Documents relating to Quests, Questions and Answers
See new version on Kairos site. Page not currently maintained, but serves as one indication of topic clustering (with others of this type)
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities for all documents is provided separately,
including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this is given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Keywords: answer / answers / ignorance\ / quest / questing / question / questionable / questions / quests
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2010] Clustering Questions of Existential Significance (47k, 59w)
- [2010] Patterns Essential to Individual and Global Health? (94k, 106w)
- [2010] Towards a University of Earth? (32k, 40w)
- [2009] Abuse of Faith in Governance: Mystery of the Unasked Question (111k, 71w)
- [2009] Burkha as Metaphorical Mirror for Imperious Culture? (54k, 56w)
- [2009] Declaration of Universal Independence (40k, 56w)
- [2009] Global Strategic Alternatives for the 21st Century? (6k, 11w)
- [2009] Identification of Bullets: human right and human responsibility? (21k, 16w)
- [2009] In Quest of a Job vs Engendering Employment (106k, 112w)
- [2009] Looking in the Mirror -- at Josef Fritzl ? (60k, 26w)
- [2009] Metaphorical Geometry in Quest of Globality (24k, 25w)
- [2009] Remedies to Global Crisis: "Allopathic" or "Homeopathic"? (170k, 117w)
- [2008] Being What You Want: problematic kataphatic identity vs. potential of apophatic identity? (101k, 83w)
- [2008] Communication with Whom, about What, Where and Why? (105k, 113w)
- [2008] Global Quality Navigation System (GQS): participative enhancement of aesthetic discovery (26k, 4w)
- [2008] Happiness and Unhappiness through Naysign and Nescience: comprehending the essence of sustainability? (64k, 75w)
- [2008] In Quest of Engaging Values: context of the Human Values and Wisdom Project (122k, 39w)
- [2008] In Quest of Optimism Beyond the Edge: through avoidance of the answering process (110k, 99w)
- [2008] In Quest of a Strategic Pattern Language: a new architecture of values (16k, 31w)
- [2008] Moving Symbols: Radical Change in Psycho-social Energy Policy? (90k, 56w)
- [2008] Responsibility for Global Governance: Who? Where? When? How? Why? Which? What? (11k, 6w)
- [2008] Self-reflective Embodiment of Transdisciplinary Integration (SETI): the universal criteria of species maturity? (110k, 115w)
- [2008] Systemic Crises as Keys to Systemic Remedies: a metaphorical Rosetta Stone for future strategy? (147k, 89w)
- [2007] Abusive Wikipedia Biographical Editorial Process: a case study in problematic alternative forms of governance? (44k, 33w)
- [2007] All Blacks of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic discord through polyphony? (17k, 20w)
- [2007] Célébrant le siècle institutionnel de l'UIA (1907-2007): sénilité, immortalité ou réincarnation ? (46k, 14w)
- [2007] Das Institutionsjahrhundert der UIA (1907-2007) feiern: Altersschwäche, Unsterblichkeit oder Reinkarnation? (40k, 21w)
- [2007] Einstein's Implicit Theory of Relativity -- of Cognitive Property? Unexamined influence of patent office procedures (59k, 35w)
- [2007] Emergence of a Global Misleadership Council: misleading as vital to governance of the future? (125k, 144w)
- [2007] Frequently Asked Questions about the Laetus in Praesens website (47k, 52w)
- [2007] In Further Quest of "Meta-Union"? Interplay of generic dimensions of any "union of international associations" (26k, 36w)
- [2007] In Quest of Mnemonic Catalysts -- for comprehension of complex psychosocial dynamics (66k, 90w)
- [2007] In Quest of "Meta-Union"? Interplay of generic dimensions of any "union of international associations" (12k, 27w)
- [2007] Just Who's Afraid of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Commentary on speech by the President of Iran to the UN General Assembly (110k, 33w)
- [2007] Possibilities for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions, metaphors, images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols (44k, 38w)
- [2007] Possibilities for Massive Participative Interaction: including voting, questions, metaphors, images, constructs, melodies, issues, symbols (44k, 38w)
- [2007] University of Earth: Questing for a more comprehensive dream (3k, 10w)
- [2006] Am I Question or Answer? (83k, 84w)
- [2006] Cognitive Feel for Cognitive Catastrophes: Question Conformality (53k, 46w)
- [2006] Conformality of 7 WH-questions to 7 Elementary Catastrophes: an exploration of potential psychosocial implications (187k, 154w)
- [2006] Council of the Whys: emergent wisdom through configuration of why-question dynamics (162k, 217w)
- [2006] Enabling a Living Library: reconciling "free voices" and "intellectual propriety" (20k, 46w)
- [2006] Generating a Million Questions from UIA Databases: Problems, Strategies, Values (87k, 29w)
- [2006] Guidelines for Critical Dialogue between Worldviews: as exemplified by the need for non-antisemitic dialogue with Israelis? (142k, 106w)
- [2006] Interrelating Cognitive Catastrophes in a Grail-chalice Proto-model: implications of WH-questions for self-reflexivity and dialogue (45k, 50w)
- [2006] Noonautics: four modes of travelling and navigating the knowledge universe? (57k, 40w)
- [2006] Preliminary Netmap Studies of Databases on Questions, World Problems, Global Strategies, and Values (26k, 13w)
- [2006] Question Avoidance, Evasion, Aversion and Phobia: why we are unable to escape from traps (99k, 90w)
