Documents relating to Musings -- Irresponsible and Otherwise
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including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
Those marked (ref) only provide a link to bibliographical information on the document.
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this is given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Keywords: musings
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2010] Beyond the Standard Model of Universal Awareness (75k, 61w)
- [2010] Clustering Questions of Existential Significance (47k, 59w)
- [2010] Credo Variations (2k, 2w)
- [2010] Epistemological Panic in the face of Nonduality (77k, 87w)
- [2009] Cognitive Cycles Vital to Sustainable Self-Governance (95k, 111w)
- [2009] Comprehensive Formulations and their Cognitive Challenge (30k, 14w)
- [2009] Engaging with Osama bin Laden in Swat (20k, 22w)
- [2009] Entangled Tales of Memetic Disaster (8k, 4w)
- [2009] Enwholing the Moment (8k)
- [2009] Existential Embodiment of Externalities (169k, 314w)
- [2009] Future Implication of Historical Explication (52k, 16w)
- [2009] Gaia: La Belle Dame sans Merci (7k, 4w)
- [2009] Generic Reframing of the 12 Tribes of "Israel" (66k, 55w)
- [2009] Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Identity (109k, 127w)
- [2009] Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Identity (37k, 24w)
- [2009] Global Strategic Alternatives for the 21st Century? (6k, 11w)
- [2009] If... (4k)
- [2009] Lipoproblems: Developing a Strategy Omitting a Key Problem (114k, 106w)
- [2009] Looking in the Mirror -- at Josef Fritzl ? (60k, 26w)
- [2009] Overpopulation Debate as a Psychosocial Hazard (111k, 86w)
- [2009] Periodic Pattern of Human Knowing (131k, 122w)
- [2009] Periodic Pattern of Human Life (93k, 103w)
- [2009] Psychosocial Implications of a Periodic Pattern of Human Life (23k, 27w)
- [2009] Relevance of Mythopoeic Insights to Global Challenges (48k, 62w)
- [2009] Remedies to Global Crisis: "Allopathic" or "Homeopathic"? (170k, 117w)
- [2009] Sets and their Settings: from development to climate change (8k, 6w)
- [2009] Sins of Hot Air Emission, Omission, Commission and Promission (104k, 114w)
- [2009] Strategic Inflation of Expectations and Inconsequential Drift (115k, 81w)
- [2009] Towards a Periodic Table of Ways of Knowing (133k, 361w)
- [2009] Transforming the Unsustainable Cost of General Education (63k, 46w)
- [2009] Twelve Step Program for Fund Managers (8k, 1w)
- [2009] Uncritical Strategic Dependence on Little-known Metrics (32k, 28w)
- [2009] United Nations Overpopulation Denial Conference (145k, 131w)
- [2009] Urgent Need for Blair as President of Europe (77k, 70w)
- [2009] We Are on the Brink of Failure in Responding to Global Crises (15k, 15w)
- [2008] Australia's Population Reduction Scheme (19k, 6w)
- [2008] Celebrating the Value of Deadly Problems Worldwide (62k, 35w)
- [2008] The Charge of the Light Brigade: revised in celebration of current global strategic management initiatives (15k, 20w)
- [2008] Climate Change and the Elephant in the Living Room (122k, 128w)
- [2008] Communication with Whom, about What, Where and Why? (105k, 113w)
- [2008] Credibility Crunch engendered by Hope-mongering: "Credit crunch" focus as symptom of a dangerous mindset (104k, 37w)
- [2008] Dynamic Interrelationship of Symbols of Coherent Experiential Representation of Nonduality (DISCERN) (28k, 22w)
- [2008] End of Science: the death knell as sounded by the Royal Society (64k, 79w)
- [2008] Geo-engineering Oversight Agency for Thermal Stabilization (GOATS) (71k, 67w)
- [2008] Happiness and Unhappiness through Naysign and Nescience: comprehending the essence of sustainability? (64k, 75w)
- [2008] Moving Symbols: Radical Change in Psycho-social Energy Policy? (90k, 56w)
