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1st April 1981

In Search of Transformational Pathways

bibliography of studies conducted from 1962 to 1981

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Studies under the auspices of the Union of International Associations and Mankind 2000.
Printed in Transnational Associations, 1981, 4, pp. 251-259 [PDF version]. Copies of most of the papers listed are available from this site.


In the light of the arguments put forward in some of the studies by Anthony Judge in this bibliography it would be inconsistent to present the bibliography as a simple list. Inspired therefore by cybernetician Stafford Beer's approach to this problem in his recent book (The Heart of Enterprise. Wiley, 1980). the items in the bibliography are ordered in terms of the concentric circles and sectors of the diagram below.

More recent studies tend to be located towards the centre, reflecting the evolution from the earlier interests. Within each category (e.g. G.2 Graphics/Meetings), items are ordered strictly In terms of date of publication.

This approach is strongly related to that envisaged in the Hows wall-display technique (see G.2) and will be developed into the tensegrity forms envisaged in the metaconferencing paper (see E.2).

Papers are clustered below according to circle and sector (eg B.1: Data/Organizations)
[segments are clickable -- Disabled faciity]

Clustering of papers by  circle and sector Facilitation / Human development

A. Facilitation and general questions

A. 1 Facilitation/Organizations

1. The Union of International Associations. World Union Bulletin, 2 June 1962. pp. 40-43

2. Management game techniques and international NGOs. International Associations. 19. October 1967, pp. 659-665

3. The governmental support of international nongovernmental organizations; survey/Les contributions gouvernementales aux organisations internationales nongouvernemen-tales; analyse. International Associations. 20, July 1968, pp. 468-473 (English), pp. 477-478+ 508 (French)

4. Organization manual for international non-profit associations. In: European Commission on Agriculture. Fifteenth Conference of International Organizations for the Joint Study of Programmes and Activities in the Field of Agriculture in Europe, Paris, France. 18-21 February 1969. Organization of a seminar for staff members of international non-governmental organizations. Rome, FAO, 1969, pp. 3-7, ECA/10/15/69 (8) (also French version). Reprinted in International Associations, 21, May 1969,pp. 263-267

5. Evaluation of international organizations; the need, current efforts, qualitative and quantitative methods. International Associations, 21, March 1969, pp. 141-147, bibl. (extract from C. 1/3)

6. Contribution of the Union of International Associations to UNESCO programmes for peace. International Associations, 21. November 1969, pp. 521-527

7. Case studies in planetary management; suggestion forwarded to the International Association of Students of Business and Economics (AIESEC) on the occasion of the World Conference on the International Transfer of Management Skills (Turin, 17-21 November 1969). Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1969, 5 p.

8. Discrimination and fragmentation in the 1970s; an organized response to global crisis. International Associations. 23, January 1971 (The UN system's ivory tower strategy; and the death knell of INGO Consultative Status, pp. 23-48). February 1971 (From apartheid to schizophrenia; ecological ignorance and the logic of depersonalized separate development), pp. 89-102. (A world in distress; a model of fragmented social development), pp. 107-108

9. Management and assessment of financial resources. International Associations. 23, May 1971,pp. 287-293 (Complementary note to a report on the financial problems of international nongovernmental organizations, presented to the Sixteenth Conference of International Organizations for the Joint Study of Programmes and Activities in the Field of Agriculture in Europe, Paris, February 1971. Rome European Commission on Agriculture. FAO, ECA io/16/71, 1)

10. An NGO collective long-term objective. International Associations, 24, March 1972, pp. 151-154 (revised extract from C.l/ll 9).

11. Shared NGO Services (an analysis of a feasibility study for en international centre). International Associations, 24, March 1972, pp. 155-157

12. IGO-INGO and INGO-INGO relations; a possible approach. International Associations, 24, May 1972. pp. 284-186 (revised extract from C.l/ll 9).

13. Note on the comparative evaluation of different types of international organizations. (Prepared for the Unesco expert meeting on international organization studies. Paris, 1972), 9 p.

14. Des principes de l'action transnationale. International Associations, 24, August-September 1972. pp. 402-406

15. Principles of transnational action; an attempt at a set of guidelines. International Associations, 25, March 1973, pp. 138-144 (revised version). Also in: The Open Society; report of a seminar to reflect on the network of International Associations. Brussels. Union of International Associations. 1973, pp. 104-114. (Also French, Dutch. Spanish. Italian and German editions)

16. Managing planetary management, International Associations, 25, January 1973, pp. 26-27

17. UN-NGO relations; a new departure ? International Associations, 25, August-September 1973, pp. 421-423

18. Time for a mini-Jackson Report ? International Associations, 25, August-September 1973, pp. 429-430

19. New UN action on INGOs. International Associations, 26, February 1974, pp. 110

20. NGO Interventions (at the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs, plus illustrative material on the ECOSOC policy on multinational corporations). International Associations, 26, 10. 1974, pp. 460-467

21. Comments on the UN Secretary-General's Unofficial Draft Report on improving coordination and liaison with nongovernmental organizations. (Paper prepared for the preparatory conference of experts on the role of non-governmental organizations Fredensborg, 1974). 3 p.

