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Annex 1 of Towards an Astrophysics of the Knowledge Universe: from astronautics to noonautics?
cult cat ***
As noted above, the following approaches to understanding any universe of knowledge -- however it is termed -- are considered indicative of the the challenge as much as variously offering insights of different kinds of relevance. A major reason for this overview is to indicate the extent to which there is an increasing degree of formal similarity, and/or overlap, that is evident (or claimed) between:
Clustered understandings of a "universe of knowledge" (tentative) | |||
. | (A) non-integrative no-consciousness non self-reflexive - (referent??) |
(B) pattern recognition identity 0 (sign??) |
(C) integrative (consciousness) self-reflexive coherence + (meaning)?? |
(3) high-dimensionality high-connectivity relativity effects entanglement + |
Universal machine Universe-as-information (as logical matrix of information algorithms) Matter-as-information Energy-as-information |
World soul Gaian mind World mind Anima mundi Ecology of mind Planetary consciousness Anthropological matrix (relevantial universe) |
Universe of spirit Universal mind Gnostic Logos Omniscient mind Cosmic consciousness Net of Indra Noosphere Noetic gnosis |
(2) pattern order 0 |
Material universe Universe-as-energy Electromagnetic universe Biological universe |
Global modelling Ideosphere Cognosphere Knowledge organization (classificational universe) |
Cultural universe Culturesphere Collective intelligence Metaverse Personal universe Mundus imaginalis (relational universe) |
(1) low-dimensionality low-connectivity no relativity no entanglement - |
Observational universe Documentation Information system |
Universe of cyberspace World Wide Web Infosphere World system Hypertext |
Global Brain Semantic web Global electronic mind Universal values Global ethic |
Electromagnetic universe see Davis 62
Universe as information (perspective of physics)
A helpful overview in Future Feeder; Journal of Architecture and Information (2005, 1) states:
Much of physics and cosmology now thinks of information as ranking with matter and energy as a fundamental property of the universe. With this ranking comes the notion that information can be transformed (including to and from matter and energy) but it cannot be destroyed...
This leads to speculation that the universe is constituted of 2D membranes (i.e. information), and that our 3D world is a holographic projection from such a membrane. If information is the fundamental constituent of reality, there might be implications for how we understand every aspect of reality, from physics to architecture.
This view may be partly traced back to Alan Turing, now seen as a precursor in the new field of philosophy of information (cf Luciano Floridi, What is the Philosophy of Information?, Metaphilosophy, 2002, (33), 1/2)
Reality is then understood to consist of mass, energy and information. Like light, which is either a particle or a wave, information is then either mass or energy, depending on the way it is measured or observed.
Various authors as schools of thought associated with this perspective focus on themes such:
Information as energy, not mass, can travel on radio waves. Cornell Center for Materials Research, 2005 [text] Roy Freed. Updating the law to recognize that human minds as well as computers process information as energy signals. Yale Information Society Project, 2006: Roy Freed will start by briefly describing the early history of computer law, which he introduced in 1960 and for which he was the initial primary exponent. He then will point out the related basic facts that human minds are biological machines that literally purposefully process some still unknown form of electrochemical signals and that, hence, all information is various forms of energy signals, and will identify many legal ramifications of those facts. Those signals include those internal electrochemical ones; the external analog sound waves and light photons by which people communicate naturally; and the electromagnetic and optical pulses on which computers operate and by which they communicate. He will show that it is essential to accept those facts to enable many legal fundamental rules to reflect accurately the circumstances to which they purport to apply.
Universe in a computer: a programmed universe
Universe: cellular automata
Physics From Fisher Information
Universe as information (perspective of biology)
Universe and order
David Layzer. Cosmogenesis: The Growth of Order in the Universe. Oxford University Press, 1991
Knowledge universe (classification / order)
Farzam Arbab. Promoting a Discourse on Science, Religion, and Development. THE LAB, THE TEMPLE, AND THE MARKET Reflections at the Intersection of Science, Religion, and Development Edited by Sharon Harper © International Development Research Centre 2000 [text]
The situation calls for a fresh look at the universe of knowledge and for a new way to bring together its diverse elements in curricula that respect the wholeness of knowledge yet anticipate specialization at a later stage. The focus of each set of interrelated educational activities should be the development of one or more capabilities -- scientific, artistic, technical, social, moral, and spiritual -- endowing the individual with the understanding of concepts, knowledge of facts, and mastery of methods, as well as the skills, attitudes, and qualities he or she needs to lead a fruitful life. Specifically, in this age of transition, it is imperative to endow youth with a twofold moral purpose: to take charge of their own intellectual and spiritual growth and to make significant contributions to the transformation of society.
Knowledge universe (information retrieval)
Karin McGuirk. Information Science and the Configuration of Meaningful Information. University of South Africa, 2004 [text]
The way we organise recorded information (as configured and then represented phyically) can also influence our view of ourselves, the world and others. It is important that we have awareness of such an organising system as only a representation (and even manifestation) of the knowledge universe, and that it is not that universe itself. We are not prisoners to it, but retain the choice of configuring meaningful information, and because our world of knowledge is vastly expanding due to development in ICT, it becomes even more imperative to be able to configure meaningful information. That is, configuring as an active verb, and not as a passive receiving of meaningful information.