- [2008] Peak Experiences Challenging Humanity (13k, 2w)
- [2008] Reframing the EU Reform Process -- through Song: responding to the Irish challenge to the Lisbon Treaty (30k, 33w)
- [2008] Responsibility for Global Governance: Who? Where? When? How? Why? Which? What? (11k, 6w)
- [2008] Self-reflective Embodiment of Transdisciplinary Integration (SETI): the universal criteria of species maturity? (110k, 115w)
- [2008] Self-reflexive Challenges of Integrative Futures (60k, 34w)
- [2008] Strategic Patterns in terms of Knowing, Feeling and Action (67k, 360w)
- [2008] Unknown Undoing: challenge of incomprehensibility of systemic neglect (66k, 69w)
- [2007] All Blacks of Davos vs All Greens of Porto Alegre: reframing global strategic discord through polyphony? (17k, 20w)
- [2007] Archetypal otherness -- "DNA vs. I Ching": Climbing Elven Stairways (Part B) (97k, 75w)
- [2007] Challenge of Nonviolent Population Decimation: Reducing effects of overpopulation on resources and climate change by major reduction in the height of people (78k, 66w)
- [2007] Climbing Elven Stairways: DNA as a macroscopic metaphor of polarized psychodynamics (190k, 130w)
- [2007] Daimon, Djinn, Muse and Duende: Variations on a timeless experience (12k, 12w)
- [2007] Dynamics of Not-Two: Embodiment of the Other as the Peace beyond Understanding (34k, 169w)
- [2007] Existential challenge of "The Other": Climbing Elven Stairways (Part A) (97k, 80w)
- [2007] From ECHELON to NOLEHCE: enabling a strategic conversion to a faith-based global brain (60k, 44w)
- [2007] Global Market in Indulgences: extending the carbon trading model to other value-based challenges (48k, 48w)
- [2007] Potential Misuse of the Conveyor Metaphor: Recognition of the circular dynamic essential to its appropriate operation (136k, 152w)
- [2007] Psychoactive Text Warning: Enneagram of precautionary attitudes (18k, 1w)
- [2007] Root Irresponsibility for Major World Problems: the unexamined role of Abrahamic faiths in sustaining unrestrained population growth (110k, 122w)
- [2007] Spinning a Rapid Exit Strategy from Iraq (24k, 26w)
- [2006] Am I Question or Answer? (83k, 84w)
- [2006] Cognitive Feel for Cognitive Catastrophes: Question Conformality (53k, 46w)
- [2006] Comprehension of Requisite Variety for Sustainable Psychosocial Dynamics: Transforming a matrix classification onto intertwined tori (147k, 153w)
- [2006] Conformality of 7 WH-questions to 7 Elementary Catastrophes: an exploration of potential psychosocial implications (187k, 154w)
- [2006] Council of the Whys: emergent wisdom through configuration of why-question dynamics (162k, 217w)
- [2006] Ensuring Strategic Resilience through Haiku Patterns: reframing the scope of the "martial arts" in response to strategic threats (140k, 185w)
- [2006] Epistemological Challenge of Cognitive Body Odour: exploring the underside of dialogue (55k, 47w)
- [2006] Handing Over: Handy metaphors for the communication of intent (68k, 80w)
- [2006] Hyperaction through Hypercomprehension and Hyperdrive: necessary complement to hypertext proliferation in hypersociety (184k, 220w)
- [2006] Interrelating Cognitive Catastrophes in a Grail-chalice Proto-model: implications of WH-questions for self-reflexivity and dialogue (45k, 50w)
- [2006] Polarities as Pluckable Tensed Strings: Hypercomprehension through harmonics of value-based choice-making (49k, 42w)
- [2006] Proportionate Response in the Eye of the Beholder (152k, 101w)
- [2006] Question Avoidance, Evasion, Aversion and Phobia: why we are unable to escape from traps (99k, 90w)
- [2006] Reframing Sustainable Sources of Energy for the Future: the vital role of psychosocial variants (171k, 209w)
- [2006] Snoring of The Other: a politically relevant psycho-spiritual metaphor? (35k, 39w)
- [2006] Towards a Periodic Table of Questions: strategic opportunities from ordering WH-questions * (58k, 1w)