22. Transnational associations and their functions. (With Kjell Skjelsbaek). In: A.J.R. Groom and Paul Taylor (Ed.). Functionalism, theory and pra-tice in international relations. University of London Press 1975, pp. 190-224

23. State size and independence in the future. International Associations, 27, 1975, pp. 89-96 (tables correct in content but incorrectly presented)

24. Facilitating group formation. Transnational Associations, 29. 1977, 7-8, pp. 302-304

25. Assessing the impact of international associations. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 10, pp. 435-440

A. 2 Facilitation/Meetings

1. Summary of functions performed by NGO conferences. International Associations, 24, June-July 1972, pp. 360-361 See: Innovation/Meetings

A. 3 Facilitation/Problems

See: Innovation /Problems, E.3

A. 4 Facilitation/Concepts

1. Development of trans-disciplinary conceptual aids: simple techniques for education, research, pre-crisis management, and program administration highlighting patterns of information transaction and sub-system interdependence. Project proposal (with Jere M. Clark). New Haven. Center for Interdisciplinary Creativity (Southern Connecticut State College) and Brussels. Union of International Associations, 1970. 13 p. plus appendixes, xeroxed. Also in French as: Le developpement des moyens conceptuels transdisciplinaires with Jere W. Clark). International Associations, 24. November 1972, pp. 528-536

2. Orders of magnitude, in ; Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UlA/Mankind 2000, 1976

A. 5 Facilitation/Human development and values

1. Universal Declaration of the Rights of Human Organization; an experimental extension of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. International Associations, 23. January 1971, pp. 7-27. Also in an abridged version: International Associations, 25. December 1973, pp. 623-627

2, A human rights index ? (Analysis of the signature and ratifications of the international human rights conventions). International Associations, 23. November 1971,pp. 545-553

B. Data collections and bibliographies

B. 1 Data/Organizations

1. Yearbook of International Organizations. Brussels, UAI. 1962-1963 ed (assistant editor), 1972-1973 ed (computerization and supplements). 1974 ed (computerization and supplements). 1977 (co-editor), 1978-1979 ed (co-editor and computerization), 1980, (computerization and supplements), 1981 ed (data bank conversion)

2. Multinational business enterprises. In: Yearbook of International Organizations, Brussels, UAI, 12th ed (1968-1969) with tables (updated in 13th ed, 1970-1971). Abridged version in: International Associations, 21.January 1969, pp. 3-11 and in Prospect (Journal of AISEC International), Autumn 1969, no. 4

3. Bibliography of documents on transnational association networks; international nongovernmental organization as a field of study. (With Kjell Skjelsbaek). In: Yearbook of International Organizations. 1973, Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1972, pp. 903-919 (approx. 800 items) (also in 1974 edition)

4. Internationally-oriented foundations. In: Yearbook of International Organizations. Brussels, UAI, 14th ed (1972-1973), 15th ed (1974), 17th ed (1978-1979)

5. Internationally-oriented institutes. In: Yearbook of International Organizations- Brussels, UAI, 14th ed (1972-1973), 15th ed (1974), 17th ed (1978-1979)

6. International nongovernmental organizations most frequently recognized by intergovernmental organizations. In: Yearbook of International Organizations. 14th ed (1972-1973), 15th ed (1974)

7. International NGO groupings. In: Yearbook of International Organizations. Brussels, UAI, 14th ed (1972-1973). 15th ed (1974)

8. Statitstics on international organizations. In: Yearbook of International Organizations. Brussels, UAI, 14th ed (1972-1973). 15th ed (1974), 17th (1978-1979), 18th ed (1980), 19th ed (1981)

9. Multilateral treaties, conventions and agreements. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI/Mankind 2000, 1976

10. International agencies and associations (Interrelationships and links to world problems, disciplines, occupations, treaties, etc). In Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI/Mankind 2000, 1976

11. Multinational business enterprises (co-editor). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (606 enterprises)

12. National Participation in International Organizations. Brussels, UAI, 1979, unpublished experimental edition (computerization). Summary totals in : Yearbook of International Organizations, 1980 (French edition)

13. Directory of National Participation in International Organizations. Brussels, UAI, 1981, micofiche edition (editor) Brussels, UAI, 1981,micofiche edition (editor)

B. 2 Data/Meetings

1. Annual International Congress Calendar, Brussels, UAI, 1963 ed (editor), 1981 ed (computerization)

2. Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings. Brussels, UAI under contract to the US National Science Foundation, 1963 (co-editor, meetings for 1957), 388 p. 1964 (editor, meetings for 1958), 400 p.

B. 3 Data/Problems

1. Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976, 1st experimental edition, 1136 p. (editor and computerization)

B.4. Data/Concepts

1. Intellectual disciplines and sciences (co-editor). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, Brussel,. UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (1845 disciplines)

2. Integrative, unitary and transdiscipli-nary concepts. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, Brussels. UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976(421 concepts)

3. Bibliography of integrative, unitary and transdisciplinary approaches. In : Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (1850 items)

B. 5 Data/Human development and values

1. Human development concepts. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (228 concepts)

2. Bibliography of integrative human development and potential. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Development. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (925 items)

3. Human values. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976 (704 values)

C. Communication and information systems

C. 1 Communication/Organizations

1. International cooperation, communications and sources of information (London, privately distributed in stencilled form, 1965). 7p.

