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Networking Consciousness


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Adaptation from the I Ching. Published in: UniS: the journal for discovering universal qualities, 1, 2, Summer 1987, pp. 6-21. See also Transformation Metaphors: derived experimentally from the Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching) for sustainable dialogue, vision, conferencing, policy, network, community and lifestyle into which the contents of this document were integrated.


Networking consciousness conditions according to I Ching numbering
01 Creativity 17 Following 33 Withdrawal 49 Revolution
02 Receptivity 18 Remedial action 34 Power 50 Cultural heritage
03 Initial difficulty 19 Initiative 35 Progress 51 Crisis preparedness
04 Inexperience 20 Recognition 36 Decline 52 Inaction
05 Waiting 21 Decisive action 37 Community 53 Development
06 Conflict 22 Style 38 Opposition 54 Elective affinity
07 Controlled threat 23 Deterioration 39 Obstruction 55 Prosperity
08 Solidarity 24 Recovery 40 Liberation 56 Marginality
09 Subtle restraint 25 Spontaneity 41 Deficiency 57 Penetrating clarity
10 Careful conduct 26 Conservation 42 Assistance 58 Vitality
11 Peace 27 Support 43 Resolution 59 Barrier dissolution
12 Stagnation 28 Importance 44 Encounter 60 Limitation
13 Fellowship 29 Persistence 45 Congregation 61 Essential quality
14 Wealth 30 Normative constraint 46 Advancement 62 Conscientiousness
15 Unpretentiousness 31 Influence 47 Adversity 63 Accomplishment
16 Enthusiasm 32 Endurance 48 Basic need 64 Transformation threshold

1. Creativity

Condition Creative energy and inspiration energy may engender new patterns as a result of unrestrained action by a network.


1. Patient caution by the network may be required to avoid premature action. (Resulting in: Encounter).

2. Exertion of a recognized positive influence by the network may be required prior to action. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

3. Attraction of mass support by the network can lead to the temptations of over-ambition. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

4. The network may be faced with the choice between internal development and external social action. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

5. Widespread recognition of the effects of the action of the network on society may result in long-term positive consequences. (Resulting in: Wealth).

6. Catastrophe may result when the network indulges in aspirations exceeding its capacity. (Resulting in: Resolution).

Transformation sequence In order to bear fruit, creativity eventually requires the existence of a receptive environment. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

2. Receptivity

Responsive service - Passivity

Condition A network may respond to the actions and opportunities of its environment through which it may then bring about change.


1. The network may take heed of the first signs of deterioration in its environment. (Resulting in: Recovery).

2. The network may respond naturally to its environment. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

3. Care should be taken to avoid premature public attention to the maturing work of the network. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

4. The strictest reticence is required by the network to avoid both the enmity of antagonists and the dangers of misplaced acclaim. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

5. The network may express its qualities indirectly and discreetly as its actions emerge into prominence. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

6. The network may make an inappropriate attempt to take the leading role, thus causing a struggle destructive to all concerned. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

Transformation sequence Initiatives emerging in a receptive environment first experience difficulties. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

3. Initial difficulty

Difficulty at the beginning- Organizational growth pains

Condition Due to the profusion of changes being brought about, confusing obstacles to the growth of network action occur, calling fora cooperative response to bring order out of chaos.


1. The network may proceed cautiously in pursuit of its goal by attracting suitable assistance. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

2. The network should avoid the obligations entailed by early acceptance of assistance from unexpected sources in times of difficulties. (Resulting in: Limitation).

3. The network should renounce immediate objectives that have proved unfruitful due to premature action without adequate guidance. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

4. Necessary network action may be rendered successful, despite inadequate resources, by obtaining appropriate assistance (Resulting in: Following).

5. Its position in society may cause direct action by the network to be distorted, necessitating cautious indirect action to overcome the obstacles arising from such misinterpretations. (Resulting in: Recovery).

6. The network may cease its struggle due to an acceptance of the initial difficulties as overwhelming. (Resulting in: Assistance).

Transformation sequence When first launched, initiatives tend to be handicapped by inexperience. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

4. Inexperience

Youthful folly - Acquiring experience - Immaturity - Uncultivated growth

Condition Aided by enthusiasm, network action may succeed despite inexperience, provided appropriate guidance is sought with the right attitude.


1. Discipline is a necessary counterweight to dissipative carelessness in network action, although excessive discipline has itself a crippling effect on the development of network potential. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

2. Tolerance of shortcomings is a prerequisite for assumption of social responsibility by the network. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

3. The inexperienced network does not develop by applying itself to simple problems which readily offer themselves for solution. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

4. The network entangled in action fantasies of imagined significance can often only free itself by experiencing the humiliation which finally results. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

5. The inexperienced network that seeks guidance in an unassuming manner may develop successfully. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

6. Constraints should be applied to the network that persists in careless action, but only to prevent unjustified excesses. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

Transformation sequence After overcoming problems of inexperience, initiatives await further support. (Resulting in: Waiting).

5. Waiting

Biding one's time - Calculated inaction

Condition A network can only derive the strength to confront crises by being able to wait, however iong is necessary for opportunities to emerge, rather than being panicked into action by immediate dangers.


1. Before the sensed crisis takes form, the network should continue as long as possible to engage in the longterm processes by which its strength is renewed. (Resulting in: Basic need).

2. As the crisis takes form, disagreements may emerge and escalate dangerously if the network is unable to maintain its tranquillity. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

3. Premature response to the crisis leaves the network waiting in an exposed and vulnerable position which calls for serious reassessment. (Resulting in: Limitation).

4. In the midst of danger any action may aggravate the situation; the composure of the network is the only guarantee of survival as events take their course. (Resulting in: Resolution).

5. Despite the crisis there are moments of calm which the network should use to fortify itself for renewed struggle. (Resulting in: Peace).

6. When the crisis strikes, the network must yield to the inevitable whilst being ready to respond to the potential of unforeseen developments. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

Transformation sequence Initiatives awaiting support engender conflict over the allocation of available resources. (Resulting in: Conflict).

6. Conflict


Condition When a network encounters opposition in pursuing a course of action it considers appropriate, conflict arises which can only be usefully resolved by coming to terms with the opponent.


1. In its incipient stage, especially when the opposition is strong, it may be best for the network to drop an issue rather than risk open conflict. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

2. If the opposition is of superior strength, timely withdrawal by the network may prevent undesirable consequences for the community as a whole. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

3. If the network subordinates itself to a strong ally, conflict can be avoided by not acting to acquire prestige. (Resulting in: Encounter).

4. If the opposition is of weaker strength, the network will have difficulty in justifying the success of any conflict and can best achieve its ends by redefining its goals. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

5. If it is in the right, the network can derive great benefit if the conflict takes place under the auspices of a powerful and just arbiter. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

6. If the network carries the conflict successfully to the bitter end, it will find its success short lived and constantly exposed to further attack. (Resulting in: Adversity).

Transformation sequence When there is conflict a controlled threat eventually emerges to regulate it. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

7. Controlled threat


Condition For a network to struggle successfully, discipline must be instilled in the community by arousing enthusiasm, sustaining the people and eliciting confidence in the value of its actions.


1. For an entreprise to be successful when it is initiated, order must prevail within the network. (Resulting in: Initiative).

2. The network should remain in close touch with the community, sharing its condition and receiving recognition on its behalf, in order to be able to meet the demands made on it. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

3. If the community takes the initiative from the network, misfortune will ensue. (Resulting in: Advancement).

4. If the network is faced with superior opposition, orderly withdrawal avoids the risk of disintegration. (Resulting in: Liberation).

5. Energetic struggle by the network is required to counteract any attacks, but a disorderly response may become counterproductive. (Resulting in: Persistence).

6. Following successful action by the network, it is important that power should not be given to those who would abuse it. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

Transformation sequence The emergence of a controlled threat eventually promotes solidarity. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

8. Solidarity

Coordination - Leadership - Holding together

Condition Complementarity of action by the different parts of a network requires that they should be held together by a central symbol whose significance reinforces each in his understanding of his role within the action of the whole.


1. Only a fundamental sincerity provides the basic cohesive power through which appropriate network relationships can be formed. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

2. To avoid losing the dignity and intrinsic clarity of its relationships, the network should persevere in the appropriate response to any summons to action. (Resulting in: Persistence).

3. The network should avoid engendering relationships based on false intimacy - formed when differences of habit are underestimated - which subsequently prevents the formation of more genuine and appropriate bonds. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

4. When the network relationships with the central rallying point are well established, they should be acknowledged openly. (Resulting in: Congregation).

5. The cultivated quality of the central symbol recognized within the network should be such as to engender the voluntary dependence of those who hold to it, leaving others free to go their own way. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

6. Coherence within a network calls for right timing which if miscalculated through hesitancy may be a cause for regret. (Resulting in: Recognition).

