Part of a 5-fold Pattern Language.
Subsequently published in Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1986)
Broader Activity nodes; Partially contained interfaces; Patterning of complex structures; Common external context for inactivity; Differentiation by relationship density; Complexification of perspective contexts; Distinctiveness of main entry point to structure; Distinct pattern of entry points to complex structures; Harmoniously structured entry point for external communication media; Functional enhancement of domains separating complementary structures; Interfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationships.
Narrower Attractive temporary positions; Embedding fixity within variability; Cultivation of productive non-linearity; Hospitability of communication pathways; Protecting variability to enhance fixity; Limiting exposure to harmonious perspectives; Ensuring function of common domain interfaces; Communication pathways enfolded by non-linearity; Off-centering the focal point of a common domain; Appropriate relationship of non-linearity to structures.
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