2. Note on the possible use of computers and data processing equipment by international non-governmental organizations. Brussels. Federation of International Associations established in Belgium, 1968. 14 p. French version published in : International Associations, 21, June-July 1969, pp. 329-339

3. Report of a preliminary investigation of the possibility of using computer data processing methods. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1966, 2 vols., xeroxed vol. 1: Main report. 58 p. plus exhibits; vol. 2: Appendix I; analysis of internal and external factors which may influence the future of the organization. 117 p. plus exhibits

4. Organizational apartheid: Who needs whom in the Second United Nations Development Decade ? International Associations, 21, October 1969, pp. 451-450 (Earlier version circulated under the title: Need for a world management information network to assist initiation and coordination of global development programmes. UAI Study Papers INF/1)

5. Communication and international organizations. International Associations, 22. February 1970, pp. 57-79 (Revised version of a paper entitled: The impact of the computer/communication/information revolution on nongovernmental organizations and their members during the Second U.N. Development Decade (1970-1980) and in the foreseeable future. Circulated at the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Geneva. 1969. 15 p. 11/GC/21)

6. The improvement of communication within the world-system; research uses, applications and possibilities of a computer-based information centre on national and international organizations and related entities. Brussels. U.A.I.. 196 p.. bibl., appendixes, (UAI Study Papers INF/2)

7. Inter-Contact; an information centre and a technique; description of a planned computer-based information centre on international and national organizations and related entities. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1969,37p. (UAI Study Papers, INF/4) Also a French version (INF/3)

8. Overlap between NGO information systems. International Associations. 22, 1970, 3, pp. 163-164

9. International organizations and the generation of the will to change - the information systems required; a study of some of the implications of the... Jackson Report... Pearson Report... CESI Report... SATCOM Report (in terms of the total network of organizations making up the world system and the complex network of interacting problem areas). Brussels. UAI 1970, 89 p. plus appendixes (UAI Study Papers INF/5). Extracts also published under the title: Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s. International Associations, 22, 1970, 3, pp. 135-153; 4. pp. 221-226; 6/7. pp. 355-361

10. Information systems and inter-organizational space. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 393. January 1971. pp. 47-64 (Special issue on social development)

11. The next step in inter-organizational relationships; the use of information, rather than organizations, as the foundation for the inter-organizational activity of the future. Brussels UAI. 1971, 90 p. (UAl Study Papers ORG/1 )

12. Inter-organizational data and data bank design. (Paper presented to the Workshop on International Organization Data, jointly sponsored by International Studies Association, Union of International Associations, and United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Puerto Rico, March 1971). 20 p.

13. Acquisition and organization of international documentation / L'acquisi-tion et l'organisation de la documentation internationale. In: International Federation for Documentation. Sources. Organization, and Utilization of International Documentation (Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Documentation of the United Nations. Geneva, 21-23 August 1972) The Hague, FID, 1974 (FID publ. 506) pp. 112-144 (English), pp. 145-181 (French) (UNI-TAR/EUR/SEM.1 /W.P.II/IR)

14. Mobilization for alienation vs. Catalysis for participation; the critical choice for the United Nations system. International Associations. 25, August-September 1973, pp. 407-41 2. Slightly revised version reprinted under the title: Mobilization of public opinion; yesterday's response to today's problems. Transnational Associations. 31. 1979, 1/2, pp. 8-14

15. International Standard Book Numbering and international organizations (Group 92). International Associations, 27, 10, 1975, pp. 481-485 (edited and restructured version of Unesco material)

See also: Utilisation of international documentation, I.1/1

C. 2 Communication/Meetings

1. Proceedings of international meetings; analysis of a bibliography. International Associations. August 1964, pp. 462-471

2. A meeting-related information exchange facility within a computer conferencing environment. (Report prepared in response to a request from an Ad Hoc Meeting on Conference Information Systems held on the initiative of the Committee for Information on Science and Technology (CIDSI) of the Commission of the European Communities. Luxembourg, September 1977). 22 p + annexes

3. Preliminary outline of future communication requirements at an international congress centre. (Commissioned report), 1980 (16 p)

4. A computer-enhanced communication environment for an international conference centre (Commissioned report). 1979 (75 p) See also F.2 for papers on computer conferencing

C. 3. Communication/Problems

1. What is a world problem ? A new project of the UAI - Yearbook of World Problems. International Associations 23. May 1971, pp. 269-273

2. World problems and human development. Brussels. UAI, 1972 (Earlier version circulated under the title: World problems - outline proposal for a data collection project on "world problems"}

3. A new approach to world problems International Associations, 24, October 1972, pp. 475-479

4. World problems and human potential; a date interlinkage and display process. Futures, 7,3, June 1975, pp. 209-220. (An earlier French version exists under the title : Problêmes mondiaux et potentiel humain; un exercice de collecte et de présentation des données. International Associations, 27, 8-9, 1975, pp. 416-4)

5. World problems and human potential: significance and preliminary results of the World Problems Project. International Associations. 28, 2, 1976, pp. 102-108 (partially restructured extract from the Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential)

6. World problems and human potential. World Union. 16. 11, November 1976, pp. 18-21

See also: De la difficulté de saisir la problématique mondiale

C.4 Communication/Concepts

1. General systems, education and the relevance of world system data banks and the Inter-Contact technique. (Background paper for a symposium of the Task Force on Systems Education at the Annual Meeting of the Society for General Systems Research, Boston, December 1969)

