft) commentary by Louis Kaufmann (Laws of Form: an exploration in mathematics and foundations, University of Illinois; Laws of Form: commentary and remembrance for George Spencer-Brown, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 24, 2017, 3-4). As Kauffman notes:

Laws of Form is an approach to mathematics, and to epistemology, that begins and ends with the notion of a distinction. Nothing could be simpler. A distinction is seen to cleave a domain. A distinction makes a distinction. Spencer-Brown [LOF] says "We take the form of distinction for the form".

Spencer-Brown's final chapter, with the title "reentry into the form", commences with: The conception of the form lies in the desire to distinguish. Granted this desire, we cannot escape the form, although we can see it any way we please (p. 69). It ends with:

An observer, since he distinguishes the space he occupies, is also a mark... In this conception a distinction drawn in any space is a mark distinguishing the space. Equally and conversely, any mark in a space draws a distinction. We see now that the first distinction, the mark, and the observer are not only interchangeable, but, in the form, identical. (p. 76)

Question to ChatGPT: Could you comment on the relevance of "knowledge cybernetics" (second-order cybernetics) and the "mathematics of mathematics" to the challenge of modelling silo mentalities in interdisciplinary contexts. The self-reflexive perspective offered by George Spencer-Brown, as noted by Louis Kauffman, could inform any clarification.

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Reframing psychosocial silos as "black holes" of communication space?

Question to ChatGPT: Could you suggest a meaningful title for this exchange

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Question to ChatGPT: Silo thinking is readily deprecated -- despite its intricate relationship to psychosocial identity. From a systems perspective how is its value to be recognized in any modelling -- thereby calling into question the emphasis on "breaking down" in the proposed title

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Question to ChatGPT: Given the mysterious nature of silo's, and the difficulties in detecting and explaining them in practice within conventional frameworks (challenged as they necessarily are by self-reflexivity), could they be fruitfully explored as metaphorical "black holes" in communication space. This would be quite consistent with Atkin's understanding of the "gravitational" operation of "holes" in that space. It would also open the possibility of discussion of the influential role of an analogy to the "dark energy" of astrophysics and its fundamental role.

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Reference to "white holes" has been made by Peter Russell (White Hole in Time: our future evolution and the meaning of now, 1992). There is a case for integrating their strange relationship to "black holes", as discussed separately (Marrying Strategic White Holes with Problematic Black Holes, 2015; (Is the World View of a Holy Father Necessarily Full of Holes? Mysterious theological black holes engendering global crises, 2014).

Framing a "black hole" (metaphorical or otherwise) as complexity in its most extreme form, suggests that a "white hole" could be explored as an equation upheld as "most beautiful" -- given the appreciation for such equations by mathematicians for their degree of integration of disparate dimensions, as discussed separately (Complex equations forming "pantheons" of mathematical experience? 2021). This formed part of an exploration of three-dimensional patterns inspired by mathematical experience of interrelationship (2021) and notes various efforts to identify the equations considered most beautiful and/or influential. The sense of "beautiful" for mathematics is readily reframed and conflated with "fundamental" (List of theorems called fundamental, Wikipedia). In that spirit, Nathan Kahl presents a list of The Hundred Greatest Theorems in a ranking is based on the criteria: "the place the theorem holds in the literature, the quality of the proof, and the unexpectedness of the result".

Question to ChatGPT: Framing a "black hole" (metaphorical or otherwise) as complexity in its most extreme form, suggests that a "white hole" could be explored as an equation upheld as "most beautiful" -- given the appreciation for such equations by mathematicians for their degree of integration of disparate dimensions. Missing is however any implication of how such "beauty" relates to the psychosocial and strategic challenges of governance in addressing the crises of the times.

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Question to ChatGPT: The problematic nature of "black holes" has been made evident by the use of the astrophysical analogy with respect to the financial black holes by which indebtedness is reframed, most notably extremes of national indebtedness, whether in the case of the USA or some developing countries. The ambiguity has been highlighted by reference to "white holes". Given the ambiguity of Atkin's reference to "holes" and "objects" in communication space, information silos could be similarly framed. Can one group's appreciated "silo" be seen by other groups as a "hole"

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Question to ChatGPT: There is a very extensive literature on the mathematics of astrophysical black holes. Is it to be assumed that none of that creative thinking is relevant to comprehension of the black holes of the psychosocial domain

