Chronological Index: Titles Only (all years)
Documents accessible on this site
Items are listed alphabetically within year (and within month for the most recent).
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this may be given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Where a PDF version of the document exists, a direct link may be appended to the title
listed below
Shorter documents may be parts of others, in-process, (irresponsible) musings, or incomplete
All items may also be separately clustered by some 50 themes
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities is provided separately
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2024] Pathways in Governance between Logic, Emotion, Spirituality and Action (450k)
- [2024] Viability of Sustainable Development as Implied by Metabolic Cycles (590k)
- [2024] Turbocharging SDGs by Activating Global Cycles in a 64-fold 3D Array (490k)
- [2024] Comprehensible Mapping of the Variety of Fundamental Governance Functions (550k)
- [2024] Clarifying a Two-state Pattern Language of 64 Modalities (440k)
- [2024] Reframing "Two-state" Possibilities (620k)
- [2024] AI-enabled Mapping and Animation of Learning Pathways (590k)
- [2024] Facilitating Global Dialogue with AI? (430k)
- [2024] AI Commentary on an Envisaged Synthesis Dialogue (350k)
- [2024] Memorable Configuration of Psychosocial "Vitamins", "Amino acids" and "Minerals" (540k)
- [2024] Cognitive Implications of Going Strategically Sessile (240k)
- [2024] Experimental AI Meta-analysis of an Academic Journal Issue (420k)
- [2024] Perspectives of AI on Psychosocial Implications of Global Modelling (240k)
- [2024] Eliciting Experimentally an Overview by AI of AI-related Articles (48k)
- [2024] Envisaging a Game of Subtlety Enabling New Global Dynamics (276k)
- [2024] Comprehension of Singularity through 4-fold Complementarity (260k)
- [2024] Implication of Mathematics in Human Experience from an AI Perspective (150k)
- [2024] Mathematical Modelling of Silo Thinking in Interdisciplinary Contexts (210k)
- [2024] Harmonizing Dissonance via a Rubik's Cube Framework (299k)
- [2024] Imagining a Future Union of Artificial Intelligences (204k)
- [2024] The Song of Songs as indicative of the Pattern that Connects (160k)
- [2024] Reimagining the Canon to the Sounds of Cannon Fire (225k)
- [2024] Eliciting a Pattern that Connects with AI? (300k)
- [2024] Higher Dimensional Reframing of Unity and Memorable Identity (149k)
- [2024] Comprehensible Organization of Strategic Complexity in 3D and 4D (93k)
- [2024] Comprehensible Configuration of 8-fold Psychosocial Patterns in 3D (117k)
- [2024] Psychosocial Geometry and Dynamics of Collective Memory (101k)
- [2024] Neglect of Higher Dimensional Solutions to Territorial Conflicts (50k)
- [2024] Religious Implications of Artificial Intelligence? (20k)
- [2023] Just War Theory as an inspiration for Just AI Theory? (270k)
- [2023] Artificial Intelligence as an Aid to Thinking Otherwise -- but to what End? (240k)
- [2023] Sustainable Development Goals through Self-reflexive Root Cause Analysis (120k)
- [2023] Coherent Reconciliation of Eastern and Western Patterns of Logic (130k)
- [2023] How Artificial is Human Intelligence -- and Humanity? (180k)
- [2023] Simulating the Israel-Palestine Conflict as a Strategy Game (55k)
- [2023] Contrarian Analysis as a Means of Avoiding Intelligence Failure (104k)
- [2023] Being Spoken to Meaningfully by Constructs (214k)
- [2023] Magical Discourse Contrasting Human and AI Identity (187k)
- [2023] Second-order Dialogue and Higher Order Discourse for the Future (160k)
- [2023] Eliciting Patterns of Global Consensus via Tensional Integrity (108k)
- [2023] Interactive Polyhedral Configuration of Preoccupations (60k)
- [2023] Polyhedral Configuration of 384 Governance-relevant Yi Jing Transformations (40k)
- [2023] Use of ChatGPT to Clarify Possibility of Dialogue of Higher Quality (215k)
- [2023] Coherence of Sustainable Development Goals through Artificial Intelligence (160k)
- [2023] Artificial Emotional Intelligence and its Human Implications (110k)
- [2023] Paradoxes of Durable Peace, Heaven and a Sustainable Lifestyle (120k)
- [2023] Cognitive Navigation of the Elements as Indicative Strategic Metaphors (170k)
- [2023] Dollar Sign as Questionable Map of Capitalism? (90k)
- [2023] Time for a Remedial Global Nuclear War? (130k)
- [2023] Provocation of "Unprovoked Aggression" by Encroachment (93k)
- [2023] Planetary Impalement by Stakeholder Capitalism? (131k)
- [2023] Quest for Intelligent Life on Earth -- from a Future Perspective (95k)
- [2023] Memorable Packing of Global Strategies in a Polyhedral Rosetta Stone (192k)
- [2022] The Charge of the Fossil Brigade at COP27 (16k)
- [2022] Imagining Partnership of the SDG Goals as Phases of the Cross (140k)
- [2022] Climate Change -- Let's Just Pretend: Why do we need to do anything following COP27? (14k)
- [2022] Eliciting Potential Patterns of Governance from 16 Sustainable Development Goals (90k)
- [2022] Geo-engineering Oversight Agency for Thermal Stabilization (GOATS) (70k)
- [2022] Cognitive Embodiment of Patterns of Governance of Higher Order (280k)
- [2022] Values, Virtues and Sins of a Viable Democratic Civilization (150k)
- [2022] Strategies of Hyper-Elites as Admired and Deprecated (85k)
- [2022] Sustainability through Global Patterns of 60-fold Organization (144k)
- [2022] Future Global Exodus to the Metasphere (154k)
- [2022] Constrained, Unconstrained and Surprised in a Global Context (98k)
- [2022] Ensuring Dynamics of Sustainability by Appreciative Recognition of Evil (150k)
- [2022] Memorability, Mnemonics, Maths, Music and Governance (50k)
- [2022] Thirty-six Dramatic Situations faced by Global Governance? (101k)
- [2022] Towards Inclusive Multi-Massacre Memorials to Victims of Conflict (82k)
- [2022] Cyclic Representation of Coherence as Knots and Otherwise (166k)
- [2022] United Nations as a Potemkin Institution faced with Potemkin Crises? (70k)
- [2022] Severing the Russian Hemisphere as Problematic Global Lobotomy? (72k)
- [2022] Ukraine versus -- Humanitarian Intervention versus Invasion? (15k)
- [2022] Future Psychosocial Implications of the Metaverse (64k)
- [2022] Reimagining Guernica to Engage the Antitheses of a Cancel Culture (200k)
- [2021] Variety of Rhyming Patterns in Standard 14-line Sonnets (31k)
- [2021] Potential for Coherence through Engaging Strategic Poetry (130k)
- [2021] Comparable Modalities of Aesthetics, Logic and Dialogue (200k)
- [2021] Pattern of 14-foldness as an Implicit Organizing Principle for Governance? (53k)
- [2021] Institutional Blackmail -- No Jab, No Job, No Livelihood (80k)
- [2021] Integrating Ouroboros and Yi Jing as Fundamental Symbols in 3D (95k)
- [2021] Crafting an Exit Strategy from Universal Vaccination Failure (130k)
- [2021] Enabling the "New Normal" through "Renormalization" (72k)
- [2021] Misleading Modelling of Global Crises (130k)
- [2021] Being Unmasked as Unshot and Unjabbed (105k)
- [2021] Interrelating Multiple Ways of Looking at a Crisis (130k)
- [2021] COVID-19 Infection via the Eyes and Mask Protection Misinformation (20k)
- [2021] Towards a Science of Misinformation and Deception (170k)
- [2021] Challenges of Science Upheld as an Exclusive Mode of Inquiry (33k, PDF)
- [2021] Problematic Sexual Paradoxes of Pandemic Response (210k)
- [2021] Governance of Pandemic Response by Artificial Intelligence (105k)
- [2021] Symbolic Insignia Indicative of Global Health (100k)
- [2021] Application of Universal Vaccination Narrative to Climate Change (30k)
- [2021] Encoding Coherent Topic Transformation in Global Dialogue (200k)
- [2021] Comparability of Vaxxing Saves with Jesus Saves as Misinformation? (60k)
- [2021] Systemic Coherence of the UN's 17 SDGs as a Global Dream (160k)
- [2021] Meta-pattern via Engendering and Navigating "Pantheons" of Belief? (150k)
- [2021] Comparable Dynamics of Point, Bullet, Ball and Globe (94k)
- [2021] Transcending Psychosocial Polarization with Tensegrity (160k)
- [2021] Controls and Guinea Pigs in the Pandemic Experiment (70k)
- [2021] Framing Dynamic Transcendence of Simplistic Cognitive Polarization (130k)
- [2021] Cognitive Encryption enabling Collapse of Civilization (90k)
- [2021] Dynamics of N-fold Integration of Disparate Cognitive Modalities (240k)
- [2021] Licensed to Live? Licensed to Lie? Unlicensed to Die? (30k)
- [2021] Living within a Self-engendered Simulation (150k)
- [2020] Envisaging the AI-enhanced Future of the Conferencing Process (82k)
- [2020] Jabbercovid from the Jabberplex: ensuring a jab-for-all as a global panacea (40k)
- [2020] Reframing the Imaginable Key to the Future? Clues to the nature of a Global Reset (16k)
- [2020] Reframing Fundamental Belief as Disinformation? (33k)
- [2020] Varieties of Tone of Voice and Engagement with Global Strategy (200k)
- [2020] Missiles, Needles, Missions, Rifles, Projects, Bullets (150k)
- [2020] Anticipation of Judicial Inquisition of Humans by Extraterrestrials (97k)
- [2020] Inspiration, Conspiration, Transpiration, Expiration (130k)
- [2020] From Zoom Organization to Zome Configuration and Dynamics (125k)
- [2020] Fibonacci Spiral in 3D Framing Psychosocial Phyllotaxis (150k)
- [2020] Humanity's Magic Number as 1.5? (35k)
- [2020] Sustaining the Quest for Sustainable Answers on COVID-19 (83k)
- [2020] Re-membering the Globe from a Flatland Perspective (85k)
- [2020] Baseball Cap Implications in the Quest for Global Hegemony (110k)
- [2020] Reframing the Righteousness Enabling Repetition of the Titanic Disaster (150k)
- [2020] Identifying Polyhedra Enabling Memorable Strategic Mapping (153k)
- [2020] Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D? (150k)
- [2020] Eliciting Insight from Mandala-style Logos in 3D (30k)
- [2020] COVID-19 as a Memetic Disease: Learning from pandemics of the past (115k)
- [2020] Organizing the Future of Humanity: critical dimensions to be born in mind (130k)
- [2020] Alternating between Complementary Images of Coronavirus (90k)
- [2020] Spike-endowed Global Civilization as COVID-19 (125k)
- [2020] Cowering for One's Country in the War against Coronavirus (95k)
- [2020] Engaging Playfully with Coronavirus through "Organizing" Global Governance? (20k)
- [2020] Coronavirus -- Global Plan, Doughnut, Torus, Helix and/or Pineapple? (110k)
[2020] Cognitive Engagement with Spike Dynamics of a Polyhedral Coronavirus (107k)
- [2020] Social Distancing under Conditions of Overcrowding? (71k)
- [2020] Reimagining Coronavirus in 3D as a Metaphor of Global Society in Distress (153k)
- [2020] Systematic Global Treachery and Betrayal (42k)
- [2020] Future Commemoration of the Trial of Julian Assange (33k)
- [2020] Extradition and Trial of Julian Assange: web resources (18k)
- [2020] Mysterious Complementarity between Capitalism and Arsenalism (170k)
- [2020] Crowdsourcing Just Punishment for Julian Assange (104k)
- [2020] Satellite Constellation and Crown Chakra as Complementary Global Metaphors? (130k)
- [2019] Symbolic Disconnection from the Stars and the Universe? (120k)
- [2019] Climate Change -- Let's Just Pretend: why do we need to do anything? (13k)
- [2019] Hearing the Variety of Voices in Climate Change Discourse (146k)
- [2019] Envisaging a Comprehensible Global Brain -- as a Playful Organ (170k)
- [2019] Are the UN and the International Community both Brain Dead (75k)
- [2019] Indicators of Political Will, Remedial and Coping Capacity? (75k)
- [2019] African Leadership Breaking the Deadly Silence on Future Migration (30k)
- [2019] Framing Cognitive Space for Higher Order Coherence (190k)
- [2019] Annexing the World as the Deal of the Century (188k)
- [2019] Imagining Toroidal Life as a Sustainable Alternative (200k)
- [2019] Global Coherence by Interrelating Disparate Strategic Patterns Dynamically (110k)
- [2019] Coping Capacity of Governance as Dangerously Questionable (150k)
- [2019] Clarifying the Unexplored Dynamics of 12-fold Round tables (95k)
- [2019] Ecological Mouthprint versus Ecological Footprint: learning action avoidance from rabbits (105k)
- [2019] Comprehension of Requisite Variety via Rotation of the Complex Plane (150k)
- [2019] Civil Society Coalition for Cultivation of Short-term Bias (33k)
- [2019] Tank Warfare Challenges for Global Governance (150k)
- [2019] Coherent Representation of the European Union by Numbers and Geometry (40k)
- [2019] Experimental Visualization of Dynamics of the European Parliament in 3D (120k)
- [2019] Enrolling Winnie-the-Pooh's Companions in Climate Change Discourse (79k)
- [2019] Varieties of Fake News and Misrepresentation (114k)
- [2019] Are Environmentalists and Climate Scientists in Denial? (26k)
- [2019] Patterning Intuition with the Fifth Discipline (180k)
- [2019] Who to Blame: 'Donald Trump' or the 'American People'? (16k)
- [2019] Metaphorizing Dialogue to Enact a Flow Culture (127k)
- [2019] Historical Misrepresentation of a "Union of International Associations"? (200k)
- [2019] Trial of Julian Assange -- Who is the Pontius Pilate of Easter 2019? (30k)
- [2019] Exploring Representation of the Tao in 3D (110k)
- [2019] Local Reality of Overcrowding -- Global Unreality of Overpopulation (190k)
- [2019] Prohibition of Reference to Overcrowding: draft proposal (30k)
- [2019] Multi-option Technical Facilitation of Public Debate (90k)
- [2019] Comprehension of Unity as a Paradoxical Dynamic (140k)
- [2018] Engaging with Elusive Connectivity and Coherence (95k)
- [2018] Coordination of Wing Deployment and Folding in Politics (88k)
- [2018] Systemic Function of Highly Unrepresentative Minorities (129k)
- [2018] Global Governance as a Riddle: but is a solution the answer to the question? (54k)
- [2018] Global Compact Enabling Complicity in the Ultimate Crime against Humanity (84k)
- [2018] Requisite 20-fold Articulation of Operative Insights? (78k)
- [2018] Cognitive Embodiment of Nature "Re-cognized" Systemically (96k)
- [2018] Post-Apocalyptic Renaissance of Global Civilization: Engaging with otherness otherwise? (174k)
- [2018] Imminent Collective Communication "Info-death"? Collapse of global civilization understood otherwise (107k)
- [2018] Prohibition of Reference to Overpopulation of the Planet: draft proposal (20k)
- [2018] Time for Provocative Mnemonic Aids to Systemic Connectivity? (90k)
- [2018] Systematic Humanitarian Blackmail via Aquarius? (105k)
- [2018] Capital Punishment of Canon Fodder (160k)
- [2018] Oppositional Logic as Comprehensible Key to Sustainable Democracy (60k)
- [2018] Elaborating a Declaration on Combating Anti-otherness (107k)
- [2018] New World Order of Walk-away Wheeling and Dealing (45k)
- [2018] Waiting as an Experience of Fundamental Significance (120k)
- [2018] Group of 7 Dwarfs: Future-blind and Warning-deaf (190k)
- [2018] Cognitive Implication of Globality via Temporal Inversion (160k)
- [2018] Visualization Enabling Integrative Conference Comprehension (85k)
- [2018] Fundamental Need for Human Sacrifice by Abrahamic Religions (160k)
- [2018] Governance as "juggling" -- Juggling as "governance" (130k)
- [2018] Having Bought into a Wreck -- What Now? (140k)
- [2018] Exhortation to We the Peoples from the Club of Rome (130k)
- [2018] 30 Questions that Facebook has yet to Answer (104k)
- [2018] Infertility as a Metaphor Heralding Global Collapse (90k)
- [2018] Symbolizing Collective Remembering Otherwise (117k)
- [2018] Global Civilization through Interweaving Polyamory and Polyanimosity? (111k)
- [2018] Earth as a Shithole Planet -- from a Universal Perspective? (70k)
- [2018] Golden Globes Confusing Cleavage, Hype and Hypocrisy (120K)
- [2018] Beyond Fire and Fury: Trump as American as Apple Pie? (55k)
- [2017] Reconciling Symbols of Islam, Judaism and Christianity (85k)
- [2017] Jerusalem as a Symbolic Singularity (95k)
- [2017] Symbolic Relocation of United Nations HQ to Jerusalem Vicinity (60k)
- [2017] Interfacer for Reduction of Discrimination and Harassment (45k)
- [2017] Cognitive Osmosis in a Knowledge-based Civilization (112k)
- [2017] Reimagining Intercourse between the Righteous Unrightly Challenged (130k)
- [2017] Framing Cyclic Revolutionary Emergence of Opposing Symbols of Identity (145k)
- [2017] Psychosocial Learnings from the Spiral Form of Hurricanes (91k)
- [2017] Cognitive Implications in 3D of Triadic Symbols Valued in 2D (90k)
- [2017] Reframing the Square Wheels of Global Governance (50k)
- [2017] 64 Questions for the Environmental Conservationists of the World (35k)
- [2017] Pricking the Bubble of Global Complacent Complicity (95k)
- [2017] Prefix "Re-cognition" as Prelude to Fixing Sustainability -- "Pro" vs "Con" ? (51k)
- [2017] 30 Questions for the Counter-terrorism Experts of the World (16k)
- [2017] Anticipating Future Migration into Europe (2018-2050) (56k)
- [2017] Sonification of Twitter Leadership at the G20 (12k)
- [2017] Interplay of Sustainable Development Goals through Rubik Cube Variations (130k)
- [2017] Refining the Value of Sustainable Development Goals (150k)
- [2017] Envisaging NATO Otherwise -- in 3D and 4D? (100k)
- [2017] Framing Global Transformation through the Polyhedral Merkabah (88k)
- [2017] Psychosocial Transformation by "Pill Pushing"? (98k)
- [2017] Zen of Facticity: Bull, Ox or Otherwise? (199k)
- [2017] Phases in the "Re-cognition" of "Bull" according to Zen? (46k)
- [2017] Paradoxes of Wilber's Appreciation of the Trump Challenge (95k)
- [2017] Indians? Witches? Natives? Jews? Islamists? ETs? (22k)
- [2017] Empowering Ineffectual Outrage with the Strategically Outrageous (75k)
- [2017] Build the Wall -- Move the UN HQ? (41k)
- [2017] Public Enemy #1 as Supreme Leader? (66k)
- [2017] Reframing the Art of Non-Decision-Making (140k)
- [2016] Global Challenge of the Global Challenge (81k)
- [2016] Global Economy of Truth as a Ponzi Scheme (114k)
- [2016] Engaging an Opposing Ideology via Martial Arts Philosophy (97k)
- [2016] Visualization in 3D of Dynamics of Toroidal Helical Coils (149k)
- [2016] Radical Disaffection Engendered by Elitist Groupthink? (74k)
- [2016] Concordian Mandala as a Symbolic Nexus (227k)
- [2016] Engaging Proactively with the Risk of World Misleadership (43k)
- [2016] Time for Delivery of Food and Water Bombs by Drone? (11k)
- [2016] Cultivating the Myth of Human Equality (110k)
- [2016] Con-quest Aesthetically Reframed via the Concordian Mandala (123k)
- [2016] Evoking Castalia as Envisaged, Entoned and Embodied (185k)
- [2016] Questionable Classification of Figures of Speech (67k)
- [2016] Criteria Justifying Recounting or Revoting in Democracy post-Brexit (64k)
- [2016] 24-fold Pattern Implied by Dynamics of the Lauburu in 3D (27k)
- [2016] Destabilizing Multipolar Society through Binary Decision-making (100k)
- [2016] Improvisation in Multivocal Poetic Discourse (195k)
- [2016] Existential Challenge of Detecting Today's Big Lie (88k)
- [2016] Radical Innovators Beware -- in the arts, sciences and philosophy (96k)
- [2016] Unquestioned Bias in Governance from Direction of Reading? (82k)
- [2016] Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product (50k)
- [2016] Reversing the Anthem of Europe to Signal Distress (70k)
- [2016] Challenging Questions of Global Significance from the Young (31k)
- [2016] Global Incomprehension of Increasing Violence: matching incapacity to question the reason why (76k)
- [2016] Engaging with Hyperreality through Demonique and Angelique? (221k)
- [2016] Variety of System Failures Engendered by Negligent Distinctions (146k)
- [2016] A Subjective Objection: Objecting to Subjection (32k)
- [2016] Encyclopedia of Evil Claims, Claimants, Counter-claims, and Sigils (195k)
- [2016] Starvation Imagery as Humanitarian Trump Card? (36k)
- [2015] Coming Out as a Radical -- or Coming In? (200k)
- [2015] Radical Localization in a Global Systemic Context (66k)
- [2015] Identifying the Root Cause Focus of Radical Identity (54k)
- [2015} The "Saving of Humanity" framed by "Sinking of the Titanic" (33k)
- [2015] Dreamables, Deniables, Deliverables and Duende (150k)
- [2015] Dying to Live, Living to Die, Lying to Live, and Living a Lie (170k)
- [2015] Salvation Enabled by Systemic Comprehension (73k)
- [2015] International Community as God or Sorcerer's Apprentice? (80k)
- [2015] Enhancing Strategic Discourse Systematically using Climate Metaphors (210k)
- [2015] Eliciting Memorable Spheres and Polyhedra from Hyperspace (119k)
- [2015} Optimizing Web Surfing Pathways for the Overloaded (130k)
- [2015] Collective Mea Culpa? You Must be Joking ! Them is to blame, Not us ! (180k)
- [2015] Confusion in Exchanging "Something" for "Nothing" (147k)
- [2015] Embodying Strategic Self-reference in a World Futures Conference (95k)
- [2015] Papal Concern for Climate Change and Refugee Care (54k)
- [2015] Issuance of Vatican Passports to Trans-Mediterranean Immigrants (51k)
- [2015] Future Conference Organization as a Wicked Problem? (30k)
- [2015] Global Psychosocial Implication in the Pentagramma Mirificum (62k)
- [2015] Correlating a Requisite Diversity of Metaphorical Patterns (215k)
- [2015] Weather Metaphors as Whether Metaphors (180k)
- [2015] Global Civilization Near Failure? (9k)
- [2015] Requisite Meta-reflection on Engagement in Systemic Change? (73k)
- [2015] Cognitive Adaptation of the I Ching Conditions for the Existentially Challenged (46k)
- [2015] Experimental Revolutionary Animations of a Chinese Pattern of Metaphors (18k)
- [2015] Comprehensive Pattern of Psychosocial Diseases and the Eases they Imply (27k)
- [2015] Experimental Revolutionary Animations of a Chinese Pattern of Metaphors (18k)
- [2015] Transcendent Integrity via Dynamic Configuration of Sub-understandings? (65k)
- [2015] Dreams that Dialogue is Made Of: radical reframing offering neglected degrees of freedom (28k)
- [2015] Evil Rules: Guidelines for Engaging in Armageddon Now (116k)
- [2015] Mapping of Co-occurrences of Document Citations in Laetus-in-Praesens (18k)
- [2015] Marrying Strategic White Holes with Problematic Black Holes (100k)
- [2015] If Writers are Necessarily Right... Who are the "rongers", so necessarily wrong? (40k)
- [2015] 12 Strategic Questions for Europe Regarding Forced Immigration from Africa (8k)
- [2015] Counteracting Extremes Enabling Normal Flying: insights for global governance from birds on the wing (150k)
- [2015] Radicalisation of Existence and Identity (160k)
- [2015] Radicalisation versus Demonisation? (90k)
- [2015] Enabling Fruitful Multiplication of Global Population (80k)
- [2015] Naive Acquisition of Dual-use Surveillance Technology (71k)
- [2015] Embodying Global Hegemony through a Sustaining Pattern of Discourse (120k)