2. Conceptual distortions from negative descriptors: the possibility that "nongovernmenta" may be comprehended as "antigovernmental" in some languages. International Associations. 26, 1974, 3. pp. 150-155

3. Conceptual gaps and confused distinctions; possible ambiguities in the translation of interrelated concepts. International Associations, 26, 1974, 3, pp. 156-159

4. Texts or concepts: documentation or knowledge ? International Associations. 26, 1974, 4, pp. 205-208 (revised extract from 0.4/2)

5. Social science terminology and conceptual problems of translation. Intemational Associations, 26, 1974, 4, pp. 210-212 (revised extract from 41)

6. Languages, terminologies and mindsets. International Associations. 26. 1974, 4. pp. 219-225

7. Le Problème du Langage dans la Société Internationale (Compte rendu du colloque organisé par I'UAI à Pans, mars 1974, en association avec le Comité pour l'analyse des concepts et de la terminologie (COC-IA) ). Bruxelles. Union des Associations Internationales. 1975, 266 p. (editor of Documents Préparatoires, pp. 114-264, many of which appeared in a special issue of Interna-tional Associations. 26. 1974 3/4)

8. Traduction expérimentale / Translation experiment (Results of translating English and French original texts back from 8 non-indo-european languages). In: Le Problème du Langage dans la Société Internationale. Bruxelles, UAI, 1975, pp. 240-260

9. Intergrative, unitary and transdisciplinary concepts: introduction, In : Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI/Mankind 2000, 1976

C.5 Communication/Human development and values

1. Concepts of human development and potential: introduction. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976, (7p)

D. Classification

D. 1 Classification/Organizations

1. Classification of international and national organizations and the relationship between them with special reference to international non-profit organizations. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1968, 26 p. plus 15 exhibits, xeroxed (extract from vol. 2 of C.1/3)

2. International NGO groupings. International Associations. 21, February 1969, pp. 89-97

3. International organizations; diversity, borderline cases, functional substitutes and possible alternatives. In: Paul Taylor and A J R Groom (Eds) International Organizations; a conceptual approach. London. Frances Pinter, 1977, pp. 78-83. Slightly revised version under the title International organizations ; an overview. In: Yearbook of International Organizations. Brussels, UIA, 1978

4. Organizational terminology and organizational types. Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 6, pp. 260-283 (Extract from D.1/3) See also: Presentation of GPID integration through functional classification of international organizations.

See also: Transnational Action Yellow Pages.

D. 2 Classification/Meetings

See: E.2/5 Innovation/Meetings

D. 3 Classification/Problems

1. Types of problem: International Associations, 23, June 1971, pp. 332-334

2. Problem disguises. International Associations, 25, April 1973. pp. 233-239

See also: World problems: Introduction.

D. 4 Classification/Concepts

1. Notes on the design of an information system to facilitate the production of concept thesauri by different schools of thought (Prepared for a meeting of the International Studies Association. Bellagio. December 1971). Xeroxed, 5 p. (later expanded into D.4/2)

2. Relationship between elements of knowledge; use of computer systems to facilitate construction, comprehension and comparison of the concept thesauri of different schools of thought. (Working Paper No 3, Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis of the International Political Science Association). University of Hawaire Social Science research Institute, 1972. (150 p). Revised and abridged as: Toward a concept inventory; suggestions for a computerized procedure (Presented to Research Committee 1, 9th Congress, International Political Science Association. Montreal 1973). 67 p.

3. Anti-developmental biases in thesaurus design (Paper for the Conference on conceptual and terminological analysis. Bielefeld 1981 In: Proceedings. Gesellschaft für Klassifi-kation, Frankfurt/Main, 1981

D. 5 Classification/Human development and values

1. An approach to systematic classification of interpersonal relationships (conceived as essential to alternative lifestyles, social and personal transformation). 1978, 9 p + annexes

E. Innovation, alternatives, constraints and the future

E. 1 Innovation/Organizations

1. Wanted ; new types of social entity. International Associations, 23, March 1971. (The role of the "potential association"), pp. 148-152. (Matrix organization and organizational networks), pp. 154-170 (revised extract from C.l/ll)

2. Summary of the crises in interorganizational relationships at the international level. International Associations, 24. May 1972, pp. 287-295 (revised extract from C.l/ll)

3. Wrecking an international project; 114 notes from a saboteur's vade mecum. International Associations, 24, October 1972, pp. 487-490. (Also in: Urban Social Change Review, 5, 2. Spring 1972)

4. Inter-organizational relationships; in search of a new style. In: The Open Society; report of a seminar to reflect on the network of international associations. Brussels, Union of International Associations. 1973, pp. US-132. (Also French. Italian, Spanish, Dutch and German versions)

5. Transnational network of research-and-service communities; a proposal for an organizational hybrid. (Paper presented to the Rome Special Futures Conference, September 1973), Brussels, UIA, 1973, 21 pages and annexes. In ; Proceedings. Rome, Irades. 1974 (Also reprinted in: Facilitative Environments for Personal Development. E.5/I)

6. UN Environment Programme wastes NGO resources; how to butcher the "Spirit of Stockholm". International Associations. 25. August-September 1973, pp. 414-420

7. Futures perspectives of international organizations. (Background paper for a UNESCO/UNITAR expert meeting on the role of international organizations in the contemporary world. Geneva, 1976). 7 p.

