Accessible Documents for the Years 2010 to 2019
Items are listed alphabetically within year (and within month for the most recent).
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this may be given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Where a PDF version of the document exists, a direct link may be appended to the title
listed below
Shorter documents may be parts of others, in-process, (irresponsible) musings, or incomplete
All items may also be separately clustered by some 50 themes
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities is provided separately
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2019] Symbolic Disconnection from the Stars and the Universe? (120k, PDF)
- [2019] Climate Change -- Let's Just Pretend: why do we need to do anything? (13k, PDF)
- [2019] Hearing the Variety of Voices in Climate Change Discourse (146k, PDF)
- [2019] Envisaging a Comprehensible Global Brain -- as a Playful Organ (170k, PDF)
- [2019] Are the UN and the International Community both Brain Dead (75k, PDF)
- [2019] Indicators of Political Will, Remedial and Coping Capacity? (75k, PDF)
- [2019] African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration (30k, PDF)
- [2019] Framing Cognitive Space for Higher Order Coherence (190k, PDF)
- [2019] Annexing the World as the Deal of the Century (188k, PDF)
- [2019] Imagining Toroidal Life as a Sustainable Alternative (200k, PDF)
- [2019] Global Coherence by Interrelating Disparate Strategic Patterns Dynamically (110k, PDF)
- [2019] Coping Capacity of Governance as Dangerously Questionable (150k, PDF)
- [2019] Clarifying the Unexplored Dynamics of 12-fold Round tables (95k, PDF)
- [2019] Ecological Mouthprint versus Ecological Footprint: learning action avoidance from rabbits (105k, PDF)
- [2019] Comprehension of Requisite Variety via Rotation of the Complex Plane (150k, PDF)
- [2019] Civil Society Coalition for Cultivation of Short-term Bias (33k, PDF)
- [2019] Tank Warfare Challenges for Global Governance (150k, PDF)
- [2019] Coherent Representation of the European Union by Numbers and Geometry (40k, PDF)
- [2019] Experimental Visualization of Dynamics of the European Parliament in 3D (120k, PDF)
- [2019] Enrolling Winnie-the-Pooh's Companions in Climate Change Discourse (79k, PDF)
- [2019] Varieties of Fake News and Misrepresentation (114k, PDF)
- [2019] Are Environmentalists and Climate Scientists in Denial? (26k, PDF)
- [2019] Patterning Intuition with the Fifth Discipline (180k, PDF)
- [2019] Who to Blame: 'Donald Trump' or the 'American People'? (16k, PDF)
- [2019] Metaphorizing Dialogue to Enact a Flow Culture (127k, PDF)
- [2019] Historical Misrepresentation of a "Union of International Associations"? (200k, PDF)
- [2019] Trial of Julian Assange -- Who is the Pontius Pilate of Easter 2019? (30k, PDF)
- [2019] Exploring Representation of the Tao in 3D (110k, PDF)
- [2019] Local Reality of Overcrowding -- Global Unreality of Overpopulation (190k, PDF)
- [2019] Prohibition of Reference to Overcrowding: draft proposal (30k, PDF)
- [2019] Multi-option Technical Facilitation of Public Debate (90k, PDF)
- [2019] Comprehension of Unity as a Paradoxical Dynamic (140k, PDF)
- [2018] Engaging with Elusive Connectivity and Coherence (95k, PDF)
- [2018] Coordination of Wing Deployment and Folding in Politics (88k, PDF)
- [2018] Systemic Function of Highly Unrepresentative Minorities (129k, PDF)
- [2018] Global Governance as a Riddle: but is a solution the answer to the question? (54k, PDF)
- [2018] Global Compact Enabling Complicity in the Ultimate Crime against Humanity (84k, PDF)
- [2018] Requisite 20-fold Articulation of Operative Insights? (78k, PDF)
- [2018] Cognitive Embodiment of Nature "Re-cognized" Systemically (96k, PDF)
- [2018] Post-Apocalyptic Renaissance of Global Civilization: Engaging with otherness otherwise? (174k, PDF)
- [2018] Imminent Collective Communication "Info-death"? Collapse of global civilization understood otherwise (107k, PDF)