- [2015] Eliciting Insight from Covert Operations by US (88k)
- [2015] Memetic Analogue to the 20 Amino Acids as vital to Psychosocial Life? (145k)
- [2015] Changing Patterns using Transformation Pathways (204k)
- [2014] Is the World View of a Holy Father Necessarily Full of Holes? (160k)
- [2014] Engaging with Insight of a Higher Order (116k)
- [2014] Corpus Callosum of the Global Brain?: locating the integrative function within the world wide web (27k)
- [2014] Adhering to God's Plan in a Global Society (156k)
- [2014] Correspondences between Traditional Constellations and Pattern Languages (122k)
- [2014] Resource Insights from Plus or Minus 12 People on a Liferaft (61k)
- [2014] Systemic Equivalences between Ebola, Alien Invasion and Dissidence (77k)
- [2014] Representation of Creative Processes through Dynamics in Three Dimensions (88k)
- [2014] Reimagining Tesla's Creativity through Technomimicry (135k)
- [2014] Beheading versus Befooting: in quest of the lesser evil for the greater good (48k)
- [2014] Eradication as the Strategic Final Solution of the 21st Century? (127k)
- [2014] Systemic Reliance of World Religions on Human Sacrifice (140k)
- [2014] Is this a Weapon I see Before Me, the Trigger Toward My Hand? (9k)
- [2014] Imagining Order as Hypercomputing (160k)
- [2014] Vital Collective Learning from Biased Media Coverage (100k)
- [2014] Transcending an Asystemic View of Life (110k)
- [2014] Embodying a Hypercomplex of Unhygienic Nescience (170k)
- [2014] Anticipating When Blackbirds Sing Chinese:
conversion from tweets to songbites (190k)
- [2014] Comprehension of Numbers Challenging Global Civilization: number games people play for survival (135k)
- [2014] Radical Cognitive Mirroring of Globalization: Dynamically inning the unquestioningly outed (115k)
- [2014] The-O ring: Theory, Theorem, Theology, Theosophy? (120k)
- [2014] The-O Ring and The Bull Ring as Spectacular Archetypes (150k)
- [2014] Engendering Viable Global Futures through Hemispheric Integration: a radical challenge (88k)
- [2014] Investing Attention Essential to Viable Growth: reappropriation of financial skills and insights (175k)
- [2014] Now as the Ultimate Cognitive Strange Attractor (82k)
- [2014] Being neither Dead nor Alive: but how to know now? (121k)
- [2014] Implication of the 12 Knights in any Strategic Round Table (97k)
- [2014] Independence of Scotland from a Crimean Perspective (25k)
- [2014] Encycling Problematic Wickedness for Potential Humanity (120k)
- [2014] Life-skill Learning from Animal Shareholders and Collaborators (120k)
- [2014] Challenges More Difficult for Science than Going to Mars (72k)
- [2014] Metascience Enabling Upgrades to the Scientific Process: beyond Science 2.0 in the light of polyhedral metaphors? (140k)
- [2014] Quantum Wampum Essential to Navigating Ragnarok: thrival in crisis through embodying turbulent flow (170k)
- [2014] Flowering of Civilization -- Deflowering of Culture: flow as a necessarily complex experiential dynamic (90k)
- [2014] Gallery of Polyhedral Flower Arrangements: engendering sustainable psycho-social systems through metaphor (15k)
- [2013] Metaphors To Die By: correspondences between a collapsing civilization, culture or group, and a dying person (250k)
- [2013] Imagining Attractive Global Governance (41k)
- [2013] Civilization as a Global Configuration of Silences (95k)
- [2013] Affinity, Diaspora, Identity, Reunification, Return (140k)
- [2013] Playing the Great Game with Intelligence: Authority versus the People (125k)
- [2013] Forthcoming Major Revolution in Global Dialogue (76k)
- [2013] Psychosocial Implication of Without Within: enjoying going solar for oneself (87k)
- [2013] Psychosocial Implications of Stellar Evolution? Reframing life's cycles through the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (47k)
- [2013] Transforming from Paranoia through Metanoia and Hyponoia? (53k)
- [2013] Systematic Gerrymandering of Declared Threats and Legality of Response (87k)
- [2013] Global Security from an Interplanetary Perspective: Interplanetary Security Council -- Resolution on Planet Earth (45k)
- [2013] Encountering Otherness as a Waveform: in the light of a wave theory of being (145k)
- [2013] Being a Waveform of Potential as an Experiential Choice: Emergent dynamic qualities of identity and integrity (100k)
- [2013] Truth Test on Syria: Religious oath -- Polygraph -- Ouija board? (13k)
- [2013] Enabling Suffering through Doublespeak and Doublethink: Indifference to poverty and retributive justice as case studies (85k)
- [2013] Indifference to the Suffering of Others: Occupying the moral and ethical high ground through doublespeak (78k)
- [2013] Sensing Epiterrestrial Intelligence (SETI): Embedding of "extraterrestrials" in episystemic dynamics? (160k)
- [2013] "Big Brother" Crying "Wolf"? But them "wolves" are a-changin' -- them's becomin' "werewolves"! (129k)
- [2013] Is There Never Enough? Religious doublespeak on population and poverty (90k)
- [2013] Reimagining Principles Enabling an Existential Ecostery (150k)
- [2013] Would Jesus Now be Prosecuted by US? Like Manning, Assange and Snowden (102k)
- [2013] World Futures Conference as Catastrophic Question (120k)
- [2013] Circumventing Invasive Internet Surveillance with Carrier Pigeons (90k)
- [2013] World Introversion through Paracycling: global potential for living sustainably "outside-inside" (150k)
- [2013] Vigorous Application of Derivative Thinking to Derivative Problems (100k)
- [2013] Law and Order vs. Lore and Orders? (140k)
- [2013] Potential of Feynman Diagrams for Challenging Psychosocial Relationships? (130k)
- [2013] Credibility of Psychosocial Analogues of Feynman Diagrams (94k)
- [2013] Risk-enhancing Cognitive Implications of the Basic Mathematical Operations (40k)
- [2013] Strategic Implications of 12 Unasked Questions in Response to Disaster (16k)
- [2013] Eliciting a Universe of Meaning -- within a global information society of fragmenting knowledge (150k)
- [2013] Dynamic Transformation of Static Reporting of Global Processes (25k)
- [2013] Being Neither a-Waving Nor a-Parting: considering both science and spirituality
- [2013] Psychosocial Implication in Gamma Animation: epimemetics for a Brave New World (107k)
- [2013] Cyborgs, Legaborgs, Finaborgs, Mediborgs: meet the extraterrestrials - them is us (44k)
- [2013] Wholth as Sustaining Dynamic of Health and Wealth (148k)
- [2013] Marrying an Other whatever the Form: reframing and extending the understanding of marriage (110k)
- [2013] Internyet Nescience? Self-referential upgrading of obsolete Internet conference processes (29k)
- [2013] University of Ignorance (170k)
- [2013] Going Nowhere through Not-knowing Where to Go (120k)
- [2013] Burnies versus Greenies ? Refocusing the communication challenge for the Greens (20k)
- [2013] Flatulence is a Problem Aired: Resmelling the stench of past undertakings (50k)
- [2012] Multi-phase Weaponisation of Replica Guns for Children (48k)
- [2012] Imaginative Reconfiguration of a post-Apocalyptic Global Civilization (39k)
- [2012] Beware of Legality, Accountability, Marketability, Security! (57k)
- [2012] Enactivating Multiversal Community: hearing a pattern of voices in the global wilderness (169k)
- [2012] Being a Poem in the Making: engendering a multiverse through musing (150k)
- [2012] Multivocal Poetic Discourse Emphasizing Improvisation: clarification of possibilities for the future (100k)
- [2012] Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science (64k)
- [2012] Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations (140k)
- [2012] Considerable Conglomeration of "Cons" of Global Concern (57k)
- [2012] In Quest of a Dynamic Pattern of Transformations (159k)
- [2012] Transforming the Art of Conversation: conversing as the transformative science of development (131k)
- [2012] Transforming and Interweaving the Ways of Being Stoned (141k)
- [2012] Paradoxes of Engaging with the Ultimate in any Guise (89k)
- [2012] 12 Mindsets Ensuring Disappearance of Employment Opportunities (158k)
- [2012] Implication of Indwelling Intelligence in Global Confidence-building (180k)
- [2012] Middle East Peace Potential through Dynamics in Spherical Geometry (115k)
- [2012] Exploring the Hidden Mysteries of Oxfam's Doughnut (111k)
- [2012] Unthought as Cognitive Foundation of Global Civilization (127k)
- [2012] Swastika as Dynamic Pattern Underlying Psychosocial Power Processes (148k)
- [2012] Engendering 2052 through Re-imagining the Present: Review of a report to the Club of Rome (162k)
- [2012] Scientific Gerrymandering of Boundaries of Overpopulation Debate (95k)
- [2012] Transcending Simplistic Binary Contractual Relationships (105k)
- [2012] Enabling Wisdom Dynamically within Intertwined Tori: requisite resonance in global knowledge architecture (48k)
- [2012] Configuring a Set of Zen Koan as a Wisdom Container: formatting the Gateless Gate for Twitter (57k)
- [2012] Tweeter, Tweeter, Little Star; How I wonder what you are (4k)
- [2012] Living with Incomprehension and Uncertainty (148k)
- [2012] Towards the Systematic Reframing of Incomprehension through Metaphor (24k)
- [2012] Towards the Dynamic Art of Partial Comprehension (71k)
- [2012] Way Round Cognitive Ground Zero and Pointlessness? (105k)
- [2012] ¿Embodying a Way Round Pointlessness? (138k)
- [2012] Orbiting Round Nothingness across Communication Space (39k)
- [2012] Requisite Childlike Cognition for Integration of "Heaven"? (21k)
- [2012] Pointlessness, Unboundedness and Boundaries (14k)
- [2012] Openness and Closure in Pattern Language (17k)
- [2012] Identity, Possessive World-making and their Transformation Dynamics (57k)
- [2012] Unanswered Questions on Iran and Israel (10k)
- [2012] Metaphorical Insights from the Patterns of Academic Disciplines (76k)
- [2012] Experience of Cognitive Implication in Fundamental Geometry (66k)
- [2012] Configuring the Varieties of Experiential Nothingness (59k)
- [2011] Global Brane Comprehension Enabling a Higher Dimensional Big Tent? (71k)
- [2011] Reintegration of a Remaindered World: Cognitive recycling of objects of systemic neglect (145k)
- [2011] Social Remainders from Psychosocial Remaindering: Review of current usage and implications (87k)
- [2011] Interweaving Contrasting Styles of Remaindering (48k)
- [2011] Secret sharing, Shapeshifting and Embodiment (41k)
- [2011] Mapping Paralysis and Tokenism in the Face of Potential Global Disaster (85k)
- [2011] In Quest of Sustainability as Holy Grail of Global Governance (56k)
- [2011] In-forming the Chalice as an Integrative Cognitive Dynamic (124k)
- [2011] Map of Systemic Interdependencies None Dares Name: 12-fold challenge of global life and death (13k)
- [2011] Eliciting a 12-fold Pattern of Generic Operational Insights (114k)
- [2011] Enabling a 12-fold Pattern of Systemic Dialogue for Governance (60k)
- [2011] Engendering a Psychopter through Biomimicry and Technomimicry (79k)
- [2011] Checklist of 12-fold Principles, Plans, Symbols and Concepts (34k)
- [2011] Systemic Biomimicry of Dinosaurs by Multinational Corporations (38k)
- [2011] International Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematical Theology (31k)
- [2011] Mathematical Theology: Future Science of Confidence in Belief (125k)
- [2011] Bibliography of Relevance to Mathematical Theology (32k)
- [2011] Strategic Complexity ∞ Attracting Consensus: Klein is beautiful ∞ Sustaining identity in time (130k)
- [2011] En-joying the World through En-joying Oneself (112k)
- [2011] Primate Environmental Enrichment: Automated reconfiguration of zoo enclosures (3k)
- [2011] Embodying the Paradoxes and Contradictions of the Pursuit of Happiness (59k)
- [2011] Tomorrow, Who Will Govern the World? Review (127k)
- [2011] Implication of Toroidal Transformation of the Crown of Thorns (130k)
- [2011] Gruesome but Necessary: Global Governance in the 21st Century? (102k)
- [2011] Monkeying with Global Governance: emergent dynamics of three wise monkeys (142k)
- [2011] ¿ Higher Education ∞ Meta-education ? (145k)
- [2011] Humanitarian Disaster or Act of God -- Dangerous Implication in Practice? (96k)
- [2011] Ungovernability of Sustainable Global Democracy? Towards engaging appropriately with time (120k)
- [2011] Mind Map of Global Civilizational Collapse (23k)
- [2011] Reframing the Dynamics of Engaging with Otherness (131k)
- [2011] Triangulation of Incommensurable Concepts for Global Configuration (41k)
- [2011] The Consensus Delusion: Mysterious attractor undermining global civilization as currently imagined (116k)
- [2011] Pre-Judging an Institution's Implicit Strategy by the Director's Private Behaviour (95k)
- [2011] Iconic Extrajudicial Execution of Jesus through Osama by US? (129k)
- [2011] Guidelines in Response to Degrees of Anti-social Behaviour (63k)
- [2011] Massive Elicitation of Psychosocial Energy: Requisite technology for collective enlightenment (149k)
- [2011] ¡¿ Defining the objective ∞ Refining the subjective ?! Explaining reality ∞ Embodying realization (136k)
- [2011] Interplanetary Security Council resolution: No-fly zone on Earth (20k)
- [2011] Anticipating Future Strategic Triple Whammies: In the light of earthquake-tsunami-nuclear misconceptions (55k)
- [2011] Embodiment of Change: Comprehension, Traction and Impact? Discovering enabling questions for the future (32k)
- [2011] Freedom, Democracy, Justice: Isolated Nouns or Interwoven Verbs? (131k)
- [2011] Primary Global Reserve Currency: the Con? Cognitive implications of a prefix for sustainable confidelity (127k)
- [2011] Exploration of Prefixes of Global Discourse: Implications for sustainable confidelity (91k)
- [2011] Embodiment of Identity in Conscious Creativity: Challenge of encompassing "con" (88k)
- [2011] Disastrous Floods as Indicators of Systemic Risk Neglect (73k)
- [2011] Being in the Flow on Strategic Highways and Byways: enabling sustainable self-governance through traffic signage (33k)
- [2011] Living as an Imaginal Bridge between Worlds: Global implications of "betwixt and between" and liminality (130k)
- [2011] Bibliography of "Betwixt and Between": including references to liminality and Neti Neti (35k)
- [2010] From Changing the Strategic Game to Changing the Strategic Frame (34k)
- [2010] WikiLeaks and the First Global Condom War (122k)
- [2010] Alleged Breach of UN Treaty Obligations by US (72k)
- [2010] Mirroring Global Moral Equivalence (14k)
- [2010] Transcending One-eyed Global Modelling Perspectives (68k)
- [2010] Superquestions for Supercomputers (99k)
- [2010] Cultivating Global Strategic Fantasies of Choice (82k)
- [2010] Missing the New Renaissance? No Room at the In? (52k)
- [2010] From Quantitative Easing (QE) to Moral Easing (ME) (123k)
- [2010] Enabling Moral Currency Circulation (52k)
- [2010] Re-Emergence of the Language of the Birds through Twitter? (150k)
- [2010] Interrelating Emotive Interjections in Response to Integrative Failure (83k)
- [2010] Engendering Invagination and Gastrulation of Globalization (151k)
- [2010] Complexification of Globalization and Toroidal Transformation (85k)
- [2010] Invagination in Psychosocial Terms: understandings from web resources (44k)
- [2010] Quest for a "universal constant" of globalization? (32k)
- [2010] No Bull Prize Nominations (22k)
- [2010] Enabling Governance through the Dynamics of Nature: exemplified by cognitive implication of vortices and helicoidal flow (94k)
- [2010] Sustaining a Community of Strange Loops: comprehension and engagement through aesthetic ring transformation (45k)
- [2010] Warp and Weft of Future Governance: ninefold interweaving of incommensurable threads of discourse (150k)
- [2010] Circulation of the Light: essential metaphor of global sustainability? (75k)
- [2010] Strategic Embodiment of Time: configuring questions fundamental to change (148k)
- [2010] Engaging with the Inexplicable, the Incomprehensible and the Unexpected (160k)
- [2010] Enacting Transformative Integral Thinking through Playful Elegance (150k)
- [2010] Adaptive Hypercycle of Sustainable Psychosocial Self-organization (123k, 100w)
- [2010] Beyond the Standard Model of Universal Awareness (75k, 61w)
- [2010] Club of Rome Reports and Bifurcations: a 40-year overview (81k, 84w)
- [2010] Clustering Questions of Existential Significance (47k, 59w)
- [2010] Cognitive Implications of Lifestyle Diseases (95k, 137w)
- [2010] Credo Variations (2k, 2w)
- [2010] Designing Global Self-governance for the Future (151k, 154w)
- [2010] Enabling Collective Intelligence in Response to Emergencies (36k, 29w)
- [2010] Engaging with the Future with Insights of the Past (59k, 61w)
- [2010] Epistemological Panic in the face of Nonduality (77k, 87w)
- [2010] Harmony-Comprehension and Wholeness-Extending (109k, 94w)
- [2010] Implication of Personal Despair in Planetary Despair (80k, 98w)
- [2010] Insights for the Future from the Change of Climate in Copenhagen (106k, 230w)
- [2010] Interweaving Thematic Threads and Learning Pathways (92k, 125w)
- [2010] Magic Carpets as Psychoactive Systems Diagrams (111k, 123w)
- [2010] Mapping the Global Underground (78k, 59w)
- [2010] Patterns Essential to Individual and Global Health? (94k, 106w)
- [2010] System Dynamics, Hypercycles and Psychosocial Self-organization (83k, 147w)
- [2010] Tao of Engagement -- Weaponised Violence and Beyond (157k, 75w)
- [2010] Towards a University of Earth? (32k, 40w)
- [2010] Writing Guidelines for Future Occupation of Earth by Extraterrestrials (43k, 36w)
- [2009] Abuse of Faith in Governance: Mystery of the Unasked Question (111k, 71w)
- [2009] Burkha as Metaphorical Mirror for Imperious Culture? (54k, 56w)
- [2009] Challenges to Facist Identity and Facial Identification (33k, 18w)
- [2009] Cognitive Ballistics vs. Derivative Correlation in Memetic Warfare (57k, 40w)
- [2009] Cognitive Cycles Vital to Sustainable Self-Governance (95k, 111w)
- [2009] Complementary Bullfighting Metaphors of Global Governance (30k, 17w)
- [2009] Comprehensive Formulations and their Cognitive Challenge (30k, 14w)
- [2009] Concept Analysis of Climate Change Agreements (7k)
- [2009] Considering All the Strategic Options (118k, 67w)
- [2009] Conversion of Global Hot Air Emissions to Music (70k, 84w)
- [2009] Conversion of Strategic Bullets into Global Accomplishment (10k, 15w)
- [2009] Declaration of Universal Independence (40k, 56w)
- [2009] Degrees of Cognitive Engagement with Interrelated Global Categories (86k, 302w)
- [2009] Emerging Memetic Singularity in the Global Knowledge Society (98k, 97w)
- [2009] Enabling Strategies for Viable Futures (59k, 162w)
- [2009] Engaging with Globality: through cognitive lines, circlets, crowns or holes (67k, 133w)
- [2009] Engaging with Osama bin Laden in Swat (20k, 22w)
- [2009] Entangled Tales of Memetic Disaster (8k, 4w)
- [2009] Enveloping Development through Cognitive Enactivism (35k, 29w)
- [2009] Enwholing the Moment (8k)
- [2009] Existential Embodiment of Externalities (169k, 314w)
- [2009] Extreme Financial Risk-taking as Extremism (34k, 23w)
- [2009] Facism as Superficial Intercultural Extremism (113k, 88w)
- [2009] Framing the Global Future by Ignoring Alternatives (63k, 46w)
- [2009] Future Implication of Historical Explication (52k, 16w)
- [2009] Gaia: La Belle Dame sans Merci (7k, 4w)
- [2009] Generic Reframing of the 12 Tribes of "Israel" (66k, 55w)
- [2009] Geometry of Thinking for Sustainable Global Governance (169k, 223w)
- [2009] Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Identity (109k, 127w)
- [2009] Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Identity (37k, 24w)
- [2009] Global Solutions Wiki (13k, 14w)
- [2009] Global Strategic Alternatives for the 21st Century? (6k, 11w)
- [2009] Global Street Twinning in Polyhedral Configurations (51k, 55w)
- [2009] Identification of Bullets: human right and human responsibility? (21k, 16w)
- [2009] If... (4k)
- [2009] In Quest of a Job vs Engendering Employment (106k, 112w)
- [2009] Keys to Strategic Crisis Amplification (5k)
- [2009] Lipoproblems: Developing a Strategy Omitting a Key Problem (114k, 106w)
- [2009] Looking in the Mirror -- at Josef Fritzl ? (60k, 26w)
- [2009] Metaphorical Geometry in Quest of Globality (24k, 25w)
- [2009] Overpopulation Debate as a Psychosocial Hazard (111k, 86w)
- [2009] Periodic Pattern of Human Knowing (131k, 122w)
- [2009] Periodic Pattern of Human Life (93k, 103w)
- [2009] Poetic Engagement with Afghanistan, Caucasus and Iran (162k, 110w)
- [2009] Radical Disagreement Reframed Metaphorically through Intersexuality * (18k, 1w)
- [2009] Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action (58k, 55w)
- [2009] Reframing the Game of Strategic Dilemmas (83k, 125w)
- [2009] Reframing Global Initiatives for the Future (94k, 146w)
- [2009] Reframing Strategic Dilemmas through 12 Modes (52k, 165w)
- [2009] Relevance of Mythopoeic Insights to Global Challenges (48k, 62w)
- [2009] Remedies to Global Crisis: "Allopathic" or "Homeopathic"? (170k, 117w)
- [2009] Requisite Variety to Encompass Multidimensional Identity (23k, 19w)
- [2009] Sets and their Settings: from development to climate change (8k, 6w)
- [2009] Sins of Hot Air Emission, Omission, Commission and Promission (104k, 114w)
- [2009] State of the 'World Forum' vs 'State of the World' Forum (63k, 73w)
- [2009] Strategic Dialogue through Poetic Improvisation: web resources (30k, 49w)
- [2009] Strategic Inflation of Expectations and Inconsequential Drift (115k, 81w)
- [2009] Strategic Jousting through Poetic Wrestling (40k, 34w)
- [2009] Terror as Distractant from More Deadly Global Threats (101k, 90w)
- [2009] Towards a Generic Global Issue Statement (40k, 45w)
- [2009] Towards a Periodic Table of Ways of Knowing (133k, 361w)
- [2009] Transformation of Global Governance through Bullfighting (44k, 26w)
- [2009] Transforming the Unsustainable Cost of General Education (63k, 46w)
- [2009] Twelve Step Program for Fund Managers (8k, 1w)
- [2009] Uncritical Strategic Dependence on Little-known Metrics (32k, 28w)
- [2009] United Nations Overpopulation Denial Conference (145k, 131w)
- [2009] Urgent Need for Blair as President of Europe (77k, 70w)
- [2009] Us and Them: Relating to Challenging Others (117k, 81w)
- [2009] Varieties of Confidence Essential to Sustainability (22k, 29w)
- [2009] Viable Global Governance through Bullfighting: Challenge of transcendence (157k, 119w)
- [2009] We Are on the Brink of Failure in Responding to Global Crises (15k, 15w)
- [2009] Women and the Underside of Meetings (36k, 44w)
- [2008] An Inconvenient Truth about any Inconvenient Truth (12k, 5w)
