-- / --
This is the focus of an Annex
collective intelligence
memetics art
Zen ox-herding stages of social change focus
no time for input
implication / explication
identity theft
mutually antipathetic
radical sense in which "external" info is:
frames of reference (Einstein)
linear / across a surface
integrate the two group theories
However at a lower level of complexity it is my insight that any polygon linking n perspectives creates a kind of trampolin (as well recognized in magical ritual). But if such polygons are interlinked as polyhedra then there is a focus (for the trampolin) into other dimensions -- at least from a 3D perspective (as the Contact movie prefigured). So what might E8 then imply -- if I am still struggling with Platonic polyhedra? But I suspect that the seeming incomprehensibility may be partially overcome through harmonic and resonance effects whereby the high complexity of E8 is effectively geared down to more modest comprehension capacities. Hence my comment on the chakras .
Tom Atlee -- collective sense making
Davos -- Green initaitve -- pendulum
Resonances between Challenging Psychosocial Change Initiatives: selected web resources, 2007
Shu Matsuura. Transdisciplinary Integration of Knowledge through the Concept of Katachi. Oukan (Journal of Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology, 1, 2007, 1, pp. 15-21 [abstract]
Activities of collection and exchange of knowledge in the Society for Science on Form, Japan, are described. The society was originated in the joint meetings of the groups of "physics of form" and "stereology". The word KATACHI (Japanese expression of "form") has a less-restricted definition and has meanings of gaining some completeness. That is contrasted with the western word "symmetry" which has a clear definition and gives norms of beauty. KATACHI appears in all fields and its notion can be shared beyond the difference in the terminology of different fields. It is found that researches from broad range of fields in science, technology and art, can have active discussions and exchange of knowledge under the aspect of KATACHI. It is expected that the aspects of KATACHI in a variety of fields lead to a transdisciplinary integration of knowledge.
in the moment *****
vehicle navigation
Hazzard ****
"Saving Civilization: An Integral Approach to Climate Change". 2009 State of the World Forum To Employ an Integral Framework in Establishing an Effective Globally Geostrategic Response to Climate Change - Washington, DC, November 12, 14, 2009
Chris Lucas, Strange Attractors and Society, 2005
When we look at social situations we must be quite clear about the differences between these and those simpler systems typically studied in the physical sciences. In the latter it is usual to concentrate upon equilibrium solutions and to seek out point or cyclic attractors - labelling any situation incapable of being stated in such linear and reductionist terms as 'unscientific' and ignoring it. In such 'science' data points found outside the 'box' of predetermined expectations are actually discarded, and treated as 'experimental error' - making this a self-fulfilling and closed worldview. Physical sciences, typically, look here for one 'formula' at a time, one isolated problem at a time. Most work in the current psychological and sociological sciences tries to 'ape' this sort of technique, either discarding all the 'complexity' to look at a narrow aspect, or using statistical techniques to look at the undifferented whole - in both cases compressing the system to a single parameter (and arguing endlessly between themselves about which one to use !). But this behaviour is throwing out the 'baby' with the 'bathwater'.
Non-equilibrium systems, like society, are not comprised of single formulae, they are fractal and have diverse structure on many scales. They are composed of many autonomous elements, each operating with many different values. In the dynamics of these situations we get strange attractors, not point or cyclic ones - a society existing in such a limited attractor would be a 'dead' or 'dying' society ! In real societies we cannot predict 'exactly', solutions are nonlinear, there is a sensitivity to initial conditions, i.e. to history. There exists heterogeneity, multiple interacting dynamics, these systems are often non-deterministic - dependent upon 'random' events (like the recent tsunami). For such systems a new type of science is required, needing a new set of valuation techniques, a metascience of interconnected reality and values, which we pursue further here.
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