- [2018] Prohibition of Reference to Overpopulation of the Planet: draft proposal (20k, PDF)
- [2018] Time for Provocative Mnemonic Aids to Systemic Connectivity? (90k, PDF)
- [2018] Systematic Humanitarian Blackmail via Aquarius? (105k, PDF)
- [2018] Capital Punishment of Canon Fodder (160k, PDF)
- [2018] Oppositional Logic as Comprehensible Key to Sustainable Democracy (60k, PDF)
- [2018] Elaborating a Declaration on Combating Anti-otherness (107k, PDF)
- [2018] New World Order of Walk-away Wheeling and Dealing (45k, PDF)
- [2018] Waiting as an Experience of Fundamental Significance (120k, PDF)
- [2018] Group of 7 Dwarfs: Future-blind and Warning-deaf (190k, PDF)
- [2018] Cognitive Implication of Globality via Temporal Inversion (160k, PDF)
- [2018] Visualization Enabling Integrative Conference Comprehension (85k, PDF)
- [2018] Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions (160k, PDF)
- [2018] Governance as "juggling" -- Juggling as "governance" (130k, PDF)
- [2018] Having Bought into a Wreck -- What Now? (140k, PDF)
- [2018] Exhortation to We the Peoples from the Club of Rome (130k, PDF)
- [2018] 30 Questions that Facebook has yet to Answer (104k, PDF)
- [2018] Infertility as a Metaphor Heralding Global Collapse (90k, PDF)
- [2018] Symbolizing Collective Remembering Otherwise (117k, PDF)
- [2018] Global Civilization through Interweaving Polyamory and Polyanimosity? (111k, PDF)
- [2018] Earth as a Shithole Planet -- from a Universal Perspective? (70k, PDF)
- [2018] Golden Globes Confusing Cleavage, Hype and Hypocrisy (120k, PDF)
- [2018] Beyond Fire and Fury: Trump as American as Apple Pie? (55k, PDF)
- [2017] Reconciling Symbols of Islam, Judaism and Christianity (85k, PDF)
- [2017] Jerusalem as a Symbolic Singularity (95k, PDF)
- [2017] Symbolic Relocation of United Nations HQ to Jerusalem Vicinity (60k, PDF)
- [2017] Interfacer for Reduction of Discrimination and Harassment (45k, PDF)
- [2017] Cognitive Osmosis in a Knowledge-based Civilization (112k, PDF)
- [2017] Reimagining Intercourse between the Righteous Unrightly Challenged (130k, PDF)
- [2017] Framing Cyclic Revolutionary Emergence of Opposing Symbols of Identity (145k, PDF)
- [2017] Psychosocial Learnings from the Spiral Form of Hurricanes (91k, PDF)
- [2017] Cognitive Implications in 3D of Triadic Symbols Valued in 2D (90k, PDF)
- [2017] Reframing the Square Wheels of Global Governance (50k, PDF)
- [2017] 64 Questions for the Environmental Conservationists of the World (35k, PDF)
- [2017] Pricking the Bubble of Global Complacent Complicity (95k, PDF)
- [2017] Prefix "Re-cognition" as Prelude to Fixing Sustainability -- "Pro" vs "Con" ? (51k, PDF)
- [2017] 30 Questions for the Counter-terrorism Experts of the World (16k, PDF)
- [2017] Anticipating Future Migration into Europe (2018-2050) (56k, PDF)
- [2017] Sonification of Twitter Leadership at the G20 (12k, PDF)
- [2017] Interplay of Sustainable Development Goals through Rubik Cube Variations (130k, PDF)
- [2017] Refining the Value of Sustainable Development Goals (150k, PDF)
- [2017] Envisaging NATO Otherwise -- in 3D and 4D? (100k, PDF)
- [2017] Framing Global Transformation through the Polyhedral Merkabah (88k, PDF)
- [2017] Psychosocial Transformation by "Pill Pushing"? (98k, PDF)
- [2017] Zen of Facticity: Bull, Ox or Otherwise? (199k, PDF)
- [2017] Phases in the "Re-cognition" of "Bull" according to Zen? (46k) *****
- [2017] Paradoxes of Wilber's Appreciation of the Trump Challenge (95k, PDF)
- [2017] Indians? Witches? Natives? Jews? Islamists? ETs? (22k, PDF)
- [2017] Empowering Ineffectual Outrage with the Strategically Outrageous (75k, PDF)
- [2017] Build the Wall -- Move the UN HQ? (41k, PDF)
- [2017] Public Enemy #1 as Supreme Leader? (66k, PDF)
- [2017] Reframing the Art of Non-Decision-Making (140k, PDF)
- [2016] Global Challenge of the Global Challenge (81k, PDF)
- [2016] Global Economy of Truth as a Ponzi Scheme (114k, PDF)
