Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)
Physical In any urban community the gradual formation of a promenade linking the main activity nodes provides an environment through which people are encouraged to move constantly in order to see and to be seen, especially if the principal nodes are located at each end. Such a promenade provides a focus for the life of the community.
Social In any organizational complex or group, linking facilitative nodes together in a communication circuit provides an environment through which people are encouraged to move constantly in order to encounter new and alternative activities and the associated relationships. Such a cycle reinforces existing relationships and the integrity of the group as a whole.
Conceptual In any conceptual domain or school of thought, linking together the key foci of conceptual activity in a cycle of conceptual processes provides an environment through which ideas are encouraged to move constantly in order to be challenged by new or alternative insights and the associated conceptual relationships. Such a cycle reinforces existing relationships and the integrity of that body of knowledge as a whole.
Psychic Within any mode of awareness, linking key perceptual processes together within a larger cyclic process provides a context through which attention is encouraged to move constantly in order to encounter new or alternative insights and the patterns of significance within which they are embedded. Such a cycle renews existing relationships and the integrity of the mode of awareness as a whole.
Broader Activity nodes; Access to intensity; Relationship to indeterminacy; Individuality in multiplicity; Variety of forms and processes; Coherent pattern of relationship densities; Stable density gradient of local relationships.
Narrower Context for disorder; Underdefined processes; Selective interchange axis; Protection of emerging foci; Presentation of new dimensions; Enhancing function of common domains; Hospitability of communication pathways; Access to patterns of active irrationality; Ensuring function of common domain interfaces; Unstructured context for perspective exchange; Bounded common small-scale interaction domains; Hospitable contexts for perspectives in transition; Arrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfaces; Cyclic interrelation of complementary perspective in common domains; Interfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationships.
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