Knowledge universe (semiotics)
Edwina Taborsky. The Methodology of Semiotic Morphology: An Introduction [text]
Semiotix: http://www.semioticon.com/semiotix/newsletterindex2.htm
At the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the BSC, in 1989, Paul Bouissac, quite appropriately, evaluated the results of the first eleven Bochum colloquia as follows: 'At a time when the universe of knowledge seems to be driven toward an indefinite, fractal expansion, with the consequence that specialties are pushed further and further apart, BSC indefatigably, with Promethean courage and lucidity, attempts to mend the torn fabric of a unitary science' (in Koch: 1989 [Perspektiven]: 113).
Davis (98-99):
But it wasn't until the twentieth century that information became a thing in itself... what was once merely a category of knowledge began to mutate into a new unit of reality itself, one that took its place alongside matter and energy as one of the fundamental building blocks of the cosmos. If electricity is the soul of the information age, information is its spirit... Information emerges in the spark gap between mind and matter... the constantly shifting borderlines around the term have lent the concept an incorporeal mystique; despite its erstwhile objectivity, information has become an almost luminscent icon, at once fetish and logos. Straddling mind and matter, science and psyche, hard drives and DNA, informastion hascopme to spawn philosophies both half-baked and profound, while also reconstructing, perhaps dangerously, our images of mthe self and its cosmic home
Anthropological matrix: Erik Davis cites Bruno Latour (We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press, 1993)
premodern and indigneous people wove everything, whether nature or culture, into an immense collective network of mind and matter that he terms the anthropological matrix. Elements thereof are best understood as "hybrids", that he calls "speaking things", both natural and cultural, real and imagined, subject and object (TechGnosis, p 15)
Fraser Golden Bough
Anima Mundi: The Hermetica pictured the cosmos as a living soul, a magnetic network of correspondences that linked the earth, the body, the stars, and the remote spiritual realms of the godhead. This anima mundi could be accessed and tweaked by the symbolic rituals of ceremonial magic, even by a deeply pious Christian Neoplatonist like Ficino p. 44 davis
This "enchanted but dynamic cosmos" of Renaissance Heremeticists is central to the work on archetypal psychology promoted by James Hillman and Thomas Moore to counteract the "withering anomie of modern life" p 44 davis
Metaverse: The word "metaverse", without capitalization, is becoming a general term for the "universe within a universe" of a fictional work that is created by extremely popular fandom.
Alan Richmond. Towards an Astrophysical Cyberspace: The Evolution of User Interfaces [text] will synergize a powerful astrophysics environment.
Dynamically Gated Conceptual CommunitiesAstrophysical metaphor for evolution of gated conceptual communities ... "Theory of Everything": Within such a dynamically evolving knowledge universe, ...
Information and black holes
Black Holes and Information
'In 1997, the three cosmologists made a famous bet as to whether information
that enters a black hole ceases to exist -- that is, whether the interior
of a black hole is changed at all by the characteristics of particles that
enter it. Hawking's research suggested that the particles have no effect
whatsoever. But his theory violated the laws of quantum mechanics and created
a contradiction known as the 'information paradox.''
From: http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/fuzzball.htm
See Stephen Hawking's web site at http://www.hawking.org.uk/home/hindex.html
For the latest, see:
NewScientist.com, July 14, 2004
'After nearly 30 years of arguing that a black hole destroys everything
that falls into it, Stephen Hawking is saying he was wrong. It seems that black
holes may after all allow information within them to escape.
It might solve one of the long-standing puzzles in modern physics, known as the black hole information paradox. In 1976, he calculated that once a black hole forms, it starts losing mass by radiating energy. This 'Hawking radiation' contains no information about the matter inside the black hole and once the black hole evaporates, all information is lost.
But this conflicts with the laws of quantum physics, which say that such information can never be completely wiped out. Hawking's argument was that the intense gravitational fields of black holes somehow unravel the laws of quantum physics….'
For full article:
The Truth Is Still Out There
In an op-ed piece in The New York Times on August 3, 2004, Paul Ginsparg, professor
of physics and information science at Cornell University, describing the
background of the issues:
'… Near the end of a small meeting I attended in 1993, the question of 'What happens to information that falls into a black hole?' arose, and a democratic method was chosen to address it. The vote proceeded more or less along party lines, with the general relativists firm in their adherence to causality, and the quantum field theorists equally adamant in their faith in unitarity. Of the 77 participants, 25 voted for the category 'It's lost;' and 39, a slight majority, voted for 'It comes out,'' (that it re-emerges). Seven voted that the black hole would not evaporate entirely, and the remaining six voted for an unspecified 'Something else.' …'
Universe of knowledge (fractal?)
Each one of us carries within us a complex universe of knowledge, life experience, and human relationships. Each individual is gifted with unique insights possessed by no one else. Almost all of this rich treasury of information is forever lost to mankind when we die.
