Accessible Documents for the Years 1990-1999
Items are listed alphabetically within year (and within month for the most recent).
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this may be given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Where a PDF version of the document exists, a direct link may be appended to the title
listed below
Shorter documents may be parts of others, in-process, (irresponsible) musings, or incomplete
All items may also be separately clustered by some 50 themes
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities is provided separately
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [1999] Aesthetics and Informatics: Art of Information for Policy-making and Community-building (16k, 5w)
- [1999] Applying Mathematical Insights to Comprehension of World Problems (31k, 2w)
- [1999] Being the Universe : a Metaphoric Frontier (30k, 12w, PDF)
- [1999] Beyond Sun, Sea and Sex (1k, PDF)
- [1999] Coherent Policy-making Beyond the Information Barrier (115k, 44w, PDF)
- [1999] Communication between Visual Network and Sounds * (15k)
- [1999] Coordination through Templates of Thematic Relationships (6k, 3w)
- [1999] East-West Collaboration in the Development of Interactive Media Products (PDF)
- [1999] Intelli-work: Procedural Framework for the Interoperability of Decentralized Knowledge Management Processes (28k)
- [1999] Paradigm-shifting through Transposition of Key (78k, 28w)
- [1999] Product / Service Substitution Database: Proposal in support of sustainable lifestyles (7k, 2w)
- [1999] Protecting the Temporal Wilderness * (4k)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for the Messiah: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (15k, 2w)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for Satan: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (14k, 2w)
- [1999] Suggested Innovation: Apaparazzi mask * (4k)
- [1999] Undermining Open Civil Society: Reinforcing unsustainable restrictive initiatives (17k)
- [1999] Why We Do Not Thrive: Challenges to universal thrival (15k)
- [1998] Being Other Wise: dynamics of a meaningfully sustainable lifestyle (101k, 31w)
- [1998] Boundaries of Sustainability in Community-Oriented Organizations (37k, 5w)
- [1998] Bridging between Cognitive Paradigms for Development-relevant Classification (4k, 2w)
- [1998] Categorizing Organizations (and Individuals) (22k)
- [1998] The Challenge of Cyber-Parliaments and Statutory Virtual Assemblies (29k, 10w)
- [1998] Characteristics of phases in 12-phase learning-action cycle (15k, 1w)
- [1998] The Deafening Silence of Those Who Know Nothing (9k)
- [1998] Developing an Internet Framework for Creative Dialogue on Irreconcilable Policy Differences (7k)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (69k, 1w)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (22k)
- [1998] Double Standards: Strange Symmetries in Global Governance * (7k)
- [1998] Emptying Meetings and Fulfilling Participants: Ensuring that encounters are fruitful (14k)
- [1998] Engagement of Governance with Spirituality: Complexification of the Political Image of Religions (8k)
- [1998] Enhancing Sustainable Development Strategies through Avoidance of Military Metaphors (76k, 5w)
- [1998] Feedback on Discovering Richer Patterns of Comprehension (31k, 2w)
- [1998] Four Complementary Languages Required for Global Governance (9k)
- [1998] From Statics to Dynamics in Sustainable Community (38k, 2w)
- [1998] Global Self-Organization: the systemic structural challenge of the exchange of meaning, dramatized by the Asian financial crisis (20k, 24w)
- [1998] Horrorscope: exploring cross-sectoral systemic relationships * (22k)
- [1998] Humour and International Challenges (10k, 8w)
- [1998] Learnings about Group Potential and Dysfunctionality * (4k)
- [1998] Living Differences as a basis for Sustainable Community: Designing a difference engine (74k, 29w)
- [1998] Meaningful Association (1k, 1w, PDF)
- [1998] Proposal for a Learning Exchange between the Swadhyaya community (Western India) and the Pitjantjatjara community (Central Australia) (66k, 3w)
- [1998] Reframing Personal Relationships between Innovators or Leaders (28k, 6w)
- [1998] Responding to Conceptual and Value Polarities: learnings from sexuality (8k)
- [1998] Social Consequences of Biochemical Terrorism (7k, 1w)
- [1998] Spherical configuration of interlocking roundtables: Internet enhancement of global self-organization through patterns of dialogue (42k, 41w)
- [1998] Sustainable Improvement in the Quality of Corruption (10k, 2w)
- [1998] Sustainable Occupation beyond the Economic Rationale: Reframing employment, non-profit-making and voluntary (22k)
- [1998] Sustaining a pattern of alternative community initiatives: based on their differences from the conventional economic rationale (26k, 4w)
- [1998] Typology of 12 complementary dialogue modes essential to sustainable dialogue (26k)
- [1998] Typology of 12 complementary strategies essential to sustainable development (23k, 1w)
- [1998] Unexplored Opportunities for Organizing Territory and Relationships (2k, 1w)
- [1998] University of Earth: Draft Proposal (57k, 4w)
- [1998] Varieties of Dialogue by Number: Experimental overview by number of perspectives represented (9k, 1w)
- [1998] Varieties of Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity (11k, 4w)
- [1998] Varieties of Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: Table (21k, 4w)
- [1998] 12-phase learning / action cycle - transposed (11k, 6w)
- [1998] Perplexing Symmetries in Obedience to Orders (15k)
- [1997] Aesthetic Challenge of Interfaith Dialogue as Exemplified by Meditation (25k)
- [1997] The Art of Non-Decision-Making (36k, 14w)
- [1997] Community Participant Roles and Contract (44k, 4w)
- [1997] Concerning "What Futurists Think" (23k, 10w)
- [1997] Convention on the Rights of the Child Within (57k)
- [1997] Dancing through Interfaces and Paradoxes: group alchemy (94k, 3w)
- [1997] Devising a Paradigm-shifting Device (46k)
- [1997] Distorted Understandings of Synthesis: Reconfiguring the challenge of wholeness (17k, 4w)
- [1997] Future Generation through Global Conversation: in quest of collective well-being through conversation in the present moment (41k, 7w)
