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29 November 2021 | Draft

Variety of Rhyming Patterns in Standard 14-line Sonnets

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Variety of rhyming patterns: 4/4/4/2, 3 quatrains with couplet
Variety of rhyming patterns: 8/6 or 14, and without couplet
Standard Sonnets of Miscellaneous Form: combinations of octaves, sestets, quatrains, tercets, and couplets


There is of course a vast literature commenting on the role of poetry and how it "works". The approach taken here follows directly from the earlier argument Comparable Modalities of Aesthetics, Logic and Dialogue (2021), and specifically to the focus on the 170 web resources regarding the role of 14-fold patterns (Pattern of 14-foldness as an Implicit Organizing Principle for Governance? Web resources, 2021). Given its acknowledged impact over an extended period, notably reviewed was the role of the 14-line Shakespearian sonnet (Future challenge of problematic sets for governance -- strategic sonnets? 2021).

Of obvious relevance to further inquiry is the variety of forms of poetry. A primary source for the following discussion was the remarkably organized database set up by Lawrence Eberhart (Poetry Forms Index, Poets Collective Multi-site Network. As of 22 April  2019, this appears to have distinguished some 625 such forms. Particular attention is given to the Sonnet Forms (count as of 21 April 2018 = 179), primarily divided into Standard Sonnets (count as of 1/12/2016 = 107) and so-called Gadget Sonnets (count as of 1 November 2017 = 70). It is the "standard sonnets" which take the form which is of primary interest to this inquiry, namely a 14-lined pattern.

From the database, particular focus was given to those sonnets which follow the Shakespearian pattern of 3 quatrains followed by a couplet, as indicated in the table below, reproduced from commentary on its potential implications (Potential for Coherence through Engaging Strategic Poetry: memorable cycles of subdivision enabling viable governance, 2021). Missing from the database is however any sense of the number of sonnets written according to a particular rhyming pattern. The 41 items in the table are however one indication of the degree of preference for the 3-quatrain/1-couplet pattern. The links in the database (reproduced below) point to detailed commentary. Where the commentary raised complex issues or alternatives, a question mark is appended to the name in the table.

Omitted from the three tables are the following sonnet forms about which the commentary was too complex to be encoded

Variety of rhyming patterns: 4/4/4/2, 3 quatrains with couplet

Variety of Rhyming Patterns in 14-line Standard Sonnets -- I
of the form 4/4/4/2; namely 3 quatrains with couplet
4/4/4/2 aaaa aaaa bbbb bb Teacher-Pupil Equation
4/4/4/2 aaaa bbbb aaaa cc Philippine Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaaa bbbb cccc dd Philippine Stanza Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaaa bbbb cccc dd Luzvimninda Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaab bbcc cddd ee Lunatic Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaba bbcb ccac aa Rubaiyat Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaba bbcb ccdc dd Malayan Wave Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aabb cdcd efef gg Weaver's Sonnet
4/4/4/2 aaxa bbxb ccxc dd Polynesian Wave
4/4/4/2 abab cdcd effe fe Tennyson-Turner's Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab abab abab ab Indonesian Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab bbcc cdcd dd Choi's Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab bbcc cdcd dd American Forte
4/4/4/2 abab bbcc cdcd ee American Libre
4/4/4/2 abab bcbc cdcd dd Spenserian Forte
4/4/4/2 abab bcbc cdcd dd Irish Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab bcbc cdcd ee Spenserian Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab ccdd efef gg Kangaroo Pause
4/4/4/2 abab cdcd efef gg English Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab cdcd efef gg Beymorlin Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab cdcd efef gg Sapphic Ode Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abab cdcd efef gg Marshalline Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abba abba baab aa Dueces Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abba abba cddc dd Gloria cum Noynoy Sonnet - Italianic
4/4/4/2 abba abba cddc dd PGMA Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abba acca cddc dd La Germania ?
4/4/4/2 abba cbbc dbbd bb Betwixt Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abba ccDD eeDD ff Volcanic Fireburst ?
4/4/4/2 abba ccdd efef gg Turkey's Delight
4/4/4/2 abba ccdd effe gg Kiwi Pause 1
4/4/4/2 abba cdcd efge hh Four Epoch Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abba cddc eefg gf Countess' Grief 1 ?
4/4/4/2 abba cddc effe gg Bowelsian Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abBB ccBB ddBB ee Volcanic Workshop ?
4/4/4/2 abca bcab cabc dd Kindergart Klas Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abcb acdc aded ae Salamander's Fireburst ?
4/4/4/2 abcb bcdc cdad da Visayan Splash
4/4/4/2 abcb bcdc cded de Kal's Wondercloth Weave Sonnet
4/4/4/2 abcb bcdc cded de Kal's First Fireburst ?
4/4/4/2 abcc deff ghii jj Storm Sonnet
4/4/4/2 xaxa xbxb xcxc dd Chivalric Sonnet

