Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)
Physical Modern cities are heterogeneous and marked by undifferentiated character which erodes variety of lifestyles and impedes the growth of individuality. By breaking the city, as far as possible, into a vast mosaic of sub-cultures, each with its own spatial territory, the emergence of distinct styles may be encouraged and protected provided that each is stimulated and consolidated by an appropriate degree of contact with the others.
Social The homogeneous and undifferentiated character of modern organizational complexes and institutional environments inhibits the emergence of alternative life styles and arrests the growth of individual character. By breaking such complexes into a vast mosaic of sub-cultures, each with its own functional territory, the emergence of distinct life styles may be encouraged and protected, provided that each is stimulated and consolidated by an appropriate degree of contact with the others.
Conceptual The homogeneous and undifferentiated character of major schools of thought or ideological frameworks inhibits the emergence of alternative conceptual styles deviating from the norm, thus arresting conceptual development. By fragmenting such frameworks into a vast mosaic of sub-cultures, each with its own specialized domain and sharply delineated values, the emergence of distinct intellectual styles may be encouraged and protected, provided that each is stimulated and consolidated by an appropriate degree of contact with the others.
Psychic The homogeneous and undifferentiated character of a person's principal modes of awareness inhibits the emergence of alternative modes and arrests personal development. By distinguishing a rich mosaic of distinct variants, each with its particular function, the emergence of alternative modes of awareness may be encouraged and protected, provided that each is stimulated and consolidated by an appropriate degree of interaction with the others.
Broader Interpretation of complementary modes of organization.
Narrower Access to intensity; Sub-domain boundary; Identifiable context; Cluster of frameworks; Web of selective interchange; Individuality in multiplicity; Decentralized formal processes; Local interrelationship domains; Cycle of relationship reinforcement; Stable density gradient of local relationships.
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