- [1997] Future Operation of International Organizations within an Electronic Environment (46k, 17w)
- [1997] Globalization of Knowledge and Insight: envisaging a paradigm-shifting software package (19k, 1w)
- [1997] In Quest of Uncommon Ground: beyond impoverished metaphor and the impotence of words of power (65k)
- [1997] International Associations in an Electronic Environment: statutory implications in the case of the Union of International Associations (50k, 1w)
- [1997] Paradigm Leaps: Intrinsic Determination of Conceptual Patterning (12k)
- [1997] Pattern of Sustainable Community Participant Roles (3k, 1w)
- [1997] Power of the Small: disruptive effects of small-scale biochemical terrorism (13k)
- [1997] Reflections on World Futures Conferences: in response to a request for feedback (21k, 2w)
- [1997] Reframing Inter-Faith Relationships (8k, 5w)
- [1997] Reframing Relationships as a Mathematical Challenge: Jerusalem as a Parody of Current Interfaith Dialogue (22k, 1w)
- [1997] Sacralization of Hyperlink Geometry (11k)
- [1997] Seeking the cutting edge of sustainable community (9k)
- [1997] Social Experiments and Sects: beyond category manipulation by advocates and opponents (24k)
- [1997] Sustaining the Coherence of Dialogue through Apartness: configuration of entities through hypertext (26k, 1w)
- [1997] The Third Twist: Self-reference and Territorializing the Map (6k)
- [1997] Transformation Metaphors: dialogue, vision, conferencing, policy, network, community and lifestyle (58k, 10w)
- [1997] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles: Table (21k, 5w)
- [1997] Veloping: the art of sustaining significance (10k)
- [1997] Wholeness : why I am no longer a believer (16k, 2w)
- [1997] Why and Wherefore of Communication (7k)
- [1996] Being Employed by the Future: reframing the immediate challenge of sustainable community. (53k, 6w)
- [1996] Beyond Harassment of Reality and Grasping Future Possibilities: learnings from sexual harassment as a metaphor (8k)
- [1996] Coherent Organization of a Navigable Problem-Solution-Learning Space * (23k)
- [1996] Creating a Context for More Meaningful Dialogue (7k)
- [1996] Cultivating the Songlines of the Noosphere: Contributions (3k, 3w)
- [1996] Cultivating the Songlines of the Noosphere: Report (64k, 4w)
- [1996] Electronic Context of Future International Meetings (10k, 1w)
- [1996] Engagement: 14 Contrasting Concepts of Meaningful Work (17k, 2w)
- [1996] Exploratory System of 14 Contrasting Concepts of Civil Society (16k, 2w)
- [1996] Facilitating Community through Information: suite of software-enabled participation tools (75k, 2w)
- [1996] From Information Highways to Songlines of the Noosphere: Global configuration of hypertext pathways as a prerequisite for meaningful collective transformation (62k, 7w, PDF)
- [1996] Interacting Fruitfully with Un-Civil Society: the dilemma for non-civil society organizations (40k, 4w, PDF)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in dialogue meeting design (7k)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in online dialogue meeting design (13k)
- [1996] Legal status of international NGOs: overview and options (29k, 10w)
- [1996] Misleading Insights into Sustainable Community (18k)
- [1996] Musings on Information of Higher Quality (7k, 2w)
- [1996] People as Stargates: an alternative perspective on human relations in space-time (10k)
- [1996] Re-enchantment of Work: hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go - Engagement in the 21st Century. (15k, 2w)
- [1996] Richer Metaphors for Our Future Survival (13k, 6w, PDF) ******
- [1996] Sustainable lifestyles and the future of work (36k)
- [1996] TAO of Dialogue (6k, 2w)
- [1996] Therapists without Borders (22k)
- [1996] Thoughts on Defining the New Age (7k, 9w)
- [1996] Towards a web framework for synthesis in dialogue: insight capture from the flow of conference interventions (12k)
- [1996] Understanding Sustainable Dialogue: the secret within Bucky's Ball (11k)
- [1995] A musical key from a political philosopher (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] A new global organizational order? (Insights: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Accumulation of significance (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Acknowledgement of mythico-spiritual dimensions (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Acknowledgement of the universe of problems (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Action inhibition (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Aesthetic paradox of unitary comprehension (7k)
- [1995] Aesthetics of governance (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Alternation between complementary policy conditions (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] An agricultural key from crop rotation (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Approach (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Approach (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Approaches to the art of disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Approaches to problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Appropriate metaphors of sustainable development (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Assessment (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Assumptions (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Assumptions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Augmented hypertext editing (Interactive database use: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Augmenting human intellect (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Background and acknowledgements (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Background and acknowledgements (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Barriers to transcendent insight and social transformation (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Be Fruitful and Multiply: the most tragic translation error? (12k, 4w)