Transformation sequence Solidarity ensures a subtle restraint. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

9. Subtle restraint

Restraint by the weak - Taming power of the small

Condition When the influence of a network is as yet unable to produce great or lasting effects, it is best that it should act in a restraining or subduing manner in anticipation of ultimate success.


1. Avoidance of forceful action by the network leaves it free to advance or retreat when obstructions are encountered. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

2. The network benefits by retreating with others of similar orientation when obstructions are too great. (Resulting in: Community).

3. Forceful action by the network is bound to fail when circumstances combine to enhance the powers of seemingly minor hindrances. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

4. Disinterested restraining action by the network to ensure that the right prevails will eventually succeed, despite the real dangers with which such action is threatened. (Resulting in: Creativity).

5. Relationships based on loyalty and trust reinforce the effectiveness of the network and of the complementary roles of those involved. (Resulting in: Conservation).

6. When the network has achieved limited success from a position of weakness, it is dangerous to pursue the advantage any further until circumstances are more favourable. (Resulting in: Waiting).

Transformation sequence Subtle restraints give rise to careful conduct. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

10. Careful conduct

Stepping carefully - Treading

Condition A network can best relate to those who are strong and intraclable by conducting itself with due respect, reinforcing recognition of inner worth whenever it is reflected in external rank.


1. The network can make progress when in an inferior position through simple unassuming actions, since it is not yet bound by social obligations. (Resulting in: Conflict).

2. The network may act successfully in isolation, free of conventional entanglements and the enticements of conventional goals. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

3. When handicapped, reckless action beyond its capabilities invites disaster, which is only justified when the network is struggling for a higher cause. (Resulting in: Creativity).

4. The network may succeed in a dangerous entreprise if it acts with caution, conscious of its inner resources. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

5. For a resolute action to succeed, the network should be aware of the dangers of resoluteness. (Resulting in: Opposition).

6. The success of the network can only be assessed in terms of effects of its actions; these then determine the consequences for the network. (Resulting in: Vitality).

Transformation sequence Careful conduct ensures that peaceful relationships prevail. (Resulting in: Peace).

11. Peace

Condition When harmony prevails in a network and in its relationship with society a period of fruitful action is assured. To benefit from this condition processes musí be ordered and adjusted to increase their naturalyield.


1. Under such favourable circumstances the network attracts together those with similar preoccupations and is encouraged to extend its activities. (Resulting in: Advancement).

2. The network can overcome the danger of becoming slack in times of harmony by working with the imperfect, risking dangerous undertakings, taking the seemingly insignificant into account, and avoiding factionalism. (Resulting in: Decline).

3. The network can avoid succumbing to the illusion that the period of harmony will never end by recognizing how its inner strengths are independent of external circumstances. (Resulting in: Initiative).

4. In times of mutual confidence, the network can spontaneously establish close contact with the alienated, by emphasizing an inner bond rather than external inequality. (Resulting in: Power).

5. The network may successfully achieve its ends by uniting with others who have fewer advantages. (Resulting in: Waiting).

6. When the period of peace comes to an end the only recourse is to accept the transition and attempt to maintain a measure of harmony within the network itself. (Resulting in: Conservation).

Transformation sequence If peaceful relationships continue to prevail, stagnation eventually results. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

12. Stagnation

Obstruction - Standstill

Condition Disharmony prevailing in a network and in its relationships with society ensures an uncreative period of confusion and disorder. As the exertion of effective influence is impossible, a network can best remain faithful to its principles by withdrawing into seclusion rather than by accepting the temptation of public action.


1. Under such unfavourable circumstances, the network may best protect its values by retiring into seclusion with other of similar preoccupation. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

2. The network should not interact with those of inferior values, even though they might welcome such action as a way of reducing their disorder, any consequent suffering to the network is a guarantee of its ultimate success. (Resulting in: Conflict).

3. Those of inferior values, who have illegitimately acquired power within the network or in society, eventually recognize their lack of ability. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

4. Those seeking to restore order within the network or in society should feel capable of responding to the challenge in collaboration with others rather than risk acting in the light of their own limited perceptions. (Resulting in: Recognition).

5. Once the network has emerged into a position from which order can be restored, success is only assured through the greatest attention to the possibilities of failure. (Resulting in: Progress).

6. The network must act deliberately and creatively to end the condition of stagnation and disintegration. (Resulting in: Congregation).

Transformation sequence Stagnation cannot persist indefinitely and therefore fellowship finally emerges. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

13. Fellowship

Universal brotherhood

Condition True fellowship can be brought abouí wiíhin and by the network through the emergence of clear, convincing, and inspiring aims. These should be based upon a concern thai is universal and be accompanied by the strength to carry them out. To ensure the appropriate functional relationships amongst diverse elements, an organic mode of organization is required.


1. The network should ensure that the fundamental principles upon which any union is based are equally accessible to all those involved. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

2. The emergence of exclusive factions based upon self-interest and the rejection of others is a danger to the network and to the achievement of its aims. (Resulting in: Creativity).

3. Mistrust and reservation within the network undermine fellowship, leading to strategies based on guile which engender further alienation. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

4. Confrontation may reach a point at which the opposing parties are no longer able to act against each other, and in this way the situation of the network is usefully clarified. (Resulting in: Community).

5. Its position in society may cause the network to be able to relate effectively to others who share its fundamental preoccupations only after a long struggle to overcome the obstacles unfortunately separating them. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

6. The network may be able to engage with others only in a limited alliance based upon mutual interest rather than on a shared approach to universal concerns. (Resulting in: Revolution).

Transformation sequence Through fellowship values emerge, leading to acquisition of wealth. (Resulting in: Wealth).

14. Wealth

Possession in great measure

Condition A network may acquire a position of power in relation to the strong by acting disinterestedly with a low profile. In this way wealth is appropriately administered in a graceful and controlled manner.


1. The network can avoid the temptation of wealth only by developing an awareness of the many difficulties to be overcome and of the possibilities of mistakes in its use. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

2. The network should delegate responsibility in order to ensure that the resources at its disposal are used most effectively in new undertakings. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

3. The network is most successful when it seeks to place itself and the wealth it has acquired at the service of a higher cause, or of society as a whole, rather than vainly attempting to maintain a hold on it for itself. (Resulting in: Opposition).

4. The network should carefully distinguish its own position from that of the strong with whom it is in contact, in order to avoid the dangers of vying with them and thus jeopardizing the very basis of its power. (Resulting in: Conservation).

5. Even when the benevolent action of the network succeeds in attracting support based solely on unaffected sincerity, the tendency for insolence to emerge must be kept in check through the strength of dignity. (Resulting in: Creativity).

6. When at the height of its power, the network can best enhance the value of its position by cultivating an unassuming attitude and honouring values which transcend the mundane affairs of society. (Resulting in: Power).

Transformation sequence To retain valuable possessions, the amount should be modest and the attitude unpretentious. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

15. Unpretentiousness

Condition A network prospers best by acting in an unassuming manner, whether in a position of influence or not. This principle also favors its efforts to establish order by reducing those extremes and inequalities which are the source of social discontent.


1. The network may successfully undertake dangerous enterprises if the situation is not confused by unnecessary claims and by the resistance of others resulting from such claims. (Resulting in: Decline).

2. When an unassuming manner is natural to the network's mode of action, the possibilities of exerting a lasting influence emerge of their own accord. (Resulting in: Advancement).

3. If the network responds immodestly to widespread recognition of its achievements, criticism develops, preventing the work from being carried through to its final fruition. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

4. The network should guard against the danger that an unassuming manner of action may become an effective disguise for irresponsibility and inaction. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

5. Circumstances may call for energetic corrective action by the network, which should not interpret the merit of an unassuming mode as an excuse for letting events take an inappropriate course. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

6. The network should act vigorously to defend itself and order its environment, especially when the root of the problem lies in weaknesses of own. (Resulting in: Inaction).

Transformation sequence Valued possessions and unpretentiousness together engender enthusiasm. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

16. Enthusiasm

Contentment - Repose

Condition A network can arouse enthusiasm by acting in harmony with the needs of the time and co-opting assistance for the completion of an undertaking. Such enthusiasm releases people from the grip of mundane tensions and allows them to express the hidden potentials of their society.


1. When in a position of weakness, the network invites misfortune if it makes enthusiastic claims about its own connection with those in positions of power. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

2. The network should not allow itself to be misled by illusory manifestations of enthusiasm, but should be sensitive to the emerging tendencies of the time, acting self-reliantly in response to those in positions of strength or weakness. (Resulting in: Liberation).

3. The network must choose the right moment to act, for otherwise either the opportunity will be lost or else it will become unnecessarily dependent on an external leader capable of engendering enthusiasm. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

4. The network can arouse enthusiasm and cooperation through its own self-confidence and the sincere support it gives to those who collaborate with it. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

5. The network can be obstructed in its ability to engender enthusiasm, but this may usefully prolong its existence by preventing it from depleting its energies. (Resulting in: Congregation).