- [2016] Engaging an Opposing Ideology via Martial Arts Philosophy (97k, PDF)
- [2016] Visualization in 3D of Dynamics of Toroidal Helical Coils (149k, PDF)
- [2016] Radical Disaffection Engendered by Elitist Groupthink? (74k, PDF)
- [2016] Concordian Mandala as a Symbolic Nexus (227k, PDF)
- [2016] Engaging Proactively with the Risk of World Misleadership (43k, PDF)
- [2016] Time for Delivery of Food and Water Bombs by Drone? (11k)
- [2016] Cultivating the Myth of Human Equality (110k, PDF)
- [2016] Con-quest Aesthetically Reframed via the Concordian Mandala (123k, PDF)
- [2016] Evoking Castalia as Envisaged, Entoned and Embodied (185k, PDF)
- [2016] Questionable Classification of Figures of Speech (67k, PDF)
- [2016] Criteria Justifying Recounting or Revoting in Democracy post-Brexit (64k, PDF)
- [2016] 24-fold Pattern Implied by Dynamics of the Lauburu in 3D (27k)
- [2016] Destabilizing Multipolar Society through Binary Decision-making (100k, PDF)
- [2016] Improvisation in Multivocal Poetic Discourse (195k, PDF)
- [2016] Existential Challenge of Detecting Today's Big Lie (88k, PDF)
- [2016] Radical Innovators Beware -- in the arts, sciences and philosophy (96k, PDF)
- [2016] Unquestioned Bias in Governance from Direction of Reading? (82k, PDF)
- [2016] Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product (50k, PDF)
- [2016] Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress (70k, PDF)
- [2016] Challenging Questions of Global Significance from the Young (31k, PDF)
- [2016] Global Incomprehension of Increasing Violence: matching incapacity to question the reason why (76k, PDF)
- [2016] Engaging with Hyperreality through Demonique and Angelique? (221k, PDF)
- [2016] Variety of System Failures Engendered by Negligent Distinctions (146k, PDF)
- [2016] A Subjective Objection: Objecting to Subjection (32k, PDF)
- [2016] Encyclopedia of Evil Claims, Claimants, Counter-claims, and Sigils (195k, PDF)
- [2016] Starvation Imagery as Humanitarian Trump Card? (36k, PDF)
- [2015] Coming Out as a Radical -- or Coming In? (200k, PDF)
- [2015] Radical Localization in a Global Systemic Context (66k, PDF)
- [2015] Identifying the Root Cause Focus of Radical Identity (54k, PDF)
- [2015} The "Saving of Humanity" framed by "Sinking of the Titanic" (33k, PDF)
- [2015] Dreamables, Deniables, Deliverables and Duende (150k, PDF)
- [2015] Dying to Live, Living to Die, Lying to Live, and Living a Lie (170k, PDF)
- [2015] Salvation Enabled by Systemic Comprehension (73k, PDF)
- [2015] International Community as God or Sorcerer's Apprentice? (80k, PDF)
- [2015] Enhancing Strategic Discourse Systematically using Climate Metaphors (210k, PDF)
- [2015] Eliciting Memorable Spheres and Polyhedra from Hyperspace (119k, PDF)
- [2015} Optimizing Web Surfing Pathways for the Overloaded (130k, PDF*)
- [2015] Collective Mea Culpa? You Must be Joking ! Them is to blame, Not us ! (180k, PDF*)
- [2015] Confusion in Exchanging "Something" for "Nothing" (147k, PDF*)
- [2015] Embodying Strategic Self-reference in a World Futures Conference (95k, PDF*)
- [2015] Papal Concern for Climate Change and Refugee Care (54k, PDF*)
- [2015] Issuance of Vatican Passports to Trans-Mediterranean Immigrants (51k, PDF*)
- [2015] Future Conference Organization as a Wicked Problem? (30k, PDF*)
- [2015] Global Psychosocial Implication in the Pentagramma Mirificum (62k, PDF*)
- [2015] Requisite Meta-reflection on Engagement in Systemic Change? (73k, PDF*)
- [2015] Correlating a Requisite Diversity of Metaphorical Patterns (215k, PDF*)
- [2015] Weather Metaphors as Whether Metaphors (180k, PDF*)
- [2015] Global Civilization Near Failure? (9k)
- [2015] Cognitive Adaptation of the I Ching Conditions for the Existentially Challenged (46k, PDF*)
- [2015] Experimental Revolutionary Animations of a Chinese Pattern of Metaphors (18k, PDF*)
- [2015] Comprehensive Pattern of Psychosocial Diseases and the Eases they Imply (27k, PDF*)
- [2015] Transcendent Integrity via Dynamic Configuration of Sub-understandings? (65k, PDF*)