- [1995] Beyond the constraints of text (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Beyond method (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Beyond the problem-lobby mindset (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Beyond "equilibrium" values (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Beyond "The Plan" (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Biases (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] The capacity to govern (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Category Ecosystems (8k)
- [1995] Challenge of insight cultivation (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Challenges to Learning from the Swadhyaya Movement (32k, 4w)
- [1995] C Characteristics of phases in 12-phase learning / action cycles
- [1995] Classification (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Classification of modes of awareness (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Classification policy (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Classification and section attribution (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Classification and section attribution (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Co-existence of unrelated human development paradigms (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Cognitive role of metaphor (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Communication through symbols (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Competing Models and Visions of Global Order via Function Dominance (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Comprehending any new social order (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehending complexity and appropriateness (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehending the complexity of the value surface (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Comprehending policy meshing and entrainment (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehension of sustainable integration (Insights: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Computer-assisted generation of strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Computer representation of problem networks (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Computer representation of strategy networks (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Concept refinement process (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Concept refinement process (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Concept Tracking in Conferences (7k)
- [1995] Conceptual processes summarized (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Conceptual processes summarized (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Conceptual scaffolding and prosthetics (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Conceptual weaknesses of conferencing (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Configuring Relationships between world problems and cognitive resources (5k)
- [1995] Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Configuring strategic trajectories (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Consensus, uncertainty and action formulation (Action implications: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Consequence for approaches to societal problems (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Conserving decision-making diversity (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Constraints on a meta-answer (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Constraints on patterning disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Constraints on a problem-focused approach (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Containing the incommensurable (Embodying discontinuity: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Contemporary crisis of governance (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Contextual challenge (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Contrasting strategic styles (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Criteria and definitions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Criticism (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Cultivating new conceptual languages (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Cultural and educational biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Current possibilities of implementation (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Cycles of dissonance and resonance (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Cycles of winning and losing (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] De-categorization and poly-ocular vision (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Definition (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Definitional Boundary Games and De-signing the 21st Century (19k)
- [1995] Definitions (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Definitions (Defining values: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Degradation of symbolic forms (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Descriptions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Design choices for global coherence (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Designing the 21st Century: Integration of Arts and Sciences (16k, 1w)
- [1995] Designing metaphors and sets of metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Designing a strategic array (Collective strategy-making: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Distinction between levels (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Distinguishing extended metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Distinguishing uses of the Encyclopedia (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Document control and problem description (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Document control and strategy description (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Le doute createur et l'art de la métaphore (1k, PDF)
- [1995] Economic bias (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Embodiment in patterns of alternation (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Enhancement of policy through key poetic insights (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Enhancing policy through powerful metaphors (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Entrapment by competing metaphors (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Entropic crisis and the learning response (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Envisaging the Art of Navigating Conceptual Complexity: in search of software combining artistic and conceptual insights (54k, 20w, PDF)
