-- / --
warping geometry
lost knowledge
who needs persuade, be persuaded and why?
graceless persuaders vs seductive truths
fame / privacy -- recognition
Waiting for people to die off / only token investment in change, knowledge, progress
Fading fads and cookie cutter mentality
Arbitrary self-imposed constraints of other perspectives / disciplines (like no-e book, or Tai Chi, or vegetarianism)
Relativistic effects
Big Bang -- collapse
Gravitation attraction of "matter" -- significance -- mother, matrix
Providing coherence
Strange attractors
Galtungs Rules:
Competition for resources an fedding frenzies / lobbyists
Communication distance
Local self-emergent definition / identity within expanding global context
quantityt of information
co-existence of incommensruable in space-time
time to process
inclination to process
diffidence / indiffference / courtesy / tokensim regarding other perspectives
species passing in the dark -- commensalism -- Haskell - mirroring the environment
totalitatairan conceptual schemes
discrimination of "truth"
preferences: chinese or italian
cultural systems, Maruyama, periodic table?
handwashing of displinary responsibility
"fading fad" / cycles of prominenence and buy-ins / universe of cycles
"We the People" tribalism
conceptual closure / open vehicles
privileged perspectives -- pre-copernaican
conceptual curvature in gemometry of space-time (Atkin)
retrogression -- pre-Copernican / epicycles
the more knowledge space expands the more knowledge domains are reframed "regressively"
as in space, to commuication engenders occasional islands of intimacy separated by vast spaces of loneliness
each with different
Newton: action of matter vs reaction on spirit (not just matter <> matter)
isolated settlements and oases, cottage in the hills -- some where
changing relation to reality (economics <> emotions)
Lost Image of Man
decreasing mutual relevance
overselling -- innovation -- standard motherhood plugs (health / food)
speed of knowledgd production vs need for it within the reality of many (beyond the curiosity barrier) vs "human contact"
"You and I" paper / global conversation
Quality of knowing
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