Documents relating to Networking, Tensegrity, Virtual Organization
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Clarification of the variety of formats and access possibilities for all documents is provided separately,
including indication of thematic organizations by topic/subject
An indication of the size of accessible documents is given in kilobytes (eg 42k) -- meaning 42,000 characters.
Where a document has active weblinks to other documents, this is given as (42k, 15w) -- meaning 15 weblinks
Keywords (for automatic selection of documents): networks, network, networking, tensegrity, tensegrities, net, syntegrity, vector, virtual
Documents for years: 2020+ | 2010-19 | 2000-09 | 1990-99 | 1980-89 | 1970-79 | 1962-69 | ALL years
- [2009] In Quest of a Job vs Engendering Employment (106k, 112w)
- [2008] Animation of Classical BaGua Arrangements: a dynamic representation of Neti Neti (47k, 32w)
- [2008] Any Evidence of Collective Intelligence * (3k)
- [2008] Coherent Value Frameworks: Pillar-ization, Polarization and Polyhedral frames of reference (111k, 104w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Groups: Experimental animations and video sequences (9k, 19w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Groups: Experimental visualization of possible integrative relationships (19k, 33w)
- [2008] Configuring Global Governance Issues: Experimental animations and video sequences (8k, 19w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Empowerment of Networks through Symmetry: psycho-social implications for organization and global governance (161k, 145w)
- [2008] Polyhedral Pattern Language: Software facilitation of emergence, representation and transformation of psycho-social organization (218k, 211w)
- [2008] Topology of Valuing: dynamics of collective engagement with polyhedral value configurations (219k, 163w)
- [2008] Topology of Valuing: psychodynamics of collective engagement with polyhedral value configurations (98k, 93w)
- [2007] Beyond the Matrix: becoming other wise (25k, 88w)
- [2007] Experimental Visualization of Networks: world problems, international organizations, global strategies and human values (3k, 9w)
- [2007] Interrelationships between 64 Complementary Approaches to Networking (19k, 4w)
- [2007] Virtuality and Ungroundedness * (2k)
- [2006] Coactive Contextual Relationships: necessary underdefinition and resonant associations of ITER-8 (43k, 39w)
- [2006] Cognitive Fusion through Myth and Symbol Making: archetypal dimensions (40k, 17w)
- [2006] Complementarity and Self-Reflexivity: between nuclear fusion and cognitive fusion (61k, 75w)
- [2006] Complementary Knowledge Analysis / Mapping Process (22k, 39w)
- [2006] Council of the Whys: emergent wisdom through configuration of why-question dynamics (162k, 217w)
- [2006] Dematerialization and Virtualization: comparison of nuclear fusion and cognitive fusion (114k, 79w)
- [2006] Documents relating to Sustainable Networking (adapted from I Ching): Anthony Judge (14k, 83w)
- [2006] Enactivating a Cognitive Fusion Reactor: Imaginal Transformation of Energy Resourcing (ITER-8) (138k, 184w)
- [2006] Generating a Million Questions from UIA Databases: Problems, Strategies, Values (88k, 29w)
- [2006] Preliminary Netmap Studies of Databases on Questions, World Problems, Global Strategies, and Values (26k, 13w)
- [2006] Veiling: religion, privacy, modesty and security * (9k, 1w)
- [2006] World Ignorance Council (4k)
- [2005] Meta-challenges of the Future: for Networking through Think-tanks (2k, 3w)
- [2005] Norms in the Global Struggle against Extremism: rooting for normalization vs. rooting out extremism? (157k, 168w)
- [2005] Review of the Range of Virtual Wars: as a strategic comparison with the global war against terrorism (32k, 134w)
- [2004] Towards a Logico-mathematical Formalization of "Sin": Fundamental memetic organization of faith-based governance strategies (146k, 163w)
- [2002] Mapping the Network of Terror (2k, 1w)
- [2001] Simulating a Global Brain: using networks of international organizations, world problems, strategies, and values (138k, 130w)
- [2001] Union of International Associations -- Virtual Organization: Paul Otlet's 100-year hypertext conundrum ? (48k, 5w)
- [1999] Communication between Visual Network and Sounds * (15k)
- [1998] The Challenge of Cyber-Parliaments and Statutory Virtual Assemblies (29k, 10w)
- [1997] Transformation Metaphors: dialogue, vision, conferencing, policy, network, community and lifestyle (58k, 10w)
- [1995] Computer representation of problem networks (Patterning problems: World Problems Project)
- [1995] Computer representation of strategy networks (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Graphics environment for exploring relationship networks (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Holistic network mapping using NETMAP (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network analysis (Analysis: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network maps (Visualization: Transformative Approaches Project)
- [1995] Network strategy (Strategic ecosystem: Global Strategies Project)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate A) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Representation of Issue Arenas on Icosidodecahedral Net (Alternate B) (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1995] Spherical Representation of Icosidodecahedral Net of Strategies (Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks (15k, 1w)