6. Being misled by false enthusiasm may constitute a valuable learning experience for the network, provided it is subsequently capable of further development. (Resulting in: Progress).

Transformation sequence Where enthusiasm persists, a following emerges. (Resulting in: Following).

17. Following

Entrainment - Acquiring followers - Attunement

Condition In order to be capable of inducing people voluntarily to follow its lead without resistance, the network musí first adapt itself to their circumstances to be able to serve them.


1. In order for the network to identify how it should adapt to its environment, it must open itself to contact with a wide range of different views. (Resulting in: Congregation).

2. In developing its pattern of contacts, the network should take care to avoid those holding inferior values or risk losing those holding superior values by which its action can be benefitted. (Resulting in: Vitality).

3. The development of its contacts with those holding superior values will lead the network to obtain what it needs for its own development, despite the loss of stimulating distractions with those holding inferior values. (Resulting in: Revolution).

4. Once it is successful in its influence, the network should develop the ability to distinguish insincere supporters, attracted for their own advantage, who must be kept at a distance if success is not to be jeopardized. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

5. The network must itself follow something which guides, legitimates and empowers its initiatives. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness)

6. Having developed its activities to the point of detachment from mundane affairs, the network may be confronted with a persistent following which once more draws it back into a guiding role. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

Transformation sequence Following others leads to undertakings and remedial action. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

18. Remedial action

Arresting decay

Condition Inertia, indifference and the abuse of human freedom lead to deterioration of the network or society and call for decisive, energetic action, if regeneration is to occur.


1. Deterioration due simply to rigid adherence to conventional patterns of action may easily be remedied, provided that the network is conscious of the dangers associated with any such reform. (Resulting in: Conservation).

2. The deterioration may be the result of inherent weakness, in which case the network should avoid drastic action so as not to further aggravate the situation. (Resulting in: Inaction).

3. If the network proceeds somewhat too energetically in rectifying the mistakes of the past, difficulties will arise, but this is preferable to the results of insufficiently vigorous action. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

4. Misfortune will result if the network is itself too weak to take action against progressive deterioration resulting from past mistakes. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

5. Even though it is inadequate to the challenge of past neglect and corruption, the network may achieve partial success with the assistance of others. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

6. The development of the network may be such that it is unnecessary for it to engage in any remedial action, provided that, in its withdrawal from mundane affairs, it engenders new values for the future. (Resulting in: Advancement).

Transformation sequence Where there is scope for remedial action, there is growth through initiative. (Resulting in: Initiative).

19. Initiative

Approach - Getting ahead

Condition When conditions are appropriate for a network to initiate action on mundane affairs, this should be done with determination and perseverance, bearing in mind the need to prepare for unfavorable conditions which in their turn will later prevail.


1. When superior values find a response in influential circles, the network could well associate itself with this trend, provided this does not distract it from its own line of action. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

2. When the initiative originates in the light of superior values, the network should not hesitate to apply its own resources to the task, for such action must necessarily contribute to ultimate success. (Resulting in: Recovery).

3. When the network is succeeding in its initiative, there is a danger that lack of vigilance may lead to careless mistakes, which may however be remedied by responsible action. (Resulting in: Peace).

4. The action is benefitted when the network is open-minded in its approach to those of ability who are attracted by its initiative. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

5. The network should act with self-restraint in order to attract those of quality capable of undertaking all that is required by the initiative without interference. (Resulting in: Limitation).

6. A network which has withdrawn from mundane affairs may under certain circumstances initiate new action for the benefit of those it attracts. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

Transformation sequence The results of initiative call for recognition. (Resulting in: Recognition).

20. Recognition


Condition Through the effort it devotes to comprehending the significance underlying externalevents, a network acquires the power to apply that understanding to influence events. This power can be recognized by others, who may in turn be influenced by it to take the actions of the network as a mode] for their own.


1. Whilst it is to be expected that some can only be superficially affected by a profound understanding of events, it is to be regretted when the network of superior values contents itself with a shallow, disconnected view of the forces prevailing in society as a whole. (Resulting in: Assistance).

2. Whilst for some it is sufficient to view the world from a subjectively limited standpoint, this narrowness is harmful in the case of the network which must take an active part in the affairs of the world. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

3. When it focuses on recognition of its own nature and the effects it creates, this may be a basis for the network to determine whether or not it is developing. (Resulting in: Development).

4. The network should facilitate independent action by those who understand how it can be made to flourish. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

5. Self-evaluation by the network of superior values will only bring satisfaction when its effects are beneficial and free of mistakes. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

6. The network detached from mundane affairs will most benefit society when exploration of psycho-social processes brings recognition of how it may avoid being responsible for generating negative effects. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

Transformation sequence Recognition of the relationship between results engenders decisive integrative action. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

21. Decisive action

Punitive action

Condition When faced with deliberate hindrance to integrative development, a network must take a just measure of decisive action against those responsibie. Such hindrances increase when norms are unclear and there is negligence in ensuring that they are respected.


1. If the network responds mildly to any initial departure from norms this should constitute sufficient warning against repetition of the infringement (Resulting in: Progress).

2. If the response of the network to frequent infringement of norms is excessive, this should not be regretted since the results are merited. (Resulting in: Opposition).

3. Although no other course is possible, if the network lacks the power and authority to back up its censure when norms have been infringed, strong negative feelings will be engendered against it, placing it in a somewhat humiliating position. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

4. If those infringing norms are powerful, the network can only succeed in censuring them by acting with great clarity and force. (Resulting in: Support).

5. In order to respond impartially, the network should be constantly aware of the dangers associated with the responsibility it has assumed in censuring infringement of norms. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

6. If those infringing norms fail to respond to censorship by the network, misfortune inevitably results. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

Transformation sequence Rather than acting crudely, decisive integrative action calls for a graceful style. (Resulting in: Style).

22. Style

Elegance - Image

Condition A network may succeed in matters of lesser importance by gracefully respecting the sensitivities of those concerned. Fundamental or controversial issues cannot however be resolved by cultivating an appropriate image in this way,


1. When the network is in a subordinate role, the gracefulness of self-reliance leads to greater success than the surreptitious acceptance of assistance. (Resulting in: Inaction).

2. The network risks deluding itself if it attaches greater importance to the form of its actions than to their substance. (Resulting in: Conservation).

3. The gracious style of the network may prove so enchanting to all concerned that the vigilance necessary for the success of its action is lost. (Resulting in: Support).

4. The network may find that more significant relationships are possible by acting simply than by depending on the trappings associated with a gracious mode of response. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

5. Once the network has chosen to abandon dependence on a gracious mode of action, it will at first be embarrassed when attempting to relate to those of superior values who only attach significance to the substantive contributions it has to make (Resulting in: Community).

6. In the final stage of the network's development, the form of its action no longer disguises the substance but rather expresses its value to the full. (Resulting in: Decline).

Transformation sequence Excessive emphasis on style leads to deterioration (Resulting in: Deterioration).

23. Deterioriation


Condition Under certain conditions of society infer/or values may predominate. A network of superior values is wise to accept this phase of events calmly rather than vainly attempting to counteract it.

Subconditions :

1. Those of inferior values may initiate schemes to undermine the position of the network by intriguing against its supporters. (Resulting in: Support).

2. The network, isolated by the initiatives of those of inferior values, may be destroyed unless it can rapidly adjust its position. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

3. Provided it is able to enhance the expression of its superior values, the network may disassociate itself from those of inferior values, who will then oppose it actively. (Resulting in: Inaction).

4. Events can deteriorate to the point at which the network is unable to avoid misfortune. (Resulting in: Progress).

5. Those of inferior values may be attracted by the superior values of the network and voluntarily accept its guidance. (Resulting in: Recognition).

6. As support for the network increases, the strategies of those of inferior values become progressively more self-destructive. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

Transformation sequence Deterioration cannot continue indefinitely, thus recovery finally commences. (Resulting in: Recovery).

24. Recovery

Turning point - Return

Condition A network may recover spontaneously from adverse conditions, with the old patterns being transformed naturally into the new. This process of renewal should not be disturbed by acting prematurely.


1. Occasionally the network will not be able to avoid adopting inferior values, at least to some degree; such errors should not be regretted if they are rectified promptly. (Resulting in: Receptivity).

2. Renewal calls for a positive decision by the network to confirm the stability of the new order; this is best done in a supportive environment. (Resulting in: Initiative).

3. Renewal is not impossible, even if the network is so unstable as to be repeatedly attracted to inferior values, only to renounce them after each such deviation. (Resulting in: Decline).

4. Although in an environment dominated by inferior values, the network may renew itself in isolation by responding to superior values. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

5. If the time is appropriate for renewal, the network should publicly recognize any errors in its old pattern of actions, rather than reinforcing them with trivial arguments. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

6. If the network does not take advantage of an appropriate occasion for renewal, it is condemned, by its own attitude, to an extended period of unfortunate conflictual relationships with its environment. (Resulting in: Support).