- [1995] Envisioning the policy-making experience of the future (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Epistemological crisis of governance (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Examples of vicious problem cycles and loops (Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Existential challenge (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Feedback loops and dependent co-arising (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Form and communication (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Forms of presentation (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Framework for interrelating incompatible perspectives (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] From governing metaphors to governance through metaphor (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Future possibilities (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Future possibilities (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Future possibilities and dangers (Comments: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Future role of computer audio-visual technology (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Gardening Sustainable Psycommunities: Recognizing the psycho-social integrities of the future (71k)
- [1995] General (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] General structure (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Generative metaphor and policy-making (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Geometry of organizations, policies and programmes (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Global configuration from number theory (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Global modelling perspective (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Global Strategies Project (Overview: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Global strategy and the game of go (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Governance through confidence artistry (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Governance through enhancing the movement of meaning (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Graphics environment for exploring relationship networks (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Health and space-time and development strategy (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Holistic network mapping using NETMAP (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Human impotence and potential (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Identification procedure (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Identification procedure (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Ignorance: What do we know? (21k)
- [1995] Imaginal deficiency in management and policy making (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Imaginal deficiency and simplistic metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Implications (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Importance of values (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] In quest of radical coherence (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] In quest of the socio-economics of non-action (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Insights from architecture (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from drama and dance (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from music (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from poetry and painting (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Integrating constraint and opposition (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Integrating opposition (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Integration of perceived problems (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Integration of perceived problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Integrative concepts (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Intended uses of the Encyclopedia (Overview: )
- [1995] Intended uses (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Intent (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Intent (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Inter-problem relationships (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Inter-sectoral Strategic Dilemmas of Sustainable Development (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Interactive access and future developments (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Internalizing discontinuity (Comprehension: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] International organizations as a source (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Interparadigmatic dialogue (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Interpersonal Strategic Dilemmas of Participation (in a sustainable inter-sectoral meeting)
- [1995] Interrelating incompatible viewpoints (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Interrelating values (Comments: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Inventing reality through configured imagery (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Language-determined distinctions (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Language (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Language games (Global Strategies Project: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Language games (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Language and the reconstruction of reality (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Learnings for the future of dialogue (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Levels of dialogue (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Logistical challenge (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Magic, miracles and image-building (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Meeting