- [2006] Walking Elven Pathways: enactivating the pattern that connects (76k, 71w)
- [2005] Acts of God vs Acts of al-Qaida: Hurricane Katrina as a message to Bible Belt America? (75k, 93w)
- [2005] Avoiding Dialogue with Alternative Worldviews at any Cost: Timid hypocrisy in responding to terrorism (36k, 43w)
- [2005] Cui Bono: Groupthink vs Thinking the Unthinkable? Reframing the suffocating consensus in response to 7/7 (305k, 452w)
- [2005] Enlightening Endarkenment: selected web resources on the challenge to comprehension (113k, 81w)
- [2005] Galactic Memo on Rapture Readiness (15k, 3w)
- [2005] Global Civilization of Vampires: Metaphor of Governance via Demons and Vampires on Spin? (90k, 129w)
- [2005] Honour Essential to Psycho-social Integrity: challenge of dishonourable leadership to the nameless (96k, 99w)
- [2005] Honour-related Challenges of the Disciplines: an unexplored aspect of methodology and integrity (30k, 25w)
- [2005] Humour and Play-Fullness: Essential integrative processes in governance, religion and transdisciplinarity (175k, 147w)
- [2005] Integrative Design Metaphors: enabling strategic comprehension of the global brain * (9k, 3w)
- [2005] Liberating Provocations: use of negative and paradoxical strategies (98k, 168w)
- [2005] Manipulative Metaphors in Response to Terrorism: semantic and strategic confusion from mixed metaphors (30k, 25w)
- [2005] Norms in the Global Struggle against Extremism: rooting for normalization vs. rooting out extremism? (156k, 168w)
- [2005] Playfully Changing the Prevailing Climate of Opinion: Climate change as focal metaphor of effective global governance (199k, 247w)
- [2005] Presumption of Guilt by Association: reframing extremism in the response to terrorism (41k, 57w)
- [2005] Provocations libératrices: Du bon usage des stratégies négatives et paradoxales (92k, 50w)
- [2005] Recognized role of humour: in politics, leadership, religion and creativity (92k, 99w)
- [2005] Resolving the Challenge of Faith-based Terrorism: Eliciting the dynamic of two-body, three-body and n-body variants (81k, 82w)
- [2005] Review of the Range of Virtual Wars: as a strategic comparison with the global war against terrorism (31k, 134w)
- [2005] Transcending the Temporal Duplicity Sustained by the Baconian Era * (26k, 4w)
- [2005] Union of Intelligible Associations: remembering the dynamic identity of a dodecameral mind (194k, 202w)
- [2005] Varieties of Honour and Dishonour: distinguishing intrinsic honour from honourable externalities (89k, 73w)
- [2004] Accepting God's Will: Understanding the Christian message via George Bush * (55k, 34w)
- [2004] The Coalition of the Willy: musings on the global challenge of penile servitude (63k, 88w)
- [2004] Comments on Formalization of Sin (15k, 3w)
- [2004] Harmonic Embodiment of the Present Moment: the Holy Grail of Global Governance * (22k, 19w)
- [2004] Marketable Tales of the Exploits of Osama bin Laden (18k, 44w)
- [2004] Paradoxes of Tyranny and Death: Judging Saddam Hussein and La Santa Muerte (21k, 29w)
- [2004] Seven Deadly Sins of Fundamentalism: assessing memetic weapons capability of neoconservatism (88k, 78w)
- [2004] Ten Commandments: in the light of God's renewed Will (12k)
- [2004] Towards a Logico-mathematical Formalization of "Sin": Fundamental memetic organization of faith-based governance strategies (145k, 163w)
- [2004] Universal Declaration of Human Rights: in the light of God's renewed will (19k, 4w)
- [2003] Authentic Grokking: Emergence of Homo conjugens (36k, 61w)
- [2003] AWOL: American Way Of Life: Assumptions -- justifying worldwide imposition of democratic imperialism (16k, 5w)
- [2003] Being There (5k, 1w)
- [2003] Bushwackers (38k, 6w)
