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Pattern: Stable density gradient of local relationships

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Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)

Pattern template

The locus of formation of new local relationships is determined by a balance between proximity to the local centre (as an attraction) and distance from the intensity of processes there (acting as a repellent). The varying ways in which this balance is determined leads to the emergence of rings of different relationship density (a density gradient) around the local centre. This density configuration will be unstable unless measures are adopted to compensate for the instability resulting from continuing pressure to form further relationships at preferred locations.

Physical In a local community people want to live close to shops and services for excitement and convenience. They must balance this against the desire to be away from such services in order to experience peace and greenery. The pattern of such choices in a neighbourhood defines density rings around the local centre. Under the continuing pressure of the arrival of new households, such a density gradient becomes unstable (to the disadvantage of the less privileged) unless compensatory measures are adopted.

Social In a local or specialized organizational complex people want to be close to the centre "where the action is" and where interpersonal interactions are most intense and challenging. But they must balance this against their need for low key unstructured relationships permitting greater freedom of personal expression and growth. The varying ways in which this balance is struck by individuals in an organization or network defines relationship density rings around the nucleus of the organization. Under the continuing pressure of the arrival of new participants, such a density gradient becomes unstable (to the disadvantage of the less privileged) unless compensatory measures are adopted.

Conceptual In a specialized conceptual domain specialists experience a need to be close to the intellectual centre of gravity where the latest challenging ideas are being presented and debated. But they must balance this against their need for peaceful, reflective conditions in which their own insights can emerge and be developed. The varying ways in which this balance is struck by individuals within a school of thought or invisible college defines density rings of conceptual relationships around the core of the domain. Under the continuing pressure of the emergence of new thinkers, such a density gradient becomes unstable (to the disadvantage of the less privileged) unless compensatory measures are adopted.

Psychic In employing a specialized mode of awareness, a balance must be struck between the challenging in- sights to be gained by focusing it in its most intensely disciplined form and the benefit to be derived from allowing it to influence perceptions in a more non-directive manner. The varying ways in which this balance tends to be struck over a period of time by the person using that mode defines density rings of perceptual relationships around the focal awareness. Under the continuing pressure of the emergence of new perceptions, such a gradient becomes unstable (to the disadvantage of some perceptions) unless compensatory measures are adopted.

Broader Sub-domain boundary; Four-level structural limit; Individuality in multiplicity; Variety of forms and processes; Coherent pattern of relationship densities.

Narrower Activity nodes; Standard frameworks; Cluster of frameworks; Integrating a new dimension; Cycle of relationship reinforcement; Enhancing function of common domains; Differentiation by relationship density; Bounded common small-scale interaction domains.

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