participant contract (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Meshing imaginative vision and policy implementability (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Metaphor, analogy, symbol and pattern (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as a language for global governance (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as an unexplored resource in a time of challenge (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as an unexplored resource for transdisciplinarity (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphoric revolution for the individual (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphors of transformation in conferences (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Methodological preamble (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Mindscapes (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Misappropriation of words of power (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Modes of awareness and experiential biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Modifications, improvements and omissions (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Mythical, religious and spiritual biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Network analysis (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network maps (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network strategy (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Objectives (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Obstacles to an interdisciplinary focus (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Official approaches to human development (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Order through chaos (Embodying discontinuity: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Organization of hexagrams in terms of traditional houses (17k, 1w)
- [1995] Overtures of the Beast (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Overtures of Beauty (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Paradox management (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Paradoxical merit of negative strategies (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Pattern accumulation in a learning society (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Pattern language experiments (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Patterning disagreement (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Patterning the problematique (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Patterning the resolutique (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Patterning the resolutique (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Patterns of concepts (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Phases of human development through challenging problems (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Phases of human development through challenging problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Poetic configuration of policy guidelines (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Polarity entrapment (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Policy discourse through metaphor (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Policy forums as metaphors (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] "Positive" vs "Negative" strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Precedents in history and tradition (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Precedents and parallels (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Previous, parallel and related initiatives (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Previous, parallel or related initiatives (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Probabilistic vision of the world (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Problem disguises and problem evasion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem exclusion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem importance (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem inclusion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem metaphors (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem naming (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and deception (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and levels of awareness (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and levels of awareness (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Procedures (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Procedures (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] P Processing Documents on Sustainable Development Issues
- [1995] Processing system (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Programme of metaphoric development (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Prospects for an arranged marriage (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Providing a strategic framework (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Psychological bias (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Public management (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Questionable answers (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Range of strategies (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] "Re-reading" patterns of concepts (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing cooperation through metaphor (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing the problem of "overpopulation" (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing problems as metaphors (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing the unknown (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Relationships to other sections and databases (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Relationships between strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Representation of Interlocking Elements for a Sustainable Global System (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate A) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate B) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] The resolutique (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Response to diversity (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Root metaphors and social organization (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Section interrelationships (Insights: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Sections and sub-sections (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Self-organization and its catalysts (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Significance and intent (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Significance (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Social and educational biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Social Exclusion: a metaphoric trap? (17k)