- [2008] Animation of Classical BaGua Arrangements: a dynamic representation of Neti Neti (47k, 32w)
- [2008] Australia's Population Reduction Scheme (19k, 6w)
- [2008] Being What You Want: problematic kataphatic identity vs. potential of apophatic identity? (101k, 83w)
- [2008] Celebrating the Value of Deadly Problems Worldwide (62k, 35w)
- [2008] The Charge of the Light Brigade: revised in celebration of current global strategic management initiatives (15k, 20w)
- [2008] Climate Change and the Elephant in the Living Room (122k, 128w)
- [2008] Climate Change as a Metaphor of Social Change (69k, 29w)
- [2008] Climate of Change Misrepresented as Climate Change (52k, 55w)
- [2008] Coherent Value Frameworks: Pillar-ization, Polarization and Polyhedral frames of reference (111k, 104w)
- [2008] Communication with Whom, about What, Where and Why? (105k, 113w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Groups: Experimental animations and video sequences (9k, 19w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Groups: Experimental visualization of possible integrative relationships (19k, 33w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Issues: Experimental animations and video sequences (8k, 19w)
- [2008] Credibility Crunch engendered by Hope-mongering: "Credit crunch" focus as symptom of a dangerous mindset (104k, 37w)
- [2008] Dynamic Exploration of Value Configurations: Interrelating traditional cultural symbols through animation (78k, 79w)
- [2008] Dynamic Exploration of Value Configurations: Polyhedral animation of conventional value frameworks (19k, 17w)
- [2008] Dynamic Interrelationship of Symbols of Coherent Experiential Representation of Nonduality (DISCERN) (28k, 22w)
- [2008] Dynamics of Symmetry Group Theorizing (130k, 109w)
- [2008] Embodying Values Dynamically through Alternation: Integrating sets of polarized static values through indicative metaphor (70k, 77w)
- [2008] End of Science: the death knell as sounded by the Royal Society (64k, 79w)
- [2008] Engendering the Future through Self-reflexive Group Initiatives (108k, 126w)
- [2008] Geo-engineering Oversight Agency for Thermal Stabilization (GOATS) (71k, 67w)
- [2008] Global Quality Navigation System (GQS): participative enhancement of aesthetic discovery (26k, 4w)
- [2008] Governing Civilization through Civilizing Governance: global challenge for a turbulent future (113k, 273w)
- [2008] Group Rhythm, Harmony and Transposition of Key (4k, 9w)
- [2008] Happiness and Unhappiness through Naysign and Nescience: comprehending the essence of sustainability? (64k, 75w)
- [2008] Import of Nothingness and Emptiness through Happening and Mattering (124k, 105w)
- [2008] In Quest of Engaging Values: context of the Human Values and Wisdom Project (122k, 39w)
- [2008] In Quest of Optimism Beyond the Edge: through avoidance of the answering process (110k, 99w)
- [2008] In Quest of a Strategic Pattern Language: a new architecture of values (16k, 31w)
- [2008] Institutionalized Shunning of Overpopulation Challenge: incommunicability of fundamentally inconvenient truth (147k, 108w)
- [2008] Interweaving Demonic and Daimonic Associations in Collective Memory (132k, 111w)
- [2008] Irresponsible Dependence on a Flat Earth Mentality -- in response to global governance challenges (43k, 36w)
- [2008] Memetic and Information Diseases in a Knowledge Society: speculations towards the development of cures and preventive measures (117k, 59w)
- [2008] Memory Challenges at the Edge of the World (64k, 67w)
- [2008] Moving Symbols: Radical Change in Psycho-social Energy Policy? (90k, 56w)
- [2008] Peak Experiences Challenging Humanity (13k, 2w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Conference Representation as a Catalyst for Innovation (4k, 9w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Empowerment of Networks through Symmetry: psycho-social implications for organization and global governance (161k, 145w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Pattern Language: Software facilitation of emergence, representation and transformation of psycho-social organization (218k, 214w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Representation of Conference Dynamics: integrative configuration of panelists, dialogues, topics and threads (15k, 17w)
- [2008] Reframing the EU Reform Process -- through Song: responding to the Irish challenge to the Lisbon Treaty (30k, 33w)
- [2008] Responsibility for Global Governance: Who? Where? When? How? Why? Which? What? (11k, 6w)
- [2008] Self-reflective Embodiment of Transdisciplinary Integration (SETI): the universal criteria of species maturity? (110k, 115w)
- [2008] Self-reflexive Challenges of Integrative Futures (61k, 29w)
- [2008] Self-reflexive Challenges of Integrative Futures (60k, 34w)
- [2008] Stepping into, or through, the Mirror: embodying alternative scenario patterns (49k, 53w)
- [2008] Strategic Challenge of Polysensorial Knowledge: bringing the "elephant" into "focus" (92k, 67w)
- [2008] Strategic Patterns in terms of Knowing, Feeling and Action (67k, 360w)
- [2008] Sustainability through Magically Dancing Patterns (156k, 89w)
- [2008] Systemic Crises as Keys to Systemic Remedies: a metaphorical Rosetta Stone for future strategy? (147k, 89w)
- [2008] Topology of Valuing: dynamics of collective engagement with polyhedral value configurations (219k, 163w)
- [2008] Topology of Valuing: psychodynamics of collective engagement with polyhedral value configurations (98k, 93w)
- [2008] Towards Polyhedral Global Governance: complexifying oversimplistic strategic metaphors (196k, 180w)
- [2008] Transforming the Edge of the World through Voiding the Centre (67k, 99w)
- [2008] Unexplored Potential of Mathematics and Geometry (45k, 218w)
- [2008] Unknown Undoing: challenge of incomprehensibility of systemic neglect (66k, 69w)
- [2008] Where There is No Time and Nothing Matters: Cognitive Challenges at the Edge of the World (84k, 118w)
- [2008] World Crises: Dishonest and spurious arguments (7k, 4w)
- [2007] Abusive Wikipedia Biographical Editorial Process: a case study in problematic alternative forms of governance? (44k, 33w)
- [2007] All Blacks of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic discord through polyphony? (17k, 20w)
- [2007] Archetypal otherness -- "DNA vs. I Ching": Climbing Elven Stairways (Part B) (97k, 75w)
- [2007] Begetting: challenges and responsibilities of overpopulation (73k, 106w)
- [2007] Beyond the Matrix: becoming other wise (25k, 88w)
- [2007] Biography: Anthony Judge (9k, 23w)
- [2007] Célébrant le siècle institutionnel de l'UIA (1907-2007): sénilité, immortalité ou réincarnation ? (46k, 14w)
- [2007] Celebrando il secolo istituzionale del UIA (1907-2007) (39k, 16w)
- [2007] Celebrating an Institutional Century of the UIA (1907-2007) (34k, 28w)
- [2007] Challenge of Nonviolent Population Decimation: Reducing effects of overpopulation on resources and climate change by major reduction in the height of people (78k, 66w)
- [2007] Climbing Elven Stairways: DNA as a macroscopic metaphor of polarized psychodynamics (190k, 130w)
- [2007] Comemorando o século Institutional do UIA (1907-2007) (41k, 16w)
- [2007] Conditions of Objective, Subjective and Embodied Cognition: mnemonic systems for memetic coding of complexity (88k, 59w)
- [2007] Consciously Self-reflexive Global Initiatives: Renaissance zones, complex adaptive systems, and third order organizations (131k, 160w)
- [2007] Convertor from Text to Poetry, Song or Music: Computer-assisted aesthetic enhancement of treaties, declarations and agreements (78k, 83w)
- [2007] Daimon, Djinn, Muse and Duende: Variations on a timeless experience (12k, 12w)
- [2007] Das Institutionsjahrhundert der UIA (1907-2007) feiern: Altersschwäche, Unsterblichkeit oder Reinkarnation? (40k, 21w)
- [2007] Dynamic Reframing of "Union": Implications for the coherence of knowledge, social organization and personal identity (88k, 159w)
- [2007] Dynamics of Not-Two: Embodiment of the Other as the Peace beyond Understanding (34k, 169w)
- [2007] Einstein's Implicit Theory of Relativity -- of Cognitive Property? Unexamined influence of patent office procedures (59k, 35w)
- [2007] El-Attractor -- Timeless Complex Dynamic: Health, Wealth, Stealth / Youth, Couth, Truth (63k, 24w)
- [2007] Emergence of Cyclical Psycho-social Identity: sustainability as "psyclically" defined (108k, 111w)
- [2007] Emergence of a Global Misleadership Council: misleading as vital to governance of the future? (125k, 144w)
- [2007] Existential challenge of "The Other": Climbing Elven Stairways (Part A) (97k, 80w)
- [2007] Experimental Visualization of Networks: world problems, international organizations, global strategies and human values (3k, 9w)
- [2007] Framing the Interplay of Leadership and Misleadership: in the light of the coaction cardioid and the Mandelbrot set (44k, 21w)
- [2007] Framing the interplay of (mis)leadership and (mis)followership: challenges and responsibilities (39k, 26w)
- [2007] Frequently Asked Questions about the Laetus in Praesens website (47k, 52w)
- [2007] From ECHELON to NOLEHCE: enabling a strategic conversion to a faith-based global brain (60k, 44w)
- [2007] From Lateral Thinking to Voluminous Thinking: unexplored options for subterranean habitats in dense urban areas (88k, 100w)
- [2007] From Patent Rights to Patent Responsibilities: Obligations incumbent on owners and licensors of intellectual property (48k, 50w)
- [2007] Global Market in Indulgences: extending the carbon trading model to other value-based challenges (48k, 48w)
- [2007] History of Participant Interaction Messaging (1979-1995) (11k, 17w)
- [2007] Human Intercourse: Intercourse with Nature and Intercourse with the Other (76k, 54w)
- [2007] Imagining the Real Challenge and Realizing the Imaginal Pathway of Sustainable Transformation (49k, 73w)
- [2007] In Further Quest of "Meta-Union"? Interplay of generic dimensions of any "union of international associations" (26k, 36w)
- [2007] In Quest of Mnemonic Catalysts -- for comprehension of complex psychosocial dynamics (66k, 90w)
- [2007] In Quest of "Meta-Union"? Interplay of generic dimensions of any "union of international associations" (12k, 27w)
- [2007] Interrelating Metaphors -- to enable a cycle of transformation between epistemological modes (67k, 62w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Conferencing (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Dialogue (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Networking (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Policy-making (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Sustainable Community (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Sustainable Lifestyle (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Vision (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Just Who's Afraid of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Commentary on speech by the President of Iran to the UN General Assembly (110k, 33w)
- [2007] Possibilities for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions, metaphors, images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols (44k, 38w)
- [2007] Possibilities for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions, metaphors, images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols (44k, 38w)
- [2007] Potential Misuse of the Conveyor Metaphor: Recognition of the circular dynamic essential to its appropriate operation (136k, 152w)
- [2007] Potential Psychosocial Significance of Monstrous Moonshine: an exceptional form of symmetry as a Rosetta stone for cognitive frameworks (226k, 186w)
- [2007] Psychoactive Text Warning: Enneagram of precautionary attitudes (18k, 1w)
- [2007] Psychosocial Energy from Polarization: within a cyclic pattern of Enantiodromia (189k, 161w)
- [2007] Psychosocial Work Cycle: Beyond the plane of Mobius (104k, 106w)
- [2007] Resonances between Challenging Psychosocial Change Initiatives: Selected web resources (46k, 136w)
- [2007] Root Irresponsibility for Major World Problems: the unexamined role of Abrahamic faiths in sustaining unrestrained population growth (110k, 122w)
- [2007] Spanish version: Celebrating an Institutional Century of the UIA (1907-2007) (41k, 16w)
- [2007] Spinning a Rapid Exit Strategy from Iraq (24k, 26w)
- [2007] TechGnosis: Gnostic Escape in a Knowledge Universe (18k, 2w)
- [2007] Theories of Correspondences -- and potential equivalences between them in correlative thinking (124k, 73w)
- [2007] Three-stage Emergence of a Union of Imaginative Associations: Reclaiming the heritage of misappropriated collective endeavour (125k, 96w)
- [2007] Transforming Static Websites into Mobile "Wizdomes": enabling change through intertwining dynamic and configurative metaphors (128k, 113w)
- [2007] Tuning a Periodic Table of Religions, Epistemologies and Spirituality: including the sciences and other belief systems (172k, 132w)
- [2007] Universal Declaration of Patent Responsibilities: a draft proposal (18k, 11w)
- [2007] Universal Declaration of Responsibilities of Human Intercourse: a draft proposal (39k, 79w)
- [2007] University of Earth: Questing for a more comprehensive dream (3k, 10w)
- [2007] Windows on the Union of International Associations (12k, 50w)
- [2006] A Singable Earth Charter, EU Constitution or Global Ethic? (100k)
- [2006] Am I Question or Answer? (83k, 84w)
- [2006] Coactive Contextual Relationships: necessary underdefinition and resonant associations of ITER-8 (43k, 39w)
- [2006] Cognitive Feel for Cognitive Catastrophes: Question Conformality (53k, 46w)
- [2006] Cognitive Fusion through Myth and Symbol Making: archetypal dimensions (40k, 17w)
- [2006] Complementarity and Self-Reflexivity: between nuclear fusion and cognitive fusion (61k, 75w)
- [2006] Complementary Knowledge Analysis / Mapping Process (22k, 39w)
- [2006] Comprehension of Requisite Variety for Sustainable Psychosocial Dynamics: Transforming a matrix classification onto intertwined tori (147k, 153w)
- [2006] Conformality of 7 WH-questions to 7 Elementary Catastrophes: an exploration of potential psychosocial implications (187k, 154w)
- [2006] Council of the Whys: emergent wisdom through configuration of why-question dynamics (162k, 217w)
- [2006] Creative Cognitive Engagement: Beyond the limitations of descriptive patterning (103k, 92w)
- [2006] CV for Anthony Judge (23k, 86w)
- [2006] Cyclopean Vision vs Poly-sensual Engagement (36k, 33w)
- [2006] Dematerialization and Virtualization: comparison of nuclear fusion and cognitive fusion (114k, 79w)
- [2006] Distinguishing Levels and Patterns of Strategic Obsolescence (29k, 24w)
- [2006] Diversity of Understandings of any Universe of Information: from matter-as-information to cosmic consciousness (44k, 34w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Community (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Dialogue (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Lifestyle (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Networking (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Policy (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Vision (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Transformative Conferencing (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Dynamics and Singularities in the Knowledge Universe (53k, 23w)
- [2006] Enabling a Living Library: reconciling "free voices" and "intellectual propriety" (20k, 46w)
- [2006] Enactivating a Cognitive Fusion Reactor: Imaginal Transformation of Energy Resourcing (ITER-8) (138k, 184w)
- [2006] Ensuring Strategic Resilience through Haiku Patterns: reframing the scope of the "martial arts" in response to strategic threats (140k, 185w)
- [2006] Epistemological Challenge of Cognitive Body Odour: exploring the underside of dialogue (55k, 47w)
- [2006] Generating a Million Questions from UIA Databases: Problems, Strategies, Values (87k, 29w)
- [2006] Governance through Pattern Language: creative cognitive engagement contrasted with abdication of responsibility (28k, 49w)
- [2006] Governance and Spin in the Knowledge Universe: Implications for governance, sustainability and alternatives (24k, 19w)
- [2006] Guidelines for Critical Dialogue between Worldviews: as exemplified by the need for non-antisemitic dialogue with Israelis? (142k, 106w)
- [2006] Handing Over: Handy metaphors for the communication of intent (68k, 80w)
- [2006] How Operation of the UIA has been Systematically Undermined (9k)
- [2006] Human Values Stock Exchange: Investing in shares in a value market of fundamental principles (178k, 157w)
- [2006] Hyperaction through Hypercomprehension and Hyperdrive: necessary complement to hypertext proliferation in hypersociety (184k, 220w)
- [2006] Interrelating Cognitive Catastrophes in a Grail-chalice Proto-model: implications of WH-questions for self-reflexivity and dialogue (45k, 50w)
- [2006] Matching Original People to Original Environments: the challenges and opportunities of mutual awkwardness * (5k, 18w)
- [2006] Noonautics: four modes of travelling and navigating the knowledge universe? (57k, 40w)
- [2006] Participative Development Process for Singable Declarations: Applying the Wikipedia-Wikimedia-WikiMusic concept to constitutions (20k, 10w)
- [2006] Polarities as Pluckable Tensed Strings: Hypercomprehension through harmonics of value-based choice-making (49k, 42w)
- [2006] Preliminary Netmap Studies of Databases on Questions, World Problems, Global Strategies, and Values (26k, 13w)
- [2006] Proportionate Response in the Eye of the Beholder (152k, 101w)
- [2006] Question Avoidance, Evasion, Aversion and Phobia: why we are unable to escape from traps (99k, 90w)
- [2006] Reframing Sustainable Sources of Energy for the Future: the vital role of psychosocial variants (171k, 209w)
- [2006] Snoring of The Other: a politically relevant psycho-spiritual metaphor? (35k, 39w)
- [2006] Towards an Astrophysics of the Knowledge Universe? from astronautics to noonautics (107k, 103w)
- [2006] Towards an Astrophysics of the Knowledge Universe? from astronautics to noonautics (111k, 60w)
- [2006] Towards a Periodic Table of Questions: strategic opportunities from ordering WH-questions * (58k, 1w)
- [2006] Walking Elven Pathways: enactivating the pattern that connects (76k, 71w)
- [2006] 9-fold Higher Order Patterning of Tao Te Ching Insights (136k, 89w)
- [2005] Acts of God vs Acts of al-Qaida: Hurricane Katrina as a message to Bible Belt America? (75k, 93w)
- [2005] Avoiding Dialogue with Alternative Worldviews at any Cost: Timid hypocrisy in responding to terrorism (36k, 43w)
- [2005] Being Positive and Avoiding Negativity: Management challenge of positive vs negative (126k, 118w)
- [2005] Cardioid Attractor Fundamental to Sustainability: 8 transactional games forming the heart of sustainable relationship (89k, 83w)
- [2005] Cui Bono: Groupthink vs Thinking the Unthinkable? Reframing the suffocating consensus in response to 7/7 (305k, 452w)
- [2005] Enlightening Endarkenment: selected web resources on the challenge to comprehension (113k, 81w)
- [2005] Epistemology of Terror * (23k, 17w)
- [2005] Exploring Intelligible Associations: ontological issues, integrative metaphors and knowledge organization (5k, 23w)
- [2005] Features of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets (85k, 5w)
- [2005] Galactic Memo on Rapture Readiness (15k, 3w)
- [2005] Global Civilization of Vampires: Metaphor of Governance via Demons and Vampires on Spin? (90k, 129w)
- [2005] Honour Essential to Psycho-social Integrity: challenge of dishonourable leadership to the nameless (96k, 99w)
- [2005] Honour-related Challenges of the Disciplines: an unexplored aspect of methodology and integrity (30k, 25w)
- [2005] Humour and Play-Fullness: Essential integrative processes in governance, religion and transdisciplinarity (175k, 147w)
- [2005] Imagination, Resolution, Emergence, Realization and Embodiment: iterative comprehension ordered via the dynamics of the Mandelbrot set (9k, 3w)
- [2005] Information Culture of the Union of International Associations (16k, 34w)
- [2005] Integrative Design Metaphors: enabling strategic comprehension of the global brain * (9k, 3w)
- [2005] Liberating Provocations: use of negative and paradoxical strategies (98k, 168w)
- [2005] Manipulative Metaphors in Response to Terrorism: semantic and strategic confusion from mixed metaphors (30k, 25w)
- [2005] Meta-challenges of the Future: for Networking through Think-tanks (2k, 3w)
- [2005] Modes of Strategic Discourse * (10k, 1w)
- [2005] Norms in the Global Struggle against Extremism: rooting for normalization vs. rooting out extremism? (156k, 168w)
- [2005] Playfully Changing the Prevailing Climate of Opinion: Climate change as focal metaphor of effective global governance (199k, 247w)
- [2005] Presumption of Guilt by Association: reframing extremism in the response to terrorism (41k, 57w)
- [2005] Provocations libératrices: Du bon usage des stratégies négatives et paradoxales (92k, 50w)
- [2005] Psycho-social Significance of the Mandelbrot Set: a sustainable boundary between chaos and order (74k, 53w)
- [2005] Recognized role of humour: in politics, leadership, religion and creativity (92k, 99w)
- [2005] Resolving the Challenge of Faith-based Terrorism: Eliciting the dynamic of two-body, three-body and n-body variants (81k, 82w)
- [2005] Review of the Range of Virtual Wars: as a strategic comparison with the global war against terrorism (31k, 134w)
- [2005] Simulation Possibilities for Complementary Currencies (4k, 2w)
- [2005] Sustainability through the Dynamics of Strategic Dilemmas: in the light of the coherence and visual form of the Mandelbrot set (150k, 167w)
- [2005] Thinking in Terror: refocusing the interreligious challenge from thinking after terror (46k, 50w)
- [2005] Transcending the Temporal Duplicity Sustained by the Baconian Era * (26k, 4w)
- [2005] UIA Survival: Separating Siamese Twins? a challenge of conflicting cultures (37k)
- [2005] Union of Intelligible Associations: remembering the dynamic identity of a dodecameral mind (194k, 202w)
- [2005] Varieties of Honour and Dishonour: distinguishing intrinsic honour from honourable externalities (89k, 73w)
- [2004] 'Goodwill' and its Presumption: key to understanding the current challenges and opportunities of UIA (72k, 1w)
- [2004] Accepting God's Will: Understanding the Christian message via George Bush * (55k, 34w)
- [2004] Alternative Approaches to Security: towards well-being and psychological dimensions of sustainability (9k, 41w)
- [2004] Animating the Representation of Europe (82k, 66w)
