21st September 2009 | Uncompleted
Application of Business Models to Population Challenge
-- / --
Landing ground / slot
Slots / resource allocation slots
- school (Ethon)
- clubs
- cemetry
- prison
- invite execution option
- calculate
- hotel bed
- flat/house
- care/hospice
- put your name down
- Machu Pichu
- you have to reserve
- stamtisch
Licenses (govt.) / Franchises (commercial)
- dog
- radio
- rationing
- broadcasting / frequency
- one-child
- mineral exploitation
- cap and trade
Heaven: 144,000
Sentencing -- like stock market
Values -- like stock market
Reverse principles / same mindset
- alternative grasping population potentials
- business grasping resources
Greenpeace -- counterproductive
Life long / insurance
- living / flying:
- cant take off unless landing slot
- on hold / holding pattern
Business models:
- how many are there / varieties
- business model space -- oportunity space, like econiche space
- busy-ness models
- launch windows
- slots for truth
- space debris
- attention slots -- l minute of your time
- windows of opportunity / space debris
- ad slots
- attention span slots
- for children, etc
Questions of choice -- book
Identity slots
- hierarchical positions (organizations, programmes)
- academic territory
Futures market for commodities