- [1995] Social organization determined by incommunicability of insights (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Social organization determined by incommunicability of insights (Comprehension: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Spherical Representation of Icosidodecahedral Net of Strategies (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] The spiritual challenge (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategic assumptions (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Strategic Correspondences: computer-aided insight scaffolding (40k, 8w, PDF)
- [1995] Strategic metaphors for thriving (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategies in chaos (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategies in meetings (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategy naming (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strengths and weaknesses (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Structural outliners and conceptual scaffolding (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Structure of concluding declarations (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Structuring around unknowing in a learning society (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Subtler forms of disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Declarations and Documents (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Environment) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Learning) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Population) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Regulation) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Trade) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Well-being) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Dialogue as a Necessary Template for Sustainable Global Community (93k, 1w)
- [1995] System dynamics (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Systems of categories distinguishing cultural emphases (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] T Table of Strategems
- [1995] Threshold of comprehensibility (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Toward an enantiomorphic policy (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Transcending methodological limitations (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Transcending the "switch" metaphor (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Transdisciplinarity and its articulation (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Transformative conferencing (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Transformative policy cycles (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Transformative policy cycles (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Typology of 12 complementary strategies essential to sustainable development (Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Uncommon strategic opportunities (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Understanding value systems (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Unique features (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Unmentionable realities (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Unsustainable policies (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Unwritten rules and wishful thinking (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Use of interactive graphics (Interactive database use: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Using disagreements for superordinate frame configuration (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Value confusion (Defining values: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Values as attractors (Comments: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Values as attractors (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Varieties of decision-making arenas and styles (Table 1: )
- [1995] Vicious cycles and loops (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Vision of a poetic policy project (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Vital relevance of subtler human development (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Voice of the Matchmaker (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Wholeness and the implicate order (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Wisdom and requisite variety (Insights: Human Values Project)
- [1994] Challenges to Governance through Contrasting Images (34k, 1w)
- [1994] Conference towards Spiritual Concord as a Metaphor of Spiritual Concord (5k, 25w)
- [1994] Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors: reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (12k, PDF)
- [1994] Developing a Metaphorical Language for the Future (61k, 2w)
- [1994] The Future of Leadership: reframing the unknown (29k, 2w, PDF)
- [1994] In Quest of Radical Coherence: a group design initiative (10k, 1w)
- [1994] Levels of Civil Society and Public Policy Implications (13k, 1w)
- [1994] Mathematical Challenge for Systems Science (19k, 12w)
- [1994] Misapplication of International Legal Norms in Socially Abnormal Situations (24k, 1w)
- [1994] NGOs and Civil Society: Realities and Distortions (94k, 13w, PDF)
- [1994] NGOs and the overlapping perspectives on civil society (39k, 1w)
- [1994] Organization of Transdisciplinary Conferences (38k, 6w, PDF)
- [1994] Policy Options for Civil Society through Complementary Contrasts (55k, 20w)