- [2015] Dreams that Dialogue is Made Of: radical reframing offering neglected degrees of freedom (28k, PDF*)
- [2015] Evil Rules: Guidelines for Engaging in Armageddon Now (116k, PDF*)
- [2015] Mapping of Co-occurrences of Document Citations in Laetus-in-Praesens (18k)
- [2015] Marrying Strategic White Holes with Problematic Black Holes (100k, PDF*)
- [2015] If Writers are Necessarily Right... Who are the "rongers", so necessarily wrong? (40k)
- [2015] 12 Strategic Questions for Europe Regarding Forced Immigration from Africa (8k, PDF*)
- [2015] Counteracting Extremes Enabling Normal Flying: insights for global governance from birds on the wing (150k, PDF*)
- [2015] Radicalisation of Existence and Identity (160k, PDF*)
- [2015] Radicalisation versus Demonisation? (90k, PDF*)
- [2015] Enabling Fruitful Multiplication of Global Population (80k, PDF*)
- [2015] Naive Acquisition of Dual-use Surveillance Technology (71k, PDF*)
- [2015] Embodying Global Hegemony through a Sustaining Pattern of Discourse (120k, PDF*)
- [2015] Eliciting Insight from Covert Operations by US (88k, PDF*)
- [2015] Memetic Analogue to the 20 Amino Acids as vital to Psychosocial Life? (145k, PDF*)
- [2015] Changing Patterns using Transformation Pathways (204k, PDF*)
- [2014] Is the World View of a Holy Father Necessarily Full of Holes? (160k, PDF*)
- [2014] Engaging with Insight of a Higher Order (116k, PDF*)
- [2014] Corpus Callosum of the Global Brain?: locating the integrative function within the world wide web (27k, PDF*)
- [2014] Adhering to God's Plan in a Global Society: serious problems framed from a transfinite perspective (120k, PDF*)
- [2014] Correspondences between Traditional Constellations and Pattern Languages (122k, PDF*)
- [2014] Resource Insights from Plus or Minus 12 People on a Liferaft (61k, PDF*)
- [2014] Systemic Equivalences between Ebola, Alien Invasion and Dissidence (77k, PDF*)
- [2014] Representation of Creative Processes through Dynamics in Three Dimensions (88k, PDF*)
- [2014] Reimagining Tesla's Creativity through Technomimicry (135k, PDF*)
- [2014] Beheading versus Befooting: in quest of the lesser evil for the greater good (48k, PDF*)
- [2014] Eradication as the Strategic Final Solution of the 21st Century? (127k, PDF*)
- [2014] Systemic Reliance of World Religions on Human Sacrifice (140k, PDF*)
- [2014] Is this a Weapon I see Before Me, the Trigger Toward My Hand? (9k)
- [2014] Imagining Order as Hypercomputing (160k, PDF*)
- [2014] Vital Collective Learning from Biased Media Coverage (100k, PDF*)
- [2014] Transcending an Asystemic View of Life (110k, PDF*)
- [2014] Embodying a Hypercomplex of Unhygienic Nescience (170k, PDF*)
- [2014] Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing Chinese:
conversion from tweets to songbites (190k, PDF*)
- [2014] Comprehension of Numbers Challenging Global Civilization: number games people play for survival (135k, PDF*)
- [2014] Radical Cognitive Mirroring of Globalization: Dynamically inning the unquestioningly outed (115k, PDF*)
- [2014] The-O ring: Theory, Theorem, Theology, Theosophy? (120k, PDF*)
- [2014] The-O Ring and The Bull Ring as Spectacular Archetypes (150k, PDF*)
- [2014] Engendering Viable Global Futures through Hemispheric Integration: a radical challenge (88k, PDF*)
- [2014] Investing Attention Essential to Viable Growth: reappropriation of financial skills and insights (175k, PDF*)
[2014] Now as the Ultimate Cognitive Strange Attractor (82k, PDF*)
- [2014] Being neither Dead nor Alive: but how to know now? (121k, PDF*)
- [2014] Implication of the 12 Knights in any Strategic Round Table (97k, PDF*)
- [2014] Independence of Scotland from a Crimean Perspective (25k, PDF*)
- [2014] Encycling Problematic Wickedness for Potential Humanity (120k, PDF*)
- [2014] Life-skill Learning from Animal Shareholders and Collaborators (120k, PDF*)
- [2014] Challenges More Difficult for Science than Going to Mars (72k, PDF*)