Transformation sequence Recovery lifts the weight of the past leading to innocent spontaneity. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

25. Spontaneity

Innocence - Instinctive goodness - Integrity

Condition A network is most successful when it acts spontaneously in response to emerging events rather than on the basis of some pre-defined program. However, the guidance of such instinctive certainty leads to misfortune unless it is correctly rooted in superior values.


1. The network can be confident of success when it acts on impulses involving no expectation of gain. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

2. The network's activity can succeed if each phase is carried out for its own sake and irrespective of any possible result. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

3. Even though the network acts without expectation of gain, it should be prepared to adjust to the possibility of misfortunes arising from external events. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

4. No catastrophe can deprive the network of its inherent qualities, provided it continues to uphold them. (Resulting in: Assistance).

5. In the event of catastrophe arising from external causes, the network should take time to heal itself rather than call on external assistance. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

6. When the time is not appropriate, any spontaneous response by the network is likely to be counterproductive. (Resulting in: Following).

Transformation sequence The excesses of spontaneity are contained through conservation measures. (Resulting in: Conservation).

id="n26">26. Conservation

Taming power of the great - Restraint by the strong

Condition A network may be called upon lo bind together, restrain, and care for valued features of society. Such an intimate relationship with the products of past initiatives is in itself valuable to a network's development.


1. Vigorous action by the network may be so obstructed that, to avoid misfortune, further efforts are best restrained. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

2. The forces restraining network action may be so superior that energy is best conserved in anticipation of a later opportunity. (Resulting in: Style).

3. When there is an opportunity for action, the network should move forward with others sharing its intent, meanwhile preparing its defences against unforeseen problems. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

4. Prompt action by the network is necessary to forestall initiatives which are not self-restraining. (Resulting in: Wealth).

5. The network may best counteract unruly action by changing its nature or diverting it into appropriate channels. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

6. The network may achieve a position in which its influence prevails because its action is no longer inhibited by opposing forces. (Resulting in: Peace).

Transformation sequence Conservation measures ensure that support is provided where necessary. (Resulting in: Support).

27. Support

Providing nourishment - Wise counsel

Condition A network should be attentive to the manner in which it supports both its own activities and those of others able to contribute to the development of society.


1. Misfortune results when the network's self-reliance is undermined in aspiring to the apparent advantages of others. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

2. Misfortune results when the network fails to become self-reliant and persists in depending on others. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

3. The network cannot be successful if it seeks advantages for their own sake and thus becomes dependent upon them. (Resulting in: Style).

4. When the network is in a position of influence, it should seek out others of the right quality to assist in achieving advances for society as a whole. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

5. If deficiences in its mode of action prevent it from contributing effectively to the development of society, the network should seek the advice of those of superior values. (Resulting in: Assistance).

6. When the network becomes a source of influence in sustaining society, it can best continue in this role by being aware of the dangers of such responsibility. (Resulting in: Recovery).

Transformation sequence Continual build-up of support leads to importance. (Resulting in: Importance).

28. Importance

Preponderance of the great - Excess - Great gains

Condition Circumstances may be such that a network of superior values experiences a period of great potential influence. This condition is necessarily unstable and the possible transition to other conditions should be carefully explored, whatever sacrifices these may then demand.


1. In undertaking any new initiative under favourable conditions, the network should take extreme care in its preparations. (Resulting in: Resolution).

2. Under favourable conditions, the establishing of a relationship with those of inferior values may offer the possibility of renewal to the network. (Resulting in: Influence).

3. If the network is reckless in its initiatives and ignores advice, favourable conditions are destabilized and catastrophe may result. (Resulting in: Adversity).

4. The situation may be stabilized with the assistance of those of inferior values, but the result will be unfortunate if the network achieves this out of self-interest. (Resulting in: Basic need).

5. If the network abandons its contacts with those of inferior values, the cultivation of its contacts with those of superior values will further destabilize the situation rather than leading to its renewal. (Resulting in: Endurance).

6. Under exceptional conditions the task faced can be so dangerous that the network may have to accept that it may accomplish its aim only by sacrificing its very existence for the values in question. (Resulting in: Encounter).

Transformation sequence Excessive importance is underminded by persistence. (Resulting in: Persistence).

29. Persistence

Danger - Abyss

Condition A network may succeed through persisting in its course of action, responding appropriately to difficulties as they emerge. In this way the difficulties may subsequently be used as a form of protection.


1. The network should avoid adapting permanently to dangers for this may prevent it from functioning appropriately in a normal environment. (Resulting in: Limitation).

2. When faced with danger, the network should assess the situation and act with caution. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

3. In certain dangerous circumstances, inaction is preferable to action which may aggravate the situation for the network. (Resulting in: Basic need).

4. In times of danger, the network can usefully base its relationships on simplicity of substance rather than on complex forms of protocol. (Resulting in: Adversity).

5. Danger will be increased if the network has ambitions beyond its capacities and the opportunities of the moment. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

6. If the network becomes confused in its strategy in a highly dangerous situation, it is unlikely that this can be immediately remedied. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

Transformation sequence Persistence is only effective if there are normative constraints. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

30. Normative constraint

Cosmic mean - Model of elegance

Condition By its nature a network is conditioned and unable to act freely, It may best achieve success by recognizing the beneficial limitations on which it can usefully depend. Through such voluntarycompliance, a network develops the clarity of perception required for effective action.


1. The network should maintain its composure in the midst of the confusion of society, so it may concentrate attention on the initial phases of any new action. (Resulting in: Marginality).

2. The network acts with greatest skill when striking a fruitful balance between extreme strategies. (Resulting in: Wealth).

3. Recognition of the network's transitory nature should induce comprehension of how it is fulfilled by playing its role in historical processes, rather than encouraging despair or efforts to avoid despair. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

4. If the network is overactive it may rapidly deplete its internal resources, without achieving any lasting effect. (Resulting in: Style).

5. At the peak of its activity the network may derive long-term benefit by recognizing the transitory nature of its preoccupations. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

6. In inducing discipline within itself or society, the network should eradicate the promoters of inferior values, whilst tolerating the weakness of those persuaded to follow them. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

Transformation sequence Normative constraints operate through mutual influence. (Resulting in: Influence).

31. Influence

Condition Success results from mutual attraction. This may be induced by a network of superior values whose openness to counsel is a fruitful influence on such relationships.


1. Until the intention of the network has a visible effect it has no positive or negative influence on society. (Resulting in: Revolution).

2. The network runs the risk of misfortune if it acts before being impelled to do so by a genuine influence. (Resulting in: Importance).

3. To avoid humiliation, the network should cultivate restraint in selecting the influences to which it responds and should exercise control on the response itself. (Resulting in: Congregation).

4. The influence of the network is most successful and widespread when it results from an appreciation of its intentions rather than from a deliberate effort to manipulate some target group. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

5. If the network's influence is primarily focused on its own actions, such closure to outside influence in turn limits its influence upon society. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

6. Any attempt by the network to influence society through words alone is necessarily insignificant and without consequence. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

Transformation sequence Influence can only be effective if it endures. (Resulting in: Endurance).

32. Endurance


Condition A network may be characterized by a selfrenewing movement acting alternately on itself and on society. For a network of superior values this ensures a flexibility in response to the environment which is grounded on an inner directive that governs all its actions.


1. The network can only ensure enduring effects through careful action over a long period that precludes any form of precipitate action. (Resulting in: Power).

2. If the strength of the network is greater than its material resources, successful control may avoid an inappropriate response. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

3. Inconsistency on the part of the network, in response to external events, leads to unexpected forms of humiliation. (Resulting in: Liberation).

4. For the network to achieve success through persistence, it is necessary that the action should be appropriate. (Resulting in: Advancement).

5. If the network undertakes an active role, it should remain flexible in adapting to circumstances in the light of its enduring values; whereas in a passive role, it should be consistent in conforming to external guidelines. (Resulting in: Importance).

6. If the network is permanently agitated, any attempt to produce enduring effects is undermined. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

Transformation sequence Endurance cannot continue indefinitely, therefore withdrawal takes place. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

33. Withdrawal

Retreat - Yielding

Condition A network may usefully withdraw when faced with opposing forces favored by the current circumstances of society. For the retreat to be constructive it should be carried out with acts of resistance which prepare the way for later counter-movement.


1. The retreating network should not take any initiative if it is in immediate contact with the opposing forces. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

2. Those of inferior values may maintain such close contact with the network that they are successful in achieving superior goals. (Resulting in: Encounter).

3. The network may only achieve the freedom to retreat by taking responsibility for those who would otherwise prevent it, but this course carries its own risks. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

4. The network of superior values adapts easily and harmoniously to the process of retreat from those of inferior values who degenerate when deprived of such guidance. (Resulting in: Development).