Comprehensibility of the universe
The Universe, the Eleventh Dimension, and Everything: What We Know and How We Know It Book by Richard Morris; Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999
The Comprehensibility of the Universe: A New Conception of Science Book by Nicholas Maxwell; Clarendon Press, 1998
Conceptual astronautics / navigation
Surfing: My fingers glide across the universe of knowledge A click,and
Jere W Clark. The Role of Unified Science in Vitalizing Research and Education [text]
Designing a Vehicle for Mental Space Travel
It is common knowledge that the outstanding achievement of man to be recorded in history for the year 1969 is expected to be the consummation of interplanetary space travel. This year has indeed been a great year not only for the four moon walkers but perhaps even more so for the designers, producers, testers, launchers, and controllers of the space vehicles involved in these ventures.
Today-four days before the end of the year, 1969-- we have met to test in a preliminary way, and to consider launching, a still more powerful and important kind of vehicle for space travel. This is a vehicle for what might be called "interdisciplinary mental space travel." Indeed, this vehicle is an interdisciplinary conceptual model whereby a specialist's mind can take flight to, and land on, distant intellectual planets, and return laden with a cargo far more valuable than moon rocks or gold dust. Although this special kind of space vehicle is not so romantic as those used by the moon walkers, it is far more important to the destiny of man--and much less costly.
Unique Capabilities of Mental Spacecraft
Fortunately, our mental space vehicle can have built into it a number of additional capabilities which the physical spacecraft do not have. As a stepping stone into the question of how an interdisciplinary conceptual model of unified science can vitalize education, we might note some of these unique qualities.
l. Exploration of Social Space
One of these extra capabilities of this conceptual model is its capacity to explore the galaxies of social space (as well as the galaxies of physical space). This model can link the various social disciplines with each other and with the natural science disciplines.
People as Stargates: an alternative perspective on human relationships in space-time, 1996[text]
Entering Alternative Realities -- Astronautics vs Noonautics isomorphism between launching aerospace vehicles and launching vehicles of awareness
General systems
Universe of spirit: Davis 63 -- theosophists
Universal enlightenment: Tesla 88-89
Robert Neil Boyd. The Consciousness of the Universe
Universe of Consciousness
Gerald M. Edelman, Giulio Tononi. A Universe of Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination. Basic Books; 2000 [review]
Quantum consciousness
Richard P. Dolan:
G. Globus, "Quantum Consciousness is Cybernetic", Psyche, 2(12), August 1995.
Universe consciousness / Cosmic consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness- is science closing in
Definition: A non-physical perception that one is connected to the consciousness of other beings and places elsewhere in the universe. [text]
Conscious / Self-aware / Intelligent Universe
S. Hameroff and R. Penrose, "Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness". In: Toward a Science of Consciousness-The First Tucson Discussions and Debates, Eds. S. Hameroff, A. Kaszniak, and A. Scott. MIT Press, 1996.
S. Hameroff and R. Penrose, "Conscious events as orchestrated spacetime selections", Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3, 1, 1996, pp. 36-53.
S. Hameroff, "Funda-mental geometry: The Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR model of consciousness. In: Geometry and the foundations of Science: Contributions from an Oxford Conference honouring Roger Penrose. Oxford Press (1997).
Stuart Hameroff. Could Life And Consciousness Be Related To The Fundamental Quantum Nature Of The Universe?
H. P. Stapp:
P. A. Zizzi. Emergent Consciousness: From the Early Universe to Our Mind NeuroQuantology,Vol.3(2003)295-311
Goswami, Amit. The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World. Putnam Publishing Group, 1993.
A. Goswami, M. Goswami, R. E. Reed, and F. A. Wolf, "The Self- Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World", Ed. J. P. Tarcher (1995).
M. Kafatos, B. Nadeau, "The Conscious Universe: Part and Whole in Modern Physical Theory", Springler-Verlag (1990).
Kurzweil, Ray. 'The Intelligent Universe' http://www.edge.org/documents/archive/edge107.html
Kafatos, Menas, and Robert Nadeau. The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality. 2d ed. Springer, 2000.
Lothar Schäfer. Quantum Reality and the Consciousness of the Universe. QUANTUM REALITY, THE EMERGENCE OF COMPLEX ORDER FROM VIRTUAL STATES, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE UNIVERSE Zygon, 41, September 2006, p. 505; 41, 3 [abstract]
Dean Radin:
Alexandre V. Boukalov:
Doug Renselle. Research Review of David Bohm's 1980 Paper The Enfolding-Unfolding Universe and Consciousness. In Lee Nichol, The Essential David Bohm
Nova Spivack, Simulated Universes and the Nature of Consciousness Minding the Planet June 2005 ** camp
Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner. Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics: The Connection and Analogies The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Summer 1999, 20, 3, pp. 229-256
Symbolic universe
Jack A. Palmer, Linda K. Palmer. Evolutionary Psychology: The Ultimate Origins of Human Behavior. Allyn and Bacon, 2001 [Consciousness and the Symbolic Universe]
World mind
Universal mind
Global brain
Universal mind
Miscellaneous / Misleading
Knowledge Universe, Menlo Park: $1 billion tech training and consulting company http://www.knowledgeu.com/ Michael Milken
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