For convenience, the table above is presented here together with two other tables (all extracted from one single table). These offer a similar perspective on other standard sonnets variously conforming to the 14-line pattern

Variety of rhyming patterns: 8/6 or 14, and without couplet

Variety of Rhyming Patterns in 14-line Standard Sonnets -- II
of the form 8/6 or 14, and without couplet
Of the form 8/6, namely octave/sestet (totalling 21) Of the unbroken form 14 (totalling 13)
8/6 aaaaaaaa aaaaaa Asean Royal Flush Sonnet
8/6 aabaaaba aababb Melanesian Sonnet
8/6 aabbbccc ddedee Glorionic Sonnet
8/6 abababab cdccdc Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 5
8/6 abababab cdccdc Sicilan Sonnet 1
8/6 abababab cdecde Sicilan Sonnet 2
8/6 abababab cdecde Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 4
8/6 ababacca cdccdc Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 6
8/6 ababacca cdcdcd Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 7
8/6 abbaabba abbaab Four Kings Sonnet
8/6 abbaabba cdccdc Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 2
8/6 abbaabba cdcdcd Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 3
8/6 abbaabba cdecde Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet 1
8/6 abbaabba cdecde Visser Sonnet ?
8/6 abbabcab adeced Tuckerman's Sonnet 1
8/6 abbabcba bdeced Tuckerman's Sonnet 2
8/6 abbabccb cddcdd Germanic Sonnet
8/6 abbaccaa ddaeea Mabini Sonnet
8/6 abbacddc efefef Envelope Sonnet 2
8/6 abbacddc efgefg Envelope Sonnet 1
8/6 abcabcbc dbadda Mason Sonnet
14 aaaabbccddeeff Teddybard Sonnet
14 aababbcbccdcdd Malayan Fireburst
14 aababbcbccdcdd Maylayan Wave Sonnet
14 aabbccdddeeeff Lazy Day Sonnet
14 aabbccddeeffgg Clare Sonnet
14 aabbccddeeffgg Cyhydedd Fer Sonnet
14 ababaaccdxdfxf Dutch Sonnet
14 ababababababcc Solihull Sonnet
14 ababbccdedeeff Rime Royal Sonnet
14 ababccdddedeff Kiwi Pause 2
14 ababcdeedcbaba Mirrored Seven Sonnet ?
14 abbaabbacdecde Miltonic Sonnet
14 abcdeedcbaffa Sephallian Reverse Sonnet ?

Standard Sonnets of Miscellaneous Form

The database commentary for some sonnet forms indicated that several rhyming variants were possible. These have been treated as separate entries (with a number appended to the name) in the table above and below.

