Collections of Documents in PDF Format
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including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
Items are listed alphabetically within year (and within month for the most recent).
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a PHP version of the document exists, a direct link may be appended to the title
listed below
Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities is provided separately
Provides access to those documents:
- which have not (yet) been adequately digitised (and/or corrected), permitting conversion to HTML/PHP
- which have already been rendered into searchable form in PDF, whether or not versions exist in HTML/PHP
- where the PDF image of the original may anyway be easier to read
(images, tables, typescript) or have historical value
- which already exist in PHP format, but for which a PDF version of that format may be more convenient for printing
- which already exist in PPT format, but for which a PDF version of that format may be more convenient for printing
The PDF documents listed here are collections of documents. The details of their contents (and the individual PDF documents of which they are composed (as well as any PHP equivalents) are provided here (with an additional separate description of the complementary 5-fold sets of 1984). Individual documents, especially those not forming part of collections, are best accessed through the separate page Single Documents in PDF Format.
An indication of the size of accessible PDF documents is given in megabytes (eg
5mb). Where links are also provided to a compact searchable format ("PHP
consider accessing these first (such non-PDF documents may also be accessible through the themes pull-down
menu above
and in the following chronological checklists).
Check the Non-PDF Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2005] Union
of Intelligible Associations
(Presentation at a conference
of the World Academy of Art and Science: The Future of Knowledge: evolutionary
challenges for the 21st century, Zagreb, 2005):
- [2005] Exploring Intelligible Associations (Presentation on
ontological and process issues at the German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence, 2005) [PHP summary]:
- [1996] Cultivating
the Songlines of the Noosphere: Contributions to the first Members Meeting
of the Club of Budapest (From presentations by representatives
to embodying presence in transformation; Dialogue; Envisioning conferencing;
Poetry-making and Policy-making) [6.0mb; PHP
- [1993] Learnings for the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue:
- [1993] Poetry-making
and Policy-making: arranging a Marriage between Beauty and the Beast (Presentation
for the Schule fur Dichtung in Wien / School of Poetry in Vienna) [complete, 6.0mb]
- [1992] A
Conference towards Spiritual Concord as a Metaphor of Spiritual Concord (Notes
and reflections) [9.0mb; PHP
- [1992] Configuring
Globally and Contending Locally: shaping the global network of local bargains
by decoding and mapping Earth Summit inter-sectoral issues (Prepared
for the International Facilitating Committee for the Independent Sectors
in the UNCED process: Inter-sectoral Dialogue, Rio de Janeiro, June 1992)
[3.9mb; PHP
- [1988] Energy
Patterns in Conferences: weaving patterns of information as a context for
higher levels of integration (An exploration of the different
patterns of information which may emerge at any time during the course of
a meeting -- and the special problems and opportunities to which they may
give rise) [2.1mb; PHP
- [1987] Atlas
of International Relationship Networks (Review of the problems
of mapping networks of organization/problem relationships in order to produce
an "Atlas" as a complement to the Yearbook
of International Organizations and to the Encyclopedia
of World Problems and Human Potential), 1987 [2.2mb; PHP version]
- [1984] Forms
of Presentation and the Future of Comprehension (Collection of papers mainly
presented to the Forms of Presentation sub-project of the Goals, Processes
and Indicators of Development (GPID) project of the United Nations University)
[0.3mb; PHP
- [1984] Transformative
Conferencing: Problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk
gatherings concerning social development (Collection
of papers reprinted from the journal Transnational Associations in the light
of experience in the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development (GPID)
project of the United Nations University)
[0.3mb; PHP
- [1984] Policy
Alternation for Development (Papers arising from work in
connection with the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development (GPID)
project of the United Nations University) [0.5mb; PHP
- [1984] Patterns
of Conceptual Integration (Collection of papers) [0.4mb; PHP
- [1984] From
Networking to Tensegrity Organization (Collection of papers) [0.6mb;
- Part 1: Recognition
of the Problem (Papers covering a variety of approaches to the identification