5. The network must judge the time for retreat correctly, and act firmly, or else run the risk of unpleasant discussion of irrelevant matters. (Resulting in: Marginality).

6. Once the network has ceased to identify with the prevailing conditions it acquires the ability to act fully in following the most appropriate line of retreat. (Resulting in: Influence).

Transformation sequence Withdrawal cannot continue indefinitely, hence power becomes evident. (Resulting in: Power).

34. Power

Power of the great - Great vigor

Condition A network of superior values may acquire great strength and run the risk of depending upon that strength alone. True power is only exhibited when that strength is used in the service of a higher cause.


1. If the network attempts to use its strength from an inferior position it courts disaster. (Resulting in: Endurance).

2. As resistance breaks down, the network may easily become self-confident and lose the advantage of balanced use of its force. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

3. The network should avoid displays of power for their own sake, especially because of the complications to which they lead. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

4. When all resistance disappears, the network is free to use all its powers, although the less this is apparent the greater its effectiveness. (Resulting in: Peace).

5. When all resistance has disappeared, it is no longer desirable for the network to act forcefully and decisively. (Resulting in: Resolution).

6. The network should discontinue its initiative if, having proceeded too far in its actions, it encounters complications which hinder any further action. (Resulting in: Wealth).

Transformation sequence Power cannot be restrained indefinitely, hence progressive expansion occurs. (Resulting in: Progress).

35. Progress

Condition A network may achieve great progress when it is able to influence others to collaborate in the light of superior values. Progress may be accompanied by expansion.


1. The network's initiative may fail to meet with a positive response from those calling for progress and it should not run the risk of making mistakes through being perturbed by this. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

2. The network should continue in its efforts, even though progress is blocked and inspiration lost, for the latter will return when it can be based on fundamental principles not centred on the narrow preoccupations of the network. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

3. The network may be encouraged by the support of others, even though it is unable to succeed without their assistance. (Resulting in: Marginality).

4. The network should avoid the temptation of using its position to accumulate advantages, especially since such abuse tends to be discovered in times of progress. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

5. The network should appreciate the values of its influential position in promoting the progress of society, rather than regretting lost opportunities in which its own narrower interests could have been advanced. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

6. The network may act aggressively to rectify conditions opposing progress among its own contacts but should be aware of the dangers of such a procedure, particularly when extended to others. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

Transformation sequence Progressive expansion eventually encounters resistance leading to decline. (Resulting in: Decline).

36. Decline

Unappreciated intelligence - Darkening of the light Injury

Condition In adverse circumstances a network should not reveal the values it holds and thus provoke opposition. Rather it should appear to accept the prevailing standards and mode of behavior whenever this is necessary.


1. Faced with opposition, the network may limit its objectives but will nevertheless face continuing opposition if it remains true to its principles. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

2. Although handicapped by opposing forces, the network may concentrate beneficially on assisting others who are also at risk. (Resulting in: Peace).

3. In the process of establishing a new order, the network may contain the initiator of the opposition, but premature consolidation of such a victory should be carried out with caution if the habits of the old order have become too well-entrenched. (Resulting in: Recovery).

4. The network may be able to avoid being drawn into disaster by being well informed concerning the intentions of the initiator of the opposition. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

5. If the network is obliged to remain under the influence of the opposing forces, it can only survive intact through the exercise of dissimulation and considerable caution. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

6. The forces in opposition to the network of superior values turn upon themselves at the height of their power and cause their own destruction. (Resulting in: Style).

Transformation sequence Decline eventually necessitates a withdrawal into a community context. (Resulting in: Community).

37. Community

Family - Clan

Condition A network con only influence others effectively when its external initiatives are consistent with its own internal mode of organization. A community context is most favorable to this.


1. Within the network a measure of discipline is necessary in order that each member learns to fulfil his or her own function to enable the network to undertake external initiatives successfully. (Resulting in: Development).

2. The network should concentrate on 'keeping its own house in order' rather than undertaking initiatives based on force. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

3. In disciplining itself the network should seek a careful mean between the excesses of indulgence and severity, although under exceptional conditions the latter may be necessary. (Resulting in: Assistance).

4. In manifesting its principles in a role of stewardship, the network contributes significantly to the well-being of society. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

5. The character of the principles governing the network may be such that no disciplinary action is required to achieve the necessary effects (Resulting in: Style).

6. The quality of the achievements engendered by the principles of the network is the fundamental force holding it together. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

Transformation sequence When the community context proves inadequate, misunderstandings and opposition arise. (Resulting in: Opposition).

38. Opposition

Alienation - Estrangement

Condition The preservation of the individuality of a network of superior values can only be achieved through creative opposition to those of inferior values. It on this basis that order is engendered. Faced with opposition and misunderstandings a network should concentrate on minor initiatives.


1. The network should avoid the consequences of attempting to ensure unity through forceful action since the temporarily estranged will re-establish contact of their own accord and those who impose themselves will eventually drift away. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

2. Informal contacts may suffice when misunderstandings prevent the network from establishing formal relationships with its natural partners. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

3. Despite opposition and discouragement, the network can succeed if it discovers a trustworthy partner of complementary nature. (Resulting in: Wealth).

4. Although isolated in opposition to others, the network will eventually succeed through maintaining contact with a natural partner. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

5. The opposition faced by the network may initially prevent recognition of a trustworthy partner with whom it is beneficial for it to work. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

6. The isolation experienced by the network may be due to opposition based upon misunderstanding which once clarified permits fruitful collaboration. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

Transformation sequence Through misunderstandings and opposition, difficulties and obstructions are created. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

39. Obstruction


Condition When faced with difficulties and obstacles to the achievement of its intentions, a network of superior values searches for errors in the assumptions underlying its initiative, thus creating the opportunity for its own further development.


1. The network, when faced with obstacles, should retreat temporarily in anticipation of a more appropriate occasion for action. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

2. When its obligations so dictate, the network should attack the obstacle directly rather than seeking ways to circumvent it. (Resulting in: Basic need).

3. If the network has others dependent upon it, whose existence would be endangered by its failure, it is preferable for it to avoid tackling the obstacle. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

4. It is preferable for the network to avoid hasty action against an obstacle in order to gather support and make adequate preparations. (Resulting in: Influence).

5. Despite the importance of the obstruction, if the network is totally committed to the task it will attract collaborators with whom success may be achieved. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

6. If a network no longer concerned with mundane affairs is faced with obstructions, it can through its experience and insight bring about a solution of special significance, rather than vainly attempting to avoid the issue. (Resulting in: Development).

Transformation sequence Obstructions cannot persist indefinitely, thus eventually liberation is achieved. (Resulting in: Liberation).

40. Liberation

Release - Deliverance - Elimination of obstacles

Condition When a network is liberated from the obstacles which have hindered its initiatives, any remaining problems should be cleared up rapidly without dwelling unduly on the misdeeds of those responsible for the obstacles.


1. After liberation has been achieved, the network should recuperate in peace and refrain from immediate action. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

2. Full commitment by the network to just action undermines the efforts of those who seek to prevent liberation by influencing those in power. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

3. After liberation, the network should take care not to flaunt its successes and thus attract those capable of appropriating them. (Resulting in: Endurance).

4. In anticipation of liberation, the network should disassociate itself from casual collaborators who are liable to discourage offers of support from more deeply committed potential partners. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

5. To achieve liberation successfully, the network of superior values must avoid affirming any contribution from those of inferior values, thus encouraging them to withdraw. (Resulting in: Adversity).

6. The network will achieve liberation successfully it acts forcefully to remove those of inferior values who have reached key positions of power. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

Transformation sequence The process of liberation necessarily results in some loss and deficiency. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

41. Deficiency

Reduction of excesses - Decrease

Condition A network may experience a decrease in the external resources available. This situation may be used to clarify and strengthen the inner resources on which it can draw for future undertakings.


1. In accepting assistance, the network of superior values should take care not to overstrain the abilities of those offering it, nor should it exploit them. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

2. In order for the network to be able to provide assistance of enduring significance to others, it must take care not to overstrain its own resources. (Resulting in: Support).

3. Collaborating with two partners in an undertaking leads to an unstable situation for the network resulting in the alienation of one of them, whereas a partner will be found if the network undertakes an initiative alone. (Resulting in: Conservation).

4. If the network is able to reduce its defects this encourages those who are well-disposed to collaborate. (Resulting in: Opposition).

5. If those in power appoint the network to perform a key role there is nothing to prevent its success. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

6. Every increase in the power of the network may be such as to benefit others, rather than to deprive others of benefits. (Resulting in: Initiative).

Transformation sequence If deficiency persists it eventually evokes assistance. (Resulting in: Assistance).