- [2004] Attitude Entrainment: Communicating thrival skills and insights (52k, 53w)
- [2004] The Coalition of the Willy: musings on the global challenge of penile servitude (63k, 88w)
- [2004] Comments on Formalization of Sin (15k, 3w)
- [2004] Configuring Conceptual Polarities in Questing: metaphoric pointers to self-reflexive coherence (44k, 27w)
- [2004] Confusion in the Moment of Dialogue: Checklist of patterns of behaviour and attitude inhibiting better dialogue (5k, 9w)
- [2004] Dancing on Terra -- with Terror: Disciplines reframing terrifying relationships (34k, 7w)
- [2004] Distinguishing Emergent Conceptual Polarities: experimental ordering of a collection of research papers (92k, 491w)
- [2004] DNA Supercoiling as a Pattern for Understanding Psycho-social Twistedness (30k, 11w)
- [2004] Dynamically Gated Conceptual Communities (163k, 156w)
- [2004] Encoding emergent and hidden distinctions: reflective representation of polarized thinking * (5k, 5w)
- [2004] Engaging Macrohistory through the Present Moment (45k, 69w)
- [2004] Engaging with Questions of Higher Order: cognitive vigilance required for higher degrees of twistedness (126k, 118w)
- [2004] Errorism vs Terrorism?: Encroachment, Complicity, Denial and Terraism (129k, 162w)
- [2004] Functional Complementarity of Higher Order Questions: psycho-social sustainability modelled by coordinated movement (74k, 49w)
- [2004] Future of United Nations - Civil Society Relations: 257 questions in assessing the Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons (65k, 64w)
- [2004] Future World Council Creation: reflections of an ancient futurist (21k, 24w)
- [2004] Harmonic Embodiment of the Present Moment: the Holy Grail of Global Governance * (22k, 19w)
- [2004] Is God a Terrorist: Definitional game-playing by the Coalition of the Willing? (118k, 110w)
- [2004] Issues too Important to be Left to Specialists: Selected web resources (9k, 33w)
- [2004] Marketable Tales of the Exploits of Osama bin Laden (18k, 44w)
- [2004] Paradoxes of Tyranny and Death: Judging Saddam Hussein and La Santa Muerte (21k, 29w)
- [2004] Post-UN Alliance of Nations? (21k, 31w)
- [2004] Recent Breakthroughs in Civil Society Research: Reactive vs Proactive Exploration of Opportunities and Alternatives? (33k, 16w)
- [2004] Self-reflexive Learnings from Writing (26k, 4w)
- [2004] Seven Deadly Sins of Fundamentalism: assessing memetic weapons capability of neoconservatism (88k, 78w)
- [2004] Spherical Accounting: Using geometry to embody developmental integrity (110k, 127w)
- [2004] Spontaneous Initiation of Armageddon -- a heartfelt response to systemic negligence (135k, 127w)
- [2004] Strategic Opportunities of the Twice Born: reflections on camouflaging deception (99k, 130w)
- [2004] Ten Commandments: in the light of God's renewed Will (12k)
- [2004] Towards a Logico-mathematical Formalization of "Sin": Fundamental memetic organization of faith-based governance strategies (145k, 163w)
- [2004] Twistedness in Psycho-social Systems: challenge to logic, morality, leadership and personal development (44k, 47w)
- [2004] Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in the light of God's renewed will (19k, 4w)
- [2004] Using Research in the Participative Orchestration of Europe (9k, 8w)
- [2004] Varieties of Encroachment (87k, 60w)
- [2004] Varieties of Games (5k)
- [2004] Varieties of Rebirth: distinguishing ways of being born again (58k, 59w)
- [2004] Varieties of Terrorism: extended to the experience of the terrorized (113k, 70w)
- [2004] Web Resources on Being Born Again: Annex to Varieties of Rebirth (66k, 31w)
- [2003] America as Eve-ill Empire: Evocation of Authenticity Elsewhere (149k, 151w)
- [2003] Arming Civil Society Worldwide: Getting democracy to work in the emergent American Empire? (44k, 29w)
- [2003] Authentic Grokking: Emergence of Homo conjugens (36k, 61w)
- [2003] AWOL: American Way Of Life: Assumptions -- justifying worldwide imposition of democratic imperialism (16k, 5w)
- [2003] Backside to the Future: coherence and conflation of dominant strategic metaphors (98k, 108w)
- [2003] Being There (5k, 1w)
- [2003] Bushwackers (38k, 6w)
- [2003] Challenges of Renaissance: suggestive pattern of concerns in the light of the birth metaphor (15k, 22w)
- [2003] Commentary on Tao Te Ching Interpretation (43k, 69w)
- [2003] Complementary Patterns of Meaningful Truth and the Interface between Alternative Variants (45k, 34w)
- [2003] Complementary Truth-handling Strategies: Mediating the relationship between the "Last class" and the "Liar class" (52k, 20w)
- [2003] Computer Use as Philosophy in Operation: Metaphors of the Inner Game * (76k, 56w)
- [2003] Destructive Weapons of Mass Distraction vs Distractive Weapons of Mass Destruction (22k, 1w)
- [2003] Don Justo's Self-Built Cathedral: metaphoric learnings for contemporary alternative initiatives (36k, 29w)
- [2003] Embodying a Timeship vs. Empowering a Spaceship (40k, 39w)
- [2003] En-minding the Extended Body: Enactive engagement in conceptual shapeshifting and deep ecology (130k, 116w)
- [2003] Evoking Authenticity: through polyhedral global configuration of local paradoxes (116k, 120w)
- [2003] Framing NGOs in the Market for Change: comment on the report by SustainAbility (105k, 117w)
- [2003] Framings and Reframings of Approaches to Reality * (6k, 2w)
- [2003] Future Challenge of Faith-based Governance (26k, 77w)
- [2003] Global Civil Society: strategic comments on the path ahead (73k, 45w)
- [2003] Global Strategic Implications of the Unsaid: from myth-making towards a wisdom society (51k, 107w)
- [2003] Globalization of Death: a checklist (10k, 11w)
- [2003] Hyperspace Clues to the Psychology of the Pattern that Connects in the light of 81 Tao Te Ching insights (104k, 84w)
- [2003] Imaginal education: Game playing, science fiction, language, art and world-making (56k, 61w)
- [2003] Interplanetary Security Council: Nibiru-sponsored draft resolution on Earth (4003) (8k, 6w)
- [2003] The Isdom of the Wisdom Society: Embodying time as the heartland of humanity (152k, 207w)
- [2003] Merits of Moving the UN HQ to Baghdad (11k, 3w)
- [2003] Musical Articulation of Pattern of Tao Te Ching Insights: Experimental sonification based on magic square organization (43k, 27w)
- [2003] New Paradigms via a Renewed Set of Prefixes: Dependence of international policy-making on an array of operational terms (116k, 42w)
- [2003] Nos Morituri Te Salutamus: Salute of Iraqi Citizens to the Coalition of the Willing (17k, 3w)
- [2003] Patterns of the Past: Christian Complicity in Global Disorder (116k, 99w)
- [2003] Planetary Challenge of 12-fold Strategic Marriage: Bonding Empire + Alternatives, Global + Local, and Behavioural + Depth psychology * (34k, 23w)
- [2003] Politicization of Evidence in the Plastic Turkey Era: al-Qaida, Saddam, Assassination and the Hijab (42k, 55w)
- [2003] Practicalities of Participatory Democracy with International Institutions: Attitudinal, Quantitative and Qualitative Challenges (38k, 26w)
- [2003] Renaissance Zones: experimenting with the intentional significance of the Damanhur community (18k, 79w)
- [2003] Resources on Renaissance Zones (25k, 86w)
- [2003] Sustainable internet penetration of rural areas: reframed through local cultural metaphors (66k, 42w)
- [2003] Sustaining the Quest for Sustainable Answers (4k)
- [2003] Tank-thoughts from Think-tanks: constraining metaphors on developing global governance (80k, 48w)
- [2003] Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly: a 9-fold pattern of 81 insights presented as phrases (31k, 169w)
- [2003] Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly (Alternative Order): a 9-fold pattern of 81 insights presented as phrases (30k, 169w)
- [2003] Terminal Empowerment: socio-political implications of radical mutual assistance amongst the terminally ill (37k, 25w)
- [2003] Timeship: Conception, Technology, Design, Embodiment and Operation (63k, 46w)
- [2003] Towards Fruitful Patterns of Faith-based Governance (91k, 94w)
- [2003] Varieties of the Unsaid in sustaining psycho-social community (132k, 208w)
- [2003] Wilber, Lorimer, Varela and Everything * (1k, 2w)
- [2003] 12 Complementary Languages for Sustainable Governance (19k, 16w)
- [2003] 9-fold Higher Order Patterning of Tao Te Ching Insights (80k, 65w)
- [2002] Articles that Might Have Been: Musings (1k, 1w)
- [2002] Attacking the Shadow through Iraq (61k, 104w)
- [2002] Axis of Shame (11k)
- [2002] Clues to 'Ascent' and 'Escape' (17k, 18w)
- [2002] Clues to Movement and Attitude Control (75k, 52w)
- [2002] Combining Clues to 'Ascent' and 'Escape' (46k, 31w)
- [2002] Combining Clues to Movement and Attitude Control (73k, 56w)
- [2002] Conceptual Ground Zero: empowerment declaration * (2k)
- [2002] Crusading from Washing-Town to Bag-Dad: pre-emptive regime change as the key to sustainable development (24k)
- [2002] Entering Alternative Realities -- Astronautics vs Noonautics: isomorphism between launching aerospace vehicles and launching vehicles of awareness (76k, 87w)
- [2002] Governing Metaphors: the new policy frontier -- 50 Current policy implications of metaphor in a media oriented society * (32k, 1w)
- [2002] Groupthink: the Search for Archaeoraptor as a Metaphoric Tale (31k, 19w)
- [2002] Interplanetary Security Council: Nibiru draft resolution (9k, 5w)
- [2002] Interplanetary Security Council: Nibiru-sponsored resolution 1441 on Earth (20k, 6w)
- [2002] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Sustainable Development (62k, 19w)
- [2002] Mapping the Network of Terror (2k, 1w)
- [2002] Metaphoric Entrapment (13k, 12w)
- [2002] My Reflecting Mirror World: making Joburg worthwhile (94k, 45w)
- [2002] Navigating Alternative Conceptual Realities: clues to the dynamics of enacting new paradigms through movement (26k, 82w)
- [2002] Patterning Archetypal Templates of Emergent Order: implications of diamond faceting for enlightening dialogue (134k, 94w)
- [2002] Planetary Security Strategy of the Nibiruan Union (101k, 8w)
- [2002] Promoting a Singular Global Threat -- Terrorism: Strategy of choice for world governance (78k, 117w)
- [2002] Psychology of Sustainability: Embodying cyclic environmental processes (108k, 131w)
- [2002] Selected Websites on Dialogue (23k, 9w)
- [2002] Selected Websites on Human Development (7k, 3w)
- [2002] Selected Websites on Integrative Knowledge (5k, 2w)
- [2002] Selected Websites on Metaphor (3k, 3w)
- [2002] Spin and Counter-spin: Governance through Terrorism (80k, 68w)
- [2002] Summary of Gemstone Faceting and Crystals: Patterning Archetypal Templates of Emergent Order (26k, 32w)
- [2002] Towards Conscientific Research and Development (27k, 45w)
- [2002] Transforming the Encounter with Terrorism (6k, 1w)
- [2002] The "Dark Riders" of Social Change: a challenge for any Fellowship of the Ring (72k, 81w)
- [2002] War against Terra (27k, 10w)
- [2002] Warp and Weft: Governance through Alternation (115k, 136w)
- [2002] Warping the Judgement of Dissenting Opinion: Source materials (127k, 264w)
- [2002] Warping the Judgement of Dissenting Opinion: Source materials (83k, 170w)
- [2002] Warping the Judgement of Dissenting Opinion: towards a general framework for comparing distortion in rules of evidence (80k, 157w)
- [2002] Web resources on "breaking the cycle" (36k, 237w)
- [2002] World Governance Cookery Book * (30k)
- [2001] Background to emergence of the UN's Global Compact (15k, 5w)
- [2001] Being Bushed: multiple personality disorder in a globalized religious flatland (26k, 13w)
- [2001] Belief Systems and Terrorism (23k, 1w)
- [2001] Challenges arising from the UN's Global Compact (26k, 2w)
- [2001] Coherent Patterns of Schism Formation, Bifurcation and Disagreement (15k)
- [2001] Composing and Engendering the Future: Presenting the Future (Part 4) (42k, 21w)
- [2001] Composing the Present Moment: celebrating the insights of Marsilio Ficino (21k, 2w)
- [2001] Conspiracy and Terrorism (55k, 1w)
- [2001] Critical Thinking vs Specious Arguments (14k, 57w)
- [2001] Electrical Systems as a Guiding Metaphor for Stages of Group Dialogue (12k, 1w)
- [2001] Embodying the Sphere of Change (20k, 11w)
- [2001] Enabling Creative Response to Extraordinary Crises (36k, 17w)
- [2001] Enhancing the Quality of Email Dialogue using Artificial Intelligence (36k, 17w)
- [2001] Entelechy: actuality vs future potential: Presenting the future (Part 3) (12k, 6w)
- [2001] Euros and Eurines (3k)
- [2001] Global Compact of the United Nations (54k, 32w)
- [2001] Globalization and the Future of the United Nations (34k, 4w)
- [2001] Globalization: the UN's Safe Haven for the World's Marginalized (23k, 63w)
- [2001] Hybrid International Meetings for Participants on the Move (14k, 4w)
- [2001] Justice and Terrorism (51k, 3w)
- [2001] Making (the) Present and Thriving in the Moment: Presenting the Future (Part 2) (13k, 3w)
- [2001] Missiles, Missives, Missions and Memetic Warfare: Navigation of strategic interfaces in multidimensional knowledge space (60k, 38w)
- [2001] More Questions for the Future about Terrorism (30k, 1w)
- [2001] Nature of the challenge of terrorism (28k, 1w)
- [2001] Nature of Terror and Terrorism (35k, 1w)
- [2001] Needing Evil Elsewhere (11k, 6w)
- [2001] Nongovernmental Organizations and the Global Compact (27k, 15w)
- [2001] Personal Globalization (65k, 44w)
- [2001] Present Moment Research: exploration of nowness (22k, 10w)
- [2001] Presentation and Representatives: Presenting the Future (Part 1) (17k, 2w)
- [2001] Presenting the Future (31k, 26w)
- [2001] Principles of Re-reading and Rapplication * (7k)
- [2001] Promoting Sustainable Followership * (3k)
- [2001] Sharing a Documentary Pilgrimage: UIA -- Saur Relations (13k, 17w)
- [2001] Simulating a Global Brain: using networks of international organizations, world problems, strategies, and values (137k, 129w)
- [2001] Strategy against Terrorism (35k, 1w)
- [2001] Structuring Mnemonic Encoding of Development Plans and Ethical Charters using Musical Leitmotivs (24k, 21w)
- [2001] Union of International Associations -- Virtual Organization: Paul Otlet's 100-year hypertext conundrum ? (48k, 5w)
- [2001] Varieties of experience of past-present-future complexes (44k, 22w)
- [2001] Ways of Thinking, Perception and Analysis (76k, 1w)
- [2001] 911+ Questions in Seeking UnCommon Ground and protecting the Middle Way (13k, 47w)
- [2000] And When the Bombing Stops? Territorial conflict as a challenge to mathematicians (93k, 83w)
- [2000] Category Manipulation in Global Dialogue * (15k)
- [2000] Communicating with Aliens: the Psychological Dimension of Dialogue (10k, 11w)
- [2000] Critical Factors for the Long-term Survival of Humanity (9k)
- [2000] Designing Cultural Rosaries and Meaning Malas to Sustain Associations within the Pattern that Connects (57k, 43w)
- [2000] Designing a Team for Alien Encounter: Communicating with Aliens (Part IV) (25k, 50w)
- [2000] Dialogue Challenges towards the Year 3000 (35k, 3w)
- [2000] Distinguishing Patterns of Assumption in Dialogue with Aliens: Communicating with Aliens (Part III) (82k, 11w)
- [2000] Enhancing the Quality of Knowing through Integration of East-West metaphors (122k, 96w)
- [2000] Evaluating Synthesis Initiatives and their Sustaining Dialogues (10k, 5w)
- [2000] Feedback loop analysis in the Encyclopedia Project (35k, 6w)
- [2000] From Glo-Ball-ization to Lo-Cal-ization * (4k)
- [2000] Globalization within a Global Potemkin Society (76k, 52w)
- [2000] Identifying, Counting and Categorizing Intergovernmental Organization (55k, 4w)
- [2000] International Conferences as Surrogate Universal Spiritual Celebrations (4k)
- [2000] International Organizations by Type: statistics (13k)
- [2000] Is the House of Mathematics in Order? (14k, 1w)
- [2000] Knowledge Gardening through Music: patterns of coherence for future African management as an alternative to Project Logic (159k, 82w)
- [2000] Meeting Industrialization and Package-Processing of Participants (37k, 8w)
- [2000] Metaphoric entrapment in time: avoiding the trap of Project Logic (88k, 16w)
- [2000] Questions to which Many deserve Answers (18k, 5w)
- [2000] Reflections on the Strategy of UNESCO (30k)
- [2000] Strategic Clues for Alien Communication: Communicating with Aliens (Part II) (23k, 15w)
- [2000] Test challenges for Alien Encounter: Communicating with Aliens (Part I) (68k, 23w)
- [2000] Types of Intergovernmental Grouping * (10k)
- [2000] Types of Intergovernmental Grouping * (4k)
- [2000] UN Public relations and "NGOs" (89k, 32w)
- [2000] Values and Metaphors: Clarifying an Integrative Approach to Problems and Strategies (5k, 1w)
- [1999] Aesthetics and Informatics: Art of Information for Policy-making and Community-building (16k, 5w)
- [1999] Applying Mathematical Insights to Comprehension of World Problems (31k, 2w)
- [1999] Being the Universe : a Metaphoric Frontier (30k, 12w)
- [1999] Coherent Policy-making Beyond the Information Barrier (115k, 43w)
- [1999] Coordination through Templates of Thematic Relationships (6k, 3w)
- [1999] Intelli-work: Procedural Framework for the Interoperability of Decentralized Knowledge Management Processes (28k)
- [1999] Paradigm-shifting through Transposition of Key (77k, 28w)
- [1999] Product / Service Substitution Database: Proposal in support of sustainable lifestyles (7k, 2w)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for the Messiah: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (15k, 2w)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for Satan: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (14k, 2w)
- [1999] Undermining Open Civil Society: Reinforcing unsustainable restrictive initiatives (17k)
- [1999] Why We Do Not Thrive: Challenges to universal thrival (15k)
- [1998] Being Other Wise: dynamics of a meaningfully sustainable lifestyle (100k, 31w)
- [1998] Boundaries of Sustainability in Community-Oriented Organizations (37k, 5w)
- [1998] Bridging between Cognitive Paradigms for Development-relevant Classification (4k, 2w)
- [1998] Categorizing Organizations (and Individuals) (22k)
- [1998] The Challenge of Cyber-Parliaments and Statutory Virtual Assemblies (28k, 10w)
- [1998] Characteristics of phases in 12-phase learning-action cycle (15k, 1w)
- [1998] The Deafening Silence of Those Who Know Nothing (9k)
- [1998] Developing an Internet Framework for Creative Dialogue on Irreconcilable Policy Differences (7k)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (68k, 1w)
- [1998] Emptying Meetings and Fulfilling Participants: Ensuring that encounters are fruitful (14k)
- [1998] Engagement of Governance with Spirituality: Complexification of the Political Image of Religions (8k)
- [1998] Enhancing Sustainable Development Strategies through Avoidance of Military Metaphors (76k, 5w)
- [1998] Feedback on Discovering Richer Patterns of Comprehension (31k, 2w)
- [1998] Four Complementary Languages Required for Global Governance (9k)
- [1998] From Statics to Dynamics in Sustainable Community (38k, 2w)
- [1998] Global Self-Organization: the systemic structural challenge of the exchange of meaning, dramatized by the Asian financial crisis (20k, 24w)
- [1998] Horrorscope: exploring cross-sectoral systemic relationships * (22k)
- [1998] Humour and International Challenges (10k, 8w)
- [1998] Learnings about Group Potential and Dysfunctionality * (4k)
- [1998] Living Differences as a basis for Sustainable Community: Designing a difference engine (73k, 29w)
- [1998] Proposal for a Learning Exchange between the Swadhyaya community (Western India) and the Pitjantjatjara community (Central Australia) (66k, 3w)
- [1998] Reframing Personal Relationships between Innovators or Leaders (27k, 6w)
- [1998] Responding to Conceptual and Value Polarities: learnings from sexuality (8k)
- [1998] Spherical configuration of interlocking roundtables: Internet enhancement of global self-organization through patterns of dialogue (42k, 41w)
- [1998] Sustainable Improvement in the Quality of Corruption (10k, 2w)
- [1998] Sustainable Occupation beyond the Economic Rationale: Reframing employment, non-profit-making and voluntary (22k)
- [1998] Sustaining a pattern of alternative community initiatives: based on their differences from the conventional economic rationale (26k, 4w)
- [1998] Typology of 12 complementary dialogue modes essential to sustainable dialogue (26k)
- [1998] Typology of 12 complementary strategies essential to sustainable development (21k, 1w)
- [1998] Unexplored Opportunities for Organizing Territory and Relationships (2k, 1w)
- [1998] University of Earth: Draft Proposal (56k, 4w)
- [1998] Varieties of Dialogue by Number: Experimental overview by number of perspectives represented (9k, 1w)
- [1998] Varieties of Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity (11k, 4w)
- [1998] Varieties of Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity: Table (21k, 4w)
- [1998] 12-phase learning / action cycle - transposed (11k, 6w)
- [1998] Perplexing Symmetries in Obedience to Orders (15k)
- [1997] Aesthetic Challenge of Interfaith Dialogue as Exemplified by Meditation (25k)
- [1997] The Art of Non-Decision-Making (35k, 14w)
- [1997] Community Participant Roles and Contract (44k, 4w)
- [1997] Concerning "What Futurists Think" (23k, 10w)
- [1997] Convention on the Rights of the Child Within (56k)
- [1997] Dancing through Interfaces and Paradoxes: group alchemy (93k, 3w)
- [1997] Devising a Paradigm-shifting Device (46k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Dialogue: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Distorted Understandings of Synthesis: Reconfiguring the challenge of wholeness (17k, 4w)
- [1997] Future Generation through Global Conversation: in quest of collective well-being through conversation in the present moment (41k, 7w)
- [1997] Future Operation of International Organizations within an Electronic Environment (46k, 17w)
- [1997] Globalization of Knowledge and Insight: envisaging a paradigm-shifting software package (19k, 1w)
- [1997] In Quest of Uncommon Ground: beyond impoverished metaphor and the impotence of words of power (64k)
- [1997] International Associations in an Electronic Environment: statutory implications in the case of the Union of International Associations (50k, 1w)
- [1997] Network: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Network: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Network: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Paradigm Leaps: Intrinsic Determination of Conceptual Patterning (12k)
- [1997] Pattern of Sustainable Community Participant Roles (3k, 1w)
