Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)
Physical In order to ensure appropriate balance within any urban environment, each building, open space, neighbourhood and work community should be developed with a blend of incommensurable insights (as typified by those of men and women). If structures are developed (whether homes, suburbs, supermarkets or factories), in which either of such insights is repressed, such structures perpetuate and solidify the resulting distortion of reality.
Social In order to ensure appropriate balance within any organization or community, each procedure and activity should be developed with a blend of incommensurable insights (as typified by those of men and women). If groups and programmes are developed in which either of such insights is repressed, such structures perpetuate and give form to the resulting distortion of reality.
Conceptual In order to successfully embody the complexity inherent in any conceptual domain, each framework should be articulated with a combination of incommensurable perspectives (as typified by those of men and women) viewed as a complementary set of descriptions. If a conceptual framework is developed in which one such perspective is ignored, such a framework perpetuates and gives form to the resulting oversimplified representations of reality.
Psychic In order to successfully comprehend the richness inherent in any mode of awareness, it should be allowed to act in either of two incompatible sub-modes (as typified by those of men and women) understood as permitting complementary perceptions. If a mode of awareness is developed in which one such sub-mode is avoided, the resulting perceptual habits will provide a dangerously oversimplified understanding of reality.
Broader Functional cycle; Identifiable context; Individuality in multiplicity; Decentralized formal processes.
Narrower Local opportunities for perspective activity; Relatively isolated context for each perspective.
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