- [2014] Metascience Enabling Upgrades to the Scientific Process: beyond Science 2.0 in the light of polyhedral metaphors? (140k, PDF*)
- [2014] Quantum Wampum Essential to Navigating Ragnarok: thrival in crisis through embodying turbulent flow (170k, PDF*)
- [2014] Flowering of Civilization -- Deflowering of Culture: flow as a necessarily complex experiential dynamic (90k, PDF*)
- [2014] Gallery of Polyhedral Flower Arrangements: engendering sustainable psycho-social systems through metaphor (15k, PDF*)
- [2013] Metaphors To Die By: correspondences between a collapsing civilization, culture or group, and a dying person (250k, PDF*)
[2013] Imagining Attractive Global Governance (41k, PDF*)
- [2013] Civilization as a Global Configuration of Silences (95k, PDF*)
- [2013] Affinity, Diaspora, Identity, Reunification, Return (140k, PDF*)
- [2013] Playing the Great Game with Intelligence: Authority versus the People (125k, PDF*)
- [2013] Forthcoming Major Revolution in Global Dialogue (76k, PDF*)
- [2013] Psychosocial Implication of Without Within: enjoying going solar for oneself (87k, PDF*)
- [2013] Psychosocial Implications of Stellar Evolution? Reframing life's cycles through the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (47k, PDF*)
- [2013] Transforming from Paranoia through Metanoia and Hyponoia? (53k)
- [2013] Systematic Gerrymandering of Declared Threats and Legality of Response (87k, PDF*)
- [2013] Global Security from an Interplanetary Perspective: Interplanetary Security Council -- Resolution on Planet Earth (45k)
- [2013] Encountering Otherness as a Waveform: in the light of a wave theory of being (145k, PDF*)
- [2013] Being a Waveform of Potential as an Experiential Choice: Emergent dynamic qualities of identity and integrity (100k, PDF*)
- [2013] Truth Test on Syria: Religious oath -- Polygraph -- Ouija board? (13k)
- [2013] Enabling Suffering through Doublespeak and Doublethink: Indifference to poverty and retributive justice as case studies (85k, PDF*)
- [2013] Indifference to the Suffering of Others: Occupying the moral and ethical high ground through doublespeak (78k, PDF*)
- [2013] Sensing Epiterrestrial Intelligence (SETI): Embedding of "extraterrestrials" in episystemic dynamics? (160k, PDF*)
- [2013] "Big Brother" Crying "Wolf"? But them "wolves" are a-changin' -- them's becomin' "werewolves"! (129k)
- [2013] Is There Never Enough? Religious doublespeak on population and poverty (90k, PDF*)
[2013] Reimagining Principles Enabling an Existential Ecostery (150k, PDF*)
- [2013] Would Jesus Now be Prosecuted by US? Like Manning, Assange and Snowden (102k, PDF*)
- [2013] World Futures Conference as Catastrophic Question (120k, PDF*)
- [2013] Circumventing Invasive Internet Surveillance with Carrier Pigeons (90k)
- [2013] World Introversion through Paracycling: global potential for living sustainably "outside-inside" (150k, PDF*)
- [2013] Vigorous Application of Derivative Thinking to Derivative Problems (100k, PDF*)
- [2013] Law and Order vs. Lore and Orders? (140k, PDF*)
- [2013] Potential of Feynman Diagrams for Challenging Psychosocial Relationships? (130k, PDF*)
- [2013] Credibility of Psychosocial Analogues of Feynman Diagrams (94k, PDF*)
- [2013] Risk-enhancing Cognitive Implications of the Basic Mathematical Operations (40k, PDF*)
- [2013] Strategic Implications of 12 Unasked Questions in Response to Disaster (16k, PDF*)
- [2013] Eliciting a Universe of Meaning -- within a global information society of fragmenting knowledge (150k, PDF*)
- [2013] Dynamic Transformation of Static Reporting of Global Processes (25k, PDF*)
- [2013] Being Neither a-Waving Nor a-Parting: considering both science and spirituality (75k, PDF*)
- [2013] Psychosocial Implication in Gamma Animation: epimemetics for a Brave New World (107k, PDF*)
- [2013] Cyborgs, Legaborgs, Finaborgs, Mediborgs: meet the extraterrestrials - them is us (44k, PDF*)
- [2013] Wholth as Sustaining Dynamic of Health and Wealth (148k, PDF*)
