Documents relating to Polarization, Dilemmas and Duality
See new version on Kairos site. Page not currently maintained, but serves as one indication of topic clustering (with others of this type)
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities for all documents is provided separately,
including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this is given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Keywords (for automatic selection of documents): polarity, duality, polarization, dualities, dilemma, dilemmas, ambiguities, polarities, monopolarization
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2009] From Changing the Strategic Game to Changing the Strategic Frame (83k, 125w)
- [2009] Reframing Strategic Dilemmas through 12 Modes (52k, 165w)
- [2008] Coherent Value Frameworks: Pillar-ization, Polarization and Polyhedral frames of reference (111k, 104w)
- [2008] Transforming the Edge of the World through Voiding the Centre (67k, 99w)
- [2008] Where There is No Time and Nothing Matters: Cognitive Challenges at the Edge of the World (84k, 119w)
- [2007] Interrelating Metaphors -- to enable a cycle of transformation between epistemological modes (68k, 62w)
- [2007] Psychosocial Energy from Polarization: within a cyclic pattern of Enantiodromia (189k, 160w)
- [2007] Psychosocial Work Cycle: Beyond the plane of Mobius (104k, 106w)
- [2006] Council of the Whys: emergent wisdom through configuration of why-question dynamics (162k, 217w)
- [2006] Polarities as Pluckable Tensed Strings: Hypercomprehension through harmonics of value-based choice-making (49k, 42w)
- [2005] Being Positive and Avoiding Negativity: Management challenge of positive vs negative (126k, 118w)
- [2005] Cardioid Attractor Fundamental to Sustainability: 8 transactional games forming the heart of sustainable relationship (90k, 83w)
- [2005] Humour and Play-Fullness: Essential integrative processes in governance, religion and transdisciplinarity (176k, 147w)
- [2005] Imagination, Resolution, Emergence, Realization and Embodiment: iterative comprehension ordered via the dynamics of the Mandelbrot set (9k, 3w)
- [2005] Psycho-social Significance of the Mandelbrot Set: a sustainable boundary between chaos and order (74k, 53w)
- [2005] Sustainability through the Dynamics of Strategic Dilemmas: in the light of the coherence and visual form of the Mandelbrot set (151k, 167w)
- [2004] Configuring Conceptual Polarities in Questing: metaphoric pointers to self-reflexive coherence (45k, 27w)
- [2004] Distinguishing Emergent Conceptual Polarities: experimental ordering of a collection of research papers (93k, 491w)
- [2004] Spherical Accounting: Using geometry to embody developmental integrity (111k, 127w)
- [2003] Evoking Authenticity: through polyhedral global configuration of local paradoxes (116k, 120w)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (69k, 1w)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (22k)
- [1998] Responding to Conceptual and Value Polarities: learnings from sexuality (8k)
- [1996] Interacting Fruitfully with Un-Civil Society: the dilemma for non-civil society organizations (40k, 4w)
- [1995] Competing Models and Visions of Global Order via Function Dominance (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Inter-sectoral Strategic Dilemmas of Sustainable Development (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Interpersonal Strategic Dilemmas of Participation (in a sustainable inter-sectoral meeting)
- [1995] Polarity entrapment (Discontinuity: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Representation of Interlocking Elements for a Sustainable Global System (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate A) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate B) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Spherical Representation of Icosidodecahedral Net of Strategies (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1992] Configuring Strategic Dilemmas in Intersectoral Dialogue (2k, 5w)
- [1992] Dilemmas of Inter-Sectoral Dialogue Processes (4k, 2w)
- [1992] General Checklist of Documents Describing the Rationale and Process (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1992] Systemic Mapping of Strategic Dilemmas (18k, 2w)
- [1988] Cooperation and its Failures: Metaphors towards understanding the dilemma for the 1990s (22k, 1w)
- [1983] Antagonistic Dualities: Polarization and Paradox (20k, 79w)
- [1983] Monopolarization (89k, 79w)
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity: A lesson in organisation from building design (45k, 1w)
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity: From systems-versus-networks to tensegrity organization (58k, 6w)
- [1974] Conceptual Gaps And Confused Distinctions: Possible ambiguities in the translation of interrelated concepts between sectors, jargons or languages (18k)