- [1992] Atlas of International Relationship Networks: Status (12k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Analysis of Networks (17k)
- [1992] Computer Mapping: Network Maps (19k, 1w)
- [1992] Configuring Globally and Contending Locally: shaping the global network of local bargains (9k, 44w)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Clarification of Requirements (11k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Development of an operational relationship technique (9k)
- [1992] Network Mapping: Software Possibilities (12k)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on icosidodecahedral net (A) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Representation of issue arenas on an icosidodecahedral net (B) (1k, 1w)
- [1992] Visualizing Relationship Networks: International, Interdisciplinary, Intersectoral (17k, 1w)
- [1991] Research Network on Catalytic Imagery for governance in impossible situations (68k, 3w)
- [1990] Transformative Conferencing: re-enchantment of networking through conceptware (58k, 10w)
- [1988] Atlas of International Relationship Networks: Phased Cycles (7k, 7w)
- [1988] Reordering Networks of Incommensurable Concepts in Phased Cycles (79k, 27w)
- [1987] Networking Consciousness (138k, 1w)
- [1986] Mapping networks (59k, 1w)
- [1984] From Networking to Tensegrity Organization (15k, 40w)
- [1983] Alternating between Complementary Conditions: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (43k, 3w)
- [1983] Interrelating Incompatible Viewpoints: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (35k, 2w)
- [1983] Networking Alternation: an alternation network of 384 pathways of organizational transformation (82k, 72w)
- [1983] Patterning Transformative Change: dialogue, vision, conference, policy, network, community and lifestyle (21k, 5w)
- [1981] Metaconferencing possibilities: discovering people / viewpoint networks in conferences (22k, 4w)
- [1980] Metaconferencing: discovering people / viewpoint networks in conferences (86k, 11w)
- [1980] Tensing Associative Networks to contain the Fragmentation and Erosion of Collective Memory (45k, 14w)
- [1980] Vector Equilibrium and its Transformation Pathways (72k)
- [1979] Beyond Childishness through Symbol-empowered Tensegrities (5k)
- [1979] Implementing Principles by Balancing Configurations of Functions: a tensegrity organization approach (37k, 4w)
- [1978] Anti-networking strategies (4k, 1w)
- [1978] Facilitating the networking processes of a transnational university using computer conferencing (69k, 7w)
- [1978] Inter-Organizational Networking (35k, 1w)
- [1978] Networking Diseases: speculations towards the development of cures and preventive measures (20k, 1w)
- [1978] Tensed Networks: Balancing and focusing network dynamics in response to networking diseases (28k, 3w)
- [1978] Transcending Duality through Tensional Integrity: From systems-versus-networks to tensegrity organization (58k, 6w)
- [1977] Alternative Network for International Asset Management (28k)
- [1977] Enhancing Transnational Network Action (17k)
- [1977] Facilitating Group Formation (1k, 2w)
- [1977] Growth and Impact of International Associations and their Networks: Extended version (56k, 4w)
- [1977] International Organization Networks: a complementary perspective (82k, 6w)
- [1977] System-Network Complementarity (9k, 1w)
- [1976] Group Questing or Twelving (25k, 1w)
- [1976] Growth and Impact of International Associations and their Networks (41k, 1w)
- [1976] The Network Alternative (3k, 9w)
- [1976] Networks of International Associations: Occupational categories and world problems (53k, 4w)
- [1976] Organizational Systems versus Network Organisation (1k, 2w)
- [1976] SNetwork Organizational Strategy (11k, 4w)
- [1976] World Problem Networks: as perceived by international organization networks (56k, 6w)
- [1975] Networks as a Conceptual Aid to Ordering Perception of Complex Social Structures (14k, 2w)
- [1974] The Harmony of Interaction and the Facilitation of Network Processes (40k, 1w)
- [1974] Network-related Concepts (11k, 1w)
- [1974] Networking: the Need for a New Concept (24k, 3w)
- [1974] Transnational network of research and service communities: organizational hybrid (70k, 5w)
- [1973] Networking Concept as Applied to Information Systems (41k, 4w)
- [1973] Networking Principles: an attempt at a set of guidelines (8k, 2w)
- [1973] Preliminary Clarification of Some Problems of Processing Networks of Entities (17k, 5w)
- [1973] The World Network of Organizations: a symbol for the 1970s (1k, 1w)
- [1973] Yearbook of World Problems: Special index for plotting organization and concept networks (18k)
- [1972] The Nature of Organization in Transnational Networks (76k, 7w)
- [1972] Networks as Vehicles for Impact (11k)
- [1972] Transnational Action through NGO Networks (29k)
- [1972] Transnational Association Networks: research topics on international NGOs (21k, 2w)
- [1972] The World Network of Organizations: a symbol for the 1970s (48k, 1w)
- [1971] Matrix Organization and Organizational Networks (63k, 14w)
- [1971] Significance of the World Network of Organizations (11k, 2w)
- [1970] A Network Approach to Programme Interaction (11k, 1w)
- [1970] The Organizational Network: an Unknown Resource (18k)
- [1970] Organizational Networks (6k, 1w)
- [1970] Visualization of the International Organization Network: the UIA as an international data bank (69k, 10w)
- [1969] Need for a World Management Information Network (60k)
- [1969] Tentative Basis for the Design and Build-up of a Network File (12k)