Challenges to Comprehension Implied by the Logo
of Laetus in Praesens
Laetus in Praesens Alternative view of segmented documents via Kairos


Pattern: Protected low intensity relationships

-- / --

Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)

Pattern template

In order to prevent high intensity relationships from acquiring disproportionate significance, low intensity relationships should be given a prominent position, especially where they have a common boundary with those of high intensity.

Physical Pedestrian sidewalks should be raised 0.5 metres above the level of parallel roads carrying fast-moving traffic, with some form of railing to mark the edge, or else pedestrians feel overwhelmed by the vehicles.

Broader Compensating relationships in parallel; Differentiation by relationship density; Intersection of differently paced communications; Interfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationships.

Narrower Ambiguous boundaries; Partially contained interfaces; Hospitability of communication pathways; Integrating points of perspective into common domains; Arrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfaces; Transit point location for sources of perspective nourishment.

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