Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)
Physical A well-balanced village or urban community is characterized by the presence of buildings of a range of types (and ages) each of which facilitates a different activity vital to the integrity of the community. The absence of structures of a particular type (or age) may severely endanger the balance and independence of the community as well as restricting the range of experiences a person can experience there.
Social A well-balanced community, organization, or group is characterized by the presence of a range of distinct activities (some varying correspondingly from the traditional to the innovative), each especially relevant to some phase of the cycle of interacting processes through which the life of a mature group regulates itself and develops. If such activities are not all represented, people can neither fulfil themselves in one phase nor pass successfully on to the next.
Conceptual A well-balanced conceptual domain or body of knowledge is characterized by a range of distinct methods or conceptual approaches (some varying correspondingly from the traditional to the innovative), each especially relevant to some phase of the cycle of interacting processes through which the life of a mature school of thought regulates itself and develops. If such approaches are not all represented, ideas cannot be brought to fruition in one phase nor be successfully transformed for development in subsequent phases.
Psychic A well-balanced mode of awareness is characterized by a range of distinct perceptions (some varying correspondingly from the habitual to the innovative), each especially relevant to some phase of the cycle of interacting processes through which the person's psychic life is integrated and developed. If such perceptions are not all represented, insights cannot be brought to fruition in one phase by the person nor be successfully transformed for development in subsequent phases.
Broader Identifiable context; Individuality in multiplicity; Intermediate scale organization.
Narrower Complementarity; Local focal points; Functionality enhancement; Protection of emerging foci; Perspective-adaptable contexts; Adequate variety of cyclic elements; Integrating the historical dimension; Context for transformative experience; Informal context for formal processes; Extended pattern of nuclear interaction; Context for emergence of new perspectives; Contexts for care of premature perspectives; Context for acknowledgement of past perspectives; Semi-autonomous contexts for maturing perspectives; Transitional contexts for perspective reorganization; Opportunities for perspectives of decreasing activity; Perspective imitation contexts for developing perspectives; Semi-autonomous contexts for perspectives of decreasing activity; Structures adaptable to changing number of embodied perspectives; Appropriate configuration for interaction of complementary perspectives; Integration of perspective acquisition and perspective maintenance dynamics.
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