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Pattern: Standard frameworks

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Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)

Pattern template

In certain parts of a domain, clusters of frameworks do not permit a sufficiently high relationship density. Chains of standard frameworks may then be used.

Physical In certain parts of an urban community clusters of houses do not permit sufficiently high population densities or degrees of publicness. Row houses are then essential and should preferably be placed along pedestrian paths, running at right angle to local roads, such as to provide common land behind them.

Social In certain parts of an organizational complex clusters of groups (or people) with related preoccupations do not permit sufficiently high relationship densities or degrees of interaction. Standard groups should then be interlinked in chains, such as to provide low intensity communication pathways between them, connecting into higher intensity communication networks. The groups should be interlinked such as to define a common area of concern.

Conceptual In certain parts of a conceptual domain loose clusters of conceptual frameworks do not permit a sufficiently high degree of integration. Standard frameworks (such as matrices of concepts) should then be interlinked by a sequence of procedures such as to encourage non-linear interactions between them, phasing into the linear pattern of more general relationships. The frameworks should be interlinked such as to define a shared common focus.

Psychic In certain areas of a field of awareness clusters of perceptual frameworks do not provide a sufficiently high degree of integration. Standard perceptual frameworks should then be interlinked together (such as in a rote learning or meditation sequence) such as to engender the implicit relationships between them, phasing into the explicit patterns of overall awareness. The frameworks should be interlinked such as to define a shared core of awareness.

Broader Cluster of frameworks; Compensating relationships in parallel; Differentiation by relationship density; Stable density gradient of local relationships.

Narrower Adaptive interstices; Unstructured common domain; Perspective-adaptable contexts; Minimal context for single perspective; Extended pattern of nuclear interaction; Complexification of perspective contexts; Minimal context for complementary perspectives; Limitation on number of occupiable temporary sites; Arrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfaces; Blended integration of formal structure and informal context; Minimal context interrelating mature and emerging perspectives; Organization of structure to enhance autonomy of sub-structures; Interfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationships.

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