- [1994] Reframing Discourse on Sexual Harassment in Conferences (11k, 2w)
- [1994] Spherical Configuration of Categories to Reflect Systemic Patterns of Environmental Checks and Balances (43k, 7w)
- [1994] Sustainable Development: a system of 14 complementary concepts (16k, 1w)
- [1994] Time-sharing System in Meetings: Centralized planning vs Free-market economy ? (20k)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity-3 as the Emergence of Patterned Experience (Part I) (41k, 2w)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity-3 as the Emergence of Patterned Experience (Part II) (35k, 25w)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity through Structured Dialogue (43k, 1w, PDF)
- [1994] Transformative Approaches to International Organization (28k, 2w)
- [1993] An Earth Council Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (25k, 9w)
- [1993] Axes of Bias in Inter-cultural Dialogue (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Bibliographical References and Notes: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part O) (26k, 12w)
- [1993] Challenge of overpopulation: Now for some real problems -- Don't Panic, Panic (7k, 1w)
- [1993] Clues to the Nature of a Gathering (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Clues to Working Insights in Conferences (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Commments on Social Constructionism and Postmodernism (13k)
- [1993] Cultivating New Conceptual Languages: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part J) (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Enhancement of Policy through Key Poetic Insights: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part F) (38k, 1w)
- [1993] Envisioning the Dynamics of Partnerships for Change (16k)
- [1993] Envisioning the Dynamics of a World Parliament of Religions (16k)
- [1993] Envisioning the Policy-making Experience of the Future: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part I) (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Facilitation in a Cross-cultural Environment (29k, 2w)
- [1993] From Culturgrams to Religrams (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Future Role of Multi-media Technology: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part N) (10k, 1w)
- [1993] Governance and the Challenge of Insight Cultivation (12k)
- [1993] Guide to Friendly International Meeting Centres (6k)
- [1993] Guidelines to Dialogue through Metaphor (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Human Values as Strange Attractors: Coevolution of classes of governance principles (80k, 8w)
- [1993] Insight Storage and Retrieval in a Computer-supported Environment (32k, 3w)
- [1993] Insights evoked by intractable international differences (45k, 7w)
- [1993] Introductory Comments on Programme on Human Values (41k)
- [1993] Inventing Reality through Configured Imagery: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part L) (10k, 1w)
- [1993] Learnings for the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue (Part I) (57k, 5w, PDF)
- [1993] La Métaphore: un outil pour créer (1k, PDF)
- [1993] La Métaphore: une ressource mal-explorée pour l'éco-développement durable (25k, 7w)
- [1993] Magic, Miracles and Image-building: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part M) (19k, 1w)
- [1993] Meeting Participant Roles and Contract (42k, 4w)
- [1993] Metaphor as a Language for Global Governance (50k, 11w)
- [1993] Overtures of The Beast: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part B) (9k, 1w)
- [1993] Overtures of Beauty: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part C) (23k, 1w)
- [1993] Pattern of Meeting Participant Roles: Shadowy 'roundtable' hidden within every meeting (4k, 3w, PDF)
- [1993] Poetry-making and Policy-making: arranging a marriage between Beauty and the Beast (21k, 7w)
- [1993] Policy Discourse through Metaphor: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part K) (9k, 1w)
- [1993] Possible Meeting Facilitation Services (24k)
- [1993] Possible Traps Towards Spiritual Concord (12k, 1w)
- [1993] Premises for an Inter-Cultural Gathering (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Proposal for an Exploratory International Conference: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part H) (13k, 1w)
- [1993] Prospects for an Arranged Marriage: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part A) (19k, 4w)
- [1993] The Quest for the Socio-Economics of Non-Action (23k, 3w, PDF)
- [1993] Software Concerns of the Union of International Associations (1k, 1w, PDF)
- [1993] Some Clues to Social Harmony from Music - a metaphor (18k, 1w)
- [1993] Strategically Relevant Evocative Questions ? (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Structure of Declarations: Challenging Traditional Patterns (6k, 1w)
- [1993] Systems of Categories Distinguishing Cultural Biases: with notes on facilitation in a multicultural environment (19k, 4w)
- [1993] Towards an Ecology of Spiritual Traditions as Articulated by a Dynamic System of Metaphors. (26k, 7w)
- [1993] Towards a Language of Spiritual Concord (8k, 1w)
- [1993] Traps and Opportunities of Dialogue (3k, 1w)
- [1993] Using Disagreements for Superordinate Frame Configuration (12k, 6w)
- [1993] Vision of a Poetic Policy Group Initiative: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part G) (7k, 1w)
- [1993] Voice of the Matchmaker: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part D) (38k, 1w)
- [1993] Voice of the Matchmaker: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part E) (17k, 1w)
- [1992] Articulating the "Way Forward" (3k, 2w)
- [1992] ArticulatingThe Way Forward (3k, 1w)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks (15k, 1w)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks: Status (12k)
- [1992] Atlas de Reseaux Internationaux de Relations (6k)
- [1992] Axes of Bias in Inter-Sectoral Dialogue (5k, 2w)
- [1992] Catalyzation of New Patterns of Collaboration (39k, 19w)