- [2006] Snoring of The Other: a politically relevant psycho-spiritual metaphor? (35k, 39w)
- [2006] Towards an Astrophysics of the Knowledge Universe? from astronautics to noonautics (107k, 103w)
- [2006] Towards an Astrophysics of the Knowledge Universe? from astronautics to noonautics (111k, 60w)
- [2006] Towards a Periodic Table of Questions: strategic opportunities from ordering WH-questions * (58k, 1w)
- [2005] Acts of God vs Acts of al-Qaida: Hurricane Katrina as a message to Bible Belt America? (75k, 93w)
- [2005] Cui Bono: Groupthink vs Thinking the Unthinkable? Reframing the suffocating consensus in response to 7/7 (305k, 452w)
- [2005] Global Civilization of Vampires: Metaphor of Governance via Demons and Vampires on Spin? (90k, 129w)
- [2005] Norms in the Global Struggle against Extremism: rooting for normalization vs. rooting out extremism? (156k, 168w)
- [2005] UIA Survival: Separating Siamese Twins? a challenge of conflicting cultures (37k)
- [2004] Configuring Conceptual Polarities in Questing: metaphoric pointers to self-reflexive coherence (44k, 27w)
- [2004] Engaging with Questions of Higher Order: cognitive vigilance required for higher degrees of twistedness (126k, 118w)
- [2004] Errorism vs Terrorism?: Encroachment, Complicity, Denial and Terraism (129k, 162w)
- [2004] Functional Complementarity of Higher Order Questions: psycho-social sustainability modelled by coordinated movement (74k, 49w)
- [2004] Future of United Nations - Civil Society Relations: 257 questions in assessing the Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons (65k, 64w)
- [2004] Is God a Terrorist: Definitional game-playing by the Coalition of the Willing? (118k, 110w)
- [2004] Post-UN Alliance of Nations? (21k, 31w)
- [2004] Recent Breakthroughs in Civil Society Research: Reactive vs Proactive Exploration of Opportunities and Alternatives? (33k, 16w)
- [2004] Towards a Logico-mathematical Formalization of "Sin": Fundamental memetic organization of faith-based governance strategies (145k, 163w)
- [2003] Arming Civil Society Worldwide: Getting democracy to work in the emergent American Empire? (44k, 29w)
- [2003] Sustaining the Quest for Sustainable Answers (4k)
- [2001] More Questions for the Future about Terrorism (30k, 1w)
- [2001] Union of International Associations -- Virtual Organization: Paul Otlet's 100-year hypertext conundrum ? (48k, 5w)
- [2001] 911+ Questions in Seeking UnCommon Ground and protecting the Middle Way (13k, 47w)
- [2000] And When the Bombing Stops? Territorial conflict as a challenge to mathematicians (93k, 83w)
- [2000] Is the House of Mathematics in Order? (14k, 1w)
- [2000] Questions to which Many deserve Answers (18k, 5w)
- [1997] Future Generation through Global Conversation: in quest of collective well-being through conversation in the present moment (41k, 7w)
- [1997] In Quest of Uncommon Ground: beyond impoverished metaphor and the impotence of words of power (64k)
- [1997] Veloping: the art of sustaining significance (10k)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in dialogue meeting design (7k)
- [1996] The International School of Ignorance ?: an ongoing experiment in online dialogue meeting design (13k)
- [1995] A new global organizational order? (Insights: Human Values Project)
- [1995] Be Fruitful and Multiply: the most tragic translation error? (12k, 4w)
- [1995] Constraints on a meta-answer (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] In quest of radical coherence (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] In quest of the socio-economics of non-action (Post-crisis opportunities: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Questionable answers (Strategic appropriateness: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Social Exclusion: a metaphoric trap? (17k)
- [1994] In Quest of Radical Coherence: a group design initiative (10k, 1w)
- [1994] La méthode européenne: un problème de spectacle? (ref)
- [1994] Time-sharing System in Meetings: Centralized planning vs Free-market economy ? (19k)
- [1993] The Quest for the Socio-Economics of Non-Action (22k, 4w)
- [1993] Strategically Relevant Evocative Questions ? (4k, 1w)
- [1988] Metaphoric Revolution: in quest of a manifesto for governance through metaphor. (113k, 6w)
- [1987] Answers (ref)
- [1983] Threshold of Comprehensibility: a fourfold minimal system? (76k, 78w)
- [1982] Development as Discontinuous Societal Learning: Cyclic transformation of the global answer economy (141k, 22w)
- [1982] Nyetworking Conspiracy of the New Age (13k, 1w)
- [1981] Checklist of Nasty Methodological Questions -- regarding development analyses and initiatives (12k)
- [1976] Group Questing or Twelving (24k)
- [1976] Intervening to Solve National and World Problems: Real Change or System Maintenance? (49k, 4w)
- [1974] Texts or Concepts; Documentation or Knowledge? (ref)
- [1973] Documentation or Knowledge?: Toward a computerised inventory (23k, 2w)
- [1973] Time for a Mini-Jackson Report? (12k)
- [1973] UN - NGO Relations : a New Departure ? (17k)
- [1971] A Human Rights Index?: analysis of the signature and ratifications of the international human rights convention (ref)
- [1971] Quo Vadis UNO?: a review of some of the issues raised by the Club of Rome study of World Dynamics (27k, 2w)
- [1971] What is a World Problem?: a new project of the UIA - Yearbook of World Problems (ref)
- [1969] Organizational Apartheid: Who needs whom in the Second United Nations Development Decade ? (64k)