11 September 2007 | Draft
UIA-related Publication and Meeting
of Anthony
Judge (bio details separate)
Page not currently maintained, but serves as one indication of topic clustering.
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities for all documents is provided separately,
including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject Separate publication details, if any, are provided in
linked items.
See also non-UIA Conference-, Organization- and Publication-related Initiatives
[J=Journal/Periodical; U=Transnational Associations (UIA); P=Proceedings/Book;
C=Collection of author's papers; M=Also non-English versions]
For other documents for years: 2020+ | 2010+ | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
-- Periodical Publications --
Yearbook of International Organizations
International Congress Calendar (quarterly
and/or monthly since 1960)
- Editor 1963; Managing Editor 1990-2006
- Computerization 1981-1993; Data extractions 1983-2000; Online conversion
Transnational Associations (formerly International
Associations) (ca. monthly since 1950-2005)
- Editor 1969-1978; Managing Editor 1979-1985
- Online access 2001
-- Occasional Publications --
Encyclopedia of World Problems
and Human Potential (formerly Yearbook
of World Problems and Human Potential in 1976; )
- World
problems (Vol. 1, 1976, 1986, 1991, 1995), 1264 p.
- Editor 1976; Co-editor 1986-1995; Managing Editor 1976-2006
- Computerization 1972-1994; Data extractions 1980-2006; Online conversion
- CD version 1995
- Human
Potential: Transformation and Values (Vol. 2, 1991 and 1994; contents
in "Vol. 1" in 1976 and 1986), 931 p.
- Editor 1976; Co-editor 1986-1995; Managing Editor 1976-2006
- Computerization 1972-1994; Data extractions 1980-2006; Online conversion
- CD version 1995
- Actions
- Strategies - Solutions (Vol. 3), 965 p.
- Editor 1976; Co-editor 1986-1995; Managing Editor 1976-2006
- Computerization 1972-1994; Data extractions 1980-2006; Online conversion
- CD version 1995
Who's Who in International
Organizations (1,190 p.)
- Managing Editor 1991-2 and 1995-6
- Computerization 1991-1992; Data extractions 1991-2006; Online conversion
- CD version 1995-2004
-- Associated and Derivative Publications --
Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings (under
contract to the US National Science Foundation)
- [1963] Meetings for 1957: Editor
- [1964]
Meetings for 1958: Editor
Directory of National Participation in International Organizations
- [1976] Experimental computerized edition: Computerization; Data
- [1981] Microfiche edition: Computerization; Data extraction
Guides to International
Organizations (Data extraction, Editor)
International Associations Statutes Series
- [1988] Co-editor;
Computerization; Managing Editor
World Guide to
Religious and Spiritual Organizations
- [1996] Computerization; Managing Editor
World Guide to
Logotypes, Emblems and Trademarks of International Organizations
-- Meeting-related Initiatives --
- [1969] Turin: Management of international nongovernmental organizations
- [1972] Milan: Philosophy and function of international nongovernmental
- [1973] Brussels: Seminar to reflect on the network of international associations.
- [1974] Paris: The problems of language in the international community:
- [1976] Geneva: The future of transnational associations within the new
world order
- [1984] Brussels: The identity of African associations and the participation
of NGOs in development in the context of a new world order
- [1998] Brussels, Belgium: Seminar-Debate on the role of NGOs in the
information society:
- Meaningful
AssociationStrategic Constraints and Possibilitiesin the Information
Society (pdf)
Annual Meeting of Associate Members (representatives
of the conference industry)
- [1993] Brussels: 13th Meeting: Possible
Meeting Facilitation Services Criteria, Checklist and Commentaries
- [1993] Brussels: 14th Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [1993] Brussels: 15th Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [1996] Brussels: 16th Meeting: Electronic
Context of Future International Meetings
- [1997] Brussels: 17th Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [1998] Brussels: 18th Meeting: CD-ROM and Web Developments in UIA
Information Services (with Joel Fischer)
- [1999] Brussels: 19th Meeting: CD-ROM and Web Developments in UIA
Information Services (with Joel Fischer)
- [2000] Brussels: 20th Meeting: CD-ROM and Web Developments in UIA
Information Services (with Joel Fischer and Tomáš J.
- [2001] Brussels: 21st Meeting: Online and CD Developments in UIA Information
Services (with Tomáš J. Fülöpp)
- [2002] Brussels: 22nd Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [2003] Brussels: 23rd Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [2004] Brussels: 24th Meeting: Presentation of UIA Information / Research
- [2005] Brussels: 25th Meeting: Overview of Developments in UIA Activities
- International Congress on Congress Organization
- [1970] Barcelona: 5th Congress
- [1975] Kyoto: 6th Congress:
- World Forum of Transnational Associations [1980] Brussels
-- Other Documents and Reports --
[all papers, including those identified here as related
to UIA, are listed and accessible from
Collections of Selected Papers (1984)
Study Papers
Special studies included in reference books
- In Yearbook of International Organizations
- Statitstics on international organizations.
- 14th ed (1972-1973).
15th ed (1974), 17th (1978-1979), 18th ed (1980), 19th ed (1981)
- Bibliography of documents on transnational association networks;
international nongovernmental organization as a field of study,
1972. (with Kjell Skjelsbaek)
- Internationally-oriented foundations, 1972
- In Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
(from 1976)
- Multilateral treaties, conventions and agreements.
- Intellectual disciplines and sciences (1845 disciplines)
- Integrative, unitary and transdisciplinary concepts (421 concepts)
- Bibliography of integrative, unitary and transdisciplinary approaches. (1850
- Human development concepts. (228 concepts)
- Bibliography of integrative human development and potential. (925
- Human values. (704 values)
Miscellaneous documents and reports