8. An information centre on social innovation. (Presentation to a study meeting of the International Foundation for Social Innovation. 25-26 September 1975). Paris, the Foundation. 4 p

9. Pseudo-issues paralyzing transnational association action. International Associations. 28, 12, 1976, pp. 571 -573 (Expanded version of a presentation to a colloquium of the Union of International Associations. Geneva. 9-10 November 1976. on the future of transnational associations within the new world order)

10. Practical problems in using the potential of INGO networks. (Paper to a panel on evaluating and extending public participation in international organizations, at the 18th Annual meeting of the International Studies Association. 16-20 March 1977, St Louis, USA). In: The Future of Transnational Associations from the standpoint of a New World Order. Brussels. UAI, 1977, pp. 168-205 (Also a French version). Reprinted in: Transnational Associations, 32, 1980. 4, pp. 180-185 under the title: Problems hindering action of international nongovernmental organizations (also a French version, in 32, 1980,3. pp. 145-1519.This paper incorporates and extends E.9)

11. An alternative network for transnational asset management: outline proposal. 1977 May, 11 pages

12. Organizational hybrid: transnational network of research and service communities. Transnational Associations, 29,1977, 7-8, pp. 306-311 (Extract from E.1/5)

See also: Groupware configurations of challenge and harmony; en alternative approach to "alternative organizations". H.1/3

E.2 Innovation/Meetings

1. The use of "multi-meetings"; proposal for improvement to NGO/UN relationships. International Associations, 23, June 1971. pp. 354-359 (revised extract from C.l/ll)

2. A communication tool for meeting participants. International Associations, 26, February 1974, pp. 119-120

3. Description of social transmutation conference (to be organized in Paris, June 1975 by Société internationale des Conseillers de Synthèse under the auspices of Mankind 2000). Brussels, Mankind 2000, 1974 17 p. Earlier versions used the terms social engineering and social catalysis in the title

4. Meeting psychosocial dynamics; proposed for World Forum on Social Innovation. International Associations, 27, 1, 1975, pp. 45-48

5. Technical facilitation of meeting dynamics and participant inter-action (from conference organization for well-behaved participants to conference organization for the satisfaction of participants). In: New Techniques in Congress Organization (Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Congress Organization. Kyoto. December 1975). Brussels, UAI, 1977, pp. 68-76. Reprinted from International Associations, 28, 1, 1976, pp. 34-37 and 2, pp. 88-93

6 A congress that dared the unthinkable. (Report on the last New Age Congress. Florence, 1978). Transnational Associations, 30, 1978. 5, pp. 266-270

7 Meeting thoughts, visions and speculations. (Notes for the 1 st New Age Congress, Florence, 1978) Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 9, pp. 429-435

8. Metaconferencing; discovering people/viewpoint networks in conferences. (Report on an experiment at the conference of the Society for General Systems Research, London, 1979). Transnational Associations, 32, 1980. 10, pp.

9. Participant interaction messaging; improving the conference process. Transnational Associations, 32, 1980, 1, pp. 27-35

See also: Metaconferencing possibilities. H.2/1 and I.2/2 10. Remarks concerning planetary congress 1982 (Prepared for working conference, convened by Planetary Citizens, Stony Point, USA, January 1981) 12 p.

E. 3 Innovation/Problems

1. Quo Vadis, U.N.O. ?; a review of the issues raised by the Club of Rome study of "world dynamics". International Associations, 23, October 1971. pp. 469-481 (includes annotated conclusions of the study).

2. Limits to Human Potential. Brussels, UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976, 62 p. Revised extracts printed in: International Associations. 28. 1976, 10, pp. 444-446 and Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 4, pp. 147-150 and in Large-group Conferences (I.2/2). Earlier version circulated in 1971 under the title: Preliminary thoughts on recommendations for change and intervention in the world system.

3. Complexity; its constraints on social innovation. (Introductory reports to Working Group 2 of the Journées d'études of the International Foundation for Social Innovation, Paris, 1977). In ; Journées d'Etudes, Mars 1977. Paris. Fondation internationale de l'innovation sociale. 1977. vol. 2 (49 p). Unpublished French versions circulated separately. The reports appeared separately as follows:

  1. Introduction. Transnational Associations, 29, 4, 1977, pp. 120-123
  2. Presentation of information and its educational role in response to complexity. Transnational Associations, 29, 4, 1977, pp. 124-125
  3. Organizational forms in response to complexity. Transnational Associations, 29, 5, 1977, pp. 178-183
  4. Organization of meetings for discussion of complex issues. Transnational Associations, 29, 5, 1977 pp. 183-187
  5. Institutional "games" and strategies as a response to complexity. Transnational Associations, 29, 5, 1977,pp. 187-189

4. Why systems fail and problems sprout anew; review of the principles of "Systemantics" identified in a recent book of that name. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 11 pp. 491-496

5. Principles of the conscientized international expert. Transnational Associations. 31, 1979, 11,pp. 543-545

E. 4 Innovation/Concepts

1. Categorical straitjackets; PO - a suggestion for a depatterning device for international organization descriptions. International Associations, 26, 1974, 3,pp. 148-150

2. In search of transformational pathways (Studies under the auspices of the Union of International Associations and Mankind 2000), Transnational Associations, 32,1981,4, pp. 251-259.