42. Assistance


Condition By sacrificing its own interests in favor of the development of others, a network may temporarily create conditions in which great progress can be made. The development of the network itself may be brought about by adopting the positive attributes of others and eliminating its own defects.


1. The network should use any major assistance it receives from those in power for initiatives which it would not otherwise be able to undertake. (Resulting in: Recognition).

2. The network brings about its own development by producing in itself the necessary conditions and identifying with the progressive spirit of the times. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

3. In times of great progress even unfortunate events may be advantageous, releasing the network from error and enabling it to act with authority according to the needs of the moment. (Resulting in: Community).

4. The network may usefully function, especially with respect to major undertakings, as an intermediary between those in power and those who should benefit from such progress. (Resulting in: Spontaneity).

5. The beneficial influence of the network's assistance results from its expression of an inner necessity for which recognition is sufficient reward. (Resulting in: Support).

6. If the network fails to assist in the progress of others it isolates itself and exposes itself to attack. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

Transformation sequence If assistance continues long enough a new resolution emerges. (Resulting in: Resolution).

43. Resolution


Condition As any struggle against opposing forces begins to bear fruit, a network should ensure that the resolution of the conflict is based on an amicable union from a posilion of strength, free from compromise or any concealment of the network's own defects. It should avoid the use of force and concentrate on the redistribution of the advantages it accumulates.


1. Whilst resistance is still strong, the network should avoid any hasty implementation of its resolution that could result in major setbacks. (Resulting in: Importance).

2. If the network is vigilant it engenders attitudes appropriate to cautious resolution of the conflict. (Resulting in: Revolution).

3. If the network is obliged to maintain relationships with those of inferior values to avoid jeopardizing resolution of the conflict, it will have to endure a period of condemnation by those actively combatting such values. (Resulting in: Vitality).

4. The network may identify so closely with action to resolve the conflict that its obstinacy raises obstacles and prevents it from benefiting from advice. (Resulting in: Waiting).

5. The efforts of the network against those of inferior values in positions of power must constantly be renewed, especially because of the obligation to maintain a relationship with them. (Resulting in: Power).

6. When the objective appears to have been achieved, the network should act resolutely to eliminate any remaining vestiges of the old order, especially those rooted in its own attitudes. (Resulting in: Creativity).

Transformation sequence Resolution and the associated action lead to new encounters. (Resulting in: Encounter).

44. Encounter

Contact - Infiltration of the inferior - Coming to meet

Condition A network may find itself attracted by initiatives made by those of inferior values. Although apparently harmless, according them recognition allows them to develop, possibly leading to a dangerous condition, unless they are free from ulterior motives.


1. If a measure of acceptance has been accorded to those of inferior values by the network, they must be constantly held in check to prevent undesirable developments. (Resulting in: Creativity).

2. If those of inferior values have been successfully contained by the network, care must be taken not to allow them to develop their influence through contact with others unable to maintain such control. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

3. If the network is tempted to collaborate with those of inferior values, but is prevented by circumstances from doing so, the errors that are liable to result from such indecision may be avoided by becoming aware of the dangers. (Resulting in: Conflict).

4. If the network is unable to tolerate those of inferior values, they cannot be called upon for assistance in time of need. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

5. The network may tolerate and protect collaborators of inferior values, relying solely on the superior qualities of its influence as a means of successfully controlling them. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

6. A network no longer concerned with mundane affairs may be able to tolerate the reproaches of those of inferior values with whom it refuses to associate. (Resulting in: Importance).

Transformation sequence A multiplicity of encounters leads to congregation. (Resulting in: Congregation).

45. Congregation

Assembly - Gathering together

Condition When circumstances promole congregation in society, a network of superior values, to be capable of focusing this process, should ensure that it is itself well integrated. It should also be prepared to counteract uncontrolled consequences.


1. The network can facilitate formation of a group by encouraging individually those that have not yet committed themselves. (Resulting in: Following).

2. The process of congregation is assisted by a recognition of mutual complementarity with which the network should work, rather than acting on the basis of arbitrary decisions. (Resulting in: Adversity).

3. If a group has already formed from which the network is isolated, it can best succeed by allying itself with some of those at the centre, despite the initial humiliation. (Resulting in: Influence).

4. The network is successful when it acts as a focus for a group united for a higher cause. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

5. In acting as a focus for a group, the network attracts some people only because of the influence it acquires in the process; this necessitates special efforts to gain their confidence. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

6. If the desire of some to group together is misunderstood, their expression of regret can usefully enable the network to revise its views and bring about the alliance. (Resulting in: Stagnation).

Transformation sequence Congregation creates an environment permitting advancement. (Resulting in: Advancement).

46. Advancement


Condition A network may benefit from circumstances to rise to a position of influence through unrelenting effort in circumventing obstacles to its progress.


1. In a position of obscurity, the network can derive strength and encouragement for its progress from those in position of power, who also benefit thereby from such a link to their origins. (Resulting in: Peace).

2. Even though the network is unsubtle in its relationships with others, it may succeed in advancing because of recognition of the strength of its inherent qualities. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

3. In the absence of obstacles, the network should take advantage of the opportunity to advance, rather than being preoccupied prematurely with how long such advance will be possible. (Resulting in: Controlled threat).

4. In attaining its goal, the network becomes accepted by those in positions of influence and thus achieves enduring significance. (Resulting in: Endurance).

5. The network should progress steadily rather than becoming overconfident and impatient. (Resulting in: Basic need).

6. The network should take care to avoid committing itself to advancement for its own sake, and thus become unable to retreat when necessary. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

Transformation sequence Continual advancement eventually leads to adversity and exhaustion. (Resulting in: Adversity).

47. Adversity

Oppression - Exhaustion

Condition Under adverse circumstances a network should accept restraint, whilst remaining (rue to its principles in anticipation of future opportunities. Such restraint may be due to oppression or to the exhaustion of its own resources.


1. Faced with adversity, the network should overcome its own negative response to the situation which otherwise will undermine its ablity to act. (Resulting in: Vitality).

2. Even though external circumstances are satisfactory, the network must concentrate on overcoming inner restraints in order to be able to respond to opportunities offered by those in power. (Resulting in: Congregation).

3. The network should avoid being oppressed by restraints which are engendered solely by its own indecisive mode of action. (Resulting in: Importance).

4. If endowed with resources it wishes to use for the benefit of others, the network may find itself temporarily impeded by its own uncertainty and the distractions of its peers. (Resulting in: Persistence).

5. Although intent on initiatives for the general well-being, the network may find itself obstructed by those in power, in which case progress comes slowly provided it does not lose its equanimity. (Resulting in: Liberation).

6. The network may be restrained principally by the assumption that any action is fruitless, in which case a change of attitude should enable it to break free. (Resulting in: Conflict).

Transformation sequence Extremes of adversity necessitate a concentration on basic needs. (Resulting in: Basic need).

48. Basic need

Fulfilled potentialities - Well

Condition In order to engender appropriate order in society, a network must ensure that this fulfills the basic needs of humanity, rather than those defined by convention. In doing so care is required and excesses should be avoided.


1. If the network dissipates its energies on trivia, it loses all significance for others and will be ignored. (Resulting in: Waiting).

2. If the network neglects to make use of its positive qualities and associates with those of inferior values, it will deteriorate and be unable to accomplish anything of significance. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

3. Under unfortunate circumstances, the network of superior quality may not be known to those in power nor made use of by others. (Resulting in: Persistence).

4. It may be of greater long-term benefit for the network to reorganize itself, even though it is temporarily unable to act. (Resulting in: Importance).

5. Despite the value of the network as a catalyst for social renewal, it is useless unless this potential is translated into practice. (Resulting in: Advancement).

6. The network is of greatest value when as a result of the demands made upon it, it becomes a self-renewing source of inspiration and assistance to all in need. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

Transformation sequence Persisting inequalities in access to basic needs eventually engender revolution. (Resulting in: Revolution).

49. Revolution


Condition A network having the confidence of others may be obliged to respond to emerging crisis conditions by promoting social transformation in order to meet the needs of the underprivileged.


1. The network should refrain from initiating radical change until it is absolutely necessary. (Resulting in: Influence).

2. When all other initiatives have failed, revolution may be initiated by the network after careful preparation and bearing in mind the condition to be brought about. (Resulting in: Resolution).

3. After the need for social transformation has been repeatedly expressed, action may be undertaken by the network; this should avoid the errors of ruthless haste and hesitant conservatism. (Resulting in: Following).

4. To be successful, the network should ensure that the radical change undertaken is based on the superior values it embodies which people will support as being instinctively just. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

5. The authority of the network of superior values will be acknowledged during social transformation if clear principles of organization are formulated in a manner all can understand. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

6. Once the social transformation is underway, those of inferior values will adapt in the light of their own interests and the network should not expect more of them than conditions permit. (Resulting in: Fellowship).