- [1992] Coded Checklist of Earth Summit Issues: Comments on Document Processing Procedure (5k, 2w)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: Constraints and Possibilities (6k)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: Software Modules (10k)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: summary (4k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Analysis of Networks (17k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Network Maps (19k, 1w)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Use of Interactive Graphics (22k)
- [1992] Conceptual Challenge of Visualization (15k)
- [1992] Conceptual Scaffolding and Prosthetics (22k)
- [1992] Configuring Globally and Contending Locally: shaping the global network of local bargains (9k, 44w)
- [1992] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (2k, 5w)
- [1992] Dialogue Statements or forms of Intervention: Tentative typology (3k, 2w)
- [1992] Dilemmas of Inter-Sectoral Dialogue Processes (4k, 2w)
- [1992] Earth Summit as a Natural Ecological System (9k, 2w, PDF)
- [1992] Earth Summit Traps and Opportunities (3k, 2w)
- [1992] Effective Response to Crises: Impeding psycho-conceptual factors and clarification of approaches (8k)
- [1992] Future Coping Strategies: Beyond the constraints of proprietary metaphors (59k, 1w)
- [1992] General Checklist of Documents Describing the Rationale and Process (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1992] Geometry of Organizations, Policies and Programmes (12k, 1w)
- [1992] Geometry of Sustainable Dialogue * (3k, 1w)
- [1992] Government by Binding Contract (3k, PDF)
- [1992] Inter-Sectoral Dialogue and Sustainable Development: Conveying Earth Summit Insights (7k, 2w)
- [1992] Meshing Imaginative Vision and Policy Implementability (13k, 11w)
- [1992] Meta-Conferencing: Integration of the Concept Structure of Debate (18k)
- [1992] Metaphor and the Language of Futures (57k, 5w)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Clarification of Requirements (11k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Development of an operational relationship technique (9k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Software Possibilities (12k)
- [1992] Premises for an Inter-Sectoral Dialogue (4k, 2w)
- [1992] Reinventing Your Metaphoric Habitat (3k, PDF)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on icosidodecahedral net (A) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on an icosidodecahedral net (B) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Specification for Structural Outliner Computer Programme (11k)
- [1992] Structure of Declarations: challenging traditional patterns (6k, 2w)
- [1992] Summary of IFC Pre-Rio Preparatory Processes (11k, 2w)
- [1992] Sustaining Higher Orders of Policy Consensus through Metaphor: towards a new language of governance (9k, 7w)
- [1992] Systemic Mapping of Strategic Dilemmas (18k, 2w)
- [1992] Thoughts on Psyche at Work: Implications of Jungian analysis for social groups (30k, 7w)
- [1992] Towards Spiritual Concord/ First World Congress towards Spiritual Concord (68k)
- [1992] La Transdisciplinarite et les Volumes: polyhedres (8k, 4w)
- [1992] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles (11k, 4w)
- [1992] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles: Table I (22k, 5w)
- [1992] Visualizing Relationship Networks: International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral (17k, 1w)
- [1992] Wanted: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International (7k, 1w)
- [1991] A European Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] A Scottish Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Aesthetics of Meaning (21k, 2w)
- [1991] Canadian Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Comprehensible Policy-making: Guiding Metaphors and Configuring Choices (Part II) (55k, 14w)
- [1991] Decision-making: Guiding Metaphors and Configuring Choices (Part I) (62k)
- [1991] Encyclopedia Illusions: Rationale for an Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (26k, 2w)
- [1991] Experimental Articulation of Collective Identity -- through a dynamic system of metaphors (5k, 18w)
- [1991] Higher Orders of Inter-sectoral Consensus (74k, 1w)
- [1991] Identité des Nations Unies: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 9w)
- [1991] Identity of the United Nations: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Indentity through Metaphor (2k)
- [1991] Latin American Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Les Metaphores comme Vehicules Transdisciplinaires de l'Avenir (101k, 17w)
- [1991] Metaphors as Transdisciplinary Vehicles of the Future (74k, 17w)
- [1991] Metaphors of World Problems and Human Potential (54k, 8w, PDF)
- [1991] Middle Eastern Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Participative Democracy vs. Participative Drama: lessons on social transformation for international organizations from Gorbachev (40k, 5w, PDF)
- [1991] Research Network on Catalytic Imagery for governance in impossible situations (68k, 3w)
- [1991] Towards an Ecology of Spiritual Traditions: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (26k, 9w)
- [1991] Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue: Collection of papers (7k, 4w)
- [1991] Une Identité Canadienne: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 9w)
- [1991] Une Identité Européenne: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 9w)
- [1991] Varieties of Decision-making Arenas and Styles: Table (18k, 4w)
- [1990] Aesthetics of Governance in the Year 2490 (61k, 10w, PDF)
- [1990] Comprehending an Ecology of Cultures (27k, 7w)
- [1990] Identification of Appropriate Social Structures through Metaphor (13k)
- [1990] Indictment of Economists for Crimes Against Humanity * (1k)
- [1990] Recontextualizing Social Problems through Metaphor: transcending the switch metaphor (33k, 3w, PDF)
- [1990] Recontextualizing Social Problems through Metaphor: transcending the switch metaphor (Part II) (36k, 8w)
- [1990] Tomorrow's United Nations (10k)
- [1990] Towards Another Order of Conferencing: insights from the I Ching (2k, 3w)
- [1990] Towards Another Order of Sustainable Policy Cycles: insights from the I Ching (2k, 3w)
- [1990] Towards a general typology of relationships (between people, concepts, etc) * (43k)
- [1990] Transformative Conferencing: re-enchantment of networking through conceptware (58k, 10w)
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years