E. 5. Innovation/Humandevelopment and values.

1. Facilitative Environments for Personal Development. (Papers arising out of a postal symposium). Brussels, Mankind 2000, 1975, 216 p (editor; includes paper, E.1 /5, pp. 111-138, and paper pp. 198-216).

2. Thoughts on sacred places. Brussels. Mankind 2000, 1975, 4 p.

3. Lifestyle interdependence, context and design. (Paper presented to the European Workshop on Lifestyles and Social Change of the Association Internationale Futuribles, Arc-et-Senans. September 1977), 8 p.

4. Incapacité de l'individu a entreprendre dans son mode de vie personnel. In: Modes de vie et changement social en Europe de l'Ouest; colloque européen organisé par l'Association internationale Futuribles, septembre 1977. Paris, Futuribles, 1978, pp. 45-49. Also unpublished English version.

5. An introduction to the (New Age) congress (Florence, 1978). In: Congress programme document. Florence, 1978, 4 p. Also Italian version.

6. Reflections on development of the mental focus (Notes touching on aspects of the vision for a centre with this concern). Brussels. Mankind 2000, 1978, 6p.

7. Organization and lifestyle design; characteristics of a nonverbal structural language. (Paper prepared for the Internationale Konferenz Bedingungen des Lebens in der Zukunft und ihre Folgen für die Erziehung. Berlin. November 1978).

F. Networks and networking

F.1. Neworks/Organizations

1. The world network of organizations; a symbol for the 1970s. International Associations, 24, January 1972. p. 18-24.

2. Nature of organization in transnational networks. (Paper submitted to a session of the International Studies Association. 13th Annual convention. Dallas. March 1972). Modified abridged version.

3. Transnational association networks; selected list of research topics on international nongovernmental organizations (with Kjell Skjelsbaek). International Associations, 24, October 1972, pp. 481-485.

4. Notes on the networking concept as applied to information systems. (Prepared for a conference on the networking concept of the International Referral Service of the United Nations Environment Programme. Heidelberg, 1973). 11 p.

5. Harmonizing viewpoint; the harmony of interaction - and the facilitation of network processes. In: The Dilemma facing Humanity (Proceedings of an international symposium. May 19-21 1974,Spokane, USA), edited by G M Dalen and Clyde R Tipton Jr. Battelle Memorial Institute. 1974,pp. 47-53. Reprinted in: International Associations, 26, 11, 1974, pp. 538-543.

6. Networks of international associations: occupational categories and world problems. (Paper for a conference on international scientific and professional associations and the international system. Philadelphie, November 1976). In ; Preconference proceedings. Philadelphia, Anspach Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs of the University of Pennsylvania. 1976, (22 p.).

7. Network organizational strategy. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels. UAI and Mankind 2000, 1976. Also in ; Internationa! Associations, 28, 1976 8/9, pp. 396-397.

8. International organization networks; a complementary perspective. In ; Paul Taylor and A J R Groorn (Eds) International Organizations; a conceptual approach. Frances Pinter, 1977,pp. 381-413.

9. The network alternative. (Introductory paper for an exploratory meeting on the network alternative, 18-20 November 1976, Montreal). Transnational Associations, 29, 1977. 9, pp. 352-359.

10. Anti-networking strategies. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 11. p. 490 (with D Horton Smith).

11. Inter-organizational networking. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978. 10. pp. 429-434 (contributions to an article by D Horton Smith).

12. The associative society of the future. (Paper presented at the 20th Annual international convention of the International Studies Association. Toronto, March 1979). Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 6, pp. 259-265. See also: International agencies and associations (networks). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. B.3/1.

F. 2. Networks/Meetings (computer conferencing)

1. Enhancing transnational network action. Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 10 pp. 401 -448 (special issue: with editorial).

2. Enhancing communication at a large conference/festival (using computer conferencing). Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 12,pp. 532-540.

3. Facilitating the networking processes of a transnational university using computer conferencing. (Paper prepared for the 2nd Planning Meeting of the Global Processes and Indicators for Development project of the United Nations University Human and Social Development Programme. Geneva. January 1978). Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 4, pp. 205-214.

4. Enhancement of communication between Commonwealth organizations using computer conferencing techniques (Report prepared for the Science Adviser to the Commonwealth Secretary General in partial fulfilment of a consultancy assig-ment under the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation). 30 June 1978, 20 p + annex. See also: Facilitating the emergence of configurative understanding in "councils of the wise" through computer conferencing dialogues. 1.5/1.

F. 3. Networks/Problems.

1 World problem networks as perceived by international organization networks. In: General Systems Theorizing; an assessment and prospects for the future. Society for General Systems Research. 1976, pp. 277-284 (Presentation at a panel on modelling and analysis of critical global problems 20 February 1976, Boston, during the annual North American meeting of SGSR).

2. Networking diseases; speculations towards the development of cures and preventive measures. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 11, pp. 486-490.

See also: World problems (networks). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential, B.3/1.

F. 4. Networks/Concepts

1. Networking; the need for a new concept. International Associations, 26. 1974, 3, pp. 170-173.

2. Preliminary notes on the mathematical analysis of networks of psycho-social entities in order to facilitate their comprehension. Brussels. UIA, 1975, 10 p. xerox.

3. Mathematical analysis of networks. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels. UlA/Mankind 2000, 1976.

4. Organizational systems versus network organization. Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 9. pp. 360-364 (Part I); 1977, 11, pp. 479-484 (Part II) (Edited transcript of a round table discussion on the distinction, if any, between "system" and "network". Montreal, November 1976).