- [1997] Power of the Small: disruptive effects of small-scale biochemical terrorism (13k)
- [1997] Reflections on World Futures Conferences: in response to a request for feedback (21k, 2w)
- [1997] Reframing Inter-Faith Relationships (8k, 5w)
- [1997] Reframing Relationships as a Mathematical Challenge: Jerusalem as a Parody of Current Interfaith Dialogue (22k, 1w)
- [1997] Sacralization of Hyperlink Geometry (11k)
- [1997] Seeking the cutting edge of sustainable community (9k)
- [1997] Social Experiments and Sects: beyond category manipulation by advocates and opponents (24k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable community: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable lifestyle: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Sustainable policy: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Sustaining the Coherence of Dialogue through Apartness: configuration of entities through hypertext (26k, 1w)
- [1997] The Third Twist: Self-reference and Territorializing the Map (6k)
- [1997] Transformation Metaphors: dialogue, vision, conferencing, policy, network, community and lifestyle (56k, 7w)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Transformative conference: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles: Table (21k, 5w)
- [1997] Veloping: the art of sustaining significance (10k)
- [1997] Vision: Accomplishment (Transformation Metaphor) (4k)
- [1997] Vision: Advancement (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Adversity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Assistance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Barrier dissolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Basic need (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Careful conduct (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Community (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Conflict (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Congregation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Conscientiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Conservation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Controlled threat (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Creativity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Crisis preparedness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Cultural heritage (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Decisive action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Decline (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Deficiency (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Deterioration (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Development (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Elective affinity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Encounter (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Endurance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Enthusiasm (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Essential quality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Fellowship (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Following (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Importance (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Inaction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Inexperience (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Influence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Initial difficulty (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Initiative (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Liberation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Limitation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Marginality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Normative constraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Obstruction (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Opposition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Peace (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Penetrating clarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Persistence (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Power (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Progress (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Prosperity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Receptivity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Recognition (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Recovery (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Remedial action (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Resolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Revolution (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Solidarity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Spontaneity (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Stagnation (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Style (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Subtle restraint (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Support (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Transformation threshold (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Unpretentiousness (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Vitality (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Waiting (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Wealth (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Vision: Withdrawal (Transformation Metaphor) (3k)
- [1997] Wholeness : why I am no longer a believer (16k, 2w)
- [1997] Why and Wherefore of Communication (7k)
- [1996] Being Employed by the Future: reframing the immediate challenge of sustainable community. (52k, 6w)
- [1996] Beyond Harassment of Reality and Grasping Future Possibilities: learnings from sexual harassment as a metaphor (8k)
- [1996] Coherent Organization of a Navigable Problem-Solution-Learning Space * (22k)
- [1996] Creating a Context for More Meaningful Dialogue (7k)
- [1996] Cultivating the Songlines of the Noosphere (63k, 3w)
- [1996] Electronic Context of Future International Meetings (10k, 1w)
- [1996] Engagement: 14 Contrasting Concepts of Meaningful Work (16k, 2w)
- [1996] Facilitating Community through Information: suite of software-enabled participation tools (74k, 2w)
- [1996] From Information Highways to Songlines of the Noosphere: Global configuration of hypertext pathways as a prerequisite for meaningful collective transformation (62k, 7w)
- [1996] Interacting Fruitfully with Un-Civil Society: the dilemma for non-civil society organizations (40k, 3w)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in dialogue meeting design (7k)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in online dialogue meeting design (13k)
- [1996] Legal status of international NGOs: overview and options (28k, 10w)
- [1996] Misleading Insights into Sustainable Community (18k)
- [1996] Musings on Information of Higher Quality (7k, 2w)
- [1996] People as Stargates: an alternative perspective on human relations in space-time (10k)
- [1996] Re-enchantment of Work: hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go - Engagement in the 21st Century. (14k, 2w)
- [1996] Richer Metaphors for Our Future Survival (13k, 6w)
- [1996] Sustainable lifestyles and the future of work (36k)
- [1996] TAO of Dialogue (6k, 2w)
- [1996] Therapists without Borders (22k)
- [1996] Thoughts on Defining the New Age (7k, 9w)
- [1996] Towards a web framework for synthesis in dialogue: insight capture from the flow of conference interventions (12k)
- [1996] Understanding Sustainable Dialogue: the secret within Bucky's Ball (11k)
- [1995] A musical key from a political philosopher (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] A new global organizational order? (Insights: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Accumulation of significance (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Acknowledgement of mythico-spiritual dimensions (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Acknowledgement of the universe of problems (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Action inhibition (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Aesthetic paradox of unitary comprehension (7k)
- [1995] Aesthetics of governance (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Alternation between complementary policy conditions (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] An agricultural key from crop rotation (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Approach (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Approach (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Approaches to the art of disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Approaches to problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Appropriate metaphors of sustainable development (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Assessment (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Assumptions (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Assumptions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Augmented hypertext editing (Interactive database use: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Augmenting human intellect (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Background and acknowledgements (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Background and acknowledgements (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Barriers to transcendent insight and social transformation (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Be Fruitful and Multiply: the most tragic translation error? (12k, 4w)
- [1995] Beyond the constraints of text (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Beyond method (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Beyond the problem-lobby mindset (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Beyond "equilibrium" values (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Beyond "The Plan" (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Biases (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] The capacity to govern (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Category Ecosystems (8k)
- [1995] Challenge of insight cultivation (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Challenges to Learning from the Swadhyaya Movement (32k, 4w)
- [1995] C Characteristics of phases in 12-phase learning / action cycles
- [1995] Classification (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Classification of modes of awareness (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Classification policy (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Classification and section attribution (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Classification and section attribution (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Co-existence of unrelated human development paradigms (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Cognitive role of metaphor (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Communication through symbols (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Competing Models and Visions of Global Order via Function Dominance (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Comprehending any new social order (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehending complexity and appropriateness (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehending the complexity of the value surface (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Comprehending policy meshing and entrainment (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Comprehension of sustainable integration (Insights: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Computer-assisted generation of strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Computer representation of problem networks (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Computer representation of strategy networks (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Concept refinement process (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Concept refinement process (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Concept Tracking in Conferences (7k)
- [1995] Conceptual processes summarized (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Conceptual processes summarized (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Conceptual scaffolding and prosthetics (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Conceptual weaknesses of conferencing (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Configuring Relationships between world problems and cognitive resources (5k)
- [1995] Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Configuring strategic trajectories (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Consensus, uncertainty and action formulation (Action implications: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Consequence for approaches to societal problems (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Conserving decision-making diversity (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Constraints on a meta-answer (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Constraints on patterning disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Constraints on a problem-focused approach (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Containing the incommensurable (Embodying discontinuity: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Contemporary crisis of governance (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Contextual challenge (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Contrasting strategic styles (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Criteria and definitions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Criticism (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Cultivating new conceptual languages (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Cultural and educational biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Current possibilities of implementation (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Cycles of dissonance and resonance (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Cycles of winning and losing (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] De-categorization and poly-ocular vision (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Definition (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Definitional Boundary Games and De-signing the 21st Century (19k)
- [1995] Definitions (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Definitions (Defining values: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Degradation of symbolic forms (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Descriptions (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Design choices for global coherence (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Designing the 21st Century: Integration of Arts and Sciences (16k, 1w)
- [1995] Designing metaphors and sets of metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Designing a strategic array (Collective strategy-making: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Distinction between levels (Method: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Distinguishing extended metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Distinguishing uses of the Encyclopedia (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Document control and problem description (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Document control and strategy description (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Economic bias (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Embodiment in patterns of alternation (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Enhancement of policy through key poetic insights (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Enhancing policy through powerful metaphors (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Entrapment by competing metaphors (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Entropic crisis and the learning response (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Envisaging the Art of Navigating Conceptual Complexity: in search of software combining artistic and conceptual insights (54k, 20w)
- [1995] Envisioning the policy-making experience of the future (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Epistemological crisis of governance (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Evaluation of the Cooperation between UNESCO and Non-Governmental Organizations: uncompleted evaluation report (ref)
- [1995] Examples of vicious problem cycles and loops (Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Existential challenge (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Feedback loops and dependent co-arising (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Form and communication (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Forms of presentation (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Framework for interrelating incompatible perspectives (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] From governing metaphors to governance through metaphor (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Future possibilities (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Future possibilities (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Future possibilities and dangers (Comments: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Future role of computer audio-visual technology (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Gardening Sustainable Psycommunities: Recognizing the psycho-social integrities of the future (71k)
- [1995] General (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] General structure (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Generative metaphor and policy-making (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Geometry of organizations, policies and programmes (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Global configuration from number theory (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Global modelling perspective (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Global Strategies Project (Overview: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Global strategy and the game of go (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Governance through confidence artistry (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Governance through enhancing the movement of meaning (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Graphics environment for exploring relationship networks (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Health and space-time and development strategy (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Holistic network mapping using NETMAP (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Human impotence and potential (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Identification procedure (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Identification procedure (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Imaginal deficiency in management and policy making (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Imaginal deficiency and simplistic metaphors (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Implications (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Importance of values (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] In quest of radical coherence (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] In quest of the socio-economics of non-action (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Insights from architecture (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from drama and dance (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from music (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Insights from poetry and painting (Envisioning conferencing: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Integrating constraint and opposition (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Integrating opposition (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Integration of perceived problems (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Integration of perceived problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Integrative concepts (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Intended uses of the Encyclopedia (Overview: )
- [1995] Intended uses (Introduction: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Intent (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Intent (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Inter-problem relationships (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Inter-sectoral Strategic Dilemmas of Sustainable Development (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Interactive access and future developments (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Internalizing discontinuity (Comprehension: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] International organizations as a source (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Interparadigmatic dialogue (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Interpersonal Strategic Dilemmas of Participation (in a sustainable inter-sectoral meeting)
