Challenges to Comprehension Implied by the Logo
of Laetus in Praesens
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Pattern: Functionality enhancement

-- / --

Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)

Pattern template

In any domain a significant proportion of the processes tend to be dysfunctional. A network of nodes catalyzing and enhancing functionality is desirable.

Physical In any ordinary neighbourhood more than 90 per cent of the people are unhealthy in terms of simple biological criteria. Their health cannot be effectively enhanced by focusing on illnesses. A network of centres is required, with medical facilities, but focusing on the enhancement of physical and mental health through recreational and educational activities.

Social In any ordinary group or organizational complex a significant proportion of the roles exhibit dysfunctional characteristics in terms of the health of the organization. These cannot be effectively remedied by focusing directly upon them. A network of facilitative environments is required with counselling expertise but providing the opportunity for role health, exploration and development.

Conceptual In any ordinary conceptual environment or school of thought a significant proportion of the conceptual portions or processes exhibit dysfunctional characteristics in terms of the integration of the domain as a whole. These cannot be effectively remedied by focusing directly upon them. A network of facilitative conceptual environments is required with consultative expertise but providing the opportunity for creative exercises in the exploration and further development of such positions.

Psychic Within any ordinary mode of awareness a significant proportion of the perceptions are unhealthy with respect to the holistic integration of that mode. Such perceptions cannot be effectively improved by focusing directly upon them. A network of facilitative processes is required with integrative potential but providing the opportunity for reflective exercises in the exploration and further development of such perceptions.

Broader Activity nodes; Functional cycle; Local action network.

Narrower Adaptive interstices; Access to contained irrationality; Context for emergence of new perspectives; Local opportunities for perspective activity; Provision for temporary perspective inactivity; Minimally-structured perspective control operations; Local cultivation of sources of perspective nourishment; Exposure of structural activities to communication pathway; Competitive interaction opportunities transposed to a concrete level; Contexts for exploratory relationship formation challenging emerging perspectives.

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