- [2003] Complementary Truth-handling Strategies: Mediating the relationship between the "Last class" and the "Liar class" (52k, 20w)
- [2003] Destructive Weapons of Mass Distraction vs Distractive Weapons of Mass Destruction (22k, 1w)
- [2003] Globalization of Death: a checklist (10k, 11w)
- [2003] Merits of Moving the UN HQ to Baghdad (11k, 3w)
- [2003] Nos Morituri Te Salutamus: Salute of Iraqi Citizens to the Coalition of the Willing (17k, 3w)
- [2003] Sustaining the Quest for Sustainable Answers (4k)
- [2003] Wilber, Lorimer, Varela and Everything * (1k, 2w)
- [2003] 12 Complementary Languages for Sustainable Governance (19k, 16w)
- [2002] Articles that Might Have Been: Musings (1k, 1w)
- [2002] Axis of Shame (11k)
- [2002] Conceptual Ground Zero: empowerment declaration * (2k)
- [2002] Crusading from Washing-Town to Bag-Dad: pre-emptive regime change as the key to sustainable development (24k)
- [2002] Groupthink: the Search for Archaeoraptor as a Metaphoric Tale (31k, 19w)
- [2002] The "Dark Riders" of Social Change: a challenge for any Fellowship of the Ring (72k, 81w)
- [2002] War against Terra (27k, 10w)
- [2001] Being Bushed: multiple personality disorder in a globalized religious flatland (26k, 13w)
- [2001] Euros and Eurines (3k)
- [2001] Needing Evil Elsewhere (11k, 6w)
- [2001] Principles of Re-reading and Rapplication * (7k)
- [2001] Promoting Sustainable Followership * (3k)
- [2000] Questions to which Many deserve Answers (18k, 5w)
- [1999] Being the Universe : a Metaphoric Frontier (30k, 12w)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for the Messiah: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (15k, 2w)
- [1999] Strategic Briefing for Satan: Based on professional insights from preemptive news and image management (14k, 2w)
- [1999] Why We Do Not Thrive: Challenges to universal thrival (15k)
- [1998] The Deafening Silence of Those Who Know Nothing (9k)
- [1998] Discovering richer patterns of comprehension to reframe polarization (22k)
- [1998] Four Complementary Languages Required for Global Governance (9k)
- [1998] Horrorscope: exploring cross-sectoral systemic relationships * (22k)
- [1998] Learnings about Group Potential and Dysfunctionality * (4k)
- [1998] Responding to Conceptual and Value Polarities: learnings from sexuality (8k)
- [1997] Paradigm Leaps: Intrinsic Determination of Conceptual Patterning (12k)
- [1997] Power of the Small: disruptive effects of small-scale biochemical terrorism (13k)
- [1997] Seeking the cutting edge of sustainable community (9k)
- [1997] The Third Twist: Self-reference and Territorializing the Map (6k)
- [1997] Veloping: the art of sustaining significance (10k)
- [1997] Why and Wherefore of Communication (7k)
- [1996] Beyond Harassment of Reality and Grasping Future Possibilities: learnings from sexual harassment as a metaphor (8k)
- [1996] Creating a Context for More Meaningful Dialogue (7k)
- [1996] Musings on Information of Higher Quality (7k, 2w)
- [1996] People as Stargates: an alternative perspective on human relations in space-time (10k)
- [1996] Thoughts on Defining the New Age (7k, 9w)
- [1996] Understanding Sustainable Dialogue: the secret within Bucky's Ball (11k)
- [1995] Be Fruitful and Multiply: the most tragic translation error? (12k, 4w)
- [1995] Category Ecosystems (8k)
- [1994] Reframing Discourse on Sexual Harassment in Conferences (11k, 2w)
- [1992] Government by Binding Contract (3k)
- [1992] Reinventing Your Metaphoric Habitat (3k)
- [1992] Wanted: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International (7k, 1w)
- [1985] Survey of the Gods and Temples of the Onusien Pantheon * (10k)
- [1982] Nyetworking Conspiracy of the New Age (13k, 1w)
- [1980] Guide to Organizational Evaluation (9k)
- [1979] Principles of the Conscientized International Expert: political correctness in international initiatives (19k)