Variety of Rhythm Patterns in 14-line Standard Sonnets of Miscellaneous Form -- III
(52 forms excluded from the tables above; characterized by combinations of octaves, sestets, quatrains, tercets, and couplets)
2/2/2/2/2/2/2 aa bb cc dd ee ff gg Couplet Sonnet
2/2/4/3/3 ab ab ccdd eff egg Pushkin Sonnet ?
3/3/3/3/2 aaa bbb ccc ddd ee Reasonnet ?
3/3/3/3/2 abc abd cab cde de Keats Sonnet
3/4/3/4 aaa abab aaa abab Saraband Sonnet - English Style 1
3/4/3/4 aaa abab aaa abcb Saraband Sonnet - English Style 2
3/4/3/4 aaa abcb aaa abab Saraband Sonnet - English Style 5
3/4/3/4 aaa abcb aaa abcb Saraband Sonnet - English Style 6
3/4/3/4 aaa baab aaa baab Saraband Sonnet - Italian Style 1
3/4/3/4 aaa bcbc aaa bcbc Saraband Sonnet - Spanish Style 1
3/4/3/4 aba bccb ded effe Russia's Twin Eagles
3/4/3/4 axa abab axa abab Saraband Sonnet - English Style 3
3/4/3/4 axa abab axa abcb Saraband Sonnet - English Style 4
3/4/3/4 axa abcb axa abab Saraband Sonnet - English Style 7
3/4/3/4 axa abcb axa abcb Saraband Sonnet - English Style 8
3/4/3/4 axa baab axa baab Saraband Sonnet - Italian Style 2
3/4/3/4 axa bcbc axa bcbc Saraband Sonnet - Spanish Style 2
3/4/3/4 aza bbcc aza bbcc Saraband Sonnet - French Style 2 ?
3/4/4/4 aaa bbcc aaa bbcc Saraband Sonnet - French Style 1 ?
3/8/3 aba bccdbbde efe Stefanile Triadic Sonnet
4/2/4/4 aaaa bb cccc dddd Romblomanon Sonnet
4/2/4/4 abab cc dede fgfg Vaughanet ?
4/4/2/4 aaaa bbbb cc dddd Pope John XXIII Sonnet
4/4/2/4 abab bcbc cc cdcd Fatima Stanza Sonnet
4/4/2/4 abba cddc ee fggf French Canadian Sonnet
4/4/2/4 abba cddc ee fggf French Canadian Sonnet
4/4/2/4 abba cddc ee fggf  Double Sonnet ?
4/4/3/3 aaaa bbbb ccc ddd Arabian Sonnet
4/4/3/3 aabb ccdd efg efg South African Quilt
4/4/3/3 aabb dccd eff egg Divino Sonnet
4/4/3/3 abba acca ded ede Byron's Sonnet
4/4/3/3 abba baab cdc dcd Kilmer's Sonnet
4/4/3/3 abba cddc eff egg Canadia Sonnet - Italian Structure
4/4/6 abba abba ccdccd French Sonnet 2
4/4/6 abba abba ccdede French Sonnet 3
4/4/6 abba abba ccdeed French Sonnet 1
4/6/4 aaaa bbbbbb aaaa Japanese Sonnet
5/2/5/2 abbba cc deeed ff Grammarian Sonnet ?
5/5/4 aabcc ddbee fggf Rosarian Sonnet
5/6/4 aaaaa bbccbb aaaa Flying Bird Sonnet
6/2/6 abcabc dd efefef Dorn Sonnet 2 ?
6/2/6 abcabc ee aeaeae Dorn Sonnet 1 ?
6/6/2 aabccb ddeffe ge Jeffery's Sonnet
6/6/2 ababab cdcdcd ee Harrisham Sonnet
6/6/2 abcabc defdef gg Brisbane Sonnet
6/6/2 abccba deffed gg Scupham Sonnet
7/7 ababcbc ededfef Balanced Sonnet ?
8/3/3 abbaabba cde cde Channing's Sonnet 1 ?
8/3/3 abbaacca dee dff Channing's Sonnet 2 ?
8/3/3 abbaacca dee dff Capped Sonnet ?
8/4/2 abbaabba cddc ee Wyatt/Surrey
8/4/2 abbaacca dede ff Wordsworth Sonnet

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