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Psychosocial "black holes" (and silos) could be explored in terms of drivers of disagreement and antipathy between groups and those upheld as change agents, as discussed separately (Epistemological Challenge of Cognitive Body Odour: exploring the underside of dialogue, 2006; The Unmentionable Challenge to Sustainable Paradigm Shifting and Social Transformation, 1998). There is little reference to the remarkable incapacity and disinterest for discourse between "gurus" -- whether within (or between) spiritual, scientific, artistic, economic, political or ideological domains. Such "gurus" could then be considered the embodiment of silos engendering "event horizons" around themselves as "black holes" (Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science, 2012). It might be assumed that mathematics offers particular skills for modelling such negligence so as to enable consideration of structures of a subtler order (Using Disagreements for Superordinate Frame Configuration, 1992).

Question to ChatGPT: Could you comment on the antipathy frequently observed between iconic leaders and creative thinkers, whether within (or between) spiritual, scientific, artistic, economic, political or ideological domains. As the embodiment of silos, how relevant is mathematics to modelling such dynamics -- especially when they are evident within the domain of mathematics, although held to be "under the table" or "behind the scenes" of formal discourse.

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Question to ChatGPT: Whilst that response acknowledges what is possible, it avoids any reference to examples of the use of such mathematical techniques for that purpose -- thereby reflecting the kind of avoidance for which such modelling would be valuable

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Question to ChatGPT: In framing that response (as requested) in the light of the potential of mathematics, the emphasis shifts to "influence" rather than to the "lack of influence" (or negative influence) by which a silo mentality is reinforced. The process is most evident in the minimal (or tokenistic) discourse between the leaders of religions whose believers engage in the problematic conflict now characteristic of global dynamics. In the probable absence of mutual citation data (and the lack thereof), the focus could usefully switch to simulation -- potentially inspired by the insights of mathematical theology [Mathematical Theology: Future Science of Confidence in Belief, 2011].

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These concluding responses are indicative of the "proactive avoidance" in which ChatGPT is algorithmically skilled. Even with the aid of, no effort is made to cite examples in practice. A pionereeing initiative with regard to visual articulation of connectivity (and the lack thereof) within the general systems community was undertaken by Stafford Beer and Gordon Pask, as documented separately (Metaconferencing: discovering people / viewpoint networks in conferences, 1980).

Whilst the theologies of disparate religions assert a fundamental unifying principle, it is intriguing to note speculations in theoretical physics that all black holes are connected to each other. Some theories, such as those related to wormholes or the concept of a "black hole network", suggest the possibility of interconnectedness between black holes or wormholes. These ideas are still theoretical and have not been proven through observation or experimentation. The study of black holes and their potential connections is however an active area of research in astrophysics and theoretical physics (Is it possible that all black holes are connected to each other? Quora; Gia Dvali, Black Holes as Brains: neural networks with area law entropy,, 2018).

Given related speculation regarding experiential reality as a simulation -- the simulation hypothesis -- the reality of a silo invites consideration of the nature of life within it, as an alternative to "re-cognizing" living within the simulation of an other (Living within a Self-engendered Simulation, 2021).

Question to ChatGPT: Exploration of the "black hole" metaphor of silos suggests consideration of the speculation by some physicists of some form of underlying connectivity between black holes. So framed it could then be asked whether silos are strangely interconnected or entangled in a communication space of higher dimensionality -- in a form of "silo network" of information vortices. Given the intimate relation between psychosocial identity and silo mentality, this offers a degree of consistency with the manner in which human commonality is nevertheless upheld as an underlying principle -- supposedly exempified by the principles unifying disparate theologies, however mysterious. [The-O ring: Theory, Theorem, Theology, Theosophy? a playful intercultural quest for fruitful complementarity, 2014]

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Polyhedral reframing of a psychosocial ecosystem of silos?

The argument has evoked a variety of metaphors offering lenses through which a psychosocial silo might be understood. Some invite articulation through mathematical techniques, including geometry. Of particular interest is the use of geometry through its association with visualization and the implications for comprehension. How indeed might a silo be memorably envisaged? Potentially more intriguing is how an array of silos might be comprehended -- especially in the light of the possible perspectives between silos within that array, if they are associated with a configuration in geometric terms. A sense of network is most frequently evoked -- possibly as a reflection of academic citation networks. This seldom extends explicitly to the dynamics of opposition characteristic of factions within the silo -- factions whose development may result in schism and the emergence of a distinctive silo.