Transformation sequence The most transformative revolution is that available through the cultural heritage. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

50. Cultural heritage

Cauldron - Sacrificial vessel - Rejuvenation

Condition Society is nourished by its cultural heritage, a vehicle through which human values are consecrated. A network embodying this heritage can succeed by ensuring an appropriate relationship between its existence and its sense of destiny.


1. Irrespective of its humble origins, the network may succeed if it is prepared to refine and develop its mode of action. (Resulting in: Wealth).

2. The network should undertake significant initiatives, for even though these may expose it to criticism, the later will not prevent success. (Resulting in: Marginality).

3. If its effectiveness is severely handicapped by lack of recognition, associating the network with superior values will ensure success when the opportunities emerge. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

4. If the network is inadequate to the challenge it faces, and associates with those of inferior values, its initiatives will probably fail. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

5. If the network is in a position of influence, and attracts able assistance through the quality of its action, it should then take care not to modify its style. (Resulting in: Encounter).

6. The network is most successful if the power and severity of its counsel is expressed in a form which others find agreeable. (Resulting in: Endurance).

Transformation sequence The protection of the cultural heritage necessitates crisis preparedness. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

51. Crisis preparedness

Vigilance - Shock - Arousal - Thunder

Condition In order to fulfill a leadership role, a network should be capable of accepting any external shock and recognizing the nature of the response required by it.


1. The relief experienced following a shock may place the network at an advantage compared to others who did not experience it. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

2. If the network is endangered as a result of severe shock, it should withdraw until the crisis is over rather than acting vainly to recover its losses before the appropriate opportunity. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

3. The network is liable to be overwhelmed by an external shock unless it can learn from it and respond to the opportunities it presents. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

4. The response of the network will be dangerously handicapped if the shock offers no opportunity for it to act. (Resulting in: Recovery).

5. In the event of a multiplicity of shocks, the network can best survive by moving with the flow of events. (Resulting in: Following).

6. If the shock is confusing others, so that they are unable to respond effectively, the network can best prepare to respond by withdrawing from the situation, even though this may invite disapproval. (Resulting in: Decisive action).

Transformation sequence Crises cannot continue to emerge if inaction is cultivated. (Resulting in: Inaction).

52. Inaction

Keeping still - Desisting - Resting - Mountain

Condition The effectiveness of action initiated by a network is largely dependent on the equanimity with which it is able to assess what is required. A network should be able to pause before action is required.


1. By pausing before action has been initiated, the network avoids mistakes although it runs the risk of irresoluteness. (Resulting in: Style).

2. By ceasing to act, the network may avoid a disaster into which those it supports are drawn, without however being able to assist them. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

3. Enforced inaction will not induce in the network the tranquillity required to envisage appropriate initiatives. (Resulting in: Deterioration).

4. The ability of the network to restrain its impulsive responses is valuable, even through this does not prevent it from being perturbed by doubts and restlessness. (Resulting in: Marginality).

5. In contrast to occasional well-formulated statements, injudicious pronouncements by the network can have regrettable consequences. (Resulting in: Development).

6. The network may achieve a continuing quality of tranquillity from which it can respond appropriately to all demands made upon it. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

Transformation sequence Inaction cannot continue indefinitely, thus at some stage development commences. (Resulting in: Development).

53. Development

Gradual progress - Growth

Condtion In order to engender lasting development, a network should act slowly over an extended period of time, both to establish cooperative relationships and to increase its own influence so that its initiatives carry weight


1. Difficulties and criticism experienced by the network in the early phases of its action may ensure successful development by preventing excessive haste. (Resulting in: Community).

2. The initial success of the network provides it with a sense of security and encouragement as a basis for further action and collaboration. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

3. The network will succeed if it avoids provoking conflict and concentrates on developing and protecting its own position. (Resulting in: Recognition).

4. If the process of development places the network in an awkward or dangerous position, it should be adaptable in order to locate a secure position from which to continue its action. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

5. Due to action by those of inferior values, once it is in a position of influence the network may become isolated and be temporarily misjudged by those on whom it is most dependent. (Resulting in: Inaction).

6. Once the work of a network of superior values is completed it can become a striking example for those who may follow in its stead. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

Transformation sequence Development permits the establishment of elective affinities. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

54. Elective affinity

Propriety - Marrying maiden

Condition As a complement to its formal relationships, a network may beneficially engage in integrative initiatives, based on spontaneously emergent sympathetic relations with others, provided that these are conducted with reserve and mutual respect.


1. The network may successfully wield influence through informal relationship with those in power, even though this relationship cannot be formally recognized. (Resulting in: Liberation).

2. The network can benefit by maintaining its loyalty to those in power, even though they no longer acknowledge some pre-existing informal relationships with them. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

3. Frustrated by the lack of success of its formal initiatives, the network may enter into a constraining informal relationship which is not compatible with its assessment of its own value. (Resulting in: Power).

4. Out of respect for its principles, the network may beneficially delay establishing relationships until the appropriate opportunity occurs. (Resulting in: Initiative).

5. If the network originated in an influential context, it may enter into a beneficial relationship with others of more humble origins, provided it places itself at their service and does not draw attention to any fortuitous differences. (Resulting in: Solidarity).

6. The network will not benefit from entering into a superficial relationship with others, especially if it is not based on shared respect for superior values. (Resulting in: Opposition).

Transformation sequence The establishment of elective affinities creates an environment favourable to general prosperity. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

55. Prosperity

Abundance - Fullness

Condition Because of the probability of subsequent decline, only a network that acts optimistically without regret can effectively sustain a time of general prosperity. In so doing careful attention should be paid to the enforcement of agreed rules.


1. To engender prosperity through a relationship with those in power, the network needs to temper the qualities of wisdom with those of energetic action for an adequate period, in order to achieve an acknowledged influence. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

2. If the network undertakes initiatives, when its relationship with those in power has been distorted by mistrust due to usurpers, action becomes impossible; it is then preferable for it to uphold its principles as an indirect influence that can ultimately have the necessary effect. (Resulting in: Power).

3. When in a role as immediate assistant to those in power, the network does not merit censure if usurpers prevent it from acting. (Resulting in: Crisis preparedness).

4. The network can expect success when it is able to temper the qualities of energy with those of wisdom in a favourable relationship with those in power. (Resulting in: Decline).

5. If in a position of power the network is open to counsel from those of ability, it will accumulate useful proposals resulting in benefit to all. (Resulting in: Revolution).

6. The network may achieve a position of power and affluence for itself, but only at the cost of alienating all those depending on it. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

Transformation sequence When prosperity declines from its own excesses, estrangement and marginality result from the destruction of relationships. (Resulting in: Marginality).

56. Marginality

Wanderer - Newcomer - Traveler

Condition When a network has no established position or relationships in society, it succeeds best by engaging in short-term activities with those of superior values such that it is not drawn into conflict situations.


1. It is counterproductive for the isolated network to undertake trivial initiatives in order to achieve favour in the eyes of others. (Resulting in: Normative constraint).

2. The isolated network viewed favourably by others eventually finds a foothold in society and attracts permanent support. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

3. By acting discourteously and interfering in the affairs of others, the isolated network may well lose any foothold it has in society and alienate its support, thus placing it in a very vulnerable position. (Resulting in: Progress).

4. Disguising its aspirations, the isolated network may obtain a provisional position in society by limiting its publicly voiced requirements, but any resources it can the accumulate will have to be constantly protected, leaving it with a permanent sense of insecurity. (Resulting in: Inaction).

5. In order to establish a relationship with those in power and develop contacts with others, the isolated network can best succeed through a demonstration of its qualities, on the basis of which it can then be recommended. (Resulting in: Withdrawal).

6. If, having established a position in society, the network acts imprudently, forgetting its marginal status as a newcomer, it may be rejected, losing all it was in the process of building up. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

Transformation sequence Marginality cannot be absorbed or controlled by the environment and thus gives rise to penetrating clarity of perception. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

57. Penetrating clarity

Gentleness - Willing submission - Wind

Condition A network of limited resources may best achieve lasting success by acting gradually and persistently towards a clearly defined goal in association with others in a position of power. Its influence results from penetrating clarity of judgment that disempowers those with ulterior motives.


1. The clarity of understanding of the network may promote indecision when resolute action is to be preferred. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

2. Strenuous effort should be devoted by the network to tracing and eliminating any elusive negative influences by which initiatives are being distorted. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

3. Excessive reflection by the network on a possible initiative undermines its credibility. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

4. The network is assured of success if, in a position of responsibility, it combines the qualities of experience, unpretentiousness and energetic action. (Resulting in: Encounter).

5. When reforms can be gradually introduced by the network, this is best done on the basis of careful preliminary study, with corresponding follow-up evaluations of the appropriateness of the action. (Resulting in: Remedial action).

6. If the network has the ability to trace negative influences to the instigating body, but no longer has the strength to combat it, then such action is best avoided. (Resulting in: Basic need).