of the difficulties in inter-organizational action, together with experiments
in formulating sets of principles to clarify the issues) [3.7mb; PHP version]
- Part 2: Networking
as an Alternative (Collection of papers envisioning
the potential social significance of networks in all their variety,
notably those features which have so successfully caught peoples imagination;
need for a suitable vocabulary to facilitate network-related
activity) [4.3mb; PHP version]
- Part 3: Networks
as a Complement to Systems (Collection of papers discussing the distinctions
and complementarities between networks and systems -- and the implications
for the operation of international organizations) [3.1mb; PHP version]
- Part 4: Enhancing
Network Action (Collection of papers on facilitating
networking processes, whether amongst organizations in general, within
a network of "research and service communities" or in a transnational
university. The nature of a network organizational strategy is a particular
concern) [3.5mb; PHP version]
- Part 5: Networking
Weaknesses and Project Failure (Collection of papers
considering the consequences of rejecting the "rigidity" of
hierarchicial systems and the nature of network "flabbiness") [2.5mb; PHP version]
- Part 6: Tensing
Networks (Papers exploring the possibility of "tensing" networks
in response to "flabbiness", notably through the use of tensegrity
principles) [1.5mb; PHP version]
- Part 7: Beyond
Networking to Tensegrity Alternation (Collection of
papers on the relevance of tensional integrity ("tensegrity")
as a means of striking a balance between the strengths and weaknesses
of hierarchical and networking approaches to social organization) [4.7mb; PHP version]
- Annexes (Papers by David Horton Smith, Peter and Trudy Johnson-Lenz,
Yona Friedman and Anthony Judge) [2.5mb; PHP version]
- [1982?] University
of Earth: Meta-organization for post-crisis action [4.4mb; PHP version]
- [1981] Inter-Contact
[no PHP version]
- [1980] Metaconferencing [2.3mb]
- [1979] Meeting Thoughts, Visions and Speculations: a destructured congress [ 0.4mb; PHP version]
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity
- [1977] Complexity:
its constraints on social innovation (Introductory reports
for a session at the Journées d'études of the International
Foundation for Social Innovation)
[3.5mb; PHP
- [1976] The
Network Alternative (A proposal for encounters between practitioners,
social scientistis and specialists, incorporating the summary report of a preliminary
meeting to assess the feasibility of such a project, Montreal, 1976) [published 1.7mb; original version; no PHP version]
- [1975] Technical facilitation of meeting dynamics and participant interaction
- [1973] Toward
a Concept Inventory: suggestions for a computerized procedure (Prepared
for the Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA) of the
International Political Science Association, 9th Congress, Montreal 1973)
[1.5mb; 4.7mb; PHP version]
- [1972] Relationship
between Elements of Knowledge: Use of computer systems
to facilitate construction, comprehension and comparison of the concept thesauri
of different schools of thought [8mb; PHP overview with indication of access to to the following PDFs of individual appendices]:
- [1971] The
Next Step in Inter-Organizational Relationships (Use of information,
rather than organization, as the foundation for the inter-organizational activity
of the future) [6.0mb; PHP
- [1971] Discrimination and Fragmentation in the 1970s: an organized response to global crisis
[PHP version]
- [1970] Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s (extracts from International
Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change, see below)
- Part I: A/B (0.8mb):
- A: UN Development
System Capacity Study (Jackson Report) [PHP version]
- B: IBRD Commission on International Development
(Pearson Report) [PHP version]
- Part II: C Report on the Mobilization of Public Opinion (CESI Report) [0.3mb; no PHP version]
- Part III: E Discussion [0.3mb; PHP version]
- Part IV: Implications of the SATCOM report [0.7mb; no PHP version]
- [1970] International
Organizations and the Generation of the Will to Change: the information systems
(A study of the implications of the following reports in terms of the total network of organizations making
up the world system and the complex network of interaction problem areas)
[4.7mb; PHP version; extracts published under the title Planning for the 1960s in the 1970s, see above]:
- UN Development
System Capacity Study (Jackson Report) [PHP version]
- IBRD Commission on International Development
(Pearson Report) [PHP version]
- Report on the Mobilization of Public Opinion (CESI Report) [PHP version]
- SATCOM Report [no PHP version]
- [1968] Preliminary
Investigation of the Possibility of Using Computer Data Processing Methods
- [1968] Functional
Synthesis of Viewpoints: a conceptual model based on purpose.
[7mb; PHP version]