5. System/Network complementarity. Transnational Associations, 29. 1977, 9,pp. 365-368 (Extract from F.1/8).

6. Network-related concepts. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 5, pp. 193-194.

See also: Intellectual disciplines and sciences (networks). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. B.3/1.

F. 5. Networks/Humandevelopment and values.

1.Networkers and networking roles. Transnational Associations, 29, 1977, 11, pp. 490 (Extract from E.1/5). See also: Human values (networks). In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential.

G. Graphics, mapping and Forms of presentation

G. 1. Graphics/Organizations

1. Visualization of the organizational network - the UAI as an international data bank. In : Union of International Associations 1910-1970 (Past, Present, Future). Brussels, UAI, 1970,pp. 88-116 (also in French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and German versions). French version also appears in Synthèse, 25, 288, juin 1970, pp. 72-95 and in International Associations 22, 1970, 5, pp. 265-268.

2. Visualization of organization (16 mm film). Brussels, UAI, 1970.

3. Computer-aided visualization of psycho-social structures; peace as an evolving balance of conceptual and organizational relationships. (Paper presented to a symposium on value and knowledge requirements for peace of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia, December 1971), 34 p., xeroxed.

4. Human organisations / Organisations humaines. International Associations. 25, November 1973, pp. 357-541 (editor).

5. Groups and networks by Yona Fried-man (adapted from a French version applied to individuals by Anthony Judge. International Associations, 26, 5, 1974, pp. 274-283.

6. Network map production. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UlA/Mankind 2000,1976.

7. Mapping possibilities in response to information needs of science policy-making for development (Report prepared for the Science Adviser to the Commonwealth Secretary General in partial fulfillment of a consultancy assignment under the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation), 30 June 1978, 4 p + annexes. Restructured version appears as: Information mapping for development. Transnational Associations.

8. Report of the Forms of Presentation sub-project meeting, Geneva, February 1979. Geneva, United Nations University Project (GPID), 1979, 6 p. See also: The territory construed as a map. G.5/2.

G. 2. Graphics/Meetings

1. Interrelating viewpoints in complex meetings; the Horus wall-display technique. Transnational Associations. 30, 1978, 12,pp. 542-548 (with the assistance of D Norton Smith). See also: Metaconferencing. See also: Metaconferencing possibilities.

G. 3. Graphics/Problems

1. Mapping world problems. International Associations. 24, August-September 1972, pp. 414-417.

2. La carte des menaces. (Résumé d'une conference faite au colloque international sur la perception nouvelle des menaces, Paris. 1973). Le Monde Diplomatique, mars 1974 (spécial issue).

3. Problem humour and miscellanea. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UlA/Mankind 2000, 1976.

G.4. Graphics/Concepts.

1. Proposal for the development of a "World game" as a long-term educational technique. (Document submitted to a session of the 4th Conference on General Systems Education. Connecticut. April 1971), 7 p.

2. Use of interactive graphic display techniques. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels. UlA/Mankind 2000, 1976.

3. Knowledge-representation in a computer-supported environment. International Classification. 4, 1977, 2, pp. 76-81 (Revised version of C.4/4). See also: Information mapping for development. G.1/7.

G. 5. Graphics/Human development and values.

1. World dynamics and psychodynamics; a step toward making abstract "world system" dynamic limitations meaningful to the individual. Brussels, UAI, 1971, 20 p., xeroxed.

2. The territory construed as a map; in search of radical design innovations in the representation of human activities and their relationships. 1979, 17 p.

3. Minding the future; a thought experiment on presenting new information. (Prepared for the Forms of Presentation sub-project meeting, Geneva, 1980 of the GPID project of the UN University) 1980, 4 p.

H. Tensional integrity (tensegrity)

H. 1. Tensegrity/Organizations.

1. Transcending duality through ten-sional integrity.

2. Tensed networks; balancing and focusing network dynamics in response to networking diseases. Transnational Associations. 30, 1978, 11,pp. 480-485 (Working paper for the Goals Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University Human and Social Development Programme).

3. Groupware configurations of challenge and harmony; an alternative approach to "alternative organizations". (Paper prepared for the international conference of the Society for General Systems Research. 1979; presented to a workshop on alternative organizations of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management. Brussels, June 1979), Internationa! Associations. 31, 1979, 10, pp. 467-475. Also published in: Richard Ericson (Ed). Improving the Human Condition; quality and stability in social systems. Washington, Society for General Systems Research, Washington, 1979 (Conference proceedings), pp. 597-610.

4. Tensing associative networks to contain the fragmentation and erosion of collective memory. (Prepared for a commission on the role of associations in transnational communication of the World Forum of Transnational Associations, Brussels. 1980). 1980, 43 p.

H. 2. Tensegrity/Meetings.

1. Metaconferencing possibilities. (Prepared on the occasion of the World Forum of Transnational Associations, Brussels. 1980). Transnational Associations, 33, 1981, 2, pp. 102-105

See: Towards engendering thematic tensegrities and geodesic conferences. In: Metaconferencing. E.2/8.

H. 3. Tensegrity/Problems

See: Towards engendering thematic tensegrities and geodesic conferences. In : Metaconferencing. E.2/8.

See:Implementing principles by balancing configurations of functions. H.4/3.