Transformation sequence Use of penetrating clarity leads to a sense of vitality. (Resulting in: Vitality).

58. Vitality

Joy - Lake

Condition A network can best ensure the injection of vitality into its undertakings by engaging in stimulating interaction with others so as to provide a multi-faceted optimistic basis for its initiatives.


1. The network may benefit from a self-sustaining sense of vitality and optimism which is not dependent upon reinforcement by others. (Resulting in: Adversity).

2. The network can avoid regrettable consequences by not indulging in the interaction proposed as stimulating by those of inferior values. (Resulting in: Following).

3. The vitality of the network should be engendered by it in light of its own values rather than deriving from participation in external distractions in which it may become dangerously absorbed. (Resulting in: Resolution).

4. So long as the network has difficulty in choosing between the stimulation of dynamics based on superior and inferior values, it remains subject to inner conflicts. (Resulting in: Limitation).

5. The network should protect itself from association with disintegrative influences, however stimulating, because of the harmful effects they may gradually engender. (Resulting in: Elective affinity).

6. The network may become so involved in the stimulation of external distractions that it no longer retains any effective control over it own actions. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

Transformation sequence Vitality in action leads to the dissolution of barriers. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

59. Barrier dissolution

Dispersion - Scattering - Disintegration - Overcoming dissension

Condition A network can best dissolve divisive barriers preventing collaboration by promoting awareness of underlying unity and solidarity in a manner which engages emotions engendered by superior values.


1. The network should act vigorously to counteract divisive misunderstanding before it has fully taken form. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

2. When the network recognizes a tendency on its own part to establish barriers against others, it should make deliberate efforts to remedy the situation through its supporters. (Resulting in: Recognition).

3. Circumstances may be such that the network can act best by dissolving all barriers distinguishing itself from others, in order to marshal resources for an initiative in the interest of all. (Resulting in: Penetrating clarity).

4. When acting in the general interest, the network can only have a lasting effect if it ceases attaching special importance to its immediate relationships and supporters. (Resulting in: Conflict).

5. When society is fragmented by many barriers, the network may provide a powerful idea to dispel misunderstandings, as a focus for the emergence of a new order. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

6. Faced with extreme divisiveness, the network may usefully reduce the danger to itself and to its immediate contacts by dispersing in order to re-assemble on another occasion. (Resulting in: Persistence).

Transformation sequence The elimination of barriers cannot continue indefinitely, thus the need for limitation emerges. (Resulting in: Limitation).

60. Limitation

Restraint - Regulation

Condition In order that its freedom of action may acquire significance, a network should operate under constraints that distinguish ils activities from those of others. Limits should however be set upon limitation of this kind to prevent such discrimination from becoming unbearable to the network itself or to others.


1. Faced with insurmountable limitations, the network should forego action until an appropriate opportunity arises for a forceful initiative. (Resulting in: Persistence).

2. When the moment for action arises, the network should not hesitate in seizing the opportunity. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

3. If the network acts only in its self-interests, it may easily fail to recognize the need for the limits and restraints without which it will make regrettable mistakes. (Resulting in: Waiting).

4. The network avoids waste of its resources, and may achieve success, through working with limitations rather than against them. (Resulting in: Vitality).

5. If a network in a position of influence first imposes limitations upon its own action, its achievements under these conditions constitute an example to others who will then accept similar restrictions more readily. (Resulting in: Initiative).

6. Although imposition of excessive limitations may prove unbearable to the network and to others, such ruthlessness applied to itself may under certain circumstances be the only means for the network to uphold its principles. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

Transformation sequence Through limitation, dependence on essential quality is assured. (Resulting in: Essential quality).

61. Essential quality

Inner truth - Sincerity - Inner confidence

Condition A network may succeed by influencing the most intractable, if it is able to identify with their condition, sincerely affirming the importance of essential qualities that it shares with them. These may take the form of fundamental principles.


1. The power of fundamental principles upheld by the network is progressively undermined to the extent that it loses its self-reliance through dependence on secret agreements with others. (Resulting in: Barrier dissolution).

2. Through the fundamental principles which it upholds, the network of superior values may exert a far-reaching influence that attracts others without any intent to achieve this end. (Resulting in: Assistance).

3. The vitality of the network may be dependent, for better or for worse, on the vagaries of the fundamental nature of its relationship with others. (Resulting in: Subtle restraint).

4. To increase the power of its fundamental principles, the network should concentrate on deepening its understanding of superior values governing action beyond the domain of factionalism. (Resulting in: Careful conduct).

5. The network in a position of power may succeed in linking others together in a non-superficial manner through the fundamental quality of the multi-faceted influences engendered by its action. (Resulting in: Deficiency).

6. The network should be aware of relying on accepted formulas to awaken a shared sense of fundamental solidarity, for such standard appeals may fail when they are most needed. (Resulting in: Limitation).

Transformation sequence Limitation and dependence on essential quality enable actions to be undertaken conscientiously. (Resulting in: Conscientiousness).

62. Conscientiousness

Preponderance of the small

Condition Faced with a challenge for which it is not fully competent, a network of superior values can best succeed by acting with extreme prudence and attention to detail, especially in support of those not in a position of influence.


1. The network should employ conventional measures whenever possible, avoiding the depletion of resources and the risk of failure associated with extraordinary measures. (Resulting in: Prosperity).

2. Under exceptional circumstances the network may best succeed through extreme restraint and conscientious fulfilment of its obligations. (Resulting in: Endurance).

3. Exceptional circumstances require that the network pay attention to details through which it may learn of dangers that otherwise it would be unable to avoid. (Resulting in: Enthusiasm).

4. Under certain circumstances the network should refrain from action until a more opportune moment, rather than render itself vulnerable to dangers through persisting in its own initiatives. (Resulting in: Unpretentiousness).

5. In exceptional circumstances the isolated network, able to bring about order in society, should seek assistance from others on the basis of their genuine achievements rather than their claims to fame. (Resulting in: Influence).

6. If the network fails to exercise self-discipline at a time when attention to detail is required, it is unlikely to be successful in its initiative. (Resulting in: Marginality).

Transformation sequence Conscientiousness ensures the accomplishment of initiatives. (Resulting in: Accomplishment).

63. Accomplishment

After completion

Condition Once the transition from the old to the new order has been accomplished with the exception of details, a network should take considerable care to ensure that the harmony with which events evolve during their final phases does not encourage negligence that enables the seeds of an inferior order to take root once again.


1. A successful transition immediately encourages widespread pressure for further development, which the network should resist in order to avoid the dangers of enthusiastically overshooting the goal and jeopardizing all that has been achieved. (Resulting in: Obstruction).

2. Following a successful transition, those acquiring power tend to become arrogant and neglect to offer roles to those wishing to participate, thus encouraging discreditable position-seeking manoeuvres; these the network should avoid in the expectation that appropriate opportunities will emerge in due time. (Resulting in: Waiting).

3. Following successful transition, the network together with others will tend to struggle to expand the new order into neighbouring domains functioning under an old order; any success should not then be undermined by using those of inferior values to control such domains. (Resulting in: Initial difficulty).

4. Following successful transition, the scandals that may come to light, and which are readily forgotten by others, should be treated by the network as important indicators of possible future difficulties. (Resulting in: Revolution).

5. Following successful transition the network should take care to continue the sincere affirmation of superior values, since this tends to evolve under the new order into an elaborate ritual from which significance easily disappears. (Resulting in: Decline).

6. Fascination for the old order, from which a successful transition has been made, may prevent the network from appropriately consolidating what has been achieved. (Resulting in: Community).

Transformation sequence Accomplishment cannot exhaust the potential for further transformation. (Resulting in: Transformation threshold).

64. Transformation threshold

Before completion - Tasks remaining

Condition When all has been prepared for transition to a new order that can transform a fragmented condition of society, a network should act with deliberation and caution to determine how the available resources can best be applied to achieve the desired effect.


1. As a response to the prevailing lack of order, the network may act prematurely in order to achieve something tangible, thus increasing the risk of failure. (Resulting in: Opposition).

2. The network should develop its own resources so that they are adequate to the task, but should refrain from using them until the time is ripe. (Resulting in: Progress).

3. At the moment for transition, the network may lack the resources to complete the task as required, in which case qualified assistance should be obtained. (Resulting in: Cultural heritage).

4. During the struggle to bring about the transition and overthrow the old order, the network should avoid doubt and lay the foundation for the future. (Resulting in: Inexperience).

5. Justifying its efforts, the network may succeed in its struggle so that superior values become explicit in the envisaged order and the influence it has on society, especially in contrast to that which preceded it. (Resulting in: Conflict).

6. On the threshold of the new era convivial celebration is appropriate, but the network should take care not to lose its self-control and thus jeopardize what could be achieved. (Resulting in: Liberation).

Transformation sequence Further transformation calls for creativity. (Resulting in: Creativity).

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