- [2013] Marrying an Other whatever the Form: reframing and extending the understanding of marriage (110k, PDF*)
- [2013] Internyet Nescience? Self-referential upgrading of obsolete Internet conference processes (29k, PDF*)
- [2013] University of Ignorance (170k, PDF*)
- [2013] Going Nowhere through Not-knowing Where to Go (120k, PDF*)
- [2013] Burnies versus Greenies ? Refocusing the communication challenge for the Greens (20k)
- [2013] Flatulence is a Problem Aired: Resmelling the stench of past undertakings (50k, PDF*)
- [2012] Multi-phase Weaponisation of Replica Guns for Children (48k, PDF*)
- [2012] Imaginative Reconfiguration of a post-Apocalyptic Global Civilization (39k, PDF*)
- [2012] Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! (57k, PDF*)
- [2012] Enactivating Multiversal Community: hearing a pattern of voices in the global wilderness (169k, PDF*)
- [2012] Being a Poem in the Making: engendering a multiverse through musing (150k, PDF*)
- [2012] Multivocal Poetic Discourse Emphasizing Improvisation: clarification of possibilities for the future (100k, PDF*)
- [2012] Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science (64k, PDF*)
- [2012] Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations (140k, PDF*)
- [2012] Considerable Conglomeration of "Cons" of Global Concern (57k, PDF*)
- [2012] In Quest of a Dynamic Pattern of Transformations (159k, PDF*)
- [2012] Transforming the Art of Conversation: conversing as the transformative science of development (131k, PDF*)
- [2012] Transforming and Interweaving the Ways of Being Stoned (141k, PDF*)
- [2012] Paradoxes of Engaging with the Ultimate in any Guise (89k, PDF*)
- [2012] 12 Mindsets Ensuring Disappearance of Employment Opportunities (158k, PDF*)
- [2012] Implication of Indwelling Intelligence in Global Confidence-building (180k, PDF*)
- [2012] Middle East Peace Potential through Dynamics in Spherical Geometry (115k, PDF*)
- [2012] Exploring the Hidden Mysteries of Oxfam's Doughnut (111k, PDF*)
- [2012] Unthought as Cognitive Foundation of Global Civilization (127k, PDF*)
- [2012] Swastika as Dynamic Pattern Underlying Psychosocial Power Processes (148k, PDF*)
- [2012] Engendering 2052 through Re-imagining the Present: Review of a report to the Club of Rome (162k, PDF*)
- [2012] Scientific Gerrymandering of Boundaries of Overpopulation Debate (95k, PDF*)
- [2012] Transcending Simplistic Binary Contractual Relationships (105k, PDF*)
- [2012] Enabling Wisdom Dynamically within Intertwined Tori: requisite resonance in global knowledge architecture (48k, PDF*)
- [2012] Configuring a Set of Zen Koan as a Wisdom Container: formatting the Gateless Gate for Twitter (43k, PDF*)
- [2012] Tweeter, Tweeter, Little Star; How I wonder what you are (4k, PDF*)
- [2012] Living with Incomprehension and Uncertainty (148k, PDF*)
- [2012] Towards the Systematic Reframing of Incomprehension through Metaphor (24k, PDF*)
- [2012] Towards the Dynamic Art of Partial Comprehension (71k, PDF*)
- [2012] Way Round Cognitive Ground Zero and Pointlessness? (105k, PDF*)
- [2012] ¿Embodying a Way Round Pointlessness? (138k, PDF*)
- [2012] Orbiting Round Nothingness across Communication Space (39k. PDF*)
- [2012] Requisite Childlike Cognition for Integration of "Heaven"? (21k, PDF*)
- [2012] Pointlessness, Unboundedness and Boundaries (14k, PDF*)
- [2012] Openness and Closure in Pattern Language (17k, PDF*)
- [2012] Identity, Possessive World-making and their Transformation Dynamics (57k, PDF*)
- [2012] Unanswered Questions on Iran and Israel (10k, PDF*)
- [2012] Metaphorical Insights from the Patterns of Academic Disciplines (76k, PDF*)
- [2012] Experience of Cognitive Implication in Fundamental Geometry (66k, PDF*)
- [2012] Configuring the Varieties of Experiential Nothingness (59k, PDF*)
- [2011] Global Brane Comprehension Enabling a Higher Dimensional Big Tent? (71k, PDF*)
- [2011] Reintegration of a Remaindered World: Cognitive recycling of objects of systemic neglect (145k, PDF*)