- [1995] Interrelating incompatible viewpoints (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Interrelating values (Comments: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Inventing reality through configured imagery (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Language-determined distinctions (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Language (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Language games (Global Strategies Project: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Language games (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Language and the reconstruction of reality (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Learnings for the future of dialogue (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Levels of dialogue (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Logistical challenge (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Magic, miracles and image-building (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Meeting participant contract (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Meshing imaginative vision and policy implementability (Context: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Metaphor, analogy, symbol and pattern (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as a language for global governance (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as an unexplored resource in a time of challenge (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphor as an unexplored resource for transdisciplinarity (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphoric revolution for the individual (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Metaphors of transformation in conferences (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Methodological preamble (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Mindscapes (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Misappropriation of words of power (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Modes of awareness and experiential biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Modifications, improvements and omissions (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Mythical, religious and spiritual biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Network analysis (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network maps (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network strategy (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Objectives (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Obstacles to an interdisciplinary focus (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Official approaches to human development (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Order through chaos (Embodying discontinuity: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Organization of hexagrams in terms of traditional houses (17k, 1w)
- [1995] Overtures of the Beast (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Overtures of Beauty (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Paradox management (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Paradoxical merit of negative strategies (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Pattern accumulation in a learning society (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Pattern language experiments (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Patterning disagreement (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Patterning the problematique (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Patterning the resolutique (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Patterning the resolutique (Patterning strategies: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Patterns of concepts (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Phases of human development through challenging problems (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Phases of human development through challenging problems (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Poetic configuration of policy guidelines (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Polarity entrapment (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Policy discourse through metaphor (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Policy forums as metaphors (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] "Positive" vs "Negative" strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Precedents in history and tradition (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Precedents and parallels (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Previous, parallel and related initiatives (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Previous, parallel or related initiatives (Significance: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Probabilistic vision of the world (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Problem disguises and problem evasion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem exclusion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem importance (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem inclusion (Criteria: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem metaphors (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem naming (Method: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and deception (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and levels of awareness (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Problem perception and levels of awareness (Comments: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Procedures (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Procedures (Method: Human Development Project)
- [1995] P Processing Documents on Sustainable Development Issues
- [1995] Processing system (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Programme of metaphoric development (Governance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Prospects for an arranged marriage (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Providing a strategic framework (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Psychological bias (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Public management (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Questionable answers (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Range of strategies (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] "Re-reading" patterns of concepts (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing cooperation through metaphor (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing the problem of "overpopulation" (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing problems as metaphors (Opportunity: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Reframing the unknown (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Relationships to other sections and databases (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Relationships between strategies (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Representation of Interlocking Elements for a Sustainable Global System (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate A) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate B) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] The resolutique (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Response to diversity (Method: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Root metaphors and social organization (Significance: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Section interrelationships (Insights: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Sections and sub-sections (Content: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Self-organization and its catalysts (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Significance and intent (Significance: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Significance (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Social and educational biases (Significance: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Social Exclusion: a metaphoric trap? (17k)
- [1995] Social organization determined by incommunicability of insights (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Social organization determined by incommunicability of insights (Comprehension: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Spherical Representation of Icosidodecahedral Net of Strategies (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] The spiritual challenge (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategic assumptions (Overview: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Strategic Correspondences: computer-aided insight scaffolding (40k, 8w)
- [1995] Strategic metaphors for thriving (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategies in chaos (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategies in meetings (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strategy naming (Method: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Strengths and weaknesses (Assessment: Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential)
- [1995] Structural outliners and conceptual scaffolding (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Structure of concluding declarations (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Structuring around unknowing in a learning society (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Subtler forms of disagreement (Method: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Declarations and Documents (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Environment) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Learning) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Population) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Regulation) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Trade) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Development Issues (Well-being) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Sustainable Dialogue as a Necessary Template for Sustainable Global Community (93k, 1w)
- [1995] System dynamics (Embracing difference: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Systems of categories distinguishing cultural emphases (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] T Table of Strategems
- [1995] Threshold of comprehensibility (Epistemological challenges: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Toward an enantiomorphic policy (Patterns of alternation: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Transcending methodological limitations (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Transcending the "switch" metaphor (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Transdisciplinarity and its articulation (Comments: Integrative Knowledge Project)
- [1995] Transformative conferencing (Dialogue: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Transformative policy cycles (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Transformative policy cycles (Patterning: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Typology of 12 complementary strategies essential to sustainable development (Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Uncommon strategic opportunities (Governance: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Understanding value systems (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Unique features (Significance: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Unmentionable realities (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Unsustainable policies (Challenge: Metaphor Project)
- [1995] Unwritten rules and wishful thinking (Strategic denial: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Use of interactive graphics (Interactive database use: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Using disagreements for superordinate frame configuration (Configuring: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Value confusion (Defining values: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Values as attractors (Comments: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Values as attractors (Complexity: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Varieties of decision-making arenas and styles (Table 1: )
- [1995] Vicious cycles and loops (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Vision of a poetic policy project (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Vital relevance of subtler human development (Comments: Human Development Project)
- [1995] Voice of the Matchmaker (Poetry and Policy: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Wholeness and the implicate order (Pattern learning: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Wisdom and requisite variety (Insights: Human Values Project)
- [1994] 'The Capacity to Govern' by Yehzkel Dror: comments by Anthony Judge (ref)
- [1994] Challenges to Governance through Contrasting Images (34k, 1w)
- [1994] Conference towards Spiritual Concord as a Metaphor of Spiritual Concord (4k, 17w)
- [1994] Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors: reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (12k)
- [1994] Developing a Metaphorical Language for the Future (60k, 2w)
- [1994] The Future of Leadership: reframing the unknown (29k, 2w)
- [1994] In Quest of Radical Coherence: a group design initiative (10k, 1w)
- [1994] Levels of Civil Society and Public Policy Implications (13k, 1w)
- [1994] La méthode européenne: un problème de spectacle? (ref)
- [1994] Mathematical Challenge for Systems Science (18k, 12w)
- [1994] Misapplication of International Legal Norms in Socially Abnormal Situations (24k, 1w)
- [1994] NGOs and Civil Society: Realities and Distortions (94k, 12w)
- [1994] NGOs and the overlapping perspectives on civil society (39k, 1w)
- [1994] Organization of Transdisciplinary Conferences (37k, 6w)
- [1994] Policy Options for Civil Society through Complementary Contrasts (54k, 20w)
- [1994] Reframing Discourse on Sexual Harassment in Conferences (11k, 2w)
- [1994] Resisting Consensus: new visions for WFSF constitution (ref)
- [1994] Spherical Configuration of Categories to Reflect Systemic Patterns of Environmental Checks and Balances (42k, 7w)
- [1994] Sustainable Development: a system of 14 complementary concepts (16k, 1w)
- [1994] Time-sharing System in Meetings: Centralized planning vs Free-market economy ? (19k)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity-3 as the Emergence of Patterned Experience (Part I) (41k, 2w)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity-3 as the Emergence of Patterned Experience (Part II) (35k, 25w)
- [1994] Transdisciplinarity through Structured Dialogue (43k)
- [1994] Transformative Approaches to International Organization (28k, 2w)
- [1994] Valori Umani (ref)
- [1993] An Earth Council Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (25k, 9w)
- [1993] Axes of Bias in Inter-cultural Dialogue (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Bibliographical References and Notes: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part O) (26k, 12w)
- [1993] The Challenge of Civilization as a Challenge of Conceptual Scaffolding (ref)
- [1993] Challenge of overpopulation: Now for some real problems -- Don't Panic, Panic (7k, 1w)
- [1993] Clues to the Nature of a Gathering (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Clues to Working Insights in Conferences (5k, 1w)
- [1993] Comment on the 'Guide to National Sustainable Development Strategies': as submitted in draft form by the IUCN/CESP Working Group on Strategies and Sustainability and the secretariats of IUCN and IIED (ref)
- [1993] Comments on Social Constructionism and Postmodernism: in the light of the Conference on Realities and Relationships (Taos NM, April ) (ref)
- [1993] Cultivating New Conceptual Languages: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part J) (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Enhancement of Policy through Key Poetic Insights: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part F) (38k, 1w)
- [1993] Envisioning the Dynamics of Partnerships for Change (16k)
- [1993] Envisioning the Dynamics of a World Parliament of Religions (16k)
- [1993] Envisioning the Policy-making Experience of the Future: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part I) (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Facilitation in a Cross-cultural Environment (28k, 2w)
- [1993] From Culturgrams to Religrams (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Future Role of Multi-media Technology: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part N) (10k, 1w)
- [1993] Governance and the Challenge of Insight Cultivation (12k)
- [1993] Governance Through Confidence Artistry (ref)
- [1993] Guide to Friendly International Meeting Centres (6k)
- [1993] Guidelines to Dialogue through Metaphor (17k, 1w)
- [1993] Human Values as Strange Attractors: Coevolution of classes of governance principles (79k, 8w)
- [1993] Insight Storage and Retrieval in a Computer-supported Environment (31k, 3w)
- [1993] Insights evoked by intractable international differences (45k, 6w)
- [1993] Introductory Comments on Programme on Human Values (40k)
- [1993] Inventing Reality through Configured Imagery: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part L) (10k, 1w)
- [1993] Learnings for the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue (Part I) (57k, 4w)
- [1993] La Métaphore: une ressource mal-explorée pour l'éco-développement durable (25k, 7w)
- [1993] Magic, Miracles and Image-building: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part M) (19k, 1w)
- [1993] Meeting Participant Roles and Contract (42k, 4w)
- [1993] Metaphor as a Language for Global Governance (50k, 11w)
- [1993] Open Space Notes (ref)
- [1993] Overtures of The Beast: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part B) (9k, 1w)
- [1993] Overtures of Beauty: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part C) (23k, 1w)
- [1993] Pattern of Meeting Participant Roles: Shadowy 'roundtable' hidden within every meeting (3k, 2w)
- [1993] Poetry-making and Policy-making: arranging a marriage between Beauty and the Beast (19k)
- [1993] Points for Exploration: Parliament of the World's Religions (Chicaco, August ) (ref)
- [1993] Policy Discourse through Metaphor: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part K) (9k, 1w)
- [1993] Possible Meeting Facilitation Services (23k)
- [1993] Possible Traps Towards Spiritual Concord (12k, 1w)
- [1993] Préface: Le rôle international des organisations non gouvernementales (ref)
- [1993] Premises for an Inter-Cultural Gathering (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Proposal for an Exploratory International Conference: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part H) (13k, 1w)
- [1993] Prospects for an Arranged Marriage: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part A) (19k, 4w)
- [1993] The Quest for the Socio-Economics of Non-Action (22k, 4w)
- [1993] Reframing the Challenges of Global Governance Through Metaphor (ref)
- [1993] Relevance of Rhythm and Rhyme to Policy, Management and Social Organization (ref)
- [1993] Some Clues to Social Harmony from Music - a metaphor (17k, 1w)
- [1993] The Spiritual Nature of Metaphors (ref)
- [1993] Strategically Relevant Evocative Questions ? (4k, 1w)
- [1993] Structure of Declarations: Challenging Traditional Patterns (6k, 1w)
- [1993] Systems of Categories Distinguishing Cultural Biases: with notes on facilitation in a multicultural environment (19k, 4w)
- [1993] Towards an Ecology of Spiritual Traditions as Articulated by a Dynamic System of Metaphors. (26k, 7w)
- [1993] Towards a Language of Spiritual Concord (8k, 1w)
- [1993] Traps and Opportunities of Dialogue (3k, 1w)
- [1993] UIA Software Concerns (ref)
- [1993] Varieties of Decision-Making (ref)
- [1993] Vision of a Poetic Policy Group Initiative: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part G) (7k, 1w)
- [1993] Voice of the Matchmaker: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part D) (38k, 1w)
- [1993] Voice of the Matchmaker: Poetry-making and Policy-making (Part E) (17k, 1w)
- [1992] Articulating the "Way Forward" (3k, 2w)
- [1992] ArticulatingThe Way Forward (3k, 1w)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks (15k)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks: Status (12k)
- [1992] Atlas de Reseaux Internationaux de Relations (6k)
- [1992] Axes of Bias in Inter-Sectoral Dialogue (5k, 2w)
- [1992] Catalyzation of New Patterns of Collaboration (38k, 19w)
- [1992] Coded Checklist of Earth Summit Issues: Comments on Document Processing Procedure (5k, 2w)
- [1992] Comprehending an Ecology of Cultures as Articulated by a Dynamic System of Metaphors (ref)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: Constraints and Possibilities (6k)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: Software Modules (10k)
- [1992] Computer Graphics: summary (4k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Analysis of Networks (17k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Network Maps (19k, 1w)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Use of Interactive Graphics (22k)
- [1992] Conceptual Challenge of Visualization (15k)
- [1992] Conceptual Scaffolding and Prosthetics (22k)
- [1992] Configuring Globally and Contending Locally: shaping the global network of local bargains (9k, 44w)
- [1992] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (2k, 5w)
- [1992] Dialogue Statements or forms of Intervention: Tentative typology (3k, 2w)
- [1992] Dilemmas of Inter-Sectoral Dialogue Processes (4k, 2w)
- [1992] Earth Summit as a Natural Ecological System (9k, 2w)
- [1992] Earth Summit Traps and Opportunities (3k, 2w)
- [1992] Effective Response to Crises: Impeding psycho-conceptual factors and clarification of approaches (8k)
- [1992] Entre le local et le global: pour une appréciation des effets réseaux (note de travail relative au concept planétaire) (ref)
- [1992] Future Coping Strategies: Beyond the constraints of proprietary metaphors (59k, 1w)
- [1992] General Checklist of Documents Describing the Rationale and Process (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1992] Geometry of Organizations, Policies and Programmes (12k, 1w)
- [1992] Geometry of Sustainable Dialogue * (3k, 1w)
- [1992] Government by Binding Contract (3k)
- [1992] Institutional Jujitsu: don't fight forces, use them (ref)
- [1992] Inter-Sectoral Dialogue and Sustainable Development: Conveying Earth Summit Insights (7k, 2w)
- [1992] Meshing Imaginative Vision and Policy Implementability (11k, 2w)
- [1992] Meta-Conferencing: Integration of the Concept Structure of Debate (18k)
- [1992] Metaphor and the Language of Futures (57k, 5w)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Clarification of Requirements (11k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Development of an operational relationship technique (9k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Software Possibilities (12k)
- [1992] Potential and Dilemma of the Earth Summit (ref)
- [1992] Premises for an Inter-Sectoral Dialogue (4k, 2w)
- [1992] Reinventing Your Metaphoric Habitat (3k)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on icosidodecahedral net (A) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on an icosidodecahedral net (B) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Specification for Structural Outliner Computer Programme (11k)
- [1992] Structure of Declarations: challenging traditional patterns (6k, 2w)
- [1992] Summary of IFC Pre-Rio Preparatory Processes (11k, 2w)
