-- / --
Other religious symbols
Memetic complexes
Most artefacts are energy channelling devices, but we over-identify with the particular patterns and get frozen into its concreteness
Financial flows
Future will be more detached
Conceptual and spiritual constructs
Constructing patterns
Pattern construction now more a function attributed to "decorator" or others
Laying patterns on people -- like spells
Donning / Doffing
Energ flowing along
How it works in the moment
Pattern traps
Why are the patterns on offer unable to sustain
Is togetherness? Isdom
Challenge of attaching meaning
Why / Whether
Pickpocket gang -- play
Equivalent games -- politics
Cookie cutter understanding of human identity
Cookie cutter pattern to cut up reality in ways that enable the complexity of action for which we are competent
Iraq as an exemplification of the deployment of the fix-it mentality
Energy patterns
Patterns of N-foldness
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