H. 4. Tensegrity/Concepts.

1. Complementarity and tensegrity. Newsletter of the World Future Studies Federation. January 1978, pp. 1 -3 (editorial).

2. Beyond childishness through symbol-empowered tensegrities. (Article requested by the Green Peace Chronicle for a special issue on the International Year of the Child). 1979.

3. Implementing principles by balancing configurations of functions; a tensegrity organization approach. Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 12,pp. 587-591.

See also: Needs communication: viable need patterns and their identification.

H. 5. Tensegrity/Humandevelopment and values

1. Needs communication: viable need patterns and their identification. In: Katrin Lederer (Ed) in cooperation with Johan Galtung and David Antal. Human Needs; a contribution to the current debate. Berlin, Oelgeschlag-er. Gunn and Hain and Verlagsgruppe Athenaum, Hain, Scriptor and Han-stein, 1980 (Papers arising from the workshop on human needs of the GPID project of the UN University, Berlin, 1978).

I. Integrative comprehension

I. 1. Comprehension/Organizations.

1. Utilisation of international documentation. (Introductory report for Panel III of the 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation. Brussels, 1980, organized by UNITAR and the Association of International Libraries). In: Proceedings (forthcoming). Also distributed under the title: Societal learning and the erosion of collective memory. (The report is based on a critique of the Club of Rome report ; No Limits to Learning).

2. Presentation of GPID integration through functional classification of international organizations. (Note prepared for the 5th Network Meeting of the GPID project of the UN University, Montreal, 27 July-5 August 1980) 1980, 6 p + annexes.

I. 2. Comprehension/Meetings.

1. Emergence of integrative processes in a self-reflective assembly. Transnational Associations, 30, 1978, 5, pp. 271-276.

2. Large-group conferences; maturing their reflective, focusing and transformative power, especially in conditions of social upheaval. (Preparatory report for a commission on meeting sociology, dynamics and practice of the World Forum of Transnational Associations, Brussels, 1980. Brussels. UAI. 1980 (100 p).

I. 3. Comprehension/Problems.

1. De la difficulté de saisir la problématique mondiale. Etudes et Expansion, 77, Oct-Dec 1978, 278, pp. 701-710. See also: World problems: introduction. In: Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential.

I. 4. Comprehension/Concepts.

1. Functional synthesis of viewpoints; a conceptual model. (Brussels, privately distributed in xeroxed form, 1968), 40 p. plus diagrams.

2. Criteria for a meta-model. (Document submitted to a session of the 4th Conference on General Systems Education. Connecticut, April 1971 ), 4p.

3. Representation, comprehension and communication of sets; the role of number. International Classification, 5. 1978, 3, pp. 126-133 (part 1); 6. 1979,1, pp. 16-25 (part2);6, 1979, 2, pp. 92-103 (part 3). (Report prepared for the Secretary of the Commonwealth Science Council and presented to a meeting of the Goals. Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University Human and Social Development Programme, Geneva, October 1978).

Also circulated in a pre-publication form by the UN University as HASDR-GIPID-22/UNUP-133, 1980. Presented in an abridged form as: Representation of sets: the role of number. In: Ingetraut Dahlberg (Ed). Klassifikation und Erkenntnis (Proceedings.. der 3. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation, Kön-igstein. 1979). Frankfurt. Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, 1979, vol. I. pp. 27-42 (Studien zur Klassifikation, Bd. 4. SK4).

4. Patterns of N-foldness; comparison of integrated multi-set concept schemes as forms of presentation. (Paper prepared for the Forms of Presentation sub-project meeting. Geneva, 1980, of the GPID project of the UN University), 1980, 10 p + annexes (122 p).

5. Concept factors in concept scheme integration; GPID as a case study. (Prepared for the Integrative Workshop meeting, Alfaz del Pi. 1980. of the GPID project of the UN University), 7 p + annexes.

6. The future of comprehension; conceptual birdcages and functional basketweaving. (Paper submitted for the "Conference Volume" of the First Global Conference on the Future. Toronto. 1980).

7. Liberation of integration; pattern, oscillation, harmony and embodiment. (Prepared for the 5th Network Meeting of the GPID project of the UN University, Montreal, 1980) 48 p.. supplemented by: Fugitive integration; a musical addendum. 6 p.

8. Comments on Group B problematique. (Reactions to introductory report on the methodology of United Nations University GPID project -Group B) November 1980. 8 p.

9. Beyond edge-bound comprehension and modal impotence. (Prepared for the United Nations University GPID project - Group B, Tokyo, August 1981) 9 p.

10. Integrative dimensions of concept sets; transformations with minimal distortion between implicitness and expliciyness of set representation according to constraints on communicability. (Prepared for the United Nations University GPID project -Group B, Tokyo. August 1981) 5 p.

I. 5. Comprehension/Human development and values.

1. Development : beyond "science" to "wisdom" - facilitating the emergence of configurative understanding in "Councils of the Wise" through computer conferencing dialogues. (Presented at the World Futures Studies Federation conference on science, technology and the future. Berlin, 1979). Transnational Associations, 31, 1979, 7/8,pp. 364-372.

Also published with an erroneous title and page ordering in: Hans Buchholz and Wolfgang Gmelin (Eds), Science and Technology and the Future. Munchen. K G Saur, 1979, pp. 738-762.

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