- [1992] Sustaining Higher Orders of Policy Consensus through Metaphor: towards a new language of governance (9k, 7w)
- [1992] Systemic Mapping of Strategic Dilemmas (18k, 2w)
- [1992] Thoughts on Psyche at Work: Implications of Jungian analysis for social groups (30k, 7w)
- [1992] Towards Spiritual Concord/ First World Congress towards Spiritual Concord (68k)
- [1992] La Transdisciplinarite et les Volumes: polyhedres (8k, 4w)
- [1992] Using Disagreements for Superordinate Frame Configuration (12k, 5w)
- [1992] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles (11k, 4w)
- [1992] Varieties of Dialogue Arenas and Styles: Table I (21k, 5w)
- [1992] Visualizing Relationship Networks: International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral (16k)
- [1992] Wanted: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International (7k, 1w)
- [1991] A Commonwealth Identy Articulated by a Dynamic System of Metaphors (ref)
- [1991] A European Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] A Scottish Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Aesthetics of Meaning (21k, 2w)
- [1991] An Indian Identity Articulated by a Dynamic System of Metaphors (ref)
- [1991] Canadian Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Comprehensible Policy-making: Guiding Metaphors and Configuring Choices (Part II) (55k, 14w)
- [1991] Conveying Earth Summit Insights (ref)
- [1991] Decision-making: Guiding Metaphors and Configuring Choices (Part I) (61k)
- [1991] Encyclopedia Illusions: Rationale for an Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (26k, 2w)
- [1991] Establishment of an Inter-Sectoral Framework for Dialogue based on Mutual Constraint (ref)
- [1991] Experimental Articulation of Collective Identity -- through a dynamic system of metaphors (5k, 18w)
- [1991] Higher Orders of Inter-sectoral Consensus (73k, 1w)
- [1991] Identité des Nations Unies: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 8w)
- [1991] Identity of the United Nations: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Latin American Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Meshing Imaginative Vision and Policy Implementability (12k, 9w)
- [1991] Les Metaphores comme Vehicules Transdisciplinaires de l'Avenir (100k, 17w)
- [1991] Metaphors as Transdisciplinary Vehicles of the Future (74k, 17w)
- [1991] Metaphors of World Problems and Human Potential (ref)
- [1991] Middle Eastern Identity: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (24k, 9w)
- [1991] Participant Interaction Messaging: proposal for a low-cost, on-site conference communication medium (ref)
- [1991] Participative Democracy vs. Participative Drama: lessons on social transformation for international organizations from Gorbachev (40k, 5w)
- [1991] Research Network on Catalytic Imagery for governance in impossible situations (68k, 3w)
- [1991] Research Network on Catalytic Imagery for Governance in Impossible Situations (ref)
- [1991] Towards an Ecology of Spiritual Traditions: experimental articulation through a dynamic system of metaphors (25k, 9w)
- [1991] Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue: Collection of papers (7k, 4w)
- [1991] Une Identité Canadienne: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 9w)
- [1991] Une Identité Européenne: articulation experimentale à travers un système dynamique de métaphores (30k, 9w)
- [1991] Varieties of Decision-making Arenas and Styles: Table (18k, 4w)
- [1990] Aesthetics of Governance in the Year 2490 (61k, 10w)
- [1990] Identification of Appropriate Social Structures through Metaphor (13k)
- [1990] Recontextualizing Social Problems through Metaphor: transcending the switch metaphor (33k, 2w)
- [1990] Recontextualizing Social Problems through Metaphor: transcending the switch metaphor (Part II) (36k, 8w)
- [1990] Tomorrow's United Nations (10k)
- [1990] Towards Another Order of Conferencing: insights from the I Ching (2k, 3w)
- [1990] Towards Another Order of Sustainable Policy Cycles: insights from the I Ching (2k, 3w)
- [1990] Towards a general typology of relationships (between people, concepts, etc) * (42k)
- [1990] Transformative Conferencing: re-enchantment of networking through conceptware (57k, 10w)
- [1989] Cooperation and its Failures (22k)
- [1989] Innovative Global Management through Metaphor (53k, 25w)
- [1989] Ordering the Undefinable: Identifying meaningful patterns of world problems (61k, 14w)
- [1989] Through Metaphor to a Sustainable Ecology of Development Policies (67k, 15w)
- [1988] Atlas of International Relationship Networks: Phased Cycles (7k, 5w)
- [1988] Cooperation and its Failures: Metaphors towards understanding the dilemma for the 1990s (22k, 1w)
- [1988] Encyclopedia of Conceptual Insights from the World's Cultures (24k, 11w)
- [1988] Energy Patterns in Conferences: a context for higher levels of integration (133k, 13w)
- [1988] Enhancing Policy Forums through Ecological Metaphors (7k, 1w)
- [1988] Marriage of Counter-acting Insights (17k)
- [1988] Metaphoric Revolution: in quest of a manifesto for governance through metaphor. (113k, 6w)
- [1988] Proposed International Conventions on Nongovernmental Organizations: Comparative table (3k, 4w)
- [1988] Reordering Networks of Incommensurable Concepts in Phased Cycles (79k, 25w)
- [1988] Sustainable cycles of policies: Crop Rotation as a Metaphor (8k, 1w)
- [1988] Sustainable Cycles of Policies: Crop Rotation as a Metaphor (7k, 1w)
- [1988] UIA: profile (ref)
- [1987] Answers (ref)
- [1987] Atlas of International Relationship Network: review of the problems of mapping networks of organization/problem relationship in order to produce an "Atlas" as a complement to the Yearbook of International Organizations and to the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (ref)
- [1987] Dimensions of the Information Society (Table) (25k)
- [1987] Dimensions of the Information Society (Table for UIA) (13k)
- [1987] Forms of Organized Action (Table) (6k)
- [1987] Governance Through Metaphor (156k, 6w)
- [1987] Networking Consciousness (137k, 1w)
- [1987] Reflections on Associative Constraints and Possibilities in an Information society (51k, 5w)
- [1987] Variety of Information Policies (Table) (4k)
- [1986] Communicable Insights (38k, 1w)
- [1986] Comprehension of Appropriateness (90k, 6w)
- [1986] Difficulties in the Transfer of Information between Languages (23k)
- [1986] Dimensions of Comprehension Diversity (26k)
- [1986] Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (ref)
- [1986] Review of Frameworks for the Representation of alternative Conceptual Orderings as Determined by Linguistic and Cultural Contexts (143k, 9w)
- [1985] Alternation between Variable Geometries: a brokership style for the United Nations (17k, 1w)
- [1985] Survey of the Gods and Temples of the Onusien Pantheon * (10k)
- [1985] Sustaining the Quality of Dialogue * (3k)
- [1984] African Language and African Styles of Organization (40k, 1w)
- [1984] Comment: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part A) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Complementary Metaphors of Discourse: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part I) (21k, 1w)
- [1984] Configurative Metaphors: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part J) (8k, 1w)
- [1984] Differences in Style of Artistic and Policy Endeavour: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part P) (15k, 1w)
- [1984] Envisioning the Perfect Meeting: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part B) (6k, 1w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes (12k, 24w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Art of colour (14k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Catastrophe Theory (19k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Chinese art of war (9k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Chinese Communist terminology (3k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Chladni patterns (7k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Genetic code and amino acids (4k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Geometry of Meaning (21k, 3w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: GPID (9k, 3w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: I Ching (14k, 3w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Islamic cosmological doctrine (9k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Language and transformational-generative grammars (15k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Movement and dance notation (36k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Periodic classification of chemical elements (2k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Periodic coaction coordinate system (4k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Polygons and polyhedra (12k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Synergetics (80k, 5w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Systematics (14k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Thermodynamics (13k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Tibetan Buddhism (28k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Tonal patterns of Rg Veda poetry (51k, 2w)
- [1984] Examples of Integrated, Multi-set Concept Schemes: Topological features of polyhedra (2k, 2w)
- [1984] Focus Subtleties (Meeting Magic): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part H) (6k, 1w)
- [1984] Forms of Presentation and the Future of Comprehension (12k, 23w)
- [1984] From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (13k, 31w)
- [1984] Integrative Failure: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part C) (5k, 1w)
- [1984] Integrative Skills: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part D) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Losing Meeting Focus: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part G) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Meeting Focus (a checklist): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part F) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Meeting Focus (a description): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part E) (7k, 1w)
- [1984] Meetings as Metaphors: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part M) (5k, 1w)
- [1984] Metaphors of Alternation: their significance for development policy-making (89k, 3w)
- [1984] Modelling Meetings (Analogies and Metaphors): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part N) (8k, 1w)
- [1984] Non-Linear Agendas and Linear Thinking: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part T) (5k, 1w)
- [1984] Participant Entrapment (Alienation of Committed Activists): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part R) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Participant Entrapment (Repetition of Learning Cycles): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part S) (3k, 1w)
- [1984] Participant Interaction Modes: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part O) (3k, 1w)
- [1984] Participant Personality Needs and Problems: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part Q) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Pattern Language for Participants: Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part U) (10k, 2w)
- [1984] Patterns of Conceptual Integration (10k, 23w)
- [1984] Policy Alternation for Development (9k, 12w)
- [1984] Self-constraining Configurations (Communication Patterns): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part L) (4k, 1w)
- [1984] Self-constraining Configurations (Energy Dissipation): Towards Transformative Conferencing and Dialogue (Part K) (5k, 1w)
- [1984] Survey of African International Organizations and Participation of African Countries in International Organizations (ref)
- [1984] Transformative Conferencing: Problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social development (15k, 21w)
- [1984] Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential: re-design Human Potential portion (39k, 2w)
- [1984] 5-fold Pattern Language (23k, 137w)
- [1983] Alternating between Complementary Conditions: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (43k, 3w)
- [1983] Antagonistic Dualities: Polarization and Paradox (19k, 78w)
- [1983] Complexification of Integration (57k, 78w)
- [1983] Comprehension and Organization (46k, 78w)
- [1983] Development through Alternation (71k, 96w)
- [1983] Development of Comprehension and Comprehension of Development (155k, 78w)
- [1983] Further Constraints on Conceptual Container Design (34k, 78w)
- [1983] Implications (97k, 78w)
- [1983] Interrelating Incompatible Viewpoints: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (35k, 2w)
- [1983] Monopolarization (88k, 78w)
- [1983] Networking Alternation: an alternation network of 384 pathways of organizational transformation (81k, 70w)
- [1983] Patterning Transformative Change: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (20k, 5w)
- [1983] Third Perspective (76k, 78w)
- [1983] Threshold of Comprehensibility: a fourfold minimal system? (76k, 78w)
- [1982] Alternation between Development Modes: reinforcing dynamic conception through functional classification of international organizations and concerns (105k, 13w)
- [1982] Alternative presentation of periodic table of elements, (33k, 1w)
- [1982] Circular presentation of periodic table of chemical elements (1k, 1w)
- [1982] Conference Transformations: Maturing the reflective, focusing and transformative power of large-group conferences (118k, 1w)
- [1982] Conventional presentation of periodic table of chemical elements (28k, 1w)
- [1982] Development as Discontinuous Societal Learning: Cyclic transformation of the global answer economy (141k, 22w)
- [1982] Examples of past attempts to present the periodic classification elements (1k, 1w)
- [1982] Experimental matrix used to order functional areas (68k, 1w)
- [1982] Fugitive Integration: a musical addendum to Liberation of Integration (33k, 2w)
- [1982] Functional Classification in an Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations (78k, 4w)
- [1982] Functional Classification in an Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations (85k, 17w)
- [1982] Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations (48k, 2w)
- [1982] Matrix organization of subject fields (18k, 1w)
- [1982] Nyetworking Conspiracy of the New Age (13k, 1w)
- [1982] Presentation of inter-relationships of different levels of inquiry (18k, 1w)
- [1981] Annual International Congress Calendar (ref)
- [1981] Anti-Developmental Biases in Thesaurus Design (50k, 2w)
- [1981] Beyond Edge-bound Comprehension and Modal Impotence: combining q-holes through a pattern language (46k, 3w)
- [1981] Beyond Method: engaging opposition in psycho-social organization (106k, 6w)
- [1981] Checklist of Nasty Methodological Questions -- regarding development analyses and initiatives (12k)
- [1981] Collective Learning from Calls for Global Action (23k)
- [1981] Directory of National Participation in International Organizations (ref)
- [1981] In Search of Transformational Pathways: bibliography of studies conductedfrom 1962 to 1981 (71k, 123w)
- [1981] Integrative Dimensions of Concept Sets (21k, 2w)
- [1981] INTERCONTACT: an on-line information system on international organizations and conferences (ref)
- [1981] Metaconferencing possibilities: discovering people / viewpoint networks in conferences (22k, 2w)
- [1981] Remarks Concerning Planetary Congress 1982 (ref)
- [1981] Remedial Capacity Indicators versus Performance Indicators (23k, 4w)
- [1981] Togetherbound: a gathering of the mad (36k)
- [1981] Transnational Action Yellow Pages (ref)
- [1981] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1980] Background (University of Earth: Meta-organization for Post-Crisis Action) (61k, 1w)
- [1980] Collective Memory Personified: an Analogy (6k, 2w)
- [1980] Comments on Problematique (24k)
- [1980] Concept Factors in Concept Scheme Integration: GPID as a case study (32k, 2w)
- [1980] Current Operations (University of Earth: Meta-organization for Post-Crisis Action) (20k, 1w)
- [1980] Distinguishing Levels of Declarations of Principles (72k, 1w)
- [1980] The Future of Comprehension: conceptual birdcages and functional basket-weaving (37k, 12w)
- [1980] Guide to Organizational Evaluation (9k)
- [1980] Historical and Contemporary Context (University of Earth: Meta-organization for Post-Crisis Action) (14k, 1w)
- [1980] Liberation of Integration through pattern, oscillation, harmony and embodiment (93k, 10w)
- [1980] La mémoire collective personifiée: une analogie (8k, 1w)
- [1980] Metaconferencing: discovering people / viewpoint networks in conferences (85k, 9w)
- [1980] Minding the Future: a thought experiment on presenting new information (10k)
- [1980] Needs Communication: viable need patterns and their identification (97k, 5w)
- [1980] Participant Interaction Messaging: improving the conference process (68k, 7w)
- [1980] Patterns of N-foldness: Comparison of integrated multi-set concept schemes as forms of presentation (59k, 78w)
- [1980] Pointers to the Pathology of Collective Memory (10k, 2w)
- [1980] Preliminary Outline of Future Communication Requirements at an International Centre (ref)
- [1980] Presentation of GPID Integration Through Functional Classification of International Organizations (ref)
- [1980] Problems Hindering Action of International Nongovernmental Organizations (39k, 8w)
- [1980] Quelques indicatiçons concernant la pathologie de la mémoire collective (14k, 1w)
- [1980] Research Initiative Summaries (University of Earth: Meta-organization for Post-Crisis Action) (134k, 1w)
- [1980] Societal Learning and the Erosion of Collective Memory: a critique of the Club of Rome Report (157k, 1w)
- [1980] Societal Learning and the Erosion of Collective Memory: References (12k, 19w)
- [1980] Tensing Associative Networks to contain the Fragmentation and Erosion of Collective Memory (45k, 13w)
- [1980] University of Earth: meta-organization for post-crisis action (4k, 6w)
- [1980] Utilisation de la Documentation Internationale (227k, 11w)
- [1980] Utilisation of International Documentation (169k, 10w)
- [1980] Vector Equilibrium and its Transformation Pathways (72k)
- [1980] Why Systems Fail and Problems Sprout Anew (35k, 2w)
- [1980] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1979] A Computer-Enhanced Communication Environment for an International Conference Center (ref)
- [1979] The Associative Society of the Future (48k, 14w)
- [1979] Beyond Childishness through Symbol-empowered Tensegrities (5k)
- [1979] Computer-enhanced Communication Environment for an International Conference Centre (109k)
- [1979] Development beyond Science to Wisdom: Facilitating the emergence of configurative understanding in Councils of the Wise through computer conferencing dialogue (58k, 12w)
- [1979] Forms of Presentation (17k)
- [1979] Groupware Configurations of Challenge and Harmony: an alternative approach to alternative organization (66k, 16w)
- [1979] Implementing Principles by Balancing Configurations of Functions: a tensegrity organization approach (36k, 3w)
- [1979] Interacting Concepts of Human Development (8k)
- [1979] Mobilization of Public Opinion: yesterday's response to today's problems (ref)
- [1979] Network-Related concepts (ref)
- [1979] Principles of the Conscientized International Expert: political correctness in international initiatives (19k)
- [1979] The Territory Construed as the Map: in search of radical design innovations in the representation of human activities and their relationships (95k, 8w)
- [1979] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1978] A Congress that Dared the Unthinkable: report on the First New Age Congress (31k)
- [1978] An Approach to Systematic Classification of Interpersonal Relationships (23k)
- [1978] Anti-networking strategies (4k, 1w)
- [1978] Assessing the Impact of International Associations (37k)
- [1978] Clarification of Specific Sets (7k)
- [1978] Clarification of systems terminology (5k)
- [1978] Complementarity and Tensegrity (ref)
- [1978] De la Difficulté de Saisir la Problématique Mondiale (ref)
- [1978] Emergence of Integrative Processes in a Self-reflective Assembly (44k)
- [1978] Enhancement of Communications between Commonwealth Organizations using Computer-conferencing Techniques (80k)
- [1978] Example of an elaboration of a number-based sequence of systems (14k)
- [1978] Facilitating the Networking Processes of a Transnational University Using Computer Conferencing (ref)
- [1978] First World New Age Congress (Florence, 1978) (10k)
- [1978] GPID Self-conscientization and in-project demonstration (13k)
- [1978] Inter-Organizational Networking (ref)
- [1978] Interrelating Viewpoints in Complex Meetings (48k, 2w)
- [1978] Mapping Possibilities in Response to Information Needs of Science Policy-making for Development (67k)
- [1978] Meeting Thoughts, Visions and Speculations: a destructured congress (43k)
- [1978] Networking Diseases: speculations towards the development of cures and preventive measures (19k, 1w)
- [1978] Organization and Lifestyle Design: Characteristics of a nonverbal structural language (55k, 11w)
- [1978] Reflections on Development of the Mental Focus (18k)
- [1978] Relations between an Intentional Community and an Urban Focal Point (16k, 4w)
- [1978] Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number (8k)
- [1978] Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number (Notes) (50k)
- [1978] Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number (Parts 1-3) (146k)
- [1978] Representation, Comprehension and Communication of Sets: the Role of Number (References) (25k, 12w)
- [1978] Symbol generation (Annex 4) (5k)
- [1978] Tensed Networks: Balancing and focusing network dynamics in response to networking diseases (28k, 3w)
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity: A lesson in organisation from building design (45k)
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity: From systems-versus-networks to tensegrity organization (58k, 5w)
- [1978] Types of international organization: classification categories (83k, 5w)
- [1978] Types of international organization: detailed overview (63k, 7w)
- [1977] A Meeting-related Information Exchange Facility -- within a computer conferencing environment (86k, 1w)
- [1977] Alternative Network for International Asset Management (27k)
- [1977] La Complexité: ses contraintes pour l'innovation sociale (3k, 7w)
- [1977] La Complexité: ses contraintes pour l'innovation sociale (36k, 3w)