- [2011] Social Remainders from Psychosocial Remaindering: Review of current usage and implications (87k, PDF*)
- [2011] Interweaving Contrasting Styles of Remaindering (48k, PDF*)
- [2011] Secret sharing, Shapeshifting and Embodiment (41k, PDF*)
[2011] Mapping Paralysis and Tokenism in the Face of Potential Global Disaster (85k, PDF*)
- [2011] In Quest of Sustainability as Holy Grail of Global Governance (56k, PDF*)
- [2011] In-forming the Chalice as an Integrative Cognitive Dynamic (124k, PDF*)
- [2011] Map of Systemic Interdependencies None Dares Name: 12-fold challenge of global life and death (13k, PDF*)
- [2011] Eliciting a 12-fold Pattern of Generic Operational Insights (114k, PDF*)
- [2011] Enabling a 12-fold Pattern of Systemic Dialogue for Governance (60k, PDF*)
- [2011] Engendering a Psychopter through Biomimicry and Technomimicry (79k, PDF*)
- [2011] Checklist of 12-fold Principles, Plans, Symbols and Concepts (34k, PDF*)
- [2011] Systemic Biomimicry of Dinosaurs by Multinational Corporations (38k, PDF*)
- [2011] International Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Theology (31k, PDF*)
- [2011] Mathematical Theology: Future Science of Confidence in Belief (125k, PDF*)
- [2011] Bibliography of Relevance to Mathematical Theology (32k, PDF*)
- [2011] Strategic Complexity ∞ Attracting Consensus: Klein is beautiful ∞ Sustaining identity in time (130k, PDF*)
- [2011] En-joying the World through En-joying Oneself (112k, PDF*)
- [2011] Primate Environmental Enrichment: Automated reconfiguration of zoo enclosures (3k, PDF*)
- [2011] Embodying the Paradoxes and Contradictions of the Pursuit of Happiness (59k, PDF*)
- [2011] Tomorrow, Who Will Govern the World? Review (127k, PDF*)
- [2011] Implication of Toroidal Transformation of the Crown of Thorns (130k, PDF*)
[2011] Gruesome but Necessary: Global Governance in the 21st Century? (102k, PDF*)
- [2011] Monkeying with Global Governance: emergent dynamics of three wise monkeys (142k, PDF*)
- [2011] ¿ Higher Education ∞ Meta-education ? (145k, PDF*)
- [2011] Humanitarian Disaster or Act of God -- Dangerous Implication in Practice? (96k, PDF*)
- [2011] Ungovernability of Sustainable Global Democracy? Towards engaging appropriately with time (120k, PDF*)
- [2011] Mind Map of Global Civilizational Collapse (23k, PDF*)
- [2011] Reframing the Dynamics of Engaging with Otherness (131k PDF*)
- [2011] Triangulation of Incommensurable Concepts for Global Configuration (41k, PDF*)
- [2011] The Consensus Delusion: Mysterious attractor undermining global civilization as currently imagined (116k, PDF*)
- [2011] Pre-Judging an Institution's Implicit Strategy by the Director's Private Behaviour (95k, PDF*)
- [2011] Iconic Extrajudicial Execution of Jesus through Osama by US? (129k, PDF*)
- [2011] Guidelines in Response to Degrees of Anti-social Behaviour (63k, PDF*)
- [2011] Massive Elicitation of Psychosocial Energy: Requisite technology for collective enlightenment (149k, PDF*)
- [2011] ¡¿ Defining the objective ∞ Refining the subjective ?! Explaining reality ∞ Embodying realization (136k, PDF*)
- [2011] Interplanetary Security Council resolution: No-fly zone on Earth (20k, PDF*)
- [2011] Anticipating Future Strategic Triple Whammies: In the light of earthquake-tsunami-nuclear misconceptions (55k, PDF*)
- [2011] Embodiment of Change: Comprehension, Traction and Impact? Discovering enabling questions for the future (32k, PDF*)
- [2011] Freedom, Democracy, Justice: Isolated Nouns or Interwoven Verbs? (131k, PDF*)
- [2011] Primary Global Reserve Currency: the Con? Cognitive implications of a prefix for sustainable confidelity (127k, PDF*)
- [2011] Exploration of Prefixes of Global Discourse: Implications for sustainable confidelity (91k, PDF*)
- [2011] Embodiment of Identity in Conscious Creativity: Challenge of encompassing "con" (88k, PDF*)
- [2011] Disastrous Floods as Indicators of Systemic Risk Neglect (73k, PDF*)
- [2011] Being in the Flow on Strategic Highways and Byways: enabling sustainable self-governance through traffic signage (33k, PDF*)