The possibility of framing any given silo through a polyhedron was mentioned. The geometry of the polyhedron (vertices, edges, sides) then offers multiple opportunities for mapping the concepts and categories distinguished as meaningful within the silo as a mode of preoccupation and an integrative pattern of coherence. Beyond the mnemonic value of the conventional tabular configuration of arrays of topics and subtopics, polyhedral forms offer the further possibility of higher orders of symmetry through which higher degrees of integration within the silo may be articulated and rendered memorable. Such higher degrees of order can be understood as reinforcing the sense of coherence within the silo -- potentially associated with a sense of community.

Such possibilities then frame the question of how the relationship between multiple silos in an interdisciplinary, intersectoral context might be understood. As a metaphor, the most orderly insight is offered by silos as electrons orbiting a common centre. Unfortunately at this time it is questionable whether there is any common centre around which psychosocial silos might be understood to orbit -- although some, asserting an ideal, would make that claim. At the other extreme is the sense that the many silos might be comparable to the many galaxies in a universe of knowledge or communication. This framing is not especially helpful -- despite the efforts of astronomers and astrophysicists to elicit a degree of order in contrast to the seeming disorder apparent from Earth.

Between such extremes, psychosocial silos could be understood as "cognitive space habitats" -- as an adaptation of the space stations and vessels actively imagined and presented by science fiction and designers inspired by space exploration. This possibility highlights the question of their various trajectories and the potential for collision. It is also a reminder of the vast quantity of space debris -- readily recognized as resulting from abandoned habitats and those which have suffered disaster. There is little sense that space will be inhabited by humanity in an orderly manner despite a degree of expressed concern in a highly competitive environment.

The argument for the polyhedral framing of a silo can be taken further in the light of the dynamics of force-directed layout, as separately discussed and illustrated (Interactive Polyhedral Configuration of Preoccupations, 2023;  Eliciting Patterns of Global Consensus via Tensional Integrity, 2023;  Eliciting Memorable Spheres and Polyhedra from Hyperspace, 2015).

More intriguing is how such geometry invites explorations of a variety of forms of order -- potentially characteristic of interdisciplinarity -- together with the transformations between them. Although seemingly obscure, the "shape of psychosocial space" can be compared with the question for astrophysicists of the shape of the universe. Alternative hypotheses include "flat" (zero curvature), "spherical" (positive curvature), or "hyperbolic" (negative curvature) -- with the possibility that it might be multiply connected such as to form a torus in higher dimensions. The unconstrained dispersion of silos in in every direction could correspond to the "flat" option. Any orderly coherence with a form of closure to their distribution could correspond to the "spherical" option variously favoured by philosophers.

Such speculation is challenged by consideration of the hypothetical "shape of an ecosystem" from a biological perspective, that of atoms in the "periodic table", that of fundamental particles in the standard model, and by swarm formation of some species. The arrangement of electrons in nested orbitals in an atom is indicative of another modality. Particularly intriguing is the possibility that any order may be emergent -- potentially, selectively and dynamically so -- from a disordered network of concerns into one or more configurations typical of polyhedra (as suggested by neuroscience regarding neuronal connectivity in the human brain).

Question: In concluding a previous exchange regarding information silos and silo thinking -- in a context of interdisciplinarity -- the question is framed as to how the matter might be taken further [in the light of the paragraphs above]

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Ronald Atkin:

Roberto Casati and Achille C. Varzi:

Eugenia Cheng:

Hannah Critchlow. Joined-Up Thinking. Hodder and Stoughton, 2022

Erich Jantsch. Towards interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in education and innovation. Interdisciplinarity, Problems of Teaching and Research in Universities. OECD, 1972 [text]

David Mumford, Caroline Series and David Wright. Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein. Cambridge University Press, 2015

Erich H. Reck and Georg Schiemer (Eds). The Prehistory of Mathematical Structuralism. Oxford Academic, 2020 [text]

Wolff-Michael Roth. The Mathematics of Mathematics: thinking with the late Spinozist Vygotsky. SensePublishers, 2017 [contents]

D. H. Rouvray and R. Bruce King (Eds.). The Mathematics of the Periodic Table. ‎ Nova Science Publishers, 2005

George Spencer-Brown. Laws of Form. Dutton, 1969 [summary]

Evan Thompson, Adam Frank, and Marcelo Gleiser. The Blind Spot: why science cannot ignore human experience. MIT Press, 2024 [contents]

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