- [1977] Complexity: its constraints on social innovation (2k, 7w)
- [1977] Computer Conferencing as a Means of Enhancing Communication at a Large Conference / Festival (56k)
- [1977] Enhancing Communication at a Large Conference/Festival: Using Computer Conferencing (ref)
- [1977] Enhancing Transnational Network Action (17k)
- [1977] Facilitating Group Formation (ref)
- [1977] Formes d' organisation suscitées par la Complexité (59k, 3w)
- [1977] Growth and Impact of International Associations and their Networks (56k, 4w)
- [1977] L'incapacité de l'individu a entreprendre un changement dans son mode de vie personnel (12k, 2w)
- [1977] Individual Inability to Initiate Personal Lifestyle Change (9k, 2w)
- [1977] International Organization Networks: a complementary perspective (82k, 6w)
- [1977] International Organizations: diversity, borderline cases, functionel substitutes and possible alternatives (ref)
- [1977] Jeux et stratégies pour appréhender la complexité (26k, 3w)
- [1977] Knowledge-Representation in a Computer-Supported Environment (39k, 1w)
- [1977] Lifestyle Interdependence, Context and Design (45k, 6w)
- [1977] The Network Alternative (ref)
- [1977] Networkers and Networking Roles (ref)
- [1977] Organisation de conférences pour la discussion de problèmes complexes (34k, 3w)
- [1977] Organization Terminology and Organization Types (25k)
- [1977] Organizational Systems Versus Network Organization (ref)
- [1977] Présentation de l'information et de son rôle éducatif pour répondre à la complexité (22k, 3w)
- [1977] Système d'Echanges d'Informations: rélatif à une réunion dans le cadre d'un environnement de conférence par Ordinateur (100k, 1w)
- [1977] System-Network Complementarity (9k)
- [1977] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1976] Bibliography of Integrative Human Development and Potential (ref)
- [1976] Bibliography of Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary Approaches (ref)
- [1976] Challenges to International Nongovernmental Organizations (47k)
- [1976] Concepts of Human Development and Potential: introduction (ref)
- [1976] Futures Perspectives of International Organizations (26k)
- [1976] Group Questing or Twelving (24k)
- [1976] Growth and Impact of International Associations and their Networks (41k, 1w)
- [1976] Human Development Concepts (ref)
- [1976] Human Values (ref)
- [1976] Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary Concepts (ref)
- [1976] Integrative, Unitary and Transdisciplinary Concepts: introduction (ref)
- [1976] Intellectual Disciplines and Sciences (ref)
- [1976] International Agencies and Associations: interrelationships and links to world problems, disciplines, occupations, treaties, etc (ref)
- [1976] Intervening to Solve National and World Problems: Real Change or System Maintenance? (49k, 4w)
- [1976] Limits to Human Potential (111k)
- [1976] Mathematical Analysis of Networks (ref)
- [1976] Multilateral Treaties, Conventions and Agreements (ref)
- [1976] National Participation in International Organizations (ref)
- [1976] Network Map Production (ref)
- [1976] Network Organizational Strategy (ref)
- [1976] Networks of International Associations: Occupational categories and world problems (53k, 4w)
- [1976] Orders of Magnitude (ref)
- [1976] Les problèmes entravant l'action des organisations internationales nongouvernementales (OING) (65k, 1w)
- [1976] Les problèmes entravant l'action des organisations internationales nongouvernementales (OING) (65k)
- [1976] Les problèmes entravant l'action des organisations internationales nongouvernementales (OING) (65k)
- [1976] Problem Humour and Miscellanea (ref)
- [1976] Pseudo-Issues Paralyzing Transanational Association Action (23k, 1w)
- [1976] Use of Interactive Graphic Display Techniques (ref)
- [1976] World Forum for Social Innovation: Provisional Programme (22k, 1w)
- [1976] World Problem Networks: as perceived by international organization networks (56k, 6w)
- [1976] World Problems and Human Potential (12k, 4w)
- [1976] World Problems and Human Potential: significance and preliminary results of the World Problems Project (ref)
- [1976] Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential (ref)
- [1975] Facilitative Environments for Personal Development (ref)
- [1975] Information Centre on Social Innovation (10k)
- [1975] International NGOs and their Functions (98k, 1w)
- [1975] International Standard Book Numbering and International Organizations - Group 92 (ref)
- [1975] Meeting Psychosocial Dynamics: proposed for World Forum on Social Innovation (ref)
- [1975] Networks as a Conceptual Aid to Ordering Perception of Complex Social Structures (14k, 2w)
- [1975] Ninety-Percent Laws of Social Fragmentation (3k)
- [1975] Ninety-Percent Laws of Social Fragmentation (3k)
- [1975] The Organizational Network: an Unknown Resource (18k)
- [1975] Preliminary Notes on the Mathematical Analysis of Networks of Psychosocial Entities in Order to Facilitate their Comprehension (ref)
- [1975] Le Problème du Langage dans la Société Internationale (ref)
- [1975] Problèmes mondiaux et Potentiel humain (62k, 4w)
- [1975] State Size and Independence in the Future (ref)
- [1975] Technical Facilitation of Meeting Dynamics and Participant Inter-action (56k, 1w)
- [1975] Thoughts on Community Arrangements (12k)
- [1975] Thoughts on Sacred Places (13k)
- [1975] Traduction Expérimentale/Translation Experiment (ref)
- [1975] Transnational Associations and their Functions (140k, 4w)
- [1975] World Problems and Human Potential: a data interlinkage and display process (69k, 8w)
- [1974] A Communication Tool for Meeting Participants (ref)
- [1974] La Carte des Menaces (7k)
- [1974] Categorical Straightjackets: PO -- A suggestion for a de-patterning device for international organization descriptions (14k)
- [1974] Comments on the UN Secretary-General's Unofficial Draft Report on Improving Coordination and Liaison with Nongovernmental Organizations (ref)
- [1974] Conceptual Distortions from Negative Descriptors: non-governmental vs. anti-governmental (21k)
- [1974] Conceptual Gaps And Confused Distinctions: Possible ambiguities in the translation of interrelated concepts between sectors, jargons or languages (18k)
- [1974] Conference Series on Social Catalysis: proposed (36k)
- [1974] Groups and Networks by Yona Friedman (ref)
- [1974] The Harmony of Interaction and the Facilitation of Network Processes (40k)
- [1974] Languages, Terminologies, and Mind-Sets (24k)
- [1974] Networking: the Need for a New Concept (23k)
- [1974] New UN Action on INGOs (ref)
- [1974] NGO Interventions (ref)
- [1974] Relationship between types of organization and selected activities and qualities (65k, 1w)
- [1974] Relationship between types of organization and selected activities and qualities (71k, 1w)
- [1974] Revised Notes on the Proposed Conference Series on Social Catalysis to be held under the Auspices of Mankind 2000 in Paris (ref)
- [1974] Social Transmutation Conference: Details of possible themes (38k)
- [1974] Texts or Concepts; Documentation or Knowledge? (ref)
- [1974] Transnational network of research and service communities: organizational hybrid (70k, 5w)
- [1974] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1973] Alternative Futures for the United Nations (6k, 3w)
- [1973] De Interorganisationele Betrekkingen: op zoek naar een nieuwe stijl (70k, 8w)
- [1973] De Principes van de Transnationale Actie: Een poging tot het uitwerken van enkele richtlijnen (36k, 6w)
- [1973] Dei Principe dell'Azione Transnazionale: Un saggio di elaborazione di alcune linee direttrici (36k, 5w)
- [1973] Des Principes de l'Action Transnationale: Un essai d'élaboration de quelques lignes directrices (42k, 5w)
- [1973] Die Zwischenorganisatorischen Verbindungen: auf der Suche nach einen neuen Stil (68k, 7w)
- [1973] Documentation or Knowledge?: Toward a computerised inventory (23k, 2w)
- [1973] Human Organizations / Organisations humaines (ref)
- [1973] Inter-organizational relationships: in search of a new style (61k, 7w)
- [1973] Las Reclaciones Interorganizacionales: En busca de un nuevo estilo (74k, 7w)
- [1973] Managing Planetary Management (12k, 2w)
- [1973] Mobilization for Alienation vs. Catalysis for Participation: choice for the United Nations system (32k, 2w)
- [1973] Networking Concept as Applied to Information Systems (41k, 4w)
- [1973] Networking Principles: an attempt at a set of guidelines (8k, 2w)
- [1973] Preliminary Clarification of Some Problems of Processing Networks of Entities in Order Meaningfully to Map Psycho-social Relationships (16k, 4w)
- [1973] Principios de la Acción Transnacional: Ensayo de elaboración de ciertas lineas directivas (39k, 5w)
- [1973] Principles of Transnational Action: an attempt at a set of guidelines (33k, 5w)
- [1973] Problem Disguises (ref)
- [1973] Les Relations Interorganisationnelles: à la recherche d'un nouveau style (78k, 7w)
- [1973] Le Relazioni Interorganizzazionali: alla Ricerca di un Nuovo Stile (69k, 5w)
- [1973] Representation of Concepts and Augmentation of Intellect (32k, 1w)
- [1973] Social science terminology: problems and possibilities arising from use of several languages (11k, 1w)
- [1973] Time for a Mini-Jackson Report? (12k)
- [1973] Toward a concept inventory: other initiatives (23k, 2w)
- [1973] Toward a Concept Inventory: Project features (70k, 1w)
- [1973] Toward a Concept Inventory: suggestions for a computerised procedure (33k, 11w)
- [1973] Transnationale Handlungsprinzipien: Ein Versuch zur Ausarbeitung bestimmter Direktiven (38k, 5w)
- [1973] UN Environment Programme Wastes NGO Resources: how to butcher the "Spirit of Stockholm" (ref)
- [1973] UN - NGO Relations : a New Departure ? (17k)
- [1973] World Problems Project: resumé des travaux en cours (15k, 2w)
- [1973] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1973] Yearbook of World Problems: Special index for plotting organization and concept networks (18k)
- [1972] A Human Environment Ombudsman (12k)
- [1972] A New Approach to World Problems (ref)
- [1972] L'Acquisition et l'Organisation de la Documentation Internationale (133k, 1w)
- [1972] Acquisition and Organization of International Documentation (93k, 1w)
- [1972] An NGO Collective Long-Term Objective (31k, 2w)
- [1972] An NGO Collective Long-term Objective (31k, 2w)
- [1972] Bibliography of Documents on Transnational Association Networks: international nongovernmental organizations as a field of study (ref)
- [1972] Comparative Evaluation of Different Types of International Organization (34k, 2w)
- [1972] Le Développement des Moyens Conceptuels Transdisciplinaires (46k, 1w)
- [1972] IGO-INGO and INGO-INGO Relations: a possible approach (23k, 2w)
- [1972] Information Needs and the Consultative Relationship in the Second United Nations Development Decade (14k)
- [1972] International NGO Groupings (ref)
- [1972] International Nongovernmental Organizations Most Frequently Recognized by Intergovernmental Organizations (ref)
- [1972] Internationally-oriented Foundations (ref)
- [1972] Internationally-oriented Institutes (ref)
- [1972] Mapping World Problems: illustrated by the case of IGOs and NGOs (12k, 1w)
- [1972] The Nature of Organization in Transnational Networks (76k, 6w)
- [1972] Networks as Vehicles for Impact (11k)
- [1972] Relationship Between Elements of Knowledge: use of computer systems to facilitate construction, comprehension and comparison of the concept thesauri of different schools of thought (ref)
- [1972] Research topics on international non-governmental organization (23k)
- [1972] Shared NGO Services: an analysis of a feasibility study for an international centre (42k)
- [1972] Statistics on International Organizations (ref)
- [1972] Summary of the Crises in Interorganizational Relationships at the International Level (47k, 1w)
- [1972] Summary of Functions Performed by NGO Conferences (ref)
- [1972] Transnational Action through NGO Networks (29k)
- [1972] Transnational Association Networks: research topics on international NGOs (21k, 1w)
- [1972] The World Network of Organizations: a symbol for the 1970s (47k)
- [1972] World Problems and Human Potential: outline proposal for a data collection project on world problematiqe (109k, 2w)
- [1972] Wrecking an International Project: Notes from a saboteur's vade mecum (24k)
- [1971] A Human Rights Index?: analysis of the signature and ratifications of the international human rights convention (ref)
- [1971] A World in Distress: a model of fragmented social development (7k, 1w)
- [1971] Checklist of Possible Points for Discussion (8k, 2w)
- [1971] Collective NGO Long-term Objective (31k, 2w)
- [1971] Computer-aided Visualization of Psycho-social Structures (115k)
- [1971] Criteria for an Adequate Meta-model (17k)
- [1971] Design of an information system to facilitate the production of concept thesauri by different schools of thought (15k, 1w)
- [1971] Discrimination and Fragmentation in the 1970s: an organized response to global crisis (2k, 3w)
- [1971] Discrimination and Fragmentation in the 1970s: the UN's System's Ivory Tower Strategy (99k, 1w)
- [1971] From Apartheid to Schizophrenia: the logic of depersonalized separate development (65k, 2w)
- [1971] Governmental Support of International Non-governmental Organizations (26k)
- [1971] IGO-INGO and INGO-INGO Relations: a possible approach (18k, 2w)
- [1971] Information Systems and Inter-Organizational Space (69k, 2w)
- [1971] Inter-organizational data and data bank design (72k, 1w)
- [1971] Interdependence and Isolationism (41k, 2w)
- [1971] Management and Assessment of Financial Resources (of international associations) (98k, 1w)
- [1971] Matrix Organization and Organizational Networks (62k, 13w)
- [1971] Next Step in Inter-organizational Relationships (15k, 17w)
- [1971] Opportunities and Dangers in the Development of NGO Information Systems (17k, 2w)
- [1971] Quo Vadis UNO?: a review of some of the issues raised by the Club of Rome study of World Dynamics (27k, 2w)
- [1971] Recommendations for Change and Intervention in the World System (22k)
- [1971] Report on the Programme to Investigate and Implement a Computer-based Information System at UIA (24k, 1w)
- [1971] Significance of the World Network of Organizations (11k, 2w)
- [1971] Sketch of a World Action-Potential Information System (20k, 2w)
- [1971] Specific proposals: Next Step in Inter-organizational Relationships (36k, 2w)
- [1971] Summary of the Crises in Inter-Organizational Relationships at the International Level (45k, 2w)
- [1971] Summary of Functions Performed by NGO Conferences (9k, 2w)
- [1971] Types of Problems and Organizational Strategy (12k)
- [1971] The UN System's Ivory Tower Strategy; and the Death Knell of INGO Consultative Status (ref)
- [1971] Universal Declaration of the Rights of Human Organization: an experimental extension of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (60k)
- [1971] Use of Multi-Meetings: Proposal for Improvement to NGO / UN Relationships (93k)
- [1971] Wanted - A New Social Entity (24k, 2w)
- [1971] Wanted : New Types of Social Entity (19k, 3w)
- [1971] What is a World Problem?: a new project of the UIA - Yearbook of World Problems (ref)
- [1971] World Dynamics and Psychodynamics (50k)
- [1971] Yesterday's Problems or Tomorrow's Problems (6k, 2w)
- [1970] A Network Approach to Programme Interaction (11k, 1w)
- [1970] Concept of the Future UN Development Information System (56k, 1w)
- [1970] Concept of Future UN Structure (25k, 1w)
- [1970] Conclusions: International Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change (30k, 1w)
- [1970] Development of Transdisciplinary Conceptual Aids (51k, 2w)
- [1970] Discussion: International Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change (35k, 1w)
- [1970] Information Needs and the Consultative Relationship: in the Second United Nations Development Decade (15k)
- [1970] International Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change (13k, 13w)
- [1970] The Organizational Network: an Unknown Resource (18k)
- [1970] Organizational Networks (6k, 1w)
- [1970] Overlap Between NGO Information Systems (ref)
- [1970] Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s: Commentary on Jackson Report (79k, 3w)
- [1970] Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s: Commentary on Pearson Report (16k, 3w)
- [1970] Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s: Discussion (36k, 3w)
- [1970] Report of the Commission on International Development: Commentary (18k, 1w)
- [1970] Report of the Committee on Scientific and Technical Communication: Commentary (12k, 1w)
- [1970] Report of the UN Center for Economic and Social Information: Commentary (19k, 1w)
- [1970] Sketch of a World Action-Potential Information System (20k, 1w)
- [1970] Study of the Capacity of the UN Development System (Jackson REport) (56k, 1w)
- [1970] Summary of World System Data Banks (7k, 2w)
- [1970] Tools for the Future: International Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change (41k, 1w)
- [1970] La visualisation du réseau d'organisations (109k, 6w)
- [1970] Visualization of the International Organization Network: the UIA as an international data bank (69k, 9w)
- [1970] Visualization of Organization (ref)
- [1969] Case Studies in Planetary Management (12k, 1w)
- [1969] Computer-based Information Centre on Organizations and Entities (103k)
- [1969] Contribution of the UIA to UNESCO Programmes for Peace (ref)
- [1969] Description of a Proposed Information System to Facilitate Contact between Organizations (39k)
- [1969] Evaluation of International Organizations (37k)
- [1969] General Systems, Education and the relevance of world system data banks and the Inter-Contact technique (59k)
- [1969] Impact of the Computer / Communication / Information Revolution on Non-governmental Organizations (52k)
- [1969] Improvement of Communication within the World System (114k)
- [1969] Improvement of Communication within the World System (FIG. 1a) (69k)
- [1969] Inter-Contact: an information centre and a technique; describing of a planned computer-based information centre on international and national organizations and related entities (ref)
- [1969] International NGO Groupings (24k)
- [1969] Manuel Administratif des Organizsations Internationales Non-gouvernementales (15k, 1w)
- [1969] Need for a World Management Information Network (59k)
- [1969] Need for a World Management Information System to Assist Initiation and Coordination of Global Development Programmes (61k)
- [1969] Organization Manual for International Non-Profit Organizations (13k, 1w)
- [1969] Organizational Apartheid: Who needs whom in the Second United Nations Development Decade ? (64k)
- [1969] Les possibilités d'utilisation, par les organisations internationales non gouvernementales, d'ordinateurs et de traitement électronique des données (45k)
- [1969] Tentative Basis for the Design and Build-up of a Network File (12k)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: Clarification of Objectives and Strategy (Part E) (13k, 4w)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: External Factors (Part A) (25k, 18w)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: Future Activities (Part C) (5k, 3w)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: Internal Factors (Part B) (127k, 38w)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: Recommendations (Part F) (10k, 4w)
- [1968] Analysis of Union of International Associations: Summary of Evaluation (Part D) (25k, 3w)
- [1968] Application of Model: Functional Synthesis of Viewpoints (Part III) (71k, 26w)
- [1968] Classification of International and National Organizations and the Relationship between Them with Special Reference to International Non-profit Organizations (ref)
- [1968] Development of an Initial Classification of Viewpoints: Functional Synthesis of Viewpoints (Part I) (36k, 26w)
- [1968] Development of Model: Functional Synthesis of Viewpoints (Part II) (23k, 26w)
- [1968] Environment of the Union of International Associations (4k, 3w)
- [1968] Functional Synthesis of Viewpoints: a conceptual model based on purpose (27k, 29w)
- [1968] International Non-governmental, Non-profit Organizations (NGOs) (19k, 7w)
- [1968] Most Appropriate Computer Systems for UIA: Detailed Examination (55k, 43w)
- [1968] Multinational Business Enterprises: A New Category of International Organizations (57k, 2w)
- [1968] Multinational Business Enterprises: Table (1968) (754k, 1w)
- [1968] Organization of a Seminar for the Officers of International Non-governmental Organizations (7k, 2w)
- [1968] Possible Use of Computers and Data Processing Equipment by International Non-governmental Organizations (43k, 2w)
- [1968] Preliminary Investigation of the Possibility of Using Computer Data Processing Methods (46k, 218w)
- [1968] Preliminary Investigation of the Possibility of Using Computer Data Processing Methods for the UIA (49k, 27w)
- [1968] Significance of the World System Concept (45k, 31w)
- [1968] Les Sociétés Multinationales a But Lucratif (38k, 1w)
- [1968] Summary Description of the Union of International Associations (UIA) (12k, 6w)
- [1968] Systems of Production of Publications: Preliminary Examination of Computer Systems (Part B) (5k, 4w)
- [1968] UIA-only Systems of Production of Publications: Preliminary Examination of Computer Systems (Part A) (36k, 13w)
- [1968] Utilisation, par les organisations internationales non gouvernementales, d'ordinateurs et de traitement électronique des données (45k)
- [1967] Management Game Techniques and International NGOs (33k)
- [1966] Report of a Preliminary Investigation of the Possibility of Using Computer Data Processing Methods (ref)
- [1965] International Cooperation, Communication and Sources of Information (21k, 3w)
- [1964] Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings (ref)
- [1964] Proceedings of International Meetings: Analysis of a bibliography (65k, 1w)
- [1963] Annual International Congress Calendar (ref)
- [1963] Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings (ref)
- [1963] Yearbook of International Organizations (ref)
- [1962] Union of International Associations: a profile (15k, 2w)
- [_Nodate] CV / Biography for Anthony Judge (6k, 38w)
- [_Nodate] Diversity of References to this Site (6k, 21w)
- [_Nodate] Documents about the Union of International Associations: Anthony Judge (7k, 32w)
- [_Nodate] Passing Thoughts: Anthony Judge (15k, 3w)
- [_Nodate] Research Themes and Papers: Anthony Judge (24k, 66w)
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years