- [2011] Living as an Imaginal Bridge between Worlds: Global implications of "betwixt and between" and liminality (130k, PDF*)
- [2011] Bibliography of "Betwixt and Between": including references to liminality and Neti Neti (35k, PDF*)
- [2010] From Changing the Strategic Game to Changing the Strategic Frame (34k, PDF*)
- [2010] WikiLeaks and the First Global Condom War (122k, PDF*)
- [2010] Alleged Breach of UN Treaty Obligations by US (72k, PDF*)
- [2010] Mirroring Global Moral Equivalence (14k, PDF*)
- [2010] Transcending One-eyed Global Modelling Perspectives (68k, PDF*)
- [2010] Superquestions for Supercomputers (99k, PDF*)
- [2010] Cultivating Global Strategic Fantasies of Choice (82k, PDF*)
- [2010] Missing the New Renaissance? No Room at the In? (52k, PDF*)
- [2010] From Quantitative Easing (QE) to Moral Easing (ME) (123k, PDF*)
- [2010] Enabling Moral Currency Circulation: reframing a stimulus package to avert moral bankruptcy (52k, PDF*)
- [2010] Re-Emergence of the Language of the Birds through Twitter? (150k, PDF*)
- [2010] Interrelating Emotive Interjections in Response to Integrative Failure (83k, PDF*)
- [2010] Engendering Invagination and Gastrulation of Globalization (151k, PDF*)
- [2010] Complexification of Globalization and Toroidal Transformation (85k, PDF*)
- [2010] Invagination in Psychosocial Terms: understandings from web resources (44k, PDF*)
- [2010] Quest for a "universal constant" of globalization? (32k, PDF*)
- [2010] No Bull Prize Nominations (22k, PDF*)
- [2010] Enabling Governance through the Dynamics of Nature: exemplified by cognitive implication of vortices and helicoidal flow (94k, PDF*)
- [2010] Sustaining a Community of Strange Loops: comprehension and engagement through aesthetic ring transformation (45k, PDF*)
- [2010] Warp and Weft of Future Governance: ninefold interweaving of incommensurable threads of discourse (150k, PDF*)
- [2010] Circulation of the Light: essential metaphor of global sustainability? (75k, PDF*)
- [2010] Strategic Embodiment of Time: configuring questions fundamental to change (148k, PDF*)
- [2010] Engaging with the Inexplicable, the Incomprehensible and the Unexpected (160k, PDF*)
- [2010] Enacting Transformative Integral Thinking through Playful Elegance (150k, PDF*)
- [2010] Adaptive Hypercycle of Sustainable Psychosocial Self-organization (123k, 100w, PDF*)
- [2010] Beyond the Standard Model of Universal Awareness (75k, 61w, PDF*)
- [2010] Club of Rome Reports and Bifurcations: a 40-year overview (81k, 84w, PDF*)
- [2010] Clustering Questions of Existential Significance (47k, 59w, PDF*)
- [2010] Cognitive Implications of Lifestyle Diseases (95k, 137w, PDF*)
- [2010] Credo Variations (2k, 2w, PDF*)
- [2010] Designing Global Self-governance for the Future (151k, 154w, PDF*)
- [2010] Enabling Collective Intelligence in Response to Emergencies (36k, 29w, PDF*)
- [2010] Engaging with the Future with Insights of the Past (59k, 61w, PDF*)
- [2010] Epistemological Panic in the face of Nonduality (77k, 87w, PDF*)
- [2010] Harmony-Comprehension and Wholeness-Extending (109k, 94w, PDF*)
- [2010] Implication of Personal Despair in Planetary Despair (80k, 98w, PDF*)
- [2010] Insights for the Future from the Change of Climate in Copenhagen (106k, 230w, PDF*)
- [2010] Interweaving Thematic Threads and Learning Pathways (92k, 125w, PDF*)
- [2010] Magic Carpets as Psychoactive Systems Diagrams (111k, 123w, PDF*)
- [2010] Mapping the Global Underground (78k, 59w, PDF*)
- [2010] Patterns Essential to Individual and Global Health? (94k, 106w, PDF*)
- [2010] System Dynamics, Hypercycles and Psychosocial Self-organization (83k, 147w, PDF*)
- [2010] Tao of Engagement -- Weaponised Violence and Beyond (157k, 75w, PDF*)
- [2010] Towards a University of Earth? (32k, 40w, PDF*)
- [